
Jimmy Saville to be revealed as a paedophile? (Part 7)



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    IzzySIzzyS Posts: 11,045
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    It could be she repressed memories of him and the scandal brought them all back. There is no way to know.

    I know memory is a dangerous territory and it can play tricks on us. I'm not prone to exaggerations but there were two or three I remembered things that didn't happen at all

    Yes, thats what I was going to say. I've confused myself about a few things, stories etc. from childhood, im sure I told my family about one or two things I heard in passing ( to make it sound like I'd had a conversation and was being social, even if I wasn't :o ) and a part of me is saying some such things were basically true but included exaggerations and I'm not sure which parts were true and what I added to make it sound more interesting/exciting or whatever, possibly the odd phrase but it was so long ago, I don't remember the exact truth. There's one particular story in my mind that I feel I might have exaggerated but I've never remembered for sure - I wish I could remember!.

    Its frustrating not remembering clearly enough, just the principle of not being entirely sure, it could make me cast doubts on other memories I've had, maybe part of them are untrue and I told myself it to make me more annoyed at the other person? which would sort of make sense but I wouldn't like to think I'd do that...l honestly don't know. I'd like to think my memories are 'clear' but I sometimes come across things that make me realise my memories weren't quite accurate. If I do get something wrong its not intentional though and I certainly wouldn't knowingly lie either.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 188
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    IzzyS wrote: »
    Yes, thats what I was going to say. I've confused myself about a few things, stories etc. from childhood, im sure I told my family about one or two things I heard in passing ( to make it sound like I'd had a conversation and was being social, even if I wasn't :o ) and a part of me is saying some such things were basically true but included exaggerations and I'm not sure which parts were true and what I added to make it sound more interesting/exciting or whatever, possibly the odd phrase but it was so long ago, I don't remember the exact truth. There's one particular story in my mind that I feel I might have exaggerated but I've never remembered for sure - I wish I could remember!.

    Its frustrating not remembering clearly enough, just the principle of not being entirely sure, it could make me cast doubts on other memories I've had, maybe part of them are untrue and I told myself it to make me more annoyed at the other person? which would sort of make sense but I wouldn't like to think I'd do that...l honestly don't know. I'd like to think my memories are 'clear' but I sometimes come across things that make me realise my memories weren't quite accurate. If I do get something wrong its not intentional though and I certainly wouldn't knowingly lie either.

    I guess most of our memories are more and less accurate. Of course, there are things we're not 100% sure, and we have to use the imagination a little bit to "fill the holes". but, otherwise, our memories are ok. Don't need to be annoyed or worried by it.
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    soundchecksoundcheck Posts: 351
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    MC_Satan wrote: »
    It is uncommon but following coma or indeed ECT, it can happen. It often returns though. People with Catatonic schizophrenia often lose the entire period of catatonia as the memories simply have not formed. Another odd one is the dissociative fugue, where someone is functional and "wakes up" in a different town etc. This is very rare indeed.

    Curious. My friend's grandfather (98!) suffered a stroke last year and has lost temporal awareness. He is very sharp in many ways and can distinguish between "this has happened" and "this is going to happen in the future". He can tell you that David Cameron is the PM at the moment, and with some prompting could probably work out more or less how long it has been since the last election. But that's the thing: he has to "work it out".

    I couldn't tell you exactly when the general election was without thinking hard about it, but I know that I had a banana for breakfast this morning, and I instinctively know that the general election was much longer ago than this morning. He can't do that since the stroke. According to my friend, the consultant looking after his grandfather said that this loss of temporal awareness is very common as a result of even quite minor head trauma, but usually lasts for only a few days or weeks in younger people. As one gets older, the time it takes to recover temporal instincts gets longer.

    The brain is a funny thing.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 87,224
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    Sky News 7.10am
    Today is Internet Safety Day in 100 countries. Chief Executive of Childnet - Will Gardner - in the studio.
    He says the internet is a wonderful resource for children to explore and discover, but there also some risks.
    Asked about the risks, he said online bullying and scary content. He didn't mention grooming. Kids should be encouraged to think about what info about themselves they put online.

    Ella Henderson of X-Factor on @ 8.10am - she's supporting the internet safety campaign.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 87,224
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    Childnet ‏@childnet

    @Ella__Henderson and @UK_SIC will be on the @Daybreak sofa talking about #SID2013 and connecting with respect online! Tune in at 7:40
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 87,224
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    BBC News 8.38am
    Operation Yewtree. A 65-year-old man has been arrested in S. London.
    Category: "Others".
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    Jo MarchJo March Posts: 9,256
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    BBC News 8.38am
    Operation Yewtree. A 65-year-old man has been arrested in S. London.
    Category: "Others".
    Have just heard that on the Radio 4 news.
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    Stupid_HeadStupid_Head Posts: 37,826
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    Wow, who now I wonder.
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    IzzySIzzyS Posts: 11,045
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    I guess most of our memories are more and less accurate. Of course, there are things we're not 100% sure, and we have to use the imagination a little bit to "fill the holes". but, otherwise, our memories are ok. Don't need to be annoyed or worried by it.

