
BBC3 planning to air a show celebrating 50 years of Doctor Who.

Zeppelyn56Zeppelyn56 Posts: 455
Forum Member
Well can't say I'm looking forward to this one, BBC 3 = celebrity talking heads you never heard of and a few clips I'll guess.



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    Richard_WatsonRichard_Watson Posts: 426
    Forum Member
    If you wait five minutes someone will be along to proclaim a cheapo time-filler stuck on BBC3 proof of the BBC's strong commitment to properly celebrating the 50th Anniversary...
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    TEDRTEDR Posts: 3,413
    Forum Member
    If you wait five minutes someone will be along to proclaim a cheapo time-filler stuck on BBC3 proof of the BBC's strong commitment to properly celebrating the 50th Anniversary...

    Yes! TV, taken over.
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    Granny McSmithGranny McSmith Posts: 19,622
    Forum Member
    If you wait five minutes someone will be along to proclaim a cheapo time-filler stuck on BBC3 proof of the BBC's strong commitment to properly celebrating the 50th Anniversary...

    What? You are disappointed about this programme, in which z-list celebs will talk about how they watched DW and hid behind the sofa when they were 6?

    You have such a sense of entitlement. Don't you know you should be grateful for any crumbs the magnanimous BBC throws to us?
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    TEDRTEDR Posts: 3,413
    Forum Member
    What? You are disappointed about this programme, in which z-list celebs will talk about how they watched DW and hid behind the sofa when they were 6?

    What's not to like? We'll finally find out the real thoughts of Rufus Hound, Emer Kenny, Russell Howard, that girl off Two Pints, him off that reality show, that guy with the hair, her who you saw in that thing, someone who sometimes writes for something, somebody else, and the former head of things!
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    Richard_WatsonRichard_Watson Posts: 426
    Forum Member
    What? You are disappointed about this programme, in which z-list celebs will talk about how they watched DW and hid behind the sofa when they were 6?

    Given they usual no-marks there types of shows throw up, they'll be stuck with people who'd have been children between 1989 and 2005, who'll have to claim to have watched it on UK Gold or on Video.

    Should be fun.
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    saladfingers81saladfingers81 Posts: 11,301
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    This was exactly the sort of drivel I and many others predicted they would put on months ago. Zero intelligent insight. Maximum filler.
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    Richard_WatsonRichard_Watson Posts: 426
    Forum Member
    TEDR wrote: »
    What's not to like? We'll finally find out the real thoughts of Rufus Hound, Emer Kenny, Russell Howard, that girl off Two Pints, him off that reality show, that guy with the hair, her who you saw in that thing, someone who sometimes writes for something, somebody else, and the former head of things!

    And Stuart Maconie.
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    saladfingers81saladfingers81 Posts: 11,301
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    'Like do you remember that one episode with like the doctor in it and it was sort of like Titanic but not really because it wasn't the actual Titanic but the Titanic in space...like a spaceship Titanic that looked like a ship but could fly. In space. And stuff. And David Tennant was so dishy and it was really exciting and I thought I might hide behind the sofa because it was almost proper scary with this weird man in it and everything who looked sort of like a bit funny. But he was proper evil. And then Kylie turned up and like OMG i couldn't believe it because I love Kylie and I bet she well fancied Doctor Who. Its a shame she didn't dance or nothing but it was still Kylie and who doesn't love Kylie? Plus Hyacinth Buckets husband was in it. My mum loved that show. It was so LOL. She said her name like Bouquet as in flowers. But really it was bucket. Amazing.'
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    Granny McSmithGranny McSmith Posts: 19,622
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    TEDR wrote: »
    What's not to like? We'll finally find out the real thoughts of Rufus Hound, Emer Kenny, Russell Howard, that girl off Two Pints, him off that reality show, that guy with the hair, her who you saw in that thing, someone who sometimes writes for something, somebody else, and the former head of things!

    I won't mind so much if that's Sheridan Smith. :)
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    Zeppelyn56Zeppelyn56 Posts: 455
    Forum Member
    'Like do you remember that one episode with like the doctor in it and it was sort of like Titanic but not really because it wasn't the actual Titanic but the Titanic in space...like a spaceship Titanic that looked like a ship but could fly. In space. And stuff. And David Tennant was so dishy and it was really exciting and I thought I might hide behind the sofa because it was almost proper scary with this weird man in it and everything who looked sort of like a bit funny. But he was proper evil. And then Kylie turned up and like OMG i couldn't believe it because I love Kylie and I bet she well fancied Doctor Who. Its a shame she didn't dance or nothing but it was still Kylie and who doesn't love Kylie? Plus Hyacinth Buckets husband was in it. My mum loved that show. It was so LOL. She said her name like Bouquet as in flowers. But really it was bucket. Amazing.'

