
I want to see Rory again :)

Joy DeanJoy Dean Posts: 21,358
Forum Member
Am getting impatient; it is such a long time to wait.


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    Residents FanResidents Fan Posts: 9,204
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    You could always buy the S5 boxset when it comes out in November:


    All the Rory you could want! ;)
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 4,068
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    2 Months?
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    Residents FanResidents Fan Posts: 9,204
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    tysonstormtysonstorm Posts: 24,609
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    "No, no, too fast, I'm not getting it"

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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,114
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    Heck, I'm looking forward to seeing all of the regulars again! Always a good sign when the season finishes and you're left thinking "nooooooo, damn it, I want to see more NOW!".

    Will be very interesting to see where they take Rory, we didn't get to see too much of him as a regular companion last year (really just the Silurian two parter) but he handled himself pretty well all things considered. Plus I can't wait to see how the relationship between him and Amy changes now they're hitched (have we ever had a married couple in the TARDIS before?). And it must be said Arthur Darvill is great in the role, superb comic timing, seems to get the vibe of the show very well, works with both Karen and Matt nicely AND... has the common sense to get the director to tell Karen to kiss him like it's the most important thing in the world. :D

    The Doctor and two companions having fun running away from the baddie of the week with no angst issues getting in the way... oh, yes please!
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 425
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    Heck, I'm looking forward to seeing all of the regulars again! Always a good sign when the season finishes and you're left thinking "nooooooo, damn it, I want to see more NOW!".

    Will be very interesting to see where they take Rory, we didn't get to see too much of him as a regular companion last year (really just the Silurian two parter) but he handled himself pretty well all things considered. Plus I can't wait to see how the relationship between him and Amy changes now they're hitched (have we ever had a married couple in the TARDIS before?). And it must be said Arthur Darvill is great in the role, superb comic timing, seems to get the vibe of the show very well, works with both Karen and Matt nicely AND... has the common sense to get the director to tell Karen to kiss him like it's the most important thing in the world. :D

    The Doctor and two companions having fun running away from the baddie of the week with no angst issues getting in the way... oh, yes please!

    Actually I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the angst issues really are the cornerstone of the new Doctor Who. Come on, the relationship between Amy, Rory and the Doctor not angst? The angst between the Silurian factions, Amy not remembering the Daleks (surely an angst for the Doctor) and of course that kiss between Amy and the Doctor which upset Rory and caused a heated debate in Vampires of Venice. Not angst? Watch it again. All over.
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    Counting.No.AgeCounting.No.Age Posts: 246
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    I really hope they don't kill off Rory early into his time in the TARDIS. I think it could be a long and happy group that we have now.

    I was most definitely shouting
    "nooooooo, damn it, I want to see more NOW!".
    at the end of S5.
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    johnnysaucepnjohnnysaucepn Posts: 6,775
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    Ibdolent wrote: »
    Actually I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the angst issues really are the cornerstone of the new Doctor Who. Come on, the relationship between Amy, Rory and the Doctor not angst? The angst between the Silurian factions, Amy not remembering the Daleks (surely an angst for the Doctor) and of course that kiss between Amy and the Doctor which upset Rory and caused a heated debate in Vampires of Venice. Not angst? Watch it again. All over.

    "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means." Dramatic tension is not the same as anguish, dread or anxiety. On the contrary, most issues were dealt with upfront and clearly.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,114
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    "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means." Dramatic tension is not the same as anguish, dread or anxiety. On the contrary, most issues were dealt with upfront and clearly.

    Yep, and dramatic tension that was actually dealt with (Rory's mini-arc of justifiable resentment of the Doctor in episode 6 progressed very nicely through ep 7, 8 and 9, suffered a brief interuption owing to death then wrapped up beautifuly in 12 and 13). There should be uncomfortable situations but they need to actually be addressed and dealt with over time or you end up with the situation that poor Martha ended up in (seriously, she NEVER, not once, actually gets over the Doctor or moves on in all 13 episodes of season 3 or her... 5 episodes of season 4. Oh she gets another guy, two actually, but that unrequired love thing never actually gets resolved or even addressed leaving the character unable to progress beyond it. Okay, sorry, rant over, I just hate to see a potentially good character wasted).

    Anyway... I was going somewhere with that, hang on... oh, right. The end result is we have a TARDIS crew that genuinely seem to like each other and who all want to be there for, more-or-less, the right reasons. Watch the background when the Doctor is on the phone at the end of The Big Bang, when he mentions the egyption godess loose on the orient express both Amy and Rory turn to each other and it's THAT moment that you know they're coming along for the ride. Oh we might get the occasinol 'stop competing!' moment but there's little to suggest that we're in for an entire season of Rory getting treated like a third wheel.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 11,991
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    Yep, and dramatic tension that was actually dealt with (Rory's mini-arc of justifiable resentment of the Doctor in episode 6 progressed very nicely through ep 7, 8 and 9, suffered a brief interuption owing to death then wrapped up beautifuly in 12 and 13). There should be uncomfortable situations but they need to actually be addressed and dealt with over time or you end up with the situation that poor Martha ended up in (seriously, she NEVER, not once, actually gets over the Doctor or moves on in all 13 episodes of season 3 or her... 5 episodes of season 4. Oh she gets another guy, two actually, but that unrequired love thing never actually gets resolved or even addressed leaving the character unable to progress beyond it. Okay, sorry, rant over, I just hate to see a potentially good character wasted).

