
PS4 - No Preowned Games?

TheVoidTheVoid Posts: 3,086
Forum Member

If true, then this will kill the Playstation brand for me, and would go to Xbox providing they allow pre-owned games.


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    Ash_735Ash_735 Posts: 8,493
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    This rumour again? It's been bouncing back and forth between both the next Xbox and the next PlayStation for about a year now. :p

    The way I see it, it won't happen, as you said, ANY console that does, is going for suicide as the majority will flock to the opposite side, so if Sony do it, people will run to Microsoft, if Microsoft do it, people will run to Sony. The ONLY way this stands a chance of happening is if ALL current on market consoles agree to it.
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    HotbirdHotbird Posts: 10,020
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    Never going to happen for just one system, the only way this will work is if Sony and MS agree to both do it otherwise it will be commercial suicide for the one that does if the other side doesn't do it.
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    SimonB79SimonB79 Posts: 3,135
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    Ash_735 wrote: »
    This rumour again? It's been bouncing back and forth between both the next Xbox and the next PlayStation for about a year now. :p

    The way I see it, it won't happen, as you said, ANY console that does, is going for suicide as the majority will flock to the opposite side, so if Sony do it, people will run to Microsoft, if Microsoft do it, people will run to Sony. The ONLY way this stands a chance of happening is if ALL current on market consoles agree to it.

    Yep ... It'll either happen on both consoles or not @ all ... IF it does happen hopefully the games will be cheaper as a result. :)
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    CasualCasual Posts: 2,696
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    I don't see why games companies should have any right to earn money from second hand sales. If I buy a table from John Lewis and then sell it a year later, John Lewis couldn't give a toss. And rightly so, because they've already earned their sale.
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    SimonB79SimonB79 Posts: 3,135
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    Casual wrote: »
    I don't see why games companies should have any right to earn money from second hand sales. If I buy a table from John Lewis and then sell it a year later, John Lewis couldn't give a toss. And rightly so, because they've already earned their sale.

    It's legalised piracy isn't it? :)
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    fastest fingerfastest finger Posts: 12,903
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    Nobody knows for sure that this is happening, and to be honest it doesnt really bother me, as i never sell / trade my games and rarely buy used ones.

    You can't buy second hand iPhone games, android apps, or PSN digital game downloads. Should we really continue to expect console discs to be any different?

    The next gen could be the last one that uses physical media. After that there would be no 2nd hand market anyway.
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    HotbirdHotbird Posts: 10,020
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    You can't buy second hand iPhone games, android apps, or PSN digital game downloads. Should we really continue to expect console discs to be any different?

    The flip side of that argument is that from the dawn of trading we have been able to sell or trade on the goods we purchase, should we really just accept this new idea of not been able to sell or pass on anything we buy once we have finished with it and instead just bin it.
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    fastest fingerfastest finger Posts: 12,903
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    Hotbird wrote: »
    The flip side of that argument is that from the dawn of trading we have been able to sell or trade on the goods we purchase, should we really just accept this new idea of not been able to sell or pass on anything we buy once we have finished with it and instead just bin it.

    You could also argue that games are consumable goods, just like other forms of entertainment. You can't sell a trip to the theatre, visiting the cinema, going to a concert, eating a meal or a holiday after you've used it. Should a video game be any different?

    Games have used physical media out of necessity, making reselling possible. But that limitation is coming to an end.
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    McLovin85McLovin85 Posts: 1,900
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    Nobody knows for sure that this is happening, and to be honest it doesnt really bother me, as i never sell / trade my games and rarely buy used ones.

    You can't buy second hand iPhone games, android apps, or PSN digital game downloads. Should we really continue to expect console discs to be any different?

    The next gen could be the last one that uses physical media. After that there would be no 2nd hand market anyway.

    Will it be linked to an account or something, because one thing for sure is that I wont be buying my whole game collection when the inevitable happens and my console dies.

    In all honesty, I've got pretty annoyed in the last few years. EA couldn't give a damn, Fifa is a complete shambles (pro clubs mainly) and they ruined BF3 with giving into whiney kids on there forums, wanting this nerfed, that buffed, this changed, something else changed. Then there's the biggest breaker which is the servers and being dictated to, killed by admin, because some kid has the power of his server :mad:

    Sorry for the rant folks. Greed will be gamings biggest regret
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    stefmeisterstefmeister Posts: 8,417
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    I think another downside of locking games to a console is the loss of the ability to take games round friends to play, Especially with 2-player & Split-Screen games.
    Similar with locking to a gamer profile, This may allow you to take games round friends but then force you to have your account on there system & maybe be stuck playing it on your account rather than having the freedom to also play it on there's.

    I think another issue is that in years to come when you can no longer get PS4 games new, How do you go back & play those games if you can't get them pre-owned?
    For example right now you can easily go out & buy Mega Drive games, PS1/2 games etc... because there's a lot of them available thanks to the pre-owned market. I for instance still often buy older games from past systems because I still play older systems going all the way back to my Commodore 64.

    I also see it as an issue for those who sell/trade there old games in order to buy new ones as a friend of mine does. He's told me in the past that if he wasn't able to get rid of his older games he wouldn't buy as many new games.
    He also lives in a small flat so doesn't really have a great deal of room to store loads of games so if he couldn't trade them he'd just end up having to throw a load of games in the bin to make room for any new ones.

