
Lincoln (2012) - Reviews

[Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 5,105
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Just got back from watching it, and it really is an exceptional movie. Daniel Day Lewis, Sally Field and Tommy Lee Jones are nothing short of sublime in their performances. Everything from Daniel Day Lewis' accent and slouch to his mirthful expression when storytelling is pitch perfect. Sally Field provides some nuance to a woman who is beset by fears that her son will be killed in war, yet is capable of verbally jousting with Tommy Lee Jones as the indomitable Thaddeus Stevens. It's a pleasure to hear beautiful language on the silver screen, when so much of Hollywood appears to be preoccupied with empty, noisy and predictable comic book hero tales. I do have some gripes with it though, and they lie primarily with Spielberg and Kushner's massaging of history.

There's very little female presence in the movie besides Mary Todd Lincoln's tempestuous arguments with her husband, when in reality, the 13th Amendment was first pushed to the fore by the Women's National Loyal League, a group of abolitionists and suffragettes who collected hundreds of thousands of signatures which pressured Congress to enact the amendment. Some of the members of the group included the likes of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B Anthony, who would later become highly influential figures in the fight for women's suffrage. Where do the bestselling abolitionist novels of Harriet Beecher Stowe figure into Spielberg and Kushner's version of history? If you've ever wondered where the phrase 'Uncle Tom' came from, look no further. The role women played in the fight for civil liberties is being lost to history.

Another issue is the reverent beatification of Lincoln, when a more honest telling of history would have revealed that Lincoln did not consider blacks and whites to be racially equal and even sought to repatriate blacks to colonies in the Caribbean. His stance softened over the course of his administrations, but the movie tries to create the impression that he was secretly sympathetic to the Radical Republican views of Thaddeus Stevens when he was not.

Nevertheless, it's a piece of quality film-making and if you have any interest in history or politics, you would have to be crazy to miss it.


What did you think of it?


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    jules1000jules1000 Posts: 10,709
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    What I love about DDL is that he comes out of the woodwork every five years or so and makes a killer movie. Havent seen this one yet but will give you my opinion when have..
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    Kayleigh2010Kayleigh2010 Posts: 1,242
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    jules1000 wrote: »
    What I love about DDL is that he comes out of the woodwork every five years or so and makes a killer movie. Havent seen this one yet but will give you my opinion when have..

    You seen nine?
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    jules1000jules1000 Posts: 10,709
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    You seen nine?

    No why is it bad? If so there are exceptions to the rule......
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    TremseTremse Posts: 864
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    I'm not huge fan of DDL but his portrayal of Lincoln was incredible. You just forgot it was an actor - he became Lincoln. I was concerned I'd be bored with such a long film and a history I don't know that much about but it was fascinating and flew by.
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    robot1000robot1000 Posts: 2,164
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    I've just tried to book Lincoln at my local Cineworld, only to be informed that they'll not be screening it.

    I just don't understand how they could not show such a highly regarded film. They could easily replace Life of Pi, which is still being shown after being out for nearly 6 weeks
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    StansfieldStansfield Posts: 6,097
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    You seen nine?
    I have to say, Nine was far more entertaining then Lincoln.

    I was expecting this to be very 'wordy' but not so boring, just didn't feel any emotion or passion from the cast, DDL, looked the part, but for me, that was it.

    I was hoping for something along the lines of Amazing Grace, about William Wilberforce and his campaign to end the Slave Trade....emotional wreck after that film....with Lincoln I felt nothing at the END.

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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 22,198
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    I'll give it a 5/10 too.

    I wanted to like it, it's about one of my favourite historical times, but it was oh so worthy.

    Daniel Day Lewis doesn't act, he inhabits a character and if he doesn't get his third Oscar I'll fall over. This movie has OSCAR winner all over it. Sally Anne Fields and Tommy Lee Jones were excellent.

    BUT, oh hell it was a borefest. I don't know whether it's because I've recently been riveted by Ken Burn's epic Civil War 11 hour documentary ( this film seemed to go on longer) and the historical inaccuracies ( not many but enough to grate) annoyed me, or whether it was Speilberg at his most worthy, but I couldn't get any passion out of it, apart from Lincoln's son. I thought his part was excellently written and portrayed.

    There wasn't a lot I didn't know so maybe it's better for someone just watching it as entertainment. Dull, dull ,dull.
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    Apple_CrumbleApple_Crumble Posts: 21,748
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    I haven't had chance to watch it yet, but I do find most of Spielberg's films schmaltzy - so I'm not surprised by the reviews by Stansfield and Tally.
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    secretsocksecretsock Posts: 54
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    5 out of 10.... and that 5 is only for DDL and his truly great performance....... although to be honest I can only say his performance was truly great for the first hour, because 60 minutes was all my husband and I could bear of this excruciating borefest before we had to walk out, for the sake of our sanity.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,313
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    Oh I absolutely loved it. DDL was phenomenal. Such a good performance, I forgot I wasn't watching the real Lincoln.

    TLJ was also brilliant.

    Pointless casting of Joseph Gordon Levitt though
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    DizzleDizzle Posts: 723
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    One of those very well made but terribly dull films that was made with the sole intention of winning Oscars. What other point was there to this movie? It didn't have anything to say that hasn't already been said, didn't make me feel anything either way for the the situation or the characters, and definitely didn't entertain me.