    Anyway... I was going somewhere with that, hang on... oh, right. The end result is we have a TARDIS crew that genuinely seem to like each other and who all want to be there for, more-or-less, the right reasons. Watch the background when the Doctor is on the phone at the end of The Big Bang, when he mentions the egyption godess loose on the orient express both Amy and Rory turn to each other and it's THAT moment that you know they're coming along for the ride. Oh we might get the occasinol 'stop competing!' moment but there's little to suggest that we're in for an entire season of Rory getting treated like a third wheel.

    That isn't true at all really.....it was dealt with, but ofcourse not in the same way as the Rory or Amy issues were, but then ofcourse it would be different, the situations for one were very different......

    For one, Amy and Rory's issues could be dealt with the Doctor just saying "hang on a minute, we can't do that" or "I promise you nothing is going on!"....yet we still had a whole 45 minutes basically dedicated to sorting this issue out...a whole story is constructed around this issue (while for Martha, the story would take precedent, and she would fit her feelings around that) in Amy's Choice. But all Amy wanted was a bity of fun, so the Doctor saying no to her, wasn't going to cause any angst, her issues were with Rory really, she was runningaway from him, because she wasn't sure if she did want to marry him, so Amy's choice allowed her to realise it that she did indeed wanted him (only took for him to die to make her realise;)), and for Rory it was just a case of him needing to know if Amy loved him and still wanted to be with, and whether the Doctor was a threat or not, again which could be solved within minutes of sure fire words, and in this case Amy's choice events....but for Marth, she was in love with the Doctor...one can fall in love over night, but one doesn't just wake up, and all of a sudden realise that they don't love this person anymore, it can't be solved within an instant and clearly either....but it was still resolved...

    It was beginning to take shape already in Human Nature, when she was beginning to get annoyed with the Doctor, and fustrated (not in the sexual sense:p, but as she was getting used to him, she was realising he wasn't the most easiest person to be with, as much as she may have loved him for who he was, and what he stood for)...example the slap, or having to work while he sits in front of a video camera in Blink. Then in Utopia, she deals with her jealousy of Rose, before she would make faces, but whn she finally realises how the Doctor lost her, you can tell by her face that for the first time she felt sorry for the Doctor, and understood his pain, rather than thinking "why is he thinking about Rose again"....and then Last of the Time Lords, she spends a whole year without him, realising her own potentials, knowing she still loves the Doctor....but realising she doesn't actually need him...and the only way to deal with her remianing feelings is not to be with him, and live her own life...and when she is able to share that with the Doctor, there is almost a sigh of relief on her part, and she leaves with a smile on her face...and a new relationship forms there and then, of clear cut friends, with her invite that she will see him again...she left feeling stronger, and knew what she wanted, and how to control her feelings...and then in series 4, the way she deals with Donna, is a sure sign that she has moved on, as well as the fact that wearing his caot reminded her of wearing her dads clothes, which wouldn't have endterd her thoughts if she indeed felt anything other than friendship for him....and most importantly...she wanted to stay home in episodes 6....that isn't her trying to keep away from the Doctor anymore because she hasn't dealt with her feelings, but it was very much in the practical Martha we saw from the start, the one who was unsure of travelling to anywhere else because she has exams coming up....and later knew her family needed her more than Doctor (which was something even Rose couldn't do)...so her choosing Tom over the Doctor is another sign. But the bigger sign is howhappy she wasto know that the Doctor had found Rose...compare that to her jealousy an unseen-only-ever-mentioned Rose in series 3......

    So I'd argue that it was very much dealt with......

    Even by series 4, the Doctor had come to terms with the Martha problems and Rose thanks to Donna.....their was no Companion-Doctor angst untill the fate of Donna.....(look at the way the Doctor casually mentions Rose in Midnight, compared to the way he talked about her in series 3)

    And series 5....started a new one, which was then dealt with by episode 7( a whole epsiodes dedicated to it).....but by the sounds of spoilers...there seems to be other things that will put these three into some other problems......some other angst.....as well as what River is...and her relatioship with the Doctor....as technically she too is a companion now.....

    oh to answer the question of the OP...looking forward to Rory too!!!
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 425
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    I hope next year will be angst ridden - maybe the mid series cliffhanger will provide us with this. The emotional impact on everyone, including the Doctor is most welcome. By me.
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    Granny McSmithGranny McSmith Posts: 19,622
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    Ibdolent wrote: »
    I hope next year will be angst ridden - maybe the mid series cliffhanger will provide us with this. The emotional impact on everyone, including the Doctor is most welcome. By me.

    There was a thread recently devoted to whether the current Doctor should display more angst, as his 2 predecessors did.

