
3DS fails will the Wii U console be next?

linkinpark875linkinpark875 Posts: 29,726
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See here:


I really think it will. Sony and Microsoft will take most of the market by lowering current console prices and rolling out new consoles in the next year or two.

Nobody wants a touch pad Wii. I posted a topic here a few months ago and many Nintendo fans disagreed. However they are all ready under pressure to bring games to IPad and IPhone see here:


Tablet gaming as a whole looks good on it's own. The Wii U controller looks like something from a poundshop and the console is big and an 80's design unlike the classier looking current model Wii. Not against Nintendo have a current Wii just never use it as I'm a Kinect owner. It's the future Sony think so too as they are expected to go controlerless with the PS4.

So Wii U a fail heard it first here come back in a few years to see. Hardware wise I'd have went for more memory, Blu Ray movie support and controllerless. Maybe supplied it with a retro Nintendo pad too like Xbox had for non Kinect games. They have gone down the wrong path they could have even tried 3D motion gaming,


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    darkthunder35darkthunder35 Posts: 5,016
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    I don't want controller-less gaming. I like sitting on the sofa with a controller. If I want it to be realistic like real tennis... I'll go and play tennis:eek:
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    linkinpark875linkinpark875 Posts: 29,726
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    I don't want controller-less gaming. I like sitting on the sofa with a controller. If I want it to be realistic like real tennis... I'll go and play tennis:eek:

    Why don't they release a normal Wii controller, classic and controller leas sensor? It's what they should have done.
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    calvin101calvin101 Posts: 332
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    I don't think the Wii U will replicate the Wii's success purely because the Wii in itself was one of those rare technological advancements that touched people outside of the traditional gaming community.

    I'm talking people like my Nan and her friends, who on average probably make one new technology purchase every few years and then stick with it until the bitter end. The type of people that buy a PC, but aren't interested in a netbook or a laptop. The people that buy a mobile phone but aren't interested in smart phones or yearly upgrades. The people that buy a DVD player but have no interest in Blu Ray, etc.

    I think the Wii U will sell enough to be a decent success - I don't anticipate GameCube levels of non-success where Nintendo all but disappeared off of the shelves in most shops. But it will always be seen as a comedown from the Wii.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 673
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    I think the Wii U will be the best gaming system of the next generation to be honest :P
    Developers have already had access to the Wii U and have backed it, yet they've made no mention of competition. Theres many saying a new xbox will be released in 2014, but realistically, surely the developers would have been working with it and thought: "Oh wait, this xbox is gonna be epic, we should pull our resources to this as the wii u is gonna be a major flop"
    Now I'm not a huge techno person, but this time Nintendo are stepping up the mark. The graphics on the Wii U has the potential to exceed the ps3, its coming out next year and because its not going to be an overly powered graphics console, the price will not be extreme. Theres not much way they can go in terms of graphics on the other consoles, so now I think they'll just have to focus on gameplay and innovation which is what nintendo do best. The only thing they really have to be wary of is how they get around multiplayer, as up till now, nintendos attempts at online play have been horrible :P
    Furthermore I think the nintendo 3ds will recuperate; it just needs a few more good titles behind it. Personally, if they just remade pokemon ruby and sapphire in 3D, released it at around easter next year, them 3ds would fly off the shelves.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 673
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    Would just like to add that with the right advertising, this has the potential to exceed the Wii. Wii had disappointing game sales - the console can be seen as a novelty. The only thing is I think the name 'wii u' is terrible and people will not recognize it as a console instantly - they might just see it as an upgrade or as a new controller :P
    And secondly I think Nintendo have it cut out for them in trying to win peeps over from the disappointment that was the wii :c Yet I think they'll sort both these problems and be the best console this generation :D
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,242
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    Allways these nintendo is doomed posts, do people ever give up?

