
Britains fattest teenager back to 40st

BlizzardUKBlizzardUK Posts: 4,965
Forum Member
I feel really sorry for this girl. I have battled weight issues and although I always curb it before it goes to her level, I can totally understand how difficult it is, as I yo-yo too. If I don't have food in my area then I am not so bad, but put food near by and I eat it (unless it is salad and fruit, naturally, hehe). The trouble is, as you have to eat to survive, when you go to the supermarket to get food you tend to stray to the bad stuff. I think her best idea would be to confine herself to her house for 9 months (except the garden for exercise) and only order from a supermarket online to avoid temptation.



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    BerBer Posts: 24,562
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    I think she needs to get the hell away from her mum!
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    IphigeniaIphigenia Posts: 8,109
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    This is so sad (and gosh, she was so pretty when she lost the 15 stone).

    I had a very wicked thought looking at the photo of her next to her very slim mother - maybe her mother's not motivated to help her daughter stick to her diet because it suits her to be able to stand slimly next to her?

    And yes, it Is child abuse and she should be taken into care.
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    predator187predator187 Posts: 1,071
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    BlizzardUK wrote: »
    I feel really sorry for this girl. I have battled weight issues and although I always curb it before it goes to her level, I can totally understand how difficult it is, as I yo-yo too. If I don't have food in my area then I am not so bad, but put food near by and I eat it (unless it is salad and fruit, naturally, hehe). The trouble is, as you have to eat to survive, when you go to the supermarket to get food you tend to stray to the bad stuff. I think her best idea would be to confine herself to her house for 9 months (except the garden for exercise) and only order from a supermarket online to avoid temptation.

    why feel sorry for her? it'd be nice if we could all eat takeaways every night but most people have willpower, if she stuffs her face shes got no one to blame but herself:mad:
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    annette kurtenannette kurten Posts: 39,543
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    poor kid.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,224
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    Ber wrote: »
    I think she needs to get the hell away from her mum!

    beat me to it! The girls mother is killing her as much as she is!
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 11,934
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    Iphigenia wrote: »
    This is so sad (and gosh, she was so pretty when she lost the 15 stone).

    I had a very wicked thought looking at the photo of her next to her very slim mother - maybe her mother's not motivated to help her daughter stick to her diet because it suits her to be able to stand slimly next to her?

    And yes, it Is child abuse and she should be taken into care.

    The slim woman is not her mother - she's a Sun reporter. Her mum is the grey-haired fat woman standing behind her daughter.
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    BerBer Posts: 24,562
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    why feel sorry for her? it'd be nice if we could all eat takeaways every night but most people have willpower, if she stuffs her face shes got no one to blame but herself:mad:

    Most people don't have a mother who sees nothing wrong in raising their child on food like that.
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    King of BlotsKing of Blots Posts: 474
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    Do i detect a touch of the Emma Chawners about her.:D

    Damn its Rik Waller & Michelle McManus's love child.
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    King of BlotsKing of Blots Posts: 474
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    flobadob wrote: »
    The slim woman is not her mother - she's a Sun reporter. Her mum is the grey-haired fat woman standing behind her daughter.

    Than Scum reporter looks like she is good in the sack. :D

    Would need a bag to cover her face though.
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    GetMeOuttaHereGetMeOuttaHere Posts: 17,357
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    I saw this earlier and thought she should be ashamed of herself. Next she's going to ask for a gastric band on the NHS. Didn't all she learn whilst she was in fat camp sink in. If she got off her backside, took it step by step, within a couple of months she would be able to walk to her local shops, buy her own healthy food and cook for herself. I've no pity for her as its all self induced. She's nothing short of greedy.
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    King of BlotsKing of Blots Posts: 474
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    I don't care if what i post is non PC but here goes, she is one greedy fat pig, how on earth could anyone let themselves go like that.?

    Hell no man will touch her with a bargepole as long as she is going steady with KFC,Domino's Pizza ect on a nightly basis.

    Her quote is astounding, 'sadness makes me eat more' no love its your disgusting greed concerning food.
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    BerBer Posts: 24,562
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    I saw this earlier and thought she should be ashamed of herself. Next she's going to ask for a gastric band on the NHS. Didn't all she learn whilst she was in fat camp sink in. If she got off her backside, took it step by step, within a couple of months she would be able to walk to her local shops, buy her own healthy food and cook for herself. I've no pity for her as its all self induced. She's nothing short of greedy.

