
Star Trek 2 "baddie" revealed ?



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    Anika HansonAnika Hanson Posts: 15,629
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    It's not very trek like but neither was the last film. It looks epic as far as films go. Also looked like the scene from the wrath of Khan when Spock dies.
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    RebelScumRebelScum Posts: 16,008
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    ...and also, the enterprise under water..... WTF Lol

    Probably wipes out the last few humpback whales...;)
    "When you have eliminated the impossible, what remains, however improbable, must be the truth". Which is one way of saying " Yes, my theory is, rubbish". :)

    Not rubbish, just highly unlikely (imo). And talking of improbable, all this speculation about Khan or Mitchell, I'd find it quite amusing if he turns out to be Harry Mudd. :D
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    JDBabyJDBaby Posts: 180
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    Somebody on YOUTUBE said he could be playing Garth of Izar, and from what we've seen and heard that sounds very much like it could be a safe bet. If so I really like that idea.
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    Mr MoriartyMr Moriarty Posts: 593
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    CJClarke wrote: »
    Why can't you be a fan of both? I loved the 2009 film as both a fan of sci-fi action movies and as a self confessed Trekkie. They've reinvigorated the series and brought it up to date, if they'd just continued making old school Star Trek films that only appealed to the core established audience they would have bombed like Nemesis did and we'd have no Star Trek at all.

    I really don't see how you can say that the trailer is "the least intelligent and most overtly populist trailer" you've ever seen...it's a 60 second teaser trailer, all they can do in that amount of time is show a bunch of money shots. Wait for the full trailer, or better yet, wait for the film itself before bashing it for lacking intelligence...

    I AM a fan of both, I thought that came across? guess not. I also never said they should continue making old school trek movies. I am to an extent glad they have updated it for a new generation of fans, for a new era. You can still have a good, edgier, modern update and keep more of the core of what the series is about than what I personally believe the makers of these movies appear to have done so far.

    Im not judging the whole movie, Im expressing my own personal opinion of what I saw - so please do not tell me not to "bash" it - everyone is entitled to their opinion, and what I said is mine. I called the trailer that because thats what I got from it. I cant give anything further on it because I have not seen it, only that trailer. Im also basing my opinion on the previous movie, the fact it is the same people making it as well. I mean, tell me, what else so far would you like me to base my own feelings about the movie on? Im going on my own feelings about what I have seen, and think I should be allowed to do so.... Maybe my comments and opinions could be considered as jumping the gun a wee bit, but they are my opinions.
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    Flash525Flash525 Posts: 8,862
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    and also, the enterprise under water..... WTF Lol
    But was that the Enterprise?

    We saw "NCC" but I don't recall seeing 1701 on the clip. The Enterprise isn't the only Constitution Class vessel.

    Just Saying. :cool:
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    L_SilverwolfL_Silverwolf Posts: 770
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    Fizzbin wrote: »
    There's a London Eye in the poster too.

    So I estimate the man is standing on the rubble of The Royal London Hospital in Whitechapel, so maybe the baddie is Jack The Ripper... again. ;)

    Nah - judging by the location of the Eye, Gherkin & Tower 24, he's gotta be standin in the ruins of somewhere sarf ov the river, innit?
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 7,305
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    Im not judging the whole movie, Im expressing my own personal opinion of what I saw - so please do not tell me not to "bash" it - everyone is entitled to their opinion, and what I said is mine. I called the trailer that because thats what I got from it. I cant give anything further on it because I have not seen it, only that trailer. Im also basing my opinion on the previous movie, the fact it is the same people making it as well. I mean, tell me, what else so far would you like me to base my own feelings about the movie on? Im going on my own feelings about what I have seen, and think I should be allowed to do so.... Maybe my comments and opinions could be considered as jumping the gun a wee bit, but they are my opinions.