    3DS sales 206k in japan after pricecut http://market.radionikkei.jp/entry-206641.html & on neogaf http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=441043

    Share price is up 10% :cool: market is one thing & i don't think these investors really have a clue what they are investing in, usually they cry for bigger and bigger profits every quarter, & with the economy crashing down anyway it must be hard.
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    grimtales1grimtales1 Posts: 46,702
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    Wii U sounds like an upgraded Wii to me not a completely new Console :confused: I mean they didnt call the GameCube the "N64 Plus" or something for a reason.
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    2dshmuplover2dshmuplover Posts: 8,271
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    I wasn't actually going to post in this thread as I didn't think it deserved a reply :p
    Nemokins wrote: »
    I think the Wii U will be the best gaming system of the next generation to be honest :P
    Developers have already had access to the Wii U and have backed it, yet they've made no mention of competition. Theres many saying a new xbox will be released in 2014, but realistically, surely the developers would have been working with it and thought: "Oh wait, this xbox is gonna be epic, we should pull our resources to this as the wii u is gonna be a major flop"
    Now I'm not a huge techno person, but this time Nintendo are stepping up the mark. The graphics on the Wii U has the potential to exceed the ps3, its coming out next year and because its not going to be an overly powered graphics console, the price will not be extreme. Theres not much way they can go in terms of graphics on the other consoles, so now I think they'll just have to focus on gameplay and innovation which is what nintendo do best. The only thing they really have to be wary of is how they get around multiplayer, as up till now, nintendos attempts at online play have been horrible :P

    I agree with a lot of your post but tbh that (what I marked in bold) is said EVERY generation, there is a LONG way to go forward with graphics and the next Xbox and PlayStation will prove that. A lot of games today struggle to reach 720p and high framerates, we aren't even in an age where 1080p console gaming is the standard (will be next gen) and 3D is also now starting to be used, lot's of potential there.

    Having said this though I agree that making a machine now with more power under the hood than the PS3 or 360 but not in line with what's expected for next gen means it can retail for a cheap price which is important, then it's all about the games. Get some good 3rd party content and some great Nintendo games all showing off the capability of not only the power of the machine but also it's unique control method. I personally think Wii U will be a big hit if it's handled correctly. I'm pretty excited for it.

    As for 3DS it's a long way from being a failure, it's sold millions and the price cut has had them selling like hot cakes, the good games are on their way and what great games they are! 3DS will be fine but a lot of gamers these days have such bad taste, in this respect it does concern me a bit about Nintendo's future, especially if they don't evolve and play ball with the majority of what gamers today want, which isn't cute, cuddly cartoon "kiddy" graphics (they should make 50 military FPS/3rd person shooters full of gore, brown/green graphics with zombies, throw in a few crappy Need for Speed games and they will have them eating out of their hand while the rest of us can play the real games).
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    ScrubberScrubber Posts: 4,106
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    I don't want controller-less gaming. I like sitting on the sofa with a controller. If I want it to be realistic like real tennis... I'll go and play tennis:eek:


    Gimmicks do not interest me at all, that is why i won't buy a 3DS.
    The Wii-U (ignoring the ridiculous name) is looking to be a good console so i will most likely buy it.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 54
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    grimtales1 wrote: »
    Wii U sounds like an upgraded Wii to me not a completely new Console :confused: I mean they didnt call the GameCube the "N64 Plus" or something for a reason.

    No, but they did call a certain console the Super NES and that was AWESOME (not to mention Game Boy Colour/Advance and Nintendo 3DS) :D Actually, a Super Wii would also be an AWESOME name.
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    grimtales1grimtales1 Posts: 46,702
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    Fair points :D Actually Super Wii sounds a cool name, better than Wii U :)
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    misawa97misawa97 Posts: 11,579
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    The 3DS has not failed.

    If the machine does not gain traction after the big hitters come out then its a worry but for now its still very much alive.

    The only people who want nintendo to make games for Iphones etc are idiotic shareholders looking at a short term gains.

    This would do nothing but lower the brand value in the long term. Nintendo would be insane to release games on Iphone and I am glad they will not do this.

    Nintendo makes premium software and there is no place for it to be sold for 59p.

    The success/failure of the wii u is dependent on the software. Software sells machines and if the software is good the machine will be fine.

    Nintendo would of learnt from the shambolic 3DS launch. Lack of games and stupid marketing strategy which did nothing to promote the actual games.

    I cant see them making the same mistakes with Wii U.

    People really need to get some perspective. Nintendo have seen worse days than this.

    N64 and the Gamecube flopped and people said Nintendo was out of the hardware business and then they Wii dropped and sold like crazy.
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    grimtales1grimtales1 Posts: 46,702
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    Not many actual Wii games have been sold though. The way I see it, IMO the success of Wii surprised everyone (maybe even Nintendo) but cheap party games seemed to sell the most (apart from Mario etc) then when "proper" adult games were made they didnt sell well either :confused:
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    linkinpark875linkinpark875 Posts: 29,726
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    I think Wii U will be a fail.

    Nothing about it has impressed me.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 673
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    I think Wii U will be a fail.

    Nothing about it has impressed me.

    So glad your thoughts aren't what this industry is based on. Your lack of vision to see any potential this console has is astounding..
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    jjesso123jjesso123 Posts: 5,944
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    I think Wii U will be a fail.

    Nothing about it has impressed me.

    Everyone was wrong about the DS, the 3DS the WII. all platforms mentions have sold millions after millions in hardware. All had predictions after predictions of failing before release.
    I think it's time people stop writing Nintendo of so quickly.
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    TheSilentFezTheSilentFez Posts: 11,107
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    It saddens me how little people think of Nintendo...
    Was the 3DS a fail? From what I've heard, it has been doing better than the PSVita.
    I for one will be getting a Wii U mainly because most of my favourite games are Nintendo so it will almost certainly be enjoyable for me.

    One other thing, why is it that people often complain about how Nintendo is for children? Do you really need to murder and kill people to play a mature game?
    I'd much rather throw bananas and shells at people and capture Pokémon than walk around with an AK47 blowing people's faces off.
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    chrisychrisy Posts: 9,421
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    It saddens me how little people think of Nintendo...
    Was the 3DS a fail? From what I've heard, it has been doing better than the PSVita.

    MUCH better than the PSVita in Japan, not sure about the UK.
    One other thing, why is it that people often complain about how Nintendo is for children? Do you really need to murder and kill people to play a mature game?
    I'd much rather throw bananas and shells at people and capture Pokémon than walk around with an AK47 blowing people's faces off.

    Well said.
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    frankie_babyfrankie_baby Posts: 1,100
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    grimtales1 wrote: »
    Not many actual Wii games have been sold though. The way I see it, IMO the success of Wii surprised everyone (maybe even Nintendo) but cheap party games seemed to sell the most (apart from Mario etc) then when "proper" adult games were made they didnt sell well either :confused:

    That's not really true
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    linkinpark875linkinpark875 Posts: 29,726
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    jjesso123 wrote: »
    Everyone was wrong about the DS, the 3DS the WII. all platforms mentions have sold millions after millions in hardware. All had predictions after predictions of failing before release.
    I think it's time people stop writing Nintendo of so quickly.

    Nintendo have not been able to follow up a console with another succesful one. The Game Cube was never as good as the PS2 and N64 was dated when PS1 was around.

    Let's be honest the Wii was popular before Kinect and PS3 Move.

    The Wii was the future of gaming (not Wii U with a pad). I'm surprised the new Wii never went controllerless. Kinect 2 will be amazing.

    Wii U touch pad won't come near tablet gaming so it's pointless. Wii U seems more a console rather than al all round family console like Kinect or the first version of the Wii. I expect the old Wii to sell quite well as it will be very cheap.
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    jjesso123jjesso123 Posts: 5,944
    Forum Member
    Nintendo have not been able to follow up a console with another succesful one. The Game Cube was never as good as the PS2 and N64 was dated when PS1 was around.

    Let's be honest the Wii was popular before Kinect and PS3 Move.

    The Wii was the future of gaming (not Wii U with a pad). I'm surprised the new Wii never went controllerless. Kinect 2 will be amazing.

    Wii U touch pad won't come near tablet gaming so it's pointless. Wii U seems more a console rather than al all round family console like Kinect or the first version of the Wii. I expect the old Wii to sell quite well as it will be very cheap.

    Well being honest you started this thread in November saying the 3ds was going to fail, it went on sell 17 million units, software sales are selling very well. It does not really give you predictions much weight now does it.

    All I'm saying is that you can't predict how market will react in the the fall of this year when WII U will be released just like you could not with 3ds.

    Yes the WII U could very well fail just any upcoming consoles could. Come on, wait to couple months after the said item is released before saying it's going to fail.
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    BinaryDadBinaryDad Posts: 3,988
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    Nintendo have not been able to follow up a console with another succesful one. The Game Cube was never as good as the PS2 and N64 was dated when PS1 was around.

    Let's be honest the Wii was popular before Kinect and PS3 Move.

    The Wii was the future of gaming (not Wii U with a pad). I'm surprised the new Wii never went controllerless. Kinect 2 will be amazing.

    Wii U touch pad won't come near tablet gaming so it's pointless. Wii U seems more a console rather than al all round family console like Kinect or the first version of the Wii. I expect the old Wii to sell quite well as it will be very cheap.

    Once again, all you're doing is showing us all how limited your understanding of technology (and those who use it) and vision, really is.

    If the Wii U controller is such a big miss, then please explain why both Microsoft and Sony are trying to replicate that ecossystem with much more expensive gear?

    After all, they did it with motion controllers.
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    GormondGormond Posts: 15,838
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    BinaryDad wrote: »
    Once again, all you're doing is showing us all how limited your understanding of technology (and those who use it) and vision, really is.

    If the Wii U controller is such a big miss, then please explain why both Microsoft and Sony are trying to replicate that ecossystem with much more expensive gear?

    After all, they did it with motion controllers.

    Also its nothing new, the DS has been using 2 screen for years. A bottom touch screen and a top viewing screen which is what the Wii U is replicating on a larger scale.

    If you consider the DS sold 150 million with the 3DS having already sold 18 million they could be on to a winner here.
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    DavonatorDavonator Posts: 4,419
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    I think its fair to say the 3DS is a success now, I doubt it'll ever match the DS lifetime sales figures, but it has turned the corner. Its got some great titles and the price drop was a gamble that really paid off. Its currently selling multiple times what the Vita is.

    Wii U??? Hmmm, well I like the look of the Wii U, and I think it will be a given that it is a good console with great games, and whilst i'm not interested in buying one in the launch windows I think theres a big chance i'll buy one personally (i'd buy a Nintendo console just for the Zeldas, Marios, Metroids).

    'success' (a term i've seen on this thread) is actually a very loose term with many interpretations.

    An often said statement is that the Gamecube was a flop. Market share-wise that is probably fair to say, but Nintendo did make a profit on the GC and enjoyed many successful titles that sold several million copies (don't forget also Nintendo made money on the console where as PS2 and XBOX 1 were sold at a loss/break even rate). Profitability is more important than raw numbers, people often make that mistake in gaming.

    I've seen on forums people saying that Mario has declined as a franchise, because Mario Galaxy 2 was easily beaten in sales by the latest Assassins Creed, Call of Duty, Fifa. That's true but people are forgetting the economy of scale.

    *Lets say Warner Brothers make a blockbuster film for $150 million, and give it a $100 worldwide marketing budget. The film goes on to gross $450 million worldwide ($200 million profit)

    * Lets say an independent studio made a movie for $50 million, set aside $50 million marketing, and the film went on to gross $250 million worldwide ($150 million profit)

    In raw terms the first film did better as it made $200 million, but in proportional terms the second one did better as it was far more profitable in relation to its size.

    Sorry for going off topic but it was to try and explain a point as thats what people often disregard when talking about Nintendo (who are like e 2nd example) . Yes Assassin's Creed and Fifa, and Halo etc . may all outsell Mario Galaxy but like the first example they are mega-budget games with massive costs. A game like Mario Galaxy is substantially cheaper to make, with a much cheaper marketing budget. So in real terms a Mario game doesn't gross as much but is highly profitable, in fact more profitable in real terms. In many cases Nintendo actually manage to make inexpensive games that do sell massive numbers (Tetris, New Super Mario Bros, Pokemon). So that tells you how well they do.

    People say 'well Pikmin, Animal Crossing etc. aren't gonna set the charts alight'.....but they're not designed too. They're designed to be good fun games, that are relatively cheap to make that can make a decent profit with modest sales.

    With the Wii U I don't think its going to have a huge market share, but for the reasons above I do think it's going to be profitable for Nintendo, they will make money on it due to Nintendo's knack of making A list quality titles on B list costs.
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    linkinpark875linkinpark875 Posts: 29,726
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