    I said he should, but I think I was in a minority.:)

    And, yes, I'm very much looking forward to seeing Rory again. I may have mentioned before - I love Rory.
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    EaglestrikerEaglestriker Posts: 3,559
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    Ten got a bit too angst-y towards the end. Moderate doses are fine, but I like to think that Eleven has distanced himself from "the War". He should find his angst through other means.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 11,991
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    Ten got a bit too angst-y towards the end. Moderate doses are fine, but I like to think that Eleven has distanced himself from "the War". He should find his angst through other means.

    In Ten's defence, by the end of his era, it wasn't just the Time War that he was angsty about...it was the loss of companions....and deaths on his head/name that was getting to him...and then on top of that....very rarely do Doctor get told so much in advance that they will be dying....so I think its fair to say that now Ten has resolved the Time War sitaution, has seen his companions happy, has now regenerated into Elevn and alive, and has two new best freinds...he doesn't have much to be angsty about.....but I'm sure as time goes by he will find something else...maybe whatever it is that River has doen or whatever she is.....I'm hoping that Amy and Rory leave happpily and safe....and that they do go back to times of the past to reminisce on their adventures with th Doctor....:)
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 425
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    crazzyaz7 wrote: »
    In Ten's defence, by the end of his era, it wasn't just the Time War that he was angsty about...it was the loss of companions....and deaths on his head/name that was getting to him...and then on top of that....very rarely do Doctor get told so much in advance that they will be dying....so I think its fair to say that now Ten has resolved the Time War sitaution, has seen his companions happy, has now regenerated into Elevn and alive, and has two new best freinds...he doesn't have much to be angsty about.....but I'm sure as time goes by he will find something else...maybe whatever it is that River has doen or whatever she is.....I'm hoping that Amy and Rory leave happpily and safe....and that they do go back to times of the past to reminisce on their adventures with th Doctor....:)

    I couldn't have put it better myself. Well done.
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    Joy DeanJoy Dean Posts: 21,358
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    crazzyaz7 wrote: »
    In Ten's defence, by the end of his era, it wasn't just the Time War that he was angsty about...it was the loss of companions....and deaths on his head/name that was getting to him...and then on top of that....very rarely do Doctor get told so much in advance that they will be dying....so I think its fair to say that now Ten has resolved the Time War sitaution, has seen his companions happy, has now regenerated into Elevn and alive, and has two new best freinds...he doesn't have much to be angsty about.....but I'm sure as time goes by he will find something else...maybe whatever it is that River has doen or whatever she is.....I'm hoping that Amy and Rory leave happpily and safe....and that they do go back to times of the past to reminisce on their adventures with th Doctor....:)

    Thank you. Me, too :)
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    Joy DeanJoy Dean Posts: 21,358
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    Not long now :)

    What is Rory's role in 'A Christmas Carol'?
    "Amy and Rory are on their honeymoon at Christmas time. We're on a spaceship that's obviously in some terrible danger, so it's a slightly short-lived honeymoon! It's with The Doctor, so it's not going to be a safe holiday at all! The spaceship starts to crash and we all have to be saved somehow. Meanwhile, The Doctor's on this amazing planet and has a Christmas adventure to try and save us. It's all very dark and misty like a good, traditional Christmas episode should be!"
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    Muttley76Muttley76 Posts: 97,888
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    k9fan wrote: »
    Not long now :)

    Not long at all, and i am sure you will be pleased that
    Arthur has his name in the credits now
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    Joy DeanJoy Dean Posts: 21,358
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    Muttley76 wrote: »
    Not long at all, and i am sure you will be pleased that
    Arthur has his name in the credits now

    I am very, very pleased. Thank you :)
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    Granny McSmithGranny McSmith Posts: 19,622
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    k9fan wrote: »
    I am very, very pleased. Thank you :)

    I am pleased, too. :)

    Perhaps this post should be in the "I am happy" thread. :)
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    Joy DeanJoy Dean Posts: 21,358
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    I am pleased, too. :)

    Perhaps this post should be in the "I am happy" thread. :)

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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 550
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    I'm looking forward to seeing Rory again too.


    My favourite scene from Series Five remains the scene where the Doctor belatedly realises that Rory has reappeared against all the odds.

    It's the way that Eleven prods him and the ensuing awkward blokey type discussion they have afterwards that I adore.

    "So....how have you been?"

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    Muttley76Muttley76 Posts: 97,888
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    JG600 wrote: »
    I'm looking forward to seeing Rory again too.


    My favourite scene from Series Five remains the scene where the Doctor belatedly realises that Rory has reappeared against all the odds.

    It's the way that Eleven prods him and the ensuing awkward blokey type discussion they have afterwards that I adore.

    "So....how have you been?"


    funny enough my favorite Rory moment only featured him in the background, it's in The Big Bang when he trying to explain who The Doctor is and says "I was plastic and he was the stripper at my stag do" :D
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    Joy DeanJoy Dean Posts: 21,358
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    The way he says things is brilliant, and his timing :)

    The day after tomorrow :)
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