    Yes I think so. Its not like im really annoyed or worried about it as such, its just slightly unnerving, since obviously you'd like to not have to question what you remember but some things from a long time ago aren't very clear. I think perhaps in a way your more likely to remember emotions felt than actual clear visual memories, that sticks in your mind more, if that makes sense?.
    soundcheck wrote: »
    Curious. My friend's grandfather (98!) suffered a stroke last year and has lost temporal awareness. He is very sharp in many ways and can distinguish between "this has happened" and "this is going to happen in the future". He can tell you that David Cameron is the PM at the moment, and with some prompting could probably work out more or less how long it has been since the last election. But that's the thing: he has to "work it out".

    I couldn't tell you exactly when the general election was without thinking hard about it, but I know that I had a banana for breakfast this morning, and I instinctively know that the general election was much longer ago than this morning. He can't do that since the stroke. According to my friend, the consultant looking after his grandfather said that this loss of temporal awareness is very common as a result of even quite minor head trauma, but usually lasts for only a few days or weeks in younger people. As one gets older, the time it takes to recover temporal instincts gets longer.

    The brain is a funny thing.

    Its interesting the differentiation between short and long term memory. Its peculiar what you sometimes remember, like I can remember clearly some things from the past which seem not very important, you wonder why is it I can barely remember when I won an award or some important ocassion but I can remember really random things which don't seem half as important? I remember when I was a toddler and me and my parents went on holiday to Cornwall (one time during American Independence Day and they had flags up for it for some reason?) but I don't remember a long holiday to France, my first holiday abroad, which must have seemed alot more exciting surely? and I was slightly older then, so you'd think I would but I don't.

    Lately the worst memory issue for me is when I take a pill and then a couple of minutes later I'll suddenly go blank and think did I just take it or not? the days aren't marked on them so its very hard to tell by glance - I hate that! I just go blank and can't remember and it was only like two minutes ago lol thats such an embarrassing moment. I must be getting old :D:o
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 87,224
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    soundchecksoundcheck Posts: 351
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    IzzyS wrote: »
    Lately the worst memory issue for me is when I take a pill and then a couple of minutes later I'll suddenly go blank and think did I just take it or not? the days aren't marked on them so its very hard to tell by glance - I hate that! I just go blank and can't remember and it was only like two minutes ago lol thats such an embarrassing moment. I must be getting old :D:o

    I sympathise. I'm on long-term medication. Nothing drastic, just a tablet twice a day. Thing is, after a couple of years taking the tablet has become as automatic as breathing, and I take as much notice. I frequently get into a flap about whether I've taken the tablet, and if it wasn't for my little tablet organiser I'd be in a perpetual panic. I don't think I've ever forgotten to take one, but that doesn't stop me worrying.
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    IzzySIzzyS Posts: 11,045
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    soundcheck wrote: »
    I sympathise. I'm on long-term medication. Nothing drastic, just a tablet twice a day. Thing is, after a couple of years taking the tablet has become as automatic as breathing, and I take as much notice. I frequently get into a flap about whether I've taken the tablet, and if it wasn't for my little tablet organiser I'd be in a perpetual panic. I don't think I've ever forgotten to take one, but that doesn't stop me worrying.

    I just finished the course thankfully, though I might have to go on something elese later but we'll see. The packets I used to take were marked with the days (as it was just one a day) so it was much easier to track but these ones weren't and your supposed to take them 3 times a day. I know my grandparents have one of those organiser packs, something like that would have been useful but as I was only taking them temporarily I didn't think it was worth asking about really. I wrote out a page in a notebook with all the times I had to take them, with a box to tick afterwards but when I suddenly questioned if I'd taken it, was before I'd got to the notebook to tick the blooming thing off! typical lol.

    Best way to check is maybe by how much water is left in the glass, I suppose but thats saying you remember how much there was originally *doh* im pretty sure I got it right in the end, lets hope(!). I only forgot or questioned it maybe two or three times, which isn't bad going considering.

    Its the same thing as walking upstairs then stopping suddenly, thinking 'why did I come up here again?' ahh noooo lol :p
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 17,021
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    Re: The latest arrest. The related search terms on Twitter are, as usual, giving a name. But it's all just speculation until the name is released.
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    Black VelvetBlack Velvet Posts: 702
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    Just a pity they don't say outright who it is as it saves a lot of needless speculating.
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    IzzySIzzyS Posts: 11,045
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    I wonder why they announce the arrest if their not prepared to say anymore or confirm the name? maybe they shouldn't announce the arrest at all then? or is that against the law and they have to announce or confirm they arrested someone as a legal measure?.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 17,021
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    IzzyS wrote: »
    I wonder why they announce the arrest if their not prepared to say anymore or confirm the name? maybe they shouldn't announce the arrest at all then? or is that against the law and they have to announce or confirm they arrested someone as a legal measure?.

