
Nokia 6500 Classic - blocking particular numbers - Possible?

yorkieUKyorkieUK Posts: 2,160
Forum Member
Good evening all

I have had my Nokia 6500 Classic for some time and I am pleased with it. Simple phone - no frills and just what I want!

I am getting unwelcome calls from 2 particular numbers. I have contacted Virgin, my service provider, and they have told me it is not possible to block particular numbers unless my phone has the inbuilt facility. I have looked at the instructions and it does not seem to be able to do that.

Does anyone know of any alternative ways to blocking particular numbers? Software perhaps? I am relunctant to have my phone number changed as I have had the number for quite some time.

I am due for a phone upgrade. Does anyone know of a particular model that does have a call blocking facility?


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    prkingprking Posts: 9,801
    Forum Member
    Whilst you can't block a number, you can assign a silent ringtone to it. (you can get one from any of the free ringtone sites)
    The handset will still ring but you will not hear it.
    Alternatively, you can put all your other numbers into a group and then set the profile to ring only for that group. (of course, this means that unknown numbers won't ring)
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