    Granted the film is from the same people as the last movie, and obviously you're entitled to your own opinion, but i really don't think that 60 seconds of trailer footage that consists of random money shots with barely any story give anyone the right to pass any sort of judgement on how "intelligent" the film may or may not be (i mean if you judged Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country based on your feelings about Star Trek V: The Final Frontier then i'm sure you'd agree that would be doing Star Trek VI a massive disservice, even though it's essentially from the same people). Fair enough if you don't like the look of it, but to say that it lacks intelligence is overdoing it a bit i think. Like you say, i think you're jumping the gun a bit. No offense was intended by my last post (or indeed this one), but i just don't see how anyone can form much of an opinion about something based on 60 seconds of random footage, especially considering that's what all teaser trailers are, so the Star Trek one is no more "lacking in intelligence" than any other teaser really.
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    Matt DMatt D Posts: 13,153
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    Make of this what you will ;)

    As for the comic books, they’re being published by IDW and – if you are a fan of the new Star Trek movie – it sounds like they are going to be pretty great. I won’t get too detailed here, but the article on the official Trek site talks about how these comics will re-imagine classic episodes of the TV show with these new versions of the characters. Pretty cool stuff. Then there’s this quote from one of the comic’s writers, Mike Johnson:

    "As we get closer to the next movie, the stories will begin to foreshadow the events of the movie, such as possibly introducing new characters we will see onscreen… pun very much intended."

    He also suggested the development of the comics is happening congruently with the film:

    "It’s fantastic to have Bob’s input, because he can steer us clear of story elements that might conflict with what’s coming up in the next movie, and we can lay in subtle clues to what’s coming up so that once you see the new movie you can go back and see how it evolved in the comics….Bob and I have discussed the major beats of the next movie, which is a great help in laying clues in the comic. We have very few secrets, that I know of anyway."

    The first story-arc in the comics?

    An adaptation of the (second) TOS pilot, "Where No Man Has Gone Before", featuring Gary Mitchell:


    [And, of course, the backstory for the first JJ Trek film was covered solely via a comic, detailing the whole thing with Nero & Spock & the red matter etc.]

    See also...


    On the left: Elizabeth Dehner, played by Sally Kellerman, from "Where No Man Has Gone Before".

    On the right: Unnamed Blonde, played by Alice Eve, from the new film.
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    Mr MoriartyMr Moriarty Posts: 593
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    CJClarke wrote: »
    Granted the film is from the same people as the last movie, and obviously you're entitled to your own opinion, but i really don't think that 60 seconds of trailer footage that consists of random money shots with barely any story give anyone the right to pass any sort of judgement on how "intelligent" the film may or may not be (i mean if you judged Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country based on your feelings about Star Trek V: The Final Frontier then i'm sure you'd agree that would be doing Star Trek VI a massive disservice, even though it's essentially from the same people). Fair enough if you don't like the look of it, but to say that it lacks intelligence is overdoing it a bit i think. Like you say, i think you're jumping the gun a bit. No offense was intended by my last post (or indeed this one), but i just don't see how anyone can form much of an opinion about something based on 60 seconds of random footage, especially considering that's what all teaser trailers are, so the Star Trek one is no more "lacking in intelligence" than any other teaser really.

    Not saying my opinion was MUCH of one, it's just the only one I have :p

    Like I said before, im judging it going by what I have seen and what I have previously seen - maybe what I said was jumping the gun and judging it unfairly, but It's what I'm sticking to until I see footage that makes me think different.
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    premixxedpremixxed Posts: 3,364
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    I'm going with Garth of Izar.

    He's picking me up at 8.
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    CD93CD93 Posts: 13,940
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    Flash525 wrote: »
    But was that the Enterprise?

    We saw "NCC" but I don't recall seeing 1701 on the clip. The Enterprise isn't the only Constitution Class vessel.

    Just Saying. :cool:

    Did seem deliberately shrouded on both clips.
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    InspirationInspiration Posts: 62,773
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    Matt D wrote: »
    On the left: Elizabeth Dehner, played by Sally Kellerman, from "Where No Man Has Gone Before".

