
Teen Wolf - Season 2 (US PACE)

stvn758stvn758 Posts: 19,657
Forum Member
Don't be put off by the lead character's laughable wolf makeup, this show turned out to be quite grown up and exciting, the ending of season one was especially twisted. I haven't watched the new episodes yet so can't comment but thought I would start a thread for those of us who enjoyed the first season.

If you like Buffy you will enjoy this show, downloading now.:)


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    LightningIguanaLightningIguana Posts: 21,867
    Forum Member
    Teen wolf was my surprise favourite show of last year. I'm trying to hang on for the UK airings, but it's really hard :(
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    koantemplationkoantemplation Posts: 101,293
    Forum Member
    The first 2 episodes are on form if you liked season 1.

    It is good that it doesn't take its self too seriously.
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    stvn758stvn758 Posts: 19,657
    Forum Member
    Not too shabby a start, forgot about the humour. Nice to see Colonel Tigh and Martouth.
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    TWSTWS Posts: 9,307
    Forum Member
    Well this season didnt get talked about much at US pace lol

    What were everyones thoughts on the finale?

    I thought it was a bit rushed and all over the place myself and preferred the penultimate ep

    Wanted to bitch slap Alison for what she did to Isaac, thought there would be more of Erica and Boys too but they only got 2 mins screen time

    What was Peter doing not getting involved in any of the fight just stabbing Jackson at the end?

    What did Jackson having blue eyes mean, kind of Creepy but Jackson is

    As for Jackson and Lydia and the love thing i will bypass that as ridiculous, poor Stiles

    Think overall it lacked some content wanted Scott and his mother to have a proper chat about what he is, Alison to have a chat about how her mother actually died, well loads of stuff really
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    SchmiznurfSchmiznurf Posts: 4,434
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    I liked the finale, felt like a good way to move into a long season when it comes back.

    I'm pretty sure the plan was for Peter to stay out of the fight until they were ready to stab Jackson because he hadn't regained his full strength after the resurrection.

    Jackson's blue eyes were probably the canema being gone and the wolf coming forth. And Jackson looked really badass as a wolf to be honest.

    Sucks for Stiles as he really likes her and I think she likes him to, but the love for Jackson is so much stronger.

    I'm really interested as to what the pack of alphas' will bring to the table, and the vet and counsillor story looks to be making some leeway too.
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    007Fusion007Fusion Posts: 3,657
    Forum Member
    Schmiznurf wrote: »
    I liked the finale, felt like a good way to move into a long season when it comes back.

    I'm pretty sure the plan was for Peter to stay out of the fight until they were ready to stab Jackson because he hadn't regained his full strength after the resurrection.

    Jackson's blue eyes were probably the canema being gone and the wolf coming forth. And Jackson looked really badass as a wolf to be honest.

    Sucks for Stiles as he really likes her and I think she likes him to, but the love for Jackson is so much stronger.

    I'm really interested as to what the pack of alphas' will bring to the table, and the vet and counsillor story looks to be making some leeway too.

    I actually think it has something to do with him being born part wolf. We don't know his parent history yet, so it could be revealed that one or both his parents are wolves. Also, Derek had blue eyes and he comes from a family of wolves, though his eyes did change once he became the alpha.

    As for the finale, it felt flat. I was expecting something more explosive and action packed considering the lead up of Alison becoming enraged with (which wasn't fully explained), the Kanima and Gerad's master plan being implemented. I felt sorry for Stiles, as it seemed he was finally getting that break he needed to make a move on Lydia but her moment with Jackson, may put an end to his chances. I was suprised that they have added a new wolf to the story, i thought Jackson served his purpose overall. I'am struggling to understand why Peter just stood there and didn't act during the final scenes. I look forward to see what he is up to next season.
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