
Worst advert on TV at the moment (Part 7)



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    Andy2Andy2 Posts: 11,952
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    Ooooh, GRRR. The KIA ad which features a tacky, girly, sickly sweet version of the Buzzcocks 'ever fallen in love'.
    Oh dear oh dear oh dear, it's puke-provoking.:mad:
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    NormandieNormandie Posts: 4,618
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    pnp63 wrote: »
    ...anyway always thought cowboys were to do with meat not cheese...
    No, they're most associated with beans...

    But he's short because the original Pilgrims to the new world were notoriously short in order to fit into the bunks on the boat on the way over...

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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 13,572
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    Andy2 wrote: »
    Ooooh, GRRR. The KIA ad which features a tacky, girly, sickly sweet version of the Buzzcocks 'ever fallen in love'.
    Oh dear oh dear oh dear, it's puke-provoking.:mad:

    It certainly is :mad:
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 454
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    Andy2 wrote: »
    Ooooh, GRRR. The KIA ad which features a tacky, girly, sickly sweet version of the Buzzcocks 'ever fallen in love'.
    Oh dear oh dear oh dear, it's puke-provoking.:mad:

    Hate it so very much. In fact, hate every advert that promotes really good music sung by a very quiet woman therefore rendering it "lame". There is another one doing the rounds but I refuse to remember it

    In the Kia ad, there are two women's voices in the car but only one woman and three "men" get out.

    ....'nuff said
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    Big Boy BarryBig Boy Barry Posts: 35,689
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    Charlie Brooker's show was right.

    Advertisers really do imitate each other.

    It's the only explanation for the explosion of twee singers in ads.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 761
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    The advert with the kids singing 'We Will Rock You'
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 3,143
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    DFS advert, can't even remember the words but the song drives me up the wall.

    Speaking of driving and as much as I hate the GoCompare adverts, I did use the service the other day and well, I'm not finger pointing at them but I'm a bit sus now. I am near the end of a 2 year phone contract and have never ever got spam texts on it, until a day after using that site (yes I do untick those boxes so they don't pass stuff on), and now I am getting one a day asking me to claim for accidents I've not had (hope they're not psychics). I don't put my phone numbers in anything online but I did for this. So, hmmmmm. I don't want to get sued by pointing fingers, and it all very well could be a coincidence, but.. hmmmmm. :p
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    eviled2010eviled2010 Posts: 23,368
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    pnp63 wrote: »
    Only a western movie anorak would know that...

    Cheers! :D
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    steveh31steveh31 Posts: 13,516
    Forum Member
    Charlie Brooker's show was right.

    Advertisers really do imitate each other.

    It's the only explanation for the explosion of twee singers in ads.

    It's not just the twee singers it's almost every ad has an old song in the background which has no relation to the product it is advertising.

    ie ebay Donovan "Sunshine Superman" has no relevance to ebay.

    "Take On Me" has no relevance to EDF
    and the list goes on the advert makers are just sheep there is very little imagination anymore it's just pick a song to go with your visuals.
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    GoCompareThisGoCompareThis Posts: 10,260
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    'Paint it Black' in a Dior advert? WTF? :confused:
    At least it's the ORIGINAL version and not a cover.
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    Granny McSmithGranny McSmith Posts: 19,622
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    How is a cowboy related to cheese... well, milk comes from cows you see... guess what cowboys take care of and wrangle as part of their jobs?

    Hint: Cows.

    Hope that difficult connection between cowboys and cheese has been resolved for you.

    Cowboys deal with steers. You know, the male of the species. (Well, nearly male anyway). Last I looked, cowboys didn't milk cows.

    Hope I've sorted that out for you. Thanks for giving me a laugh.

    And he's small because......?

    One line in one Cowboy film is a bit of a tenuous idea to hang a whole advertising campaign on.

    Anyway, whatever the reasoning, it's a really bad advert.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 304
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    Cowboys deal with steers. You know, the male of the species. (Well, nearly male anyway). Last I looked, cowboys didn't milk cows.

    So I was sort of right then. :cool:
    eviled2010 wrote: »
    Cheers! :D

    You're Welcome :D
    Normandie wrote: »
    No, they're most associated with beans...

