
Favourite HG of all time

child of tyrachild of tyra Posts: 830
Forum Member
Who would you pick as your favourite HG of all time in terms of the following catagories?

Best gameplayer
HG you liked the most

For me the funniest houseguest has to be Britney from BB12. I can sit and watch her diary rooms all day, she has me in stitches. My favourite HG would be a toss up between Britney and Daniele Donato, can't put my finger on it but I really liked Daniele plus I thought she was a fantastic player. I also loved Jordan. In terms of best gameplayer I think it would have to go to Will, no one can really come close, although Dan in BB10 did a great job and I do think both Danielle's had fantastic strategy (BB3 Danielle less so in Allstars)


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    Yobaba**Yobaba** Posts: 4,108
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    Jen BB8 is my favourite and the funniest.:)
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    Kyle123Kyle123 Posts: 25,782
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    I have a few favourites, all for different reasons. :) These are in no real order.

    Will, because he was an unbelievable strategist, and managed to follow through a ridiculous, completely out-there idea formed in the early stages to win the game. Who the hell does that? Plus, he has insane charisma and charm. He truly is Doctor Delicious. :p

    Jen, because she was treated appallingly by everyone in the house except for Kail, and still managed to keep smiling until the bitter end. I find it really frustrating when people called her a shallow bimbo, because it takes serious inner strength to handle the crap the house threw at her.

    Keesha, mainly because she seemed to share all my opinions on the housemates in particular skanky April, and had the balls to vocalise it. I love housemates who give 100% to the game, which she did, and of course, she arranged the awesome Jessie vote, at a time when Jessie was at the peak of douchery. Her winning the $25k jury prize was such a satisfying, and surprising end to the season, especially because it probably killed April inside a little bit!

    In terms of being a thoroughly nice guy inside and out, I don't think anyone can ever beat Jason. I really think he is one of the nicest people to ever be on television. If I found out it was an act, I'd truly be devastated!

    Dan is another person who just seemed like a thoroughly decent guy inside and out. I've recently been watching BB10, and I'm currently in Michelle's HoH week where Jerry's treating him like shit, and it seriously amazes me how he handles himself with class and dignity. In terms of best social game, he wins hands-down for me.

    Others who I have loved include: Michele (BB11), Rachel, Danielle (BB3/7), Diane, Alison, Janelle and Renny, all for diferent reasons which I'm far to tired to explain now! :D
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    fab cescfab cesc Posts: 19,196
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    I couldn't pick just one for each category.

    For best strategist: Dan (BB10), Danielle (BB3), Hayden (BB12) and Will (BB7). For me you don't have to win the season to have a great strategy, sometimes you can do everything right and still fall at the last.

    Funniest: Brian seemed like he could be pretty funny when he was trying to save his own ass after he was found out. When she has someone to take the piss out of Britney is absolutely hilarious. Now I think about it there hasn't been that many "funny" contestants over the years.

    HG I liked the most would be a combination of the above.
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    fab cescfab cesc Posts: 19,196
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    Im watching BB10 now aswell, currently up to the part where Jerry calls Memphis a womanizer. He really is an idiot that guy.
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    InMyArmsInMyArms Posts: 50,807
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    Best gameplayer: Janelle was good, Dick and Daniele together in BB8 too. Danielle in BB3 was fantastic, and screwed out of victory by there being no sequester house for the jury.
    Funniest: Britney, no contest.
    HG you liked the most: Janelle
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    Yobaba**Yobaba** Posts: 4,108
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    I actually have quite a lot of other favourites besides Jen.

    They include Alison (BB4/7) because she would have done anything whatsoever to win, her awfulness as a person and lack of any shame makes her a golden HM. :)

    Rachel (BB12) put up with an awful lot of stick and I felt she coped with it well and always came out fighting. She was a good competitor.

    Janelle (BB6/7) goes without saying really.

    Jase (BB5/7) One of the few guy contestants I have properly liked. He was crazy and very out there but made for reality TV.

    A few others...

