
deep descaling on teeth does it hurt???

[Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 353
Forum Member
Hi I've just been told by my dentist today i have gum disease and need to see the dental hygienist to have deep descaling done :cry::cry:

I have a big dentist phobia any way and it took me 6 months to pluck up the courage to have a tooth pulled but this was only because i was in terrible pain at the end.

Any way as i said i need deep descaling done by the hygienist, does it hurt even when you've had your mouth numbed ?
I'm welling up here just talking about it a really am pettrified.

Or do you reckon I could start brushing twice aday plus get some Corsodyl mouthwash and start flossing to see if that would help as i've heard Corsodyl can reverse gum disease.

I know i should go to the hygienist but i'm so scared i really am.


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    SystemSystem Posts: 2,096,970
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    If the dentist has said you have gum disease then you really do need to go otherwise your gums will recede as the disease starts to affect the bone structure of the mouth and sadly when this happens your teeth will fall out.

    I am currently having treatment to prevent gum disease as I was suffering from really bad bleeding gums. I will be honest and say it is a bit uncomfortable when they clean between the teeth but if you try to lay back and relax you'll be fine. The pain you do experience goes away as quickly as it comes. I now have to clean between my teeth with little inter-dental brushes called TePes dipped in Corsodyl to clear up any bacteria and to strengthen my gums. Plus I have to make sure I brush my gums when I do my teeth - sounds odd but apparently it hardens them up.

    A couple of months later and I haven't had any bleeding and no pain either, so I am pleased I had it done in the end.

    My dental practice will sedate nervous patients, I think its a tad pricey however you will most definitely feel the benefit of having the treatment.

    Good luck,

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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 353
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    Hi thanks for replying.

    Did you have you gums numbed ??

    As i prob will have to as i have such sensitive teeth.

    I'm such a baby give me a C-Section any day lol
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    mrbernaymrbernay Posts: 146,404
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    It's a "human" form of sandblasting, but not nasty, and your mouth will feel so much better / cleaner afterwards. I visit the dentist twice a year and used to need a de-scaling each time, but my dentist recommended using the OralB Vitality (it's advertised on TV - an electic toothbrush). It has a 3-min timer in it. I use it once a day (at night) and floss 3 times a week. I now only need a small de-scaling once a year. After your big "do", try this regime... Your mouth feels so much better.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 376
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    mel23uk wrote: »
    Hi I've just been told by my dentist today i have gum disease and need to see the dental hygienist to have deep descaling done :cry::cry:

    I have a big dentist phobia any way and it took me 6 months to pluck up the courage to have a tooth pulled but this was only because i was in terrible pain at the end.

    Any way as i said i need deep descaling done by the hygienist, does it hurt even when you've had your mouth numbed ?
    I'm welling up here just talking about it a really am pettrified.

    Or do you reckon I could start brushing twice aday plus get some Corsodyl mouthwash and start flossing to see if that would help as i've heard Corsodyl can reverse gum disease.

    I know i should go to the hygienist but i'm so scared i really am.

    I had mine done around a week ago, it had been approximately 8 years since I had been to a dentist. I wasn't afraid of going, just kept putting it off.
    I didn't find it painful as such, more uncomfortable. Like a previous posted said, just lay back relax and let the dentist work away.
    I have to say my mouth feels a whole lot better since I had it done, so it was worth it.
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    timeytimey Posts: 19,379
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    I find descaling agony and am too scared to get it done. :cry:
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    mrbernaymrbernay Posts: 146,404
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    I find descaling agony and am too scared to get it done. :cry:

    It really is nothing to be scared of, and afterwards the feeling of freshness in the mouth is so good....
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    hometown38hometown38 Posts: 364
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    If you have sensitive teeth like me then yes it bloody hurts !
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 4,297
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    it doesnt so much hurt as vibrate a bit, and it feels really fresh afterwards.
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    mrbernaymrbernay Posts: 146,404
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    hometown38 wrote: »
    If you have sensitive teeth like me then yes it bloody hurts !

    if you have sensitive teeth there is another issue to be addressed... Descaling is getting rid of the calcium build up between the teeth, in other words it's like lime-scaling in hard water areas....
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    Tommei-UKTommei-UK Posts: 1,894
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    I've never been descaled but the very name of the procedure sounds painful. I think you should just get it over and done with. Then if it really is painful you can choose never to have it again.