    They are in the movies that's for sure :D looking up cowboys doesn't have any mention of beans, more about raising cattle for food, I'm sure an old QI I saw once mentioned they used to kill bison for meat and indians used to make them stampede over cliffs for the same purpose. Whatever the outcome, it seems cowboys have no connection to cheese...
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 13,572
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    pnp63 wrote: »
    So I was sort of right then. :cool:

    You're Welcome :D

    They are in the movies that's for sure :D looking up cowboys doesn't have any mention of beans, more about raising cattle for food, I'm sure an old QI I saw once mentioned they used to kill bison for meat and indians used to make them stampede over cliffs for the same purpose. Whatever the outcome, it seems cowboys have no connection to cheese...

    I hate cowboy films but I have seen Blazing Saddles which had a prominent beans scene
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    JGrayshonJGrayshon Posts: 148
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    I hate the Royal Marine Commandos advert. Are they seriously trying to reduce war and bloodshed to earning a frigging hat?
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    JBOJBO Posts: 6,148
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    That Strongbow ad

    Why are the rest of the band so desperate to stop the other fella having a bit of cake? :confused:
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 582
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    "I'm 28 peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! And I'm 99 peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" etc.

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    unclekevounclekevo Posts: 20,749
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    The really creepy wonga.com adverts with the creepy old people puppets who remind me slightly of The Zimmers from BGT
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    citizenx103citizenx103 Posts: 1,452
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    Kia Cee'd - and their infantalising the Buzzcocks song.

    I suppose we should be at least grateful they didn't turn it into something like the Twinings ad but its a small mercy.

    Bloody awful.
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    citizenx103citizenx103 Posts: 1,452
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    steveh31 wrote: »
    It's not just the twee singers it's almost every ad has an old song in the background which has no relation to the product it is advertising.

    ie ebay Donovan "Sunshine Superman" has no relevance to ebay.

    "Take On Me" has no relevance to EDF
    and the list goes on the advert makers are just sheep there is very little imagination anymore it's just pick a song to go with your visuals.

    To be fair, the song doesn't really have to have relevance to the product. Thats a very antiquated way of producing adverts. For instance, the use of a "pack shot" is out of date these days too.

    Rightly so, a little creativity is needed but there are limits and one of those is not abusing the good will of viewers who know the original track.

    That said, they will be targetting very specific demographics which i suspect are teens to mid 20s with this stuff. Whilst they care less about those of us in older age bands, they should remember that brand loyalty has its opposite: brand hatred.

    I also suspect that most ad campaigns are designed by half a dozen or so teams at different companies, thus you can see a style emerge in a variety of non related companies and products. Combined with the obvious immitation attempts, it leaves a very samey ad market.

    But, much as i hate a lot of these, they clearly work. These things are monitored closely and companies would be quick to pull them if they didn't.

    So, we can wait a few years for a new style to become predominant or accept that this forum is one of the few outlets to vent at these awful ads.

    Personally, I prefer this forum!
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    IphigeniaIphigenia Posts: 8,109
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    Christians shouldn't need a tacky website. They should hook up at church.

    Oh would that that were true!!!!!:D:D
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    citizenx103citizenx103 Posts: 1,452
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    ellesworth wrote: »
    Blinkin' Miranda Hart on the Muller ads. I can't stand the woman.

    Totally agree. She is not funny and never has been.

    Those adverts are beyond lame. "Twirlist" = **** off!
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    citizenx103citizenx103 Posts: 1,452
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    Ænima wrote: »
    What the heck is with those ridiculous walls ads?

    'Obviously, he can't express himself cos he's just a bloke really...'

    Last time I checked, insulting half your target market was not good practice.

    To be fair i find them mildly amusing!
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    citizenx103citizenx103 Posts: 1,452
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    Ah, I dunno, I rather like those Walls adverts. They're definitely not as offensive as those awful, AWFUL bingo ads they stick on during Jeremy Kyle (I forget the company but they have that irritating doe-eyed chick pulling guilty faces).

    She appears to be under the influence of a strong sedative or has had a lobotamy.
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    citizenx103citizenx103 Posts: 1,452
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    Eraserhead wrote: »
    BT being complete dicks again with an advert that seems to suggest that it's fine to use their services to lie to your girlfriend (that stupid one with the bloke pretending to like Duran Duran).

    "Rockin' at an early age"

    What do you mean "rockin'" you absolute bellend?! Duran Duran were pop ffs!
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    citizenx103citizenx103 Posts: 1,452
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    The current ad for Not On The High Street (dot com). It creeps me out - not sure why! :(

    The "where do daddies come from" thing?

    They think they're being funny, don't they? Turning around the "where do babies come from" question.

    Patronising idiots. Hope they go bust.
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