    Summed up perfectly
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    Benjamin SiskoBenjamin Sisko Posts: 1,921
    Forum Member
    Jeez, no need to be so negative about this. It's a harmless little compilation show.

    Though it is funny how the announcement of one show dedicated to celebrating the 50th anniversary encourages complaints that the BBC isn't doing enough to celebrate said anniversary, even though we've still got 4 months until said anniversary.

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    JCRJCR Posts: 24,150
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    In fairness to the show, potentially if they get Frank Skinner, it could be good. (He can put across being a die hard fan in a funny way).
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    Richard_WatsonRichard_Watson Posts: 426
    Forum Member
    Though it is funny how the announcement of one show dedicated to celebrating the 50th anniversary encourages complaints that the BBC isn't doing enough to celebrate said anniversary, even though we've still got 4 months until said anniversary.

    Four months? Twelve weeks from today.

    So far we've had 'Celebrity' Pointless, a Prom we would have had regardless of the year and now a bottom-of-the-barrel Talking Heads show on a channel only Chavs watch.

    And Stamps. Don't forget the Stamps.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,003
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    Four months? Twelve weeks from today.

    So far we've had 'Celebrity' Pointless, a Prom we would have had regardless of the year and now a bottom-of-the-barrel Talking Heads show on a channel only Chavs watch.

    And Stamps. Don't forget the Stamps.

    I keep seeing people pointing out that there was a Prom which should of have been regardless of the year..despite the fact that the event actually only ever happened twice before and the last time was three years ago...
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 4,043
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    So we get people who think they know about the show when they dont.

    They are about as bad as that lame competition of having some superfan but its just for kids. A child isnt a superfan. A superfan would know a heck of a lot more than a kid.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,753
    Forum Member
    Jeez, no need to be so negative about this. It's a harmless little compilation show.

    Though it is funny how the announcement of one show dedicated to celebrating the 50th anniversary encourages complaints that the BBC isn't doing enough to celebrate said anniversary, even though we've still got 4 months until said anniversary.


    If the show was in the middle of a whole day (or weekend) on BBC3 where they showed classic episodes from each doctor, and some of the new ones too, with a little filler like this here and there as well, then it might seem ok, and in-place. Fun even, as part of the bigger spectacular thing going on.

    Because it is on its own, possibly in the middle of an Eastenders repeat, and Snog/Marry/Avoid, it sticks out like a sore thumb as a massive, facepalm-inducing , filler for, well for nothing. It's a filler for filling's sake. Many people will not even notice it's on.

    The BBC could have been showing (maybe once a month?), a couple of classic serials they still own- even during the time BBC3 is normally off air, so it doesn't interfere with anything else. Whose nose does that put out of joint? Nobody I can think of.

    Maybe the argument is that it impacts on DVD sales or something? I'd say it might even help to boost DVD sales as it exposes more people to watching the older stuff and then they think "you know what, I'll get the DVD of this and some others too". Hardly anyone buys DVDs of things that no one they know has seen on TV or the cinema. That's why the phrase "straight to video/DVD" means something was considered so naff that no one would want to see it,, so the hope is that they can claw back at least some cash by putting out a DVD.

    Dr Who Is different as it has millions of fans aleady to buy the DVDs, but for new fans, and even non-fans, who might never give the older stuff a try, catching an episode in an afternoon on BBC3, when there's nothing else on, might just spur them on to buy some DVDs and become a fan of the whole show.

    So this news that there's going to be some kind of talking heads program is a bit of a disappointment. I keep expecting to hear there's a special night ( or 2) coming up on BBC 2 or something, but I guess it really isn't happening now :(
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    bbll22bbll22 Posts: 527
    Forum Member
    My word, this place just gets more ridiculous....people complaining about a show celebrating 50 years of Doctor Who.....oh dear.

    First of all, I'll say it....YAY! It's exactly the kind of show that should be on for the celebration period - I always enjoy these kinds of shows and so do others. Another point is that its on BBC Three, so why are people saying its going to include the kind of people they detest and then mock? That channel is for a certain age range, so of course the show would be tailored accordingly.

    BBC Three is the kind of channel where these shows do happen so I don't get why people want classic episode serials repeated on there...they don't suit the channel at all - BBC Two and BBC Four possibly, but not the others. Then of course there is the issue of who owns the rights; BBC or 2Entertain, that would obviously effect what classics are shown etc.