    Holly (BB5) I thought she was actually a sweetheart and very funny. Diane (BB5) I can't explain why I liked her really - but I did, she probably deserved to win her season, shame she was a flop in Allstars Amy (BB3) Just quite funny and actually quite a nice person who put up with a lot of crap from Marcellas.
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    027huds027huds Posts: 12,571
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    My top 10 HG's:

    1. Danielle- Loved Danielle in both her seasons. Not only was she a great strategist but she also had hilarious DR's. Definetely should've won BB3, even though I also really like Lisa.
    2. Amy- Amy was consistently my favourite in BB3 and never failed to make me laugh. She wasn't quite this high before, but I've been rewatching BB3 and she's climbed alot higher.
    3. Will- Will managed to pull of being an amazing strategist, diabolical villain and a charming comedic genius in the perfect way. He was a great character in both seasons he was in.
    4. Janelle- My love for Janelle has subsided a little over the past few years (before she would definetely be #1 by far), but she still remains one of my favourite houseguests. Such a dominant force in competitions and created so many great moments particularly in BB6.
    5. Britney- Britney was pretty much the only bright spot in a miserably predictable and boring season. I pretty much carried on watching with the hope she would somehow make the final 2 and she made me laugh a lot along the way.
    6. Jordan- Jordan is someone who wasn't really a great strategist or a great competitor, but I always found her such a charming and likeable personality. I don't really care all that much if she stumbled in to her win, because the bottom line is as long as I like the winner I don't really care.
    7. Dan- I actually started off not really caring for Dan, but my support for him grew throughout the season. I liked how he went from basically being out week 2 to getting all the way to the end and winning. It's always great to see someone work hard to stay in the house and for their hard work to pay off. Very deserving winner.
    8. Jun- I know a lot of people hate Jun because she wasn't exactly a saint in the house but I absolutely loved her and was thrilled when she won. She played the perfect floater strategy and had buckets of personality to boot.
    9. Marcellas- If this was based solely on BB3, Marcellas would probably be higher as he was amazing in BB3. Going from pretty much the first out the door to sticking arounf until final 5 was a great story arc. Plus who could forget the amazing veto moment :D Unfortunately, he was a bit crappy in BB7.
    10. Sheila- In a cast of pretty much despicable people (and Sharon), Sheila was pretty much the only one I found myself properly rooting for, which was weird as she was so negative for the first week or so. However, I loved how we basically got to see all sides of her personality and she actually turned out to be a pretty good strategist which lands her in my top 10.
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    Leatherface!!!Leatherface!!! Posts: 4,438
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    Britney in Season 1
    Will in Season 2
    Dainelle and Jason is Season 3
    Nakomis in Season 5
    James and Janelle in Season 6
    Dick, Jen and Dainelle in Season 8
    Natalie, Shelia and Adam Season 9
    Memphis in Season 10

    Currently Liking Dainelle and Dom and Kalia
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 4,733
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    Dick (S8), Daniele (S8), Natalie (S9), Keesha (S10)

    Are my four favourite HG.
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    PandakooPandakoo Posts: 5,452
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    Britney (S12)
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    onfencewithrachonfencewithrach Posts: 6,479
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    loved jen, but cmon how can anyone not say dr. will.

    howie was pretty darn funny, just look up some of his clips on youtube where he is yelling "busto" and talking about that girl's dog dying... was laughing my balls off.

    i would go:

    dr. will
    the master

    jen of season 8
    (but mainly cuz she had the vile one as a villain, without a villain she wouldn't of been as entertaining.. me rooting for her vs dick was one of the most fun experiences in bb i had... i even got banned from jokers forum in support for jen, all those dick supporters couldn't take me on)

    i don't care what anyone says brendon absolutely entertains me to no end, i would even put him close to dr will from an entertainment perspective. on his previous season and this season. the whole "don't call me bookie" thing this past week was so funny i could barely breathe. the guy is comedy gold. he reminds me of michael scott from the american office.

    an disgusting mention goes out to the one guy in big brother 6 who i can't remember his name just because it made me want to kill myself that this little weasel had this insanely hot girl as his girlfriend and who actually like loved this loser, i still can't take it. but the fact that this amazing hottie was so in love with that tool provided me an endless amount of soul searching and wondering what in the world was going on. and he even treated her like crap which was beyond amazing. suprised i didn't jump off a building from experiencing that relationship. i mention him cuz i hate him so much and hate that he has an insanely hot girl which defies all odds but then he treats her horribly on top of it.
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    Kyle123Kyle123 Posts: 25,782
    Forum Member
    loved jen, but cmon how can anyone not say dr. will.