    On the right: Unnamed Blonde, played by Alice Eve, from the new film.

    Same character, gotta be.
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    Dai13371Dai13371 Posts: 8,071
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    RebelScum wrote: »
    Of course it didn't. Do you think Data was always the way we see him in the movie? His personality in the film is the build up of years of experiences we witnessed in the TV show and the earlier movies. Hence the dramatic difference betwen Data and B4, highlighting the journey Data had been on to become the man he was.

    A newcomer need not have watched any of the series to appreciate that of course. But your point that the movie completely ignores what the TV series had built up is totally inaccurate.

    Nemesis feels like a good movie that's a couple of rewrites away from being the movie it wants to be. It's great you love it, but it's not just precious TNG fans who didn't like it, critical and commercial response would indicate you are most deffinately in the minority, but each to their own.

    I'm surprised about your comments about Tom Hardy, poular belief as far I was aware is that he is indeed a very good actor, but the weakness of the script made it impossible for him to showcase his talent.

    Thanks for your input RS, but I have to disagree on some points.

    Major criticism I have witnessed, both in print and via video, of Nemesis, is often directly aimed at Stuart Baird, in that he knew absolutely nothing about what made Star Trek tick.

    Take this website for instance where LeVar Burton says

    Baird "knew nothing" about Star Trek.

    Indeed I have read criticism by TNG fans who say that Paramount betrayed them by hiring a director who pissed all over what made TNG great. I cant find examples right now (other than one on that website, "oft reported disregard for what had gone before" - talking about Baird) because I read them not long after I watched Nemesis when it was first released. I found my self then, as I still do now at an advantage because I do not have this sense of protection of TNG that those fans had. I am an outsider so to speak. I realise now that my initial comment came out a comething completely different and I apologise. What I meant to say was that it was Star Trek TNG, but not as we know it (groan....sorry).

    Its all about opinions at the end of the day though and I beleive two strong actors can pull off a scene even with a terrible script. As a Star Wars fan you should appreciate that, "you can type this stuff, but you sure can't say it" does not make it a bad cinematic experience.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 29
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    watched the trailers again a couple of times, and one thing that comes to mind from reading the comments here is that in the original reboot movie, Vulcan was destroyed....in the original timeline from TOS this never happened.

    so in otherwords we have another new Timeline...we're applying the historical logic to an entirely new story line, same characters, but differant outcomes or events maybe?
    it might be khan, and his actions dont get him marooned on the Botany Bay, but something else happens, or mitchell doesnt go the same way from his encouter with the Galatic barrier, or this is that event, with time shifts, et al.

    who knows till we see it :)
    JJ is notorious for kepeing things under wraps and as a regular cinema goer, i like that, keeps the experiance magical and new....wont stop me speculating though.. lol
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    RebelScumRebelScum Posts: 16,008
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    Dai13371 wrote: »
    Thanks for your input RS, but I have to disagree on some points.

    Major criticism I have witnessed, both in print and via video, of Nemesis, is often directly aimed at Stuart Baird, in that he knew absolutely nothing about what made Star Trek tick.

    Take this website for instance where LeVar Burton says

    Baird "knew nothing" about Star Trek.

    Indeed I have read criticism by TNG fans who say that Paramount betrayed them by hiring a director who pissed all over what made TNG great. I cant find examples right now (other than one on that website, "oft reported disregard for what had gone before" - talking about Baird) because I read them not long after I watched Nemesis when it was first released. I found my self then, as I still do now at an advantage because I do not have this sense of protection of TNG that those fans had. I am an outsider so to speak. I realise now that my initial comment came out a comething completely different and I apologise. What I meant to say was that it was Star Trek TNG, but not as we know it (groan....sorry).

    Its all about opinions at the end of the day though and I beleive two strong actors can pull off a scene even with a terrible script. As a Star Wars fan you should appreciate that, "you can type this stuff, but you sure can't say it" does not make it a bad cinematic experience.

    No need to apologise, we are all entilted to our opinions. I'm not sure on what points you're disagreeing with me though. I know many TNG fans were unhappy with the movie and Baird (myself included), but it wasn't just TNG fans, criticism came both from within and outwith Trek fandom.

    I do understand the point about being at an advantage over hardcore fans. For me, as much as I like the Alien franchise I'm more of a casual observer, so when it cames to Alien Ressurection I feel that has allowed me to be far more forgiving as I dont have that emotional investment, allowing me to enjoy it more than I would have had I been a fanboy. That's not to say I cant see its faults, and I understand the criticisms directed at it are legitimate, but I'm more willing to overlook them and just enjoy the ride for what it is.
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    StockingfillerStockingfiller Posts: 3,302
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    Ok...so Cumbervillain at one point is wearing a coat that has a Khan - like collar. Alice Eve does, look like Sally Kellerman as Dr Elizabeth Dehner. So is he Gary Mitchell. Or, could he be someone who was one of Khan's group of superhumans.

    Why has he got pointed ears ? My brain hurts :)
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    AtlanticAtlantic Posts: 936
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    And Benedict Cumberbatch's character is called ... John Harrison.


    Still think he should've been Harry Mudd.
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    Sniffle774Sniffle774 Posts: 20,290
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    Atlantic wrote: »
    And Benedict Cumberbatch's character is called ... John Harrison.


    Erm....who now ? Well thats....strange...

    New Star Trek Into Darkness Pic Could Hold More Clues To Villain’s Identity
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    StockingfillerStockingfiller Posts: 3,302
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    Gary Mitchell claiming to be a John Harrison or one of Khan's group doing the same ? He's not likely to turn up and announce, " I'm Gary /one of Khan's superhman dudes - put your heads between your knees and kiss your asses goodbye", is he. ( Asses being the word for the four legged donkey type things ie not a swear word).
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    AtlanticAtlantic Posts: 936
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    And Alice Eve is ... Carol Marcus.
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    Dai13371Dai13371 Posts: 8,071
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    RebelScum wrote: »
    No need to apologise, we are all entilted to our opinions. I'm not sure on what points you're disagreeing with me though. I know many TNG fans were unhappy with the movie and Baird (myself included), but it wasn't just TNG fans, criticism came both from within and outwith Trek fandom.

    I do understand the point about being at an advantage over hardcore fans. For me, as much as I like the Alien franchise I'm more of a casual observer, so when it cames to Alien Ressurection I feel that has allowed me to be far more forgiving as I dont have that emotional investment, allowing me to enjoy it more than I would have had I been a fanboy. That's not to say I cant see its faults, and I understand the criticisms directed at it are legitimate, but I'm more willing to overlook them and just enjoy the ride for what it is.

    Im with you all the way there RS, except I still liked Nemesis :p
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    StockingfillerStockingfiller Posts: 3,302
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    Carol Marcus, mother of Kirk's son. ( " You Klingon son ! You killed my bas...." ). Cumbervillain says " Is there anything you would not do, for your family ? ". I wonder if that's linked.

    Obviously, original Kirk didn't know that he had a son until he turned up. Current Kirk might know, that Carol Marcus is pregnant. Haven't worked out yet how it could all be explained away but maybe the words aren't spoken in the scene in the teaser - the glass and hands one. They might not, refer to Spock or to Cumbervillain.

    If Kirk had to make a choice between the Enterprise and crew and Carol Marcus ? Kirk would then not have a family and would be completely, dedicated to Starfleet, his crew and his ship...as his family.

    Having said all that I'm amazed that Alice Eve isn't playing Dr Elizabeth Dehner..apparently.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 650
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    sherlock holmes is the baddie of star trek 2.
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    StockingfillerStockingfiller Posts: 3,302
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    :D Sherlock Holmes wouldn't lose !
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    cy_bonescy_bones Posts: 1,669
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    sherlock holmes is the baddie of star trek 2.
    An unexpected twist to bring Data back??
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