    I've always felt that removing the pre-owned market would cause a lot more problems for gamers than it would solve for the game company's & would end up hurting the game industry rather than helping it.
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    Rich_LRich_L Posts: 6,110
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    In that case make it so that DVD. blu rays and even the humble CD cannot be sold again. Everrything or nothing.

    Was looking at Need For Speed on PSN yesterday and they wanted £59.99 for it - a quick look online for a boxed copy you can own was £20 to £25 - if that is the way of the future, you can count me out [/hicks]
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    mojobrewmojobrew Posts: 1,614
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    The difference is you're not buying a physical product but the rights to intelectual property. The fact that the IP is stored on a physical media gets around it, but the basis is there - you don't own the game, you only own the piece of plastic and the right to play it.

    Same with music; if you were buying the actual music you would have the right to royalties. You're only buying a licence to play it and the plastic it's stored on. This is why you aren't alowed to sell or share an mp3.

    Once you take away the physical media, games are IP just like movies or music, so they owners have every right to expect you not to share or sell it on.
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    Rich_LRich_L Posts: 6,110
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    Yeah this is true, its in those T&C's that you never read when you turn your PS3 on one day and realise it wont sign you in until you have read and agreed to them - of course you never read them, you just scroll to the bottom and click 'I Agree' so you can get online on BLOPS II or something.
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    lamblamlamblamblamlamb Posts: 654
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    If they had a system like steam on the PC I would not mind this. they have had some really good deals of late.
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    RubricalRubrical Posts: 2,715
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    It would definitely put me off buying the PS4 if they included this technology. And I don't even buy that many pre-owned games. I spend a lot of money on games and such. It's more the principle of the idea, it's greedy and it's a bit of a slap to the loyal gamers out there who have spent hundreds, if not thousands of pounds on games, consoles and PCs.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 4,043
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    You can't buy second hand iPhone games, android apps, or PSN digital game downloads. Should we really continue to expect console discs to be any different?

    Actually you can. I bought a PSP that had a couple games off the PSN network.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 3,813
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    I don't think it would block used games outright that would be suicide for the console

    I'd suggest a similar system to online passes but for every game is far more likely, think about it we all know that pre owned equals no money for developers, so i could see them adding a £5-10 one off charge to access a pre owned game

    would it be the end of the world, no you would (unless stupid) still pay less for a pre owned game and a pass

    Just my idea of what this could mean, what do people think agree/disagree
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    KerangKerang Posts: 779
    Forum Member
    Actually you can. I bought a PSP that had a couple games off the PSN network.

    That's not the best way to get them second hand though is it, and hardly cheap :D
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    gillyallangillyallan Posts: 31,728
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    PS4 would be immediate target for hackers to bypass this.

    Personally rekon I'll be out of next gen altogether, its all too costly, rushed and bug ridden in the majority of cases, both hardware and software alike.
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    HotbirdHotbird Posts: 10,020
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    thomas2400 wrote: »
    I don't think it would block used games outright that would be suicide for the console

    Another way it could work is, link the disc to your system play without advert, don't link the disc (Buy a used disc already link to another system) and the player has advertisements between levels or every 30minutes.

    I believe someone patented something to do with in-game adverts a while ago.
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    SimonB79SimonB79 Posts: 3,135
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    Hotbird wrote: »
    Another way it could work is, link the disc to your system play without advert, don't link the disc (Buy a used disc already link to another system) and the player has advertisements between levels or every 30minutes.

    I believe someone patented something to do with in-game adverts a while ago.

    The in-game adverts were for people without a playstationplus subscription iirc it had nothing 2 do with 2nd hand games. :)
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    HotbirdHotbird Posts: 10,020
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    SimonB79 wrote: »
    The in-game adverts were for people without a playstationplus subscription iirc it had nothing 2 do with 2nd hand games. :)

    I thought it was just a patent that had been filed and could in the future be used for anything they choose.
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    fastest fingerfastest finger Posts: 12,903
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    Sony are reported to have filed a new patent on 7th December 2012. New discs will come with an RFID / NFC type tag built in (similar to those used by Oyster cards, contactless payment credit cards etc)

    On first use the tag will be read by the machine and the disc ID and machine ID is stored on the tag. After this, every time the game is played the IDs are compared. If they don't match, then the game won't play.

    This means passwords, constant connection etc are not needed for the system to work.

    There is even mention in the document of such technology extending to peripherals. It is also worth noting that at no point is the name of any hardware mentioned. This is not 100% destined for a PlayStation product.

    Sony are not commenting.
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    jenziejenzie Posts: 20,821
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    it's bollox

    that started when the PS2 came out!!!

    no machine manufacturer would DARE do this, as the second hand market is huge ..... look what happenned to sony when they put their DRM system onto their software!
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    Ash_735Ash_735 Posts: 8,493
    Forum Member
    New discs will come with an RFID / NFC type tag built in (similar to those used by Oyster cards, contactless payment credit cards etc)

    No they won't, as it's only a patent for the method so Sony can claim they invented it, nothing's been mentioned about where or how this will be used so I do wish "journalist" blogs would stop reporting this stuff as facts to get hits.
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