    howie was pretty darn funny, just look up some of his clips on youtube where he is yelling "busto" and talking about that girl's dog dying... was laughing my balls off.

    i would go:

    dr. will
    the master

    jen of season 8
    (but mainly cuz she had the vile one as a villain, without a villain she wouldn't of been as entertaining.. me rooting for her vs dick was one of the most fun experiences in bb i had... i even got banned from jokers forum in support for jen, all those dick supporters couldn't take me on)

    i don't care what anyone says brendon absolutely entertains me to no end, i would even put him close to dr will from an entertainment perspective. on his previous season and this season. the whole "don't call me bookie" thing this past week was so funny i could barely breathe. the guy is comedy gold. he reminds me of michael scott from the american office.

    an disgusting mention goes out to the one guy in big brother 6 who i can't remember his name just because it made me want to kill myself that this little weasel had this insanely hot girl as his girlfriend and who actually like loved this loser, i still can't take it. but the fact that this amazing hottie was so in love with that tool provided me an endless amount of soul searching and wondering what in the world was going on. and he even treated her like crap which was beyond amazing. suprised i didn't jump off a building from experiencing that relationship. i mention him cuz i hate him so much and hate that he has an insanely hot girl which defies all odds but then he treats her horribly on top of it.

    I'm genuinely struggling to think of who this is. The only one who it could really be is James, and I thought he treated Sarah fine. Was his girlfriend in the house? It's either going to be James or Cappy, and I can't remember much about Lady Cappy. Until this thread, I'd gotten it into my head that he was with Maggie! :p
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    onfencewithrachonfencewithrach Posts: 6,479
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    Kyle123 wrote: »
    I'm genuinely struggling to think of who this is. The only one who it could really be is James, and I thought he treated Sarah fine. Was his girlfriend in the house? It's either going to be James or Cappy, and I can't remember much about Lady Cappy. Until this thread, I'd gotten it into my head that he was with Maggie! :p

    it was indeed james, once you said james it all came back to me.

    cmon you can't possibly think he treated her good? he was a complete and utter jerk to her. he is the biggest tool ever there is no way in the world he should ever get a girl so hot and he was acting like she was lucky to be with him and she somehow believed it. i don't think there is ever a big brother where i just wanted to jump through the tv screen than in this occasion. i challenge anyone to go back through season 6 and watch it and to then tell me he deserved her or treated her good.

    ack, i still wanna throw up and it's like 5 years later haha.

    she was like so in love with him and i'm screaming at my tv like you are a freaking goddess and you are with this loser!? aghhhhhhhhhh. like every episode she would be claiming her undying love for him and he would be sitting there all cocky talking about how she better do him right and this and that.

    life is definitely not fair when a jackass like that gets a total babe.
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    fab cescfab cesc Posts: 19,196
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    Was this on the feeds or the main show as I can't remember James being bad to her either?
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    Yobaba**Yobaba** Posts: 4,108
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    it was indeed james, once you said james it all came back to me.

    cmon you can't possibly think he treated her good? he was a complete and utter jerk to her. he is the biggest tool ever there is no way in the world he should ever get a girl so hot and he was acting like she was lucky to be with him and she somehow believed it. i don't think there is ever a big brother where i just wanted to jump through the tv screen than in this occasion. i challenge anyone to go back through season 6 and watch it and to then tell me he deserved her or treated her good.

    ack, i still wanna throw up and it's like 5 years later haha.

    she was like so in love with him and i'm screaming at my tv like you are a freaking goddess and you are with this loser!? aghhhhhhhhhh. like every episode she would be claiming her undying love for him and he would be sitting there all cocky talking about how she better do him right and this and that.

    life is definitely not fair when a jackass like that gets a total babe.

    I don't think James treated Sarah very nicely either, he always talked down to her and bossed her around and she was just so nice. But I don't think they are together now, she is better off without him I think.:)
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    onfencewithrachonfencewithrach Posts: 6,479
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    Yobaba** wrote: »
    I don't think James treated Sarah very nicely either, he always talked down to her and bossed her around and she was just so nice. But I don't think they are together now, she is better off without him I think.:)

    they're definitely not together anymore thankfully. and yes he always talked down to her and acted like she was lucky to even be with him. always being a jerk to her, bossing her around, etc. it was sickening.

    there was even a segment where they talked to sarah's parents and sarah's parents weren't happy with him at all and was saying things like "he's going to have alot of explaining to do when he gets out". so even they saw how much of a jerk he was.

    it's been awhile so i can't remember everything exactly but i think there were a few times where he even talked about throwing her under the bus, and i think they might of been up for eviction at the same time and she sacrificed herself for him to be in there and he wasn't even grateful and treated her like crap even then. there were so many moments like this. but i remember that week especially got to me.
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    Kyle123Kyle123 Posts: 25,782
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    Maybe it was a feed thing then, but I don't really remember the shows showing it like that. I have a whole lot of other reasons why I'm not keen on James though. :p
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    onfencewithrachonfencewithrach Posts: 6,479
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    Kyle123 wrote: »
    Maybe it was a feed thing then, but I don't really remember the shows showing it like that. I have a whole lot of other reasons why I'm not keen on James though. :p

    it was from the main shows, maybe i'm just more sensitive to that sort of thing cuz i really, really hate when jerks get hot girls and they don't appreciate them. so it irked me to no end every little time it occured. meaning i picked up on every little thing cuz it's something i can't stand. like i hate smoking/spitting so i noticed it extra every time evil dick did it to a point where i started to dub him "the vile one".

    if you really are annoyed by something i think you probably pick up on it alot more, and see the little things every time they come up.
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    Kyle123Kyle123 Posts: 25,782
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    Perhaps, I haven't seen BB6 in a while, maybe my memory needs jogging. I didn't like James all that much in general. I found him insanely overrated as a player, and he wound me up with his sore loser behaviour on both of his seasons. :p
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 4,733
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    I just remembered Chelsia as well from BB9. I don't know why but I liked her a lot- especially when she went crazy because she knew she was going to be evited- she started squishing eggs and all sorts.



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    Yobaba**Yobaba** Posts: 4,108
    Forum Member
    I just remembered Chelsia as well from BB9. I don't know why but I liked her a lot- especially when she went crazy because she knew she was going to be evited- she started squishing eggs and all sorts.




    I'd say she is a candidate for one of the worst HM's, her and Joshua were disgusting people...
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 4,733
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    Yobaba** wrote: »
    I'd say she is a candidate for one of the worst HM's, her and Joshua were disgusting people...

    I only watch the shows but I thought she was funny, her partnership with James was great as they were against it for a lot of the series & she wound a lot of the other HG's up...

    Why do you say that she and Joshuah were disgusting? I don't watch the feeds so if its anything to do with that I wouldn't know...

    Though the fact that her and James openly had sex in the lounge is a tad gross I agree!
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    Kyle123Kyle123 Posts: 25,782
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    Chelsia was just an unpleasant person and a sore loser. I'd hope she's grown up a lot in the last few years, because on the show, she was an immature brat and made herself look like a prize idiot.
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    Yobaba**Yobaba** Posts: 4,108
    Forum Member
    I only watch the shows but I thought she was funny, her partnership with James was great as they were against it for a lot of the series & she wound a lot of the other HG's up...

    Why do you say that she and Joshuah were disgusting? I don't watch the feeds so if its anything to do with that I wouldn't know...

    Though the fact that her and James openly had sex in the lounge is a tad gross I agree!

    When she and Josh were joking about Amanda's dad hanging himself and Josh told Amanda she should hang herself too.

    And in the clip I think she is joking about one of the smashed eggs being like one of Natalie's aborted babies? That's pretty disgusting thing to say. And she mentions that a lot about Natalie. She's just a pretty horrible person.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 4,733
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    Yobaba** wrote: »
    When she and Josh were joking about Amanda's dad hanging himself and Josh told Amanda she should hang herself too.

    And in the clip I think she is joking about one of the smashed eggs being like one of Natalie's aborted babies? That's pretty disgusting thing to say. And she mentions that a lot about Natalie. She's just a pretty horrible person.

    Now you mention those I do sort of remember at the time those things being said.

    Maybe I am looking back with rose tinted glasses. :o
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