    If you need an example of how to twist facts and still tell a riveting story that everyone knows the ending to, look no further than Zero Dark Thirty.
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    jabegyjabegy Posts: 6,201
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    I saw it today and thought it was brilliant, I didn't find it boring at all, (although the friend I went with did !) I enjoyed every minute and all three lead performances were incredible. If DDL doesn't get the oscar I'll eat my hat.
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    johnloonyjohnloony Posts: 6,110
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    I went to watch it yesterday, without much of an idea about what it would be about (e.g. was it a biography of the whole of Licoln's life, or the whole of the Civil War? I didn't realise it was going to focus on only one month).

    I liked it and wasn't disappointed. I kept thinking it was stuffed full of quotations and juicy epigrams which deserved to be chewed on.

    In the very first scene I was delighted to see the excellent actor Dane DeHaan, who played the central character in "Chronicle" and will soon be appearing alongside Daniel Radcliffe in "Kill Your Darlings" - but he turned out to be only a cameo and not a main character.
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    TardisSteveTardisSteve Posts: 8,077
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    fantastic film, very long and slow in places but Daniel Day Lewis was mesmerising as President Lincoin, Daniel Day Lewis deserves to win best actor
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 554
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    I thought Daniel Day Lewis was fantastic as Lincoln, but the film was just far too long. The film really picked up once we got an insight into his personal life and the politics became more riveting once the vote got closer, but the first half was very slow and wordy - I could imagine it being very difficult to follow or focus on if you had little prior knowledge of Lincoln or his era of American politics.
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    Muttley76Muttley76 Posts: 97,888
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    Daniel Day Lewis was really phenomenal, the way he really manage to live and breath the characters he is playing is a joy to behold. He deserves every award he receives for this film.

    However, his performance aside, this was somewhat reminiscent of a particularly dry history lesson, and I felt largely emotionally detached to the film, save for the last 10 minutes or so.

    6/10 for me, and two of those marks are soley for Day Lewis' performance.
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    Muttley76Muttley76 Posts: 97,888
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    I haven't had chance to watch it yet, but I do find most of Spielberg's films schmaltzy - so I'm not surprised by the reviews by Stansfield and Tally.

    in all honesty, i might have invested in the film more emotionally if it actually was schmaltzy, it would have at least given the film more a heart than it had.
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    Blossom85Blossom85 Posts: 1,718
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    My mum and I saw it a couple of days ago and we absolutely loved it. There was no point where we felt bored as the acting and storyline were brilliant and it was also very funny.

    Daniel Day-Lewis has got to win the Oscar as he was AMAZING in the title role. I also wouldn't mind it if Tommy Lee Jones won 'Best Supporting Actor' as I really enjoyed his performance as well.

    I will also never look at a portrait of George Washington in the same way again. ;)

    It gets a solid 10/10 from me.

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    Miss HavershamMiss Haversham Posts: 877
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    DDL was excellent in this movie as were all of the supporting cast - however, I was bored, bored, bored. I get why its getting oscar buzz, but jeez I'm not sure I could watch another ode to the love affair between DDL and Spielberg, Gangs of NY was bad enough, though nowhere near as boring - though since I knew nothing about the movie, watching it immediately after watching Nikita, probably not a good idea - kick ass action followed by DDL method acting, too jarring for me which I probably why I was bored rigid and rejoiced when it was over.
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    guestofsethguestofseth Posts: 5,303
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    I've hated every Spielberg film I've watched, not that I've seen many as I avoid them as much as I can, so I went into to this expecting to be in awe of Daniel Day-Lewis and nothing more. Daniel Day-Lewis was indeed incredible, as was Tommy Lee Jones (I was rooting for Robert De Niro for the Oscar, but now I will be happy if either won) and Sally Fields, actually pretty much the whole cast were great. Surprisingly I liked the film as a whole, not just the acting, and the more I think about the film the more I like it.

    While in hindsight it does seem a little too long, it didn't feel like 2 and half hours during as I captivated by it all that I didn't notice the length, so much so that despite knowing how it would go the vote was actually quite nerve-racking.

    Out of the four best film nominations I've watched so far Lincoln is my favourite, I never expected that, and the only film I can see topping it is Argo.
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    Matt DMatt D Posts: 13,153
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    I get why its getting oscar buzz, but jeez I'm not sure I could watch another ode to the love affair between DDL and Spielberg, Gangs of NY was bad enough, though nowhere near as boring

    Gangs of New York is not a Spielberg film.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 85
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    Have to echo some of the boring comments, at times I was almost snoozing, particularly the first half of the film. The second half it really picks up though, and I left the cinema fairly satisfied. Not a bad word to say on Day Lewis though, he was brilliant and will pick up the Oscar I'm fairly confident. Best Picture? Not for me, Zero Dark Thirty is much better overall.
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    Miss HavershamMiss Haversham Posts: 877
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    Matt D wrote: »
    Gangs of New York is not a Spielberg film.

    Yep, you are correct - that DDL classic was done by Scorsese
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    blueisthecolourblueisthecolour Posts: 20,133
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    fizzyferry wrote: »
    Have to echo some of the boring comments, at times I was almost snoozing, particularly the first half of the film. The second half it really picks up though, and I left the cinema fairly satisfied. Not a bad word to say on Day Lewis though, he was brilliant and will pick up the Oscar I'm fairly confident. Best Picture? Not for me, Zero Dark Thirty is much better overall.

    I agree. I've just about finished reading 'Team of Rivals' and there is so much material for Lincoln that it's a shame they focused on such a narrow time period. It's a good film but they should have really called it 'Abolition' rather than 'Lincoln'.
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    ritchritch Posts: 2,566
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    DDL was great but I'd agree the film was boring. The story was told in the most long winded way possible and I didnt think it was a great character study on Lincoln. It felt pretty empty to me, it should have shown more about the effects of the war and slavery on people, it just bogged everything down in the politics alone it seemed.
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