    A lot of negative fuss being made over one show for the celebration period is just ridiculous. No-one else knows what's coming in the run-up to November that will help the celebrations - this is just one thing - so just accept it. There will be other things no doubt, but the anger of some on here for the 50th not being celebrated the way they want it to be is just silly now.

    If you don't want to watch it then don't. If some old classic episodes do get repeated I may not watch them, but I'm not going to make a big song and dance about in such an angry way....

    So, just to repeat my first point...YAY! Good on BBC Three for making this. I look forward to watching it...
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    Benjamin SiskoBenjamin Sisko Posts: 1,921
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    bbll22 wrote: »
    My word, this place just gets more ridiculous....people complaining about a show celebrating 50 years of Doctor Who.....oh dear.

    First of all, I'll say it....YAY! It's exactly the kind of show that should be on for the celebration period - I always enjoy these kinds of shows and so do others. Another point is that its on BBC Three, so why are people saying its going to include the kind of people they detest and then mock? That channel is for a certain age range, so of course the show would be tailored accordingly.

    BBC Three is the kind of channel where these shows do happen so I don't get why people want classic episode serials repeated on there...they don't suit the channel at all - BBC Two and BBC Four possibly, but not the others. Then of course there is the issue of who owns the rights; BBC or 2Entertain, that would obviously effect what classics are shown etc.

    A lot of negative fuss being made over one show for the celebration period is just ridiculous. No-one else knows what's coming in the run-up to November that will help the celebrations - this is just one thing - so just accept it. There will be other things no doubt, but the anger of some on here for the 50th not being celebrated the way they want it to be is just silly now.

    If you don't want to watch it then don't. If some old classic episodes do get repeated I may not watch them, but I'm not going to make a big song and dance about in such an angry way....

    So, just to repeat my first point...YAY! Good on BBC Three for making this. I look forward to watching it...

    QFT. No wonder Whovians get a bad rep - the sense of entitlement we seem to have is getting insane and unpleasant. We're worse than the Sonic the Hedgehog fandom for goodness' sake!

    As for Classic episodes, I seriously doubt that'll happen until November if it happens at all. And it will most likely be shown on BBC4. If.

    Besides, don't mock BBC3 in regards to Doctor Who stuff. The produced Doctor Who Confidential for years with a solid viewing audience and it was brilliant. If this show has some of the same care, then it'll be fine.

    (However, I will agree with DaveyCrocket. That superfan competition really is pathetic.)
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    Pull2OpenPull2Open Posts: 15,138
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    Who the flying frig is Tom Craine?

    I hate 'belt and braces' television!
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    Pull2OpenPull2Open Posts: 15,138
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    Given they usual no-marks there types of shows throw up, they'll be stuck with people who'd have been children between 1989 and 2005, who'll have to claim to have watched it on UK Gold or on Video.

    Should be fun.

    Or being a 'huge' fan full of knowledge but only started watching it from NuWho series 4!
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    Pull2OpenPull2Open Posts: 15,138
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    I won't mind so much if that's Sheridan Smith. :)

    At least she would have considerably more than a tenuous link to the show! ;)
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,753
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    bbll22 wrote: »
    My word, this place just gets more ridiculous....people complaining about a show celebrating 50 years of Doctor Who.....oh dear.

    First of all, I'll say it....YAY! It's exactly the kind of show that should be on for the celebration period - I always enjoy these kinds of shows and so do others. Another point is that its on BBC Three, so why are people saying its going to include the kind of people they detest and then mock? That channel is for a certain age range, so of course the show would be tailored accordingly.

    BBC Three is the kind of channel where these shows do happen so I don't get why people want classic episode serials repeated on there...they don't suit the channel at all - BBC Two and BBC Four possibly, but not the others. Then of course there is the issue of who owns the rights; BBC or 2Entertain, that would obviously effect what classics are shown etc.

    A lot of negative fuss being made over one show for the celebration period is just ridiculous. No-one else knows what's coming in the run-up to November that will help the celebrations - this is just one thing - so just accept it. There will be other things no doubt, but the anger of some on here for the 50th not being celebrated the way they want it to be is just silly now.

    If you don't want to watch it then don't. If some old classic episodes do get repeated I may not watch them, but I'm not going to make a big song and dance about in such an angry way....

    So, just to repeat my first point...YAY! Good on BBC Three for making this. I look forward to watching it...

    The show itself is not something to complain about. It's just that, with only about a couple of months left, it feels like (to compare with something recently) hearing the Queen's big Diamond Jubilee celebration that would 'take over the River Thames' turns out to be one water taxi taking some minor member of Royalty under Tower bridge and then back on to land again.

