
What happens if the Xbox One does not sell?

cooltvcooltv Posts: 3,517
Forum Member
The more I browse the internet the more I see/read people choosing the PS4 over the Xbox One. Now I am going for the Xbox One personally as I want Forza 5 but I am starting to think that come next year "if" PS4 sales are sky high and the Xbox One does not sell well, what then? Would the Xbox One become something like the Wii U? I guess I am asking this now (I know no one has a crystal ball) as £429 is a lot to pay "if" come this time next year it has become a flop and most people have a PS4. Maybe I am thinking too much and worrying over nothing but this has entered my mind quite a bit since the Xbox One was first announced.


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    whoever,heywhoever,hey Posts: 30,992
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 3,743
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    It won't become a Wii U, don't worry on that.

    Nor would it be this time next year that you'd have a turd of a box. You'd be looking at things like price cuts, etc long before they ditch the whole thing.

    Additionally, whilst the PS4 is favoured, the chunk Xbox One is retaining is far and above the chunk that the Wii U holds.

    It will most likely end up in 2nd place, but it won't be as if there are only a few thousand of them out there.
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    2dshmuplover2dshmuplover Posts: 8,271
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    Well the fact is the X1 preorders far exceed those of the Xbox 360. I think MS are going to struggle to meet demand at launch, which is the main reason it's getting a staggered launch over a number of countries.

    What you have to remember is that gamers on the internet (particularly the vocal ones) are only a very small part of the overall demographic. It's a shame how badly the Wii U sold, though much of that has been massively exaggerated, the X1 will not suffer in quite the same way.
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    Jon79Jon79 Posts: 1,400
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    Sony will sell loads and Microsoft will sell loads. Both will be supported for the duration of this coming generation. There can't be one without the other so you're worrying over absolutely nothing.
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    HotbirdHotbird Posts: 10,018
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    I can see it been another close generation straight from launch.

    Both consoles look great and each have a fantastic launch line up of games. Probably the best I have seen.

    Xbox 1 wont be a flop, remember the PS3 was a flop for a few years and that ended up in second place this generation.
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    ChparmarChparmar Posts: 6,367
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    In all honesty, I think the PS4 will easily end up have 20 million units ahead of the Xbox One above in about 3 or 4 years time. Perhaps more.

    But the xbox has Halo, you know. Just like Nintendo has its franchises............ That's all.
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    cooltvcooltv Posts: 3,517
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    Chparmar wrote: »
    In all honesty, I think the PS4 will easily end up have 20 million units ahead of the Xbox One above in about 3 or 4 years time. Perhaps more.

    But the xbox has Halo, you know. Just like Nintendo has its franchises............ That's all.

    It has Titenfall as well you know which looks fantastic
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    VashettiVashetti Posts: 2,361
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    cooltv wrote: »
    It has Titenfall as well you know which looks fantastic

    Titanfall will come to PS4.
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    ChparmarChparmar Posts: 6,367
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    cooltv wrote: »
    It has Titenfall as well you know which looks fantastic

    Yeah, my 'that's all comment' was meant to show that both Nintendo and Microsoft can have sustainable home console businesses, so there’s nothing to worry about; because they both have got the exclusive games and console identity.

    I only question if Microsoft has the commitment to stick it out in this tough industry? Now that we know that the living room space is not as lucrative as mobile.
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    beemohbeemoh Posts: 7,073
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    Chparmar wrote: »
    Yeah, my 'that's all comment' was meant to show that both Nintendo and Microsoft can have sustainable home console businesses, so there’s nothing to worry about; because they both have got the exclusive games and console identity.

    I only question if Microsoft has the commitment to stick it out in this tough industry? Now that we know that the living room space is not as lucrative as mobile.

    That's sort of changing- the 'gold rush' is over and it's getting clearer that living room models are still viable and equally lucrative, if it has come at the cost of some parts of it.

    Either way, it's clear the One is positioned more as a media device- MS don't have all their chips stacked on the games functionality of the system.
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    He4rtHe4rt Posts: 5,379
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    Vashetti wrote: »
    Titanfall will come to PS4.