    I'm not sure. The name usually comes out later in the day, doesn't it? Perhaps it's to do with police procedure? (Checking it's the right person, checking the accusations were against them and constitute a crime having been commited etc etc., making sure the paperwork is in order.)

    As I've said before - a false accusation of something like this would be awful, but ,on the other hand, releasing a name can encourage others to come forward with information.
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    IzzySIzzyS Posts: 11,045
    Forum Member
    I'm not sure. The name usually comes out later in the day, doesn't it? Perhaps it's to do with police procedure? (Checking it's the right person, checking the accusations were against them and constitute a crime having been commited etc etc., making sure the paperwork is in order.)

    As I've said before - a false accusation of something like this would be awful, but ,on the other hand, releasing a name can encourage others to come forward with information.

    Perhaps - it would surely be better to wait until they could announce all the main details first though, especially if its only a matter of hours until that can happen.

    Such accusations can ruin someones career, especially if their in the entertainment industry. I'd like to think they wouldn't arrest anyone without having built a pretty clear case against them or having some decent evidence, otherwise they'd just be asked in for questioning, which is voluntary(?).
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    Vodka_DrinkaVodka_Drinka Posts: 28,761
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    I'm not sure if it is the person who's being named as apparently he was on the radio this morning?
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    jamtamarajamtamara Posts: 2,250
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    IzzyS wrote: »
    I just finished the course thankfully, though I might have to go on something elese later but we'll see. The packets I used to take were marked with the days (as it was just one a day) so it was much easier to track but these ones weren't and your supposed to take them 3 times a day. I know my grandparents have one of those organiser packs, something like that would have been useful but as I was only taking them temporarily I didn't think it was worth asking about really. I wrote out a page in a notebook with all the times I had to take them, with a box to tick afterwards but when I suddenly questioned if I'd taken it, was before I'd got to the notebook to tick the blooming thing off! typical lol.

    Best way to check is maybe by how much water is left in the glass, I suppose but thats saying you remember how much there was originally *doh* im pretty sure I got it right in the end, lets hope(!). I only forgot or questioned it maybe two or three times, which isn't bad going considering.

    Its the same thing as walking upstairs then stopping suddenly, thinking 'why did I come up here again?' ahh noooo lol :p

    I read somewhere the other day that you only have to worry when you can't remember whether you were going upstairs or downstairs at the time. Not a scientific fact, just joking. :D

    It happens just as much when you have a lot going on in your mind, as when you have very little. :):D
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 17,021
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    I'm not sure if it is the person who's being named as apparently he was on the radio this morning?

    Some radio shows are pre-recorded. When DJs ask people to email or tweet in, they sometimes say the show is recorded a day or so ahead, so any requests will be considered for the next show etc. ;)
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    AsmoAsmo Posts: 15,327
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    luckylegs wrote: »
    posts could be satire or irony though perhaps.

    That thought passed my mind initially too, but a quick glance at the selection of links in the sidebar:

    Fritz Springmeier
    (Far right christian, illuminati/satanic mind control conspiracist, fond of gothic fonts)

    The Greenbaum Speech by DC Hammond 1992
    (Jewish & Nazi Satanists -!- aiming for World Domination)
    Hammond claimed his patients had revealed the conspiracy was masterminded by a Jewish doctor in Nazi Germany, but who now worked for the Central Intelligence Agency with a goal of worldwide domination by a Satanic cult.

    D. Corydon Hammond has since 'distanced' himself from the claims of that period.
    http://www.fmsfonline.org/hammond.html (inc retractions and malpractice suits)

    S.M.A.R.T. (founder - Neil Brick)
    Neil Brick, himself an alleged survivor of ritual abuse, says his self-discovery of past lives began about 10 years ago during a troubled part of his life.
    Only after straightening his life out and seeking psychological help did he become aware of his past life. Short in stature, Brick says that "the government kept me small so that I could easily fit through ducts and crawlspaces when I was on missions."

    He claims to have recurring memories of his part in assassination missions behind the Iron Curtain. Estranged from his family, Brick says he blames his parents and others for allowing his abuse.
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    2Legit2Quit2Legit2Quit Posts: 4,728
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    Just a pity they don't say outright who it is as it saves a lot of needless speculating.

    Think of the most watched soap episode ever (1986ish?) which featured some divorce papers. ;)
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    Vodka_DrinkaVodka_Drinka Posts: 28,761
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    Think of the most watched soap episode ever (1986ish?) which featured some divorce papers. ;)

    His wife left him recently. They've been married about 30 odd years as well. Might not be relevant though.
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    ShrikeShrