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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 3,538
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    Did you watch Derek last night. The end line really sums up Katie Hopkins.

    "She always was a c**t"

    Perfect summing up of her.
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    be more pacificbe more pacific Posts: 19,061
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    milliejomilliejo Posts: 2,230
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    Notice she hasn't washed her daughters hair for the photos, all the toys stuffed under the settee and the little boy looks cross-eyed. And while she likes good old fashioned names, yet she names her children India, Poppy and Max, and won't let them play with someone called Charmaine because that is chavy...
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    sconescone Posts: 14,850
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    I like the comment that her carpet is dirty, because it is
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    milliejomilliejo Posts: 2,230
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    I know... Just maybe she isn't someone who people want their kids to be associate with. Her eldest daughter also looks unkempt in those photographs.
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    lexi22lexi22 Posts: 16,394
    Forum Member

    :D:D Too funny.

    Just skimmed that Katie Hopkins article, too tedious to read, but that house looks like it needs an urgent visit from Kim and Aggie. It looks so grubby and smelly. :eek:

    Probably best that little Charmaine avoids it in case she catches something.
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    milliejomilliejo Posts: 2,230
    Forum Member
    I think pink leggings look much better on a little girl, than those flimsey, matching dresses. And more practical for active children...What child would prefer an extra tennis lesson to a birthday party? An why is her daughter playing with a toy vaccum cleaner? Is that the nearest they get to cleaning the room?
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    Saltydog1955Saltydog1955 Posts: 4,134
    Forum Member
    Her kids are going to grow up friendless and rejected by their peers now and they'll be controlled by their mother when they grow up. She'll probably pick their boyfriends and girlfriend and possibly their wife and husbands.

    The woman is nothing but a crashing snob and a control freak.
    Her morals are pretty much in doubt as IIRC she has these three children by 2 different men, both of whom were married. There's no mention of a husband or partner in this piece, so the kids are going to have a hell of a life with just her.
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    Saltydog1955Saltydog1955 Posts: 4,134
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    milliejo wrote: »
    I think pink leggings look much better on a little girl, than those flimsey, matching dresses. And more practical for active children...What child would prefer an extra tennis lesson to a birthday party? An why is her daughter playing with a toy vaccum cleaner? Is that the nearest they get to cleaning the room?

    I've seen those pics before on another 'farticle' she did, so they're old ones. :)

    Don't like to bring the kids looks into it, but they really are a unprepossessing bunch. But then look at what gave birth to the poor things. They never stood a chance if they were to take after Mummy Dearest did they?
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    sidsgirlsidsgirl Posts: 4,425
    Forum Member
    I've seen those pics before on another 'farticle' she did, so they're old ones. :)

    Don't like to bring the kids looks into it, but they really are a unprepossessing bunch. But then look at what gave birth to the poor things. They never stood a chance if they were to take after Mummy Dearest did they?

    BIB. I agree. Slate the mother, but imo its below the belt to target the children, especially if that little boy has got a squint....he can't help that. :(
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    milliejomilliejo Posts: 2,230
    Forum Member
    I've seen those pics before on another 'farticle' she did, so they're old ones. :)

    Don't like to bring the kids looks into it, but they really are a unprepossessing bunch. But then look at what gave birth to the poor things. They never stood a chance if they were to take after Mummy Dearest did they?

    She is judging other peoples children by their appearance, they names, their ability to do homework and whether they have an iPhone...She didn't want her daughter at the party of a little girl who might wear pink leggings or have pierced ears....I was at school with girls with pierced ears at primary school age, it was often cultural.

    Maybe she didn't want current photos so they won't be identified at school by parents who find out why their children were excluded from party invitations.
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    lexi22lexi22 Posts: 16,394
    Forum Member
    I've seen those pics before on another 'farticle' she did, so they're old ones. :)

    Don't like to bring the kids looks into it, but they really are a unprepossessing bunch. But then look at what gave birth to the poor things. They never stood a chance if they were to take after Mummy Dearest did they?

    Whoa, nasty, that really is descending to her level.

    When did slagging off children's looks become ok?
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 7,888
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    *clutches pearls*

    Surely you cannot expect her children to associate with *hushed voice* commoners.
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    Saltydog1955Saltydog1955 Posts: 4,134
    Forum Member
    milliejo wrote: »
    She is judging other peoples children by their appearance, they names, their ability to do homework and whether they have an iPhone...She didn't want her daughter at the party of a little girl who might wear pink leggings or have pierced ears....I was at school with girls with pierced ears at primary school age, it was often cultural.

    Maybe she didn't want current photos so they won't be identified at school by parents who find out why their children were excluded from party invitations.

    The pics were from an article she did last year - 'My nanny's pregnant and I'm not pleased', so they won't have changed that much and presumably people will still know whose kids they are.


    She's an arrogant, nasty piece of work.
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    milliejomilliejo Posts: 2,230
    Forum Member
    sidsgirl wrote: »
    BIB. I agree. Slate the mother, but imo its below the belt to target the children, especially if that little boy has got a squint....he can't help that. :(

    She wants perfect children, who look perfect who do are academically brilliant. However they are not, they will have different personalities and will not all be academically brilliant.
    She is targetting other peoples children for rejection and teaching her children to be snobs, that look down on those that do not fit their social requirements. She judges children by their names....You are right the little boy can't help having a squint but other children can't help being less that perfect either or the names they are given. Yet she judges them for it, without looking at herself.

    Looking at the garish party invitation in my daughter's hand, my heart sank. The venue was bad enough: the dirty, sticky soft play area at our local leisure centre. But the name of the birthday girl told me all I needed to know.
    With her pierced ears, passion for pink leggings and array of electronic play equipment, Charmaine is definitely not the sort of child I want my daughter associating with. Pretending to look at my diary, I sighed. 'Oh what a shame. We're busy on that day.'
    Poppy looked disappointed until I promised to organise an extra tennis lesson. 'Why don't you invite Maisie?' I suggested, naming a classmate I do approve of.

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2281959/Apprentice-star-Katie-Hopkins-admits-I-wont-let-children-play-friends-I-deem-beneath-them.html#ixzz2LXLotoxh
    Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

    I was one of those kids that was pushed out of my best friends life because I wasn't academic enough... Yet it was my friend to rebelled, was living in a squat with friends aged sixteen and heavily into drugs. He acceptable academic friends became bohemian, grungy teenagers...I was dyslexic and worked very hard to get my qualifications.
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    The PrumeisterThe Prumeister Posts: 22,398
    Forum Member
    Hopkins is just the latest professional troll a la Samantha Brick & Liz Jones employed by The DM to get their website hits up.

    However, she has done the remarkable thing of making Jones and Brick look like veritable angels:eek: Hopkins is a true abomination and actually incredibly thick and blinkered. I had a look on her website earlier and she is a huge fan of Thatcher (quelle surprise). She lists reasons why Thatcher was so much better than Blair.. Firstly, she would never have employed Peter Mandleson in her cabinet. Well no, but she did employ Jeffrey Archer:D Also, Thatcher never let her kids encumber her political career. Well, no, but Mark Thatcher was 24 when she was in power.:rolleyes:

    Hopkins deserves nothing but derision. It's her poor kids I feel sorry for - and no-one should be criticising them as it is stooping to her level.
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    Saltydog1955Saltydog1955 Posts: 4,134
    Forum Member
    She's getting a bit of a bashing on Twitter.


    Some numpties actually agree with her. Christ on a bike. :rolleyes:

    ETA - she was on my local BBC radio today. Apparently, she was a drive thru girl at Macdonalds, so she's not a snob. 1.03 in.

    *rolls eyes ad infinitum*
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    21stCenturyBoy21stCenturyBoy Posts: 44,529
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    She's Mumsnet's wet dream.

    I'm not sure the parents of her childrens classmates will be totally thrilled to be pilloried in a national newspaper by a woman who was filmed a few years back shagging a married man in a field.
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    Blondie XBlondie X Posts: 28,662
    Forum Member
    She is, was and always will be a hatchet faced old cow with her head rammed so far up her own arse that she can see what she had for breakfast.