    I keep seeing this yet see nothing to back it up except that CBOAT guy from Neogaf. Who also predicted

    -Ps4 October launch

    -Microsoft paying 3rd party's not to mention ps4 at gamescom (which wasn't true, because everyone of them did)

    -Xbox one reduced in power and having 'yield issues' (just before they announced the upclock)

    -Ps4 to have no online paywall at all

    -Prince of Persia reboot at e3

    -No indie policy in place for Xbox (just before they announced their policy)

    -Xbox to announce platinum exclusive (nothing yet.surely would have been tgs)

    i know theres a good chance of a ps4 appearance for Titanfall, but i wouldn't get my hopes up. Not based on CBOATS hit and miss predictions.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 565
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    Lets be honest here, its going to be "christmas" for both Sony and MS.

    Both consoles are going to sell amazing numbers despite PS4 having the edge.

    I would point out that "the voice of the internet" have been wrong in the past over a great many things so I would not worry about either those people who are for / against either company as the truth will be in the sales numbers.

    I do not think that Xboxone will fail, its got a strong lauch title line up with some good games to play post release.
    Its certainly not going to be a WIIU style bomb! (last months numbers show that WIIU sold less units in Europe and Japan than Sony's VITA which itself are not that great)
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 565
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    He4rt wrote: »
    I keep seeing this yet see nothing to back it up except that CBOAT guy from Neogaf. Who also predicted

    -Ps4 October launch

    -Microsoft paying 3rd party's not to mention ps4 at gamescom (which wasn't true, because everyone of them did)

    -Xbox one reduced in power and having 'yield issues' (just before they announced the upclock)

    -Ps4 to have no online paywall at all

    -Prince of Persia reboot at e3

    -No indie policy in place for Xbox (just before they announced their policy)

    -Xbox to announce platinum exclusive (nothing yet.surely would have been tgs)

    i know theres a good chance of a ps4 appearance for Titanfall, but i wouldn't get my hopes up. Not based on CBOATS hit and miss predictions.

    As I understand it no Titanfall on PS4 as MS have/tried to lock them into an exclusive deal which cross promotes the use of MS's all powerfull "Cloud servers" but Titanfall 2 on the other hand according to the developers in a Q&A session on IGN said that the sequel will more than likely be on all consoles.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,753
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    If no one buys the xbox then PS4 prices for console sand everything else will skyrocket. People will buy 360s and ps3s instead and keep them alive. PS4 will probably die too.

    I think both will survive and it will be a pretty much even race between them. Initial cost of the xbox is a bit more, but you get a little bit more with it- so that may sway people.

    Also, if you look on sites like nextgencompare the price of games on average, I think, looks like it is slightly more for the PS4. that might well sway people too.
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    fastest fingerfastest finger Posts: 12,899
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    I think it's pretty clear that the PS4 will outsell the Xbox One at launch, but who knows what will happen in a few years time. The tables could turn, Xbox could win gamers over and Microsoft's ambitions to rule the living room could turn out to the Trojan Horse that makes the machine a must-have item in hundreds of millions of homes.

    My main reservation is that the continued insistence of bundling Kinect could forever condemn Xbox One being perceived as an over-expensive proposition. There have now been a few $500+ multimedia/games systems, but how many have actually succeeded? PS3 had a very tempestuous start in life while 3DO, CD-i, CDTV and Apple Bandai Pippin have all tried and failed in this market. Although, Xbox's gaming heritage certainly gives it a fighting chance.

    If Xbox One should flop, then support will dry up and it will suffer a early death as Microsoft puts it out of its misery. But I really don't see that happening.

    It's going to be huge fun watching this generation unfold.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,889
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    xbox exclusives will keep it alive .and timed dlc

    gears of war on ps3
    minecraft on ps4/ps3

    only halo and forza left to come acroos to the good side
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    He4rtHe4rt Posts: 5,379
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    grps3 wrote: »
    xbox exclusives will keep it alive .and timed dlc

    gears of war on ps3
    minecraft on ps4/ps3

    only halo and forza left to come acroos to the good side

    What are you talking about?:confused:
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    MD1500MD1500 Posts: 14,234
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    I think it will sell well.
    The thing is, most outspoken gaming forums tend to skew Pro-Sony. The XB1 games line up is arguably better (IMO, anyway), and all the things people found off-putting about the XB1 have been reversed.
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    Dan27Dan27 Posts: 9,652
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    He4rt wrote: »
    I keep seeing this yet see nothing to back it up except that CBOAT guy from Neogaf. Who also predicted

    -Ps4 October launch

    -Microsoft paying 3rd party's not to mention ps4 at gamescom (which wasn't true, because everyone of them did)

    -Xbox one reduced in power and having 'yield issues' (just before they announced the upclock)

    -Ps4 to have no online paywall at all

    -Prince of Persia reboot at e3

    -No indie policy in place for Xbox (just before they announced their policy)

    -Xbox to announce platinum exclusive (nothing yet.surely would have been tgs)

    i know theres a good chance of a ps4 appearance for Titanfall, but i wouldn't get my hopes up. Not based on CBOATS hit and miss predictions.