    Don't forget she is little more than a child

    Social services need to step in and take her away from her mother who, IMO, is the root of this girls problems.
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    GetMeOuttaHereGetMeOuttaHere Posts: 17,357
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    Ber wrote: »
    Don't forget she is little more than a child

    Social services need to step in and take her away from her mother who, IMO, is the root of this girls problems.

    You can't totally blame the mother. She spent 9 months away from her, re-educated herself about food, lost an enormous amount of weight, yet nothing changed as soon as she got back to Wales. If she had been serious about keeping the weight off, she would have ignored her mother saying she didn't have the time to cook healthy meals and took the initiative herself.

    I understand Georgia is her mothers carer, perhaps SS should step in and take that burden away from the girl. She needs to focus on herself, otherwise she isn't going to be around for much longer.
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    Forum Member
    Can someone please explain to me how fat people buy their clothes, do they just start off with over-sized clothes or do they just buy new clothes every week until they reach their desired weight?

    They must wake up one morning and find that their clothes are getting tighter, surely it's much easier to just eat less for the next few days than eating more and buying new clothes every few days.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 294
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    I am morbidly obese myself and even I am astounded. I eat way too much junk and don't take enough exercise but I am shocked by how much she weighs.

    It says in the article that she came back from the fat camp in June 2009 weighing 18 stone and now in February 2011 she weighs 40 stone. That's a 22 stone weight gain in 18 months! I feel bad for weighing approximately 20 stone and she put on more than that in 18 months!

    As someone who loves eating, even I know when to stop. This girl must be eating constantly from the moment she wakes up in order to have such a massive weight gain in that short time. Like I said, I'm an overeater myself but I do have some semblance of self control. I would be interested to see what she eats in a day, as even I can't imagine what she must be eating (and the portion size).
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    InspirationInspiration Posts: 62,772
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    I saw this earlier and thought she should be ashamed of herself. Next she's going to ask for a gastric band on the NHS. Didn't all she learn whilst she was in fat camp sink in. If she got off her backside, took it step by step, within a couple of months she would be able to walk to her local shops, buy her own healthy food and cook for herself. I've no pity for her as its all self induced. She's nothing short of greedy.

    Get off your high horse for a minute and perhaps read the article.

    She's 17 and a full time carer of her Mother who has heart problems. She doesn't live on her own nor does she earn any money via a job. The day she came home her parents announced they had no time to prepare her a healthy meal and they were having fish & chips instead.

    How is she expected to extract herself from that situation exactly? Leave home? Go live on the streets? Refuse to eat with her parents and build a diet from her pocket money, if she even gets any that is.

    She is getting no support, that is the problem here. If she were independent, lived on her own, had her own job, earned her own money and cooked her own meals then I could see your point because at least then it would be in her hands but right now she doesn't have any of those things. All she knows is looking after her sick mother and eating what is put in front of her, fast food that is probably bought from her mothers benefits payments.

    She has put on that much weight in less than 2 years so she clearly has an issue that requires a lot of support. It's tragic it really is. She is a victim of her circumstances not a victim of her own greed. The fact she lost it all at the fit camp suggests in a different environment she would be a different person.

    I blame the mother/parents, but no doubt they'll blame everyone else but themselves.

    Had she lived with people who actually love her, then maybe they would have changed their diet to suit hers so that the foot put in front of her was healthy enough to ensure her long term recovery from her weight issue. Instead, all they only care about is themselves and they're prepared to see her get like that.

    And I bet at the root of all of this is one clear thing, she has been caring for her mother since she was 10 and if she loses the weight and gets a life of her own, that possibly goes away and I bet her mother can't stand the thought of it. So she just lets her get fat because the fat version of her daughter aint going no where.

    I feel very sorry for her.. she has been failed by people who should be doing more for her.
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    BerBer Posts: 24,562
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    You can't totally blame the mother. She spent 9 months away from her, re-educated herself about food, lost an enormous amount of weight, yet nothing changed as soon as she got back to Wales. If she had been serious about keeping the weight off, she would have ignored her mother saying she didn't have the time to cook healthy meals and took the initiative herself.