    I know you can't really hate someone you don't know but I absolutely despised her on The Apprentice. I've seen her vocalizing her rancid opinions on tv several times as if they are gospel and she always does that repulsive sneer like she's got a nasty smell under her nose when anyone dares to disagree.

    Hideous rancid old troll with the morals of an alley cat but thinks because she's so jolly hockey sticks then it makes her batter than anyone else
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    user1234567user1234567 Posts: 12,378
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    Blondie X wrote: »
    She is, was and always will be a hatchet faced old cow with her head rammed so far up her own arse that she can see what she had for breakfast.

    I know you can't really hate someone you don't know but I absolutely despised her on The Apprentice. I've seen her vocalizing her rancid opinions on tv several times as if they are gospel and she always does that repulsive sneer like she's got a nasty smell under her nose when anyone dares to disagree.

    Hideous rancid old troll with the morals of an alley cat but thinks because she's so jolly hockey sticks then it makes her batter than anyone else
    She's a more intelligent version of Katie Price.
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    NihongaNihonga Posts: 10,618
    Forum Member
    Hopkins is just the latest professional troll a la Samantha Brick & Liz Jones employed by The DM to get their website hits up.

    However, she has done the remarkable thing of making Jones and Brick look like veritable angels:eek: Hopkins is a true abomination and actually incredibly thick and blinkered. I had a look on her website earlier and she is a huge fan of Thatcher (quelle surprise). She lists reasons why Thatcher was so much better than Blair.. Firstly, she would never have employed Peter Mandleson in her cabinet. Well no, but she did employ Jeffrey Archer:D Also, Thatcher never let her kids encumber her political career. Well, no, but Mark Thatcher was 24 when she was in power.:rolleyes:

    Hopkins deserves nothing but derision. It's her poor kids I feel sorry for - and no-one should be criticising them as it is stooping to her level.

    Denis Thatcher was a millionaire, and I think they hired a nanny when Mark and his sister were young and Thatcher was MP.
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    milliejomilliejo Posts: 2,230
    Forum Member
    She's a more intelligent version of Katie Price.

    She was a bully to Kristina Grimes on The Apprentice.
    Her Step-Daughter said she was a nightmare..


    And she is a reality tv **** who has ensured her children do not get invited to any parties. Who is going to want to let their children be snubbed because they are deemed not good enough. And who will want their husbands around her.

    I also remember her on a radio show saying the recession was a good thing, because people will be laid off easily.
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    Saltydog1955Saltydog1955 Posts: 4,134
    Forum Member
    milliejo wrote: »
    She was a bully to Kristina Grimes on The Apprentice.
    Her Step-Daughter said she was a nightmare..


    And she is a reality tv **** who has ensured her children do not get invited to any parties. Who is going to want to let their children be snubbed because they are deemed not good enough. And who will want their husbands around her.

    I also remember her on a radio show saying the recession was a good thing, because people will be laid off easily.

    Reading that piece has made me loathe her even more if it's at all possible.

    And that 'romp in the field' pic......ewwwwww! :p Her kids will be SO proud. :mad:
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    be more pacificbe more pacific Posts: 19,061
    Forum Member
    Unfortunately, the OP has inadvertently contributed to the viral marketing campaign for the Daily Mail's website. We should really get wise to the Mail's tactic of getting a gobshite to say something controversial and then wait for all the lovely advertising revenue as the 'hits' come rolling in.

    Coming soon:
    • Gorgeous Samantha Brick calls for euthanasia for Britain's hideous pensioners.
    • Following the the sudden death of Christopher Biggins, Jan Moir repeatedly uses the word "troubling" to insinuate there was something sordid about an overweight homosexual's heart attack. [Disclaimer: Biggins is not dead]
    • Richard Littlecock says "You couldn't make it up!" about a made-up story that prisoners are being fed caviar because cheaper foods are a breach of their human rights.
    And the links will appear on the DS forums...
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