    CBOAT has also predicted a whole lot more than that correctly.

    Titanfall is a paid exclusive for Microsoft platforms - this means Xbox One, Xbox 360 and Windows. It will get to PS4 after a period of time, just like how the GTA 4 DLCs did.

    In terms of Xbox One, it'll sell, just not to the levels that 360 did. MS wont give up on it, but whatever happens in the long term depends on what direction the boardroom at MS take.

    The Xbox One has some good games lined up, but the majority of software houses will go where the platform lies. The fact that EA released FIFA 14 on PS2 and didnt on the Wii U says it all.
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    He4rtHe4rt Posts: 5,379
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    I know he has got some things right, but imo hes a troll who bases most his recent information on rumours to wind up Xbox fans or 'xbottles' as he calls them. He may have been in the know at one point, but most of his recent predictions have reeked of baiting (Xbox down clock, no indies and paying 3rd parties not to mention Sony.:rolleyes:)

    What i find strange about his prediction is the one year exclusivity. Surely after a year titanfall 2 will be near completion, why would anyone care about the original after such a long period. It doesn't make sense to me
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    Dan27Dan27 Posts: 9,652
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    CBoat has already been confirmed as a MS insider, otherwise he would have been banned from 'GAF long ago.
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    steven123steven123 Posts: 3,245
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    I don't see either PS4 or Xbone failing, I think they will probably be quite competitive throughout the generation, though I do think Microsoft will be slower at the start because they have the higher unit price (due to the mandatory kinect). I see the Wii U being a distant third throughout and would be quite surprised if it even goes the distance of the next generation (especially if it is a long generation (~8 years) like this one has been.

    Quite surprised by the everything in one box multimedia system approach Microsoft took this generation with the TV functionality and bundled Kinect, especially when their positioning the 360 as a pure games system initially and including the bare minimum with the console (the 360 could be purchased without a hard drive initially) to keep the price down was so successful for them in this generation. Historically the multimedia does all systems have never been a great success but I think that could well have been down to the technology just not being good enough to realise the ambitions of it's creators (and some truly obscene pricing too perhaps). Considering the technology available now this shouldn't be an issue but will it all come together and will people actually want it. Interesting times...
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    jokerzjokerz Posts: 1,353
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    What we might see here with the XboxOne is what happened with the PS3 but with better sales to start with.

    No doubt they'll drop the price at a future date or if their sales forecasts aren't met and they will end up equalling or outselling Sonys PS4.

    Who knows what might happen. Maybe steam will wreck the party and murder both the consoles or we might get invaded by aliens which will fk up the console war and bugger up my plans for a relaxing year in 2014?
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    He4rtHe4rt Posts: 5,379
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    Dan27 wrote: »
    CBoat has already been confirmed as a MS insider, otherwise he would have been banned from 'GAF long ago.

    Confirmed, on Gaf? Must be true...lol.

    He creates hits for the website and is 50/50 at most with his predictions. They even go as far as deleting his threads when his predictions are wrong.

    Gaf is the Sony fanboy capital of the Internet, the way they talk to Microsoft employees on there (that don't hide behind Internet names) yet seemingly worship this CBOAT fellow is embarrassing.

    I'd put money on the fact that he's a nobody based on his recent predictions.
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    jokerzjokerz Posts: 1,353
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    He4rt wrote: »
    Confirmed, on Gaf? Must be true...lol.

    He creates hits for the website and is 50/50 at most with his predictions. They even go as far as deleting his threads when his predictions are wrong.

    Gaf is the Sony fanboy capital of the Internet, the way they talk to Microsoft employees on there (that don't hide behind Internet names) yet seemingly worship this CBOAT fellow is embarrassing.

    I'd put money on the fact that he's a nobody based on his recent predictions.

    People actually take that guy seriously? WTF is this world coming to.
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