    I've had two fillings so far and it was uncomfortable but not painful. I don't understand why they have to use such a big needle (it's literally a foot long) though, I'm sure it could be done with a smaller one.
    mrbernay wrote: »
    if you have sensitive teeth there is another issue to be addressed... Descaling is getting rid of the calcium build up between the teeth, in other words it's like lime-scaling in hard water areas....

    Would Cilit Bang work :confused:
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 4,297
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    Tommei-UK wrote: »
    I've had two fillings so far and it was uncomfortable but not painful. I don't understand why they have to use such a big needle (it's literally a foot long) though, I'm sure it could be done with a smaller one.

    It's so that when they accidently drop it down your throat, it shows up nicely on the xray.
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    mazeymazey Posts: 138,032
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    I had my teeth cleaned today, I recovered quickly but the cold water was awful on my front teeth as I have sensitive teeth, I could have done without the spray on my face as well. My dentist uses a sonic gadget, it was 5 - 10 minutes of discomfort, but well worth it for healthy gums, as others have said, you can lose perfect teeth if your gums are bad.

    Hygienists are much gentler in my experience, they work more slowly. A few years ago, I was going to the hygienist 3 times a year for scale and polish, then I got a cheap (£1.24 on offer) electric toothbrush, Colgate Actibrush, I am on my third or fourth one now, today I was told my gums were very healthy as they have been since using the cheapo brush.

    I should thank the dog who chewed up my expensive Braun toothbrush, not just the replaceable head bit, he broke the casing.
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    tv_lover_06tv_lover_06 Posts: 6,283
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    if you brush a lot before you appointment like 3 - 4 times a day (brush the gums too) for a week or ten days before your appointment then you'll be fine.

    the first time i had it done my oral hygiene was poor and it hurt a lot (dont worry it was only when it was happening and i was like ten). needless to say the next time i went back i was dreading it but had brush as indicated above and it was grand, painless and very quick

    dont worry about it, just close your eyes and think of something else:)
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    Vite.dfeemtoonVite.dfeemtoon Posts: 5,397
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    I hope you get through the fear and go. You'll have maybe ten minutes of discomfort and that'll sort you out for the future. The hygienist will take every precaution to keep you free from pain.

    If the ultrasonic scaler is uncomfortable, ask him/her to do it manually with the traditional scraper thing.

    A cliche, I know, but prevention is better than cure, and I bet it won't be as painful as that bad tooth gave you.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,254
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    I hope you get through the fear and go. You'll have maybe ten minutes of discomfort and that'll sort you out for the future. The hygienist will take every precaution to keep you free from pain.

    If the ultrasonic scaler is uncomfortable, ask him/her to do it manually with the traditional scraper thing.

    A cliche, I know, but prevention is better than cure, and I bet it won't be as painful as that bad tooth gave you.

    i know somebody who has valium for the descale as well as any treatment. You will pay for it but who cares? you don't know whether its Friday or Christmas which is they only way I could get through a trip to the dentist.
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    timeytimey Posts: 19,379
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    anj wrote: »
    i know somebody who has valium for the descale as well as any treatment. You will pay for it but who cares? you don't know whether its Friday or Christmas which is they only way I could get through a trip to the dentist.

    I'd like to do that as well. Not sure who I could get to do it though. :(
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    timeytimey Posts: 19,379
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    mrbernay wrote: »
    It really is nothing to be scared of, and afterwards the feeling of freshness in the mouth is so good....

    It bloody is. The last time is was so bad it put me off dentists for years. I only went back last year because a tooth broke and chickened out of the descale, much to the annoyance of the unsympathetic dentist. New dentist to be be found as soon as possible.
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    SystemSystem Posts: 2,096,970
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    mel23uk wrote: »
    Hi thanks for replying.

