
Doctor Who Series 8- Time for a new male companion?

dublintvfandublintvfan Posts: 5,077
Forum Member
is it just me or would anyone like to see a new male companion join Clara and the doctor in series 8

i think the doctor works much better with two companions rather then one and it be nice to see a strong male companion rather then the formula of the doctor and the new girl

any thoughts?


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    JayPee86JayPee86 Posts: 3,565
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    Its always more entertaining when there's a team in the tardis.

    It would be nice to have a random male who has no connection with Clara .

    Though to be fair. It would also be nice to see Clara and the doctor interact properly now. As we only got to see that in the season finale
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    allen_whoallen_who Posts: 2,819
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    I don't see series 8 coming any time soon myself

    Normally filming would be in advanced stages by now for a spring start of the next series...

    It would seem that nothing is planned til much later in the year for filming, making it likely that Autumn next year is the air dates

    Personally I sense we're just going to get three specials next year and the show may well have a new production team and cast beyond that - or even rested altogether :eek::eek:
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    stud u likestud u like Posts: 42,100
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    A sexy man with a brain would be nice. A good shot with a loaded gun.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 903
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    Only if it would be someone who is more like Rory, Wilf or Craig than Jack. Jack is so iritating and he ruined every single episode in which he appeared and I don't want such companion again. On the other hand, Rory, Wilf and Craig are all good companions.

    Also, Clara is great companion and she shouldn't be removed.
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    CD93CD93 Posts: 13,940
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    I'm actually going to say no on this occasion. I wouldn't dislike it, however I think it's time to really push The Doctor and The More Possible Girl together now that they can trust eachother a lot more.

    Providing Smith is indeed in for S8.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 611
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    I always love it when the Doctor travels with two people, that's the perfect number of companions to me. Though, I want to see more solo travels with Clara first, so maybe mid-to-late Series 8 would be a good time for him to show up.

    Also, I want to get back into companion overlap. Every time since the revival, when a companion leaves, the Doctors ends up alone until the new one showd up. I think it would be nice when it comes time for Clara to leave, he won't be by himself.

    And an alien. I'd love it if he were an alien since there are no alien New Companions. At the least not a modern-day human. Someone the audience can't really relate to at first.
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    bbll22bbll22 Posts: 527
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    For me, I would say it does need a male companion into the mix as even though it's currently an even set-up (1 Doc 1 Companion), it feels rather unbalanced.

    It feels somewhat empty as well, but maybe that's me. The lack of a team in the TARDIS I don't think works for me. In my opinion Rose worked best when she was with both Doc9 and Jack - on her own didn't quite ever work for me.

    The same can be said for Doc10 when he was with both Martha and Jack and then Martha and Donna - it just felt more rounded.

    11 certainly worked best with both Amy and Rory for me as all three characters (and actors) bounced well off one another - it just worked as there was that added something to it all - I can't quite pinpoint what was so good about it, but it was just great to watch.

    I have been quite critical over Matt and Jenna as a pairing (the latter getting most of the criticism of the two), but even if S8 gives Jenna a lot more proper conversation onscreen time with Matt, somehow I still don't think it will work for me. A male character, the sort of inbetween of Rory and Jack, would balance things out nicely for me.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 357
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    What about two women aboard the tardis?
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    KezMKezM Posts: 1,397
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    I love it when there are two companions in the Tardis. It worked straight away with Rose, Jack and the Doctor and when Mickey joined them briefly and of course Martha and Jack. It just opens up the dialogue and banter.
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    Ed SizzersEd Sizzers Posts: 2,671
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    What about two women aboard the tardis?
    That's a fair point.

    We've already had the male/female companion on more than one occasion (and with Rory, it was for over two years). But outside of River's occasional visits, we've never had a female/female companion dynamic.

    (And I can't really count Martha's return in season 4, as she and Donna were separated for the majority of Martha's 3-episode 'visit')
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    Shawn_LunnShawn_Lunn Posts: 9,353
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    I'd say yes but one who is tonally different (but as effective) to Rory and one that doesn't become a love interest for Clara. Let them be good mates and give Clara a love interest if needs be but not someone in the TARDIS though.
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    November_RainNovember_Rain Posts: 9,145
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    Mrfipp wrote: »
    I always love it when the Doctor travels with two people, that's the perfect number of companions to me. Though, I want to see more solo travels with Clara first, so maybe mid-to-late Series 8 would be a good time for him to show up.

    Also, I want to get back into companion overlap. Every time since the revival, when a companion leaves, the Doctors ends up alone until the new one showd up. I think it would be nice when it comes time for Clara to leave, he won't be by himself.

    And an alien. I'd love it if he were an alien since there are no alien New Companions. At the least not a modern-day human. Someone the audience can't really relate to at first.

    Agreed on all accounts, especially the BIB. I was disappointed when Victorian Clara didn't get to travel with The Doctor full-time. Instead we got another modern-day companion. A formula I'm tiring of, personally.

    I know the idea behind it is to create a regular character the audience can relate to, but with intelligent writing and characterisation this could still be achieved with a companion of another era.

    For the record I would also like to see an overseas companion. That's something else that hasn't been done yet in Nu-Who.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 14
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    I really think it would be nice to bring back Canton. It seemed at the start of The Impossible Astronaut that he knew the Doctor better than just one adventure, and it would be nice to have a full time companion who wasn't from Modern Earth.