    I understand Georgia is her mothers carer, perhaps SS should step in and take that burden away from the girl. She needs to focus on herself, otherwise she isn't going to be around for much longer.

    I can and I do. Any decent mother wouldn't let their child get into that state in the first place - much less continue to carry on that unhealthy relationship with food when it is clear they are going to die.

    You're right in that she should take some responsibility for herself - but I can also appreciate how difficult it is to do that when your family are doing the best they can to sabotage you.

    As I said, she needs to get away from her mother and the environment and influences that got her into that state in the first place and hopefully she can then start to take control of her own life.
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    Hugh JboobsHugh Jboobs Posts: 15,316
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    She should look on the bright side. At 566 lbs she could forge a career as a WWE wrestler. That's more than Yokozuna weighed when he started his dominance of the sport in the early 1990s.
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    InspirationInspiration Posts: 62,772
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    You can't totally blame the mother. She spent 9 months away from her, re-educated herself about food, lost an enormous amount of weight, yet nothing changed as soon as she got back to Wales. If she had been serious about keeping the weight off, she would have ignored her mother saying she didn't have the time to cook healthy meals and took the initiative herself.

    So put yourself in her shoes. 'What's for tea tonight' 'Fish and chips' .. how is she supposed to put together a healthy choice? She doesn't have any money of her own. 'Can I have £5 to go buy some chicken and veg mum' .. can you imagine the response? 'No you're eating fish and chips with us'.

    I'm baffled.. where do you expect this healthy diet to come from exactly? She can't just magic it out of thin air onto her plate. She needs the food and her mother is in control of that because it's her mothers money that buys the food. What is she supposed to do, steal the money from her mother?
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 294
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    JOEVILLE wrote: »
    Can someone please explain to me how fat people buy their clothes, do they just start off with over-sized clothes or do they just buy new clothes every week until they reach their desired weight?

    They must wake up one morning and find that their clothes are getting tighter, surely it's much easier to just eat less for the next few days than eating more and buying new clothes every few days.

    I am a fatty, and I buy my clothes in a shop. ;):p

    I may be overweight, but my weight is currently at a static level. So like regular slim people, I buy my clothes as and when I need them and my clothes size has been the same for some years now.

    Sometimes I'm heavier, and sometimes I'm lighter. Just like a "normal" person. I don't buy new clothes every few days, as I can't afford to (gotta keep some money aside for all that food I'm stuffing, eh! :p)
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    alfiewozerealfiewozere Posts: 29,508
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    This girl has an eating disorder.
    Anorexics and bulimic get sympathy and support because they look frail and vulnerable.
    Morbidly obese people get mockery and ridicule, and accusations of greed/lack of self-control and so on.

    This child needs removing from her toxic family environment, and given the therapy she needs to address her disorder. Sadly, I fear the poor girl will won't live to be much older, 40 stone must be putting a tremendous strain on her heart, lungs and joints.
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    BerBer Posts: 24,562
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    This girl has an eating disorder.
    Anorexics and bulimic get sympathy and support because they look frail and vulnerable.
    Morbidly obese people get mockery and ridicule, and accusations of greed/lack of self-control and so on.

    This child needs removing from her toxic family environment, and given the therapy she needs to address her disorder. Sadly, I fear the poor girl will won't live to be much older, 40 stone must be putting a tremendous strain on her heart, lungs and joints.

    I wonder what peoples responses would be if it were alcohol instead of food that was her problem - and if after rehab her mother welcomed her home with a bottle of scotch?
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    rockerchickrockerchick Posts: 9,255
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    GetMeOuttaHereGetMeOuttaHere Posts: 17,357
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    Get off your high horse for a minute and perhaps read the article.

    I'm entitled to have an opinion, just as you are.

    She's her mums carer, whats to say she doesn't have some control over the purse strings. She's a greedy girl who is eating more than she says she does in that article. She has been putting on over a stone a month, you don't get that way by eating a couple bowls of cornflakes, some toast and two portions of a fish and chip supper per day.

    When people stop pitying her and tell her like it is, she may get off her backside and try something different. One step at a time, she could change if she wanted to. Obviously she nor the mother want her to.
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    Pisces CloudPisces Cloud Posts: 30,240
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    Apart from mental health issues there must be some more health problems as I can't believe anyone could eat enough to get that big at her age.
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