    Did you have you gums numbed ??

    As i prob will have to as i have such sensitive teeth.

    I'm such a baby give me a C-Section any day lol

    No I was hardcore LOL :p

    Only joking, but I didn't. I seem to remember the worst part about it was the blood pouring out of my gums (I'm sure it wasn't quite as bad as that) because I could taste it and see it on the bib thing you wear. However that possibly won't happen to you as I went because my gums would bleed at the drop of a hat.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,160
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    After not going to the dentist for 18 years and being pretty naff with a toothbrush my oral hygene was poor.

    I have a dental hygenist now that scares the life out of me and descales me every 3 months but my teeth and gums love her!

    Nothing to be scared of mel23uk. Feels a little uncomfortable while its being done, but when you rub your tongue over the ridges between your teeth afterwards and can feel every gap and ridge, you will know it was worth it.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1
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    I know this is an old thread but I've spent the past few months searching through these forums for up to date answers but found only one so I promised myself I would post in as many forums as possible to maybe help people. So, it's nearly 1pm. About two and a half hours after my appointment where I had a deep clean with the ultrasonic instrument (the water pressure one) When I got in they measured my gums which I hate having done but it didn't hurt. It only felt uncomfortable when I tensed up and panicked. Then because she noticed I'm quite sensitive on my bottom front teeth she numbed my bottom area using a needle. I personally don't have a problem with the needles and don't think they hurt. It if you hate needles I would say if you take your nail and just scratch or dig your nail in your gum (not too hard obviously as don't wana hurt yourself) it's no where near as bad as that. It's basically just a very quick scratch.
    And after she done that I started panicking thinking 'I'm not numb yet why are you starting' but she stayed up the top. I was quite surprised that it doesn't actually hurt. Remember my top area wasn't numbed and it didn't hurt. I felt uncomfortable because you have water flying in your face and the noise is annoying. You know when you can hear someone drilling and it annoys you? It's like that but louder. Anyway, the front top teeth were the most uncomfortable but this is due to me being sensitive around there. Again didn't hurt but was uncomfortable. She stopped and asked if I wanted a shot but she was nearly done with that tooth anyway so I figured there's no point. She carried on and it was fine. It just feels like water being sprayed on your gums.
    Then she started on the bottom. The section I've been dreading but because she had numbed it I felt nothing at all. Just pressure. Then she was done! I was in so much shock that it's finally over after wording for months I don't think it's hit me yet.
    So all in all it was actually ok. My biggest price of advice I can give is and I know it's hard is to try not to panick and stiffen up. Just trust your dentist completely. Everyone I panicked and tensed up that's when it was a bit uncomfortable. I would also suggest to anyone who wears make up especially mascara to either not wear it or wear waterproof because you will get wet lol.

    P.S a lot of people say they have pain after but I didn't not until an hour later. It doesn't hurt its just like a throbbing sensation and even that is only the back tooth. So remember to stay calm and your be absolutely fine. Sorry about the bad grammar, who it was somewhat understandable.
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    barbelerbarbeler Posts: 23,827
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    I don't mind any work carried out by a dentist but I will never, ever again go to a hygienist.
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    soulboy77soulboy77 Posts: 24,625
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    I had a little bit of dis-comfort at some points but no actual pain. But it will depend on the underlying state of your teeth and gums.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,954
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    My brother was getting his teeth descaled by a female dentist and he couldn't take it any longer as he felt that she was far too heavy handed, he just grabbed her arm, told her to stop and walked out.

    A couple of my brother's have had poor experiences with female dentist's, no problems at all with male dentist's.
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    TWSTWS Posts: 9,307
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    well after 8 years the OP has either had them cleaned or by now has false ones
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    MuzeMuze Posts: 2,225
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    My bottom teeth are crowded so I need this quite frequently.... it's uncomfortable but not painful IME and it does feel so much better to just get it done :)
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