    You are right that it is the kind of show that should be getting made. It might well be enjoyable to see some funny clips and old, interesting bits and bobd. But sticking it on in the middle of some of the other rubbish that gets shown sometimes on BBC3 is hardly any kind of celebration. I don't think I've seen any "I'm entitled to this" kind of behaviour at all on this thread. Just some suggestions at to what the BBC could have done/be doing instead, when hey already said that they were making loads of stuff to celebrate Doctor Who reaching this milestone.

    The BBC do own some of the rights and release DVD's themselves, Someone really needs to give their marketing team a slap if they miss out on this massive opportunity to promote their merchandise. DVD sales could soar with a few classic episodes here and there. That's not feeling 'entitled' to something, just saying what I'd like to have seem and what it is in the power of the BBC to have achieved already, which could actually benefit them financially too.

    I was like you at the beginning of the year. Thinking that because of what the BBC were saying about DR Who and quotes of it taking over TV etc, and BBC America announcing loads of classic serials every month, and BBC Australia getting in on the act too. I thought there could well be a few surprises coming our way ( there may still be). What has happened so far has just been a disappointment really, though. Because virtually nothing has happaned, not even any news about something happening. This is about the first bit of news that we get to hear and it's not for repeats of classic episodes, or a little documentary, or a 6/7 half-hour episode talking heads show on BBC3 every week. It is one talking heads filler type 'show', squeezed between some repeats and shows banished to BBC3 because no one else watches.

    Yes- I will watch it
    Yes I will hope it's good and amusing
    No- I am not 'thrilled' that this might be all I see with regards to Dr Who content from the BBC until November.
    No- I don't think I am entitled to 20 new episodes per week of new Dr Who content.
    No- This is not an angry response to not getting everything my own way. It is just a measured ( I think) response to hearing the news about the 'extra programme' that is supposed to make fans thrilled. It's the type of thing you might see anyway popping up on TV every couple of months. Like 100 greatest ever moments of ....this that and the other, including Dr Who.
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    Pull2OpenPull2Open Posts: 15,138
    Forum Member
    bbll22 wrote: »
    My word, this place just gets more ridiculous....people complaining about a show celebrating 50 years of Doctor Who.....oh dear.

    QFT. No wonder Whovians get a bad rep


    The thing is, this will be, in typical BBC3 style, a poorly thought poorly executed compilation programme, booking celebs at the last minute and celebs that will always have room in their diary (desperate for exposure) pretending to be fans of the show talking in clichéd terms and getting names wrong. At a push, they'll probably have Peter Davison and Carol Ann Ford!

    We have seen BBC3 do it before for other things and I for one have no confidence, I want quality, I want to see Tom Baker and William Russell, Frazer Hines and Wendy Padbury and such like. I cannot recall ever seeing TB appearing on TV talking about DW!

    Sorry if that appears very unWhovian but I want quality
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    bp2bp2 Posts: 1,117
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    Pull2Open wrote: »
    The thing is, this will be, in typical BBC3 style, a poorly thought poorly executed compilation programme, booking celebs at the last minute and celebs that will always have room in their diary (desperate for exposure) pretending to be fans of the show talking in clichéd terms and getting names wrong. At a push, they'll probably have Peter Davison and Carol Ann Ford!

    We have seen BBC3 do it before for other things and I for one have no confidence, I want quality, I want to see Tom Baker and William Russell, Frazer Hines and Wendy Padbury and such like. I cannot recall ever seeing TB appearing on TV talking about DW!

    Sorry if that appears very unWhovian but I want quality

    Tom Baker appeared on the Story of Doctor Who for the 40th anniversary.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,753
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    Pull2Open wrote: »
    The thing is, this will be, in typical BBC3 style, a poorly thought poorly executed compilation programme, booking celebs at the last minute and celebs that will always have room in their diary (desperate for exposure) pretending to be fans of the show talking in clichéd terms and getting names wrong. At a push, they'll probably have Peter Davison and Carol Ann Ford!

    We have seen BBC3 do it before for other things and I for one have no confidence, I want quality, I want to see Tom Baker and William Russell, Frazer Hines and Wendy Padbury and such like. I cannot recall ever seeing TB appearing on TV talking about DW!

    Sorry if that appears very unWhovian but I want quality

    I quite agree with all that.
    And how can it be 'un-whovian' to want the BBC to make an effort like they told us they would. For a show which rakes them in millions. they could be making themselves more money by making a little effort for some more things this year.
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