    An alien companion would be nice, but at least we have Vastra and Strax for now.
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    Joy DeanJoy Dean Posts: 21,358
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    Rory, please.:)

    I used to like Jaime.
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    king yrcanosking yrcanos Posts: 2,145
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    A central Male companion, which hasn't ever happened really, becuase whenever there's been a. make companion 95% of the time there was a female companion. So to see a relationship between the Doctor and a Male companion, becuase Moffatt wouldn't put a love interest in A Male companion becuase that would just be wrong. So a central Male Companion is the way to go.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 175
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    Been lots of good male companions in the past. I loved Ian as the companion and Jamie was enjoyble too. Back in the original series he needed strong male characters around as the doctor was an old man back then. all his female companions were mroe interested in his male companions thsan the doctor

    since they decided he can regenerate into any age they decided to make his companions more interested in the doctor instead of the male compnaions. romana is still the hottest one yet, and tom baker liked her so much he married her in real life !

    perhasp it is the producers attempts to keep a large female following in haivng likable young doctors who have love interests.

    Perosnally i agree time for a change for the doctor and his companions. time for the doctor to age again and for him to have a male companion.

    But an alien one would be cool too..... perhaps get strax to travel as a companion....
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    DavetheScotDavetheScot Posts: 16,623
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    I'm quite happy to see a male companion in addition to a female one. Rory and Amy worked very well.
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    claire2281claire2281 Posts: 17,283
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    Tonally I don't think a male companion makes any sense at all. Simply because I don't see why the Doctor and Clara would want anyone else in their adventures right now. That person would be very much a third wheel after the events of Trenzalore.

    What would make sense is perhaps bringing in someone who is in trouble and they need to protect. That fits with both the Doctor and Clara's instincts to help those in trouble. Someone from the past would be good or an alien. Certainly doesn't have to be a child. It'd also give the Doctor and Clara something to work on together which would be nice after this year and you could do the oft suggested story where the 'companion' turns out to be secretly a villain.
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    November_RainNovember_Rain Posts: 9,145
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    Something else I would like is a companion over 30, maybe even over 40. So far we have only had one full-time companion since the relaunch who has not been out of their late teens or twenties. Time for an older companion again, if you ask me.
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    DogmatixDogmatix Posts: 2,309
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    A strong-character male companion would overshadow the Doctor, and that would never do. The same goes for a companion who is intelligent and clever enough not to need everything to be explained to them - which is why Liz and K9 (and, to some extent, Romana) had to go. The point of a companion is twofold: firstly, as a channel of explanation for us (which is why the companion needs to be someone we can relate to, i.e. a human of our time), and secondly, to need to be rescued often. The companion doesn't have to scream a lot any more.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 24,080
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    I would seriously love him to return...i mean he was trustworthy enough to be brought back in 2011 at the "doctors murder scene" in TIA...so I had hoped that we would see him again...it would work well with the Silence storyline perhaps in series 8 if the Moff is considering post-50th to bring everything to a tie together perhaps?

    Plus it would be an obvious zero love interest for Clara....and also it wont affect the dynamic too much because Canton had teamed up withthe Doctor in a pretty prominant storyline himself too...Vs the Silence, Vs the g.i/Whispermen at Trenzalore....it would be a cool Team TARDIS!
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    DavetheScotDavetheScot Posts: 16,623
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    Something else I would like is a companion over 30, maybe even over 40. So far we have only had one full-time companion since the relaunch who has not been out of their late teens or twenties. Time for an older companion again, if you ask me.

    I doubt if many of the classic series companions were under 40, or even 30. A few maybe. I don't think that would work well unless you had an older Doctor. It would feel odd to have a companion older than the Doctor.
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    DavetheScotDavetheScot Posts: 16,623
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    Dogmatix wrote: »
    A strong-character male companion would overshadow the Doctor, and that would never do. The same goes for a companion who is intelligent and clever enough not to need everything to be explained to them - which is why Liz and K9 (and, to some extent, Romana) had to go. The point of a companion is twofold: firstly, as a channel of explanation for us (which is why the companion needs to be someone we can relate to, i.e. a human of our time), and secondly, to need to be rescued often. The companion doesn't have to scream a lot any more.

    I'd disagree that the companion needs to be human and of our time for us to relate to them. As long as they experience human emotions, we can relate.
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    DavetheScotDavetheScot Posts: 16,623
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    I would seriously love him to return...i mean he was trustworthy enough to be brought back in 2011 at the "doctors murder scene" in TIA...so I had hoped that we would see him again...it would work well with the Silence storyline perhaps in series 8 if the Moff is considering post-50th to bring everything to a tie together perhaps?

    Plus it would be an obvious zero love interest for Clara....and also it wont affect the dynamic too much because Canton had teamed up withthe Doctor in a pretty prominant storyline himself too...Vs the Silence, Vs the g.i/Whispermen at Trenzalore....it would be a cool Team TARDIS!

    I don't know what some posters see in Canton. I found him a very dull character.

    If we want to bring back one-off characters as companions, there's Nancy, Sally Sparrow, Jackson Lake, Lady Christina de Souza and any number of others, all better than Canton.
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    November_RainNovember_Rain Posts: 9,145
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    I doubt if many of the classic series companions were under 40, or even 30. A few maybe. I don't think that would work well unless you had an older Doctor. It would feel odd to have a companion older than the Doctor.

    Yes, I would like the series to go back to an older Doctor too, once Smith is ready to leave. Somebody in the 35 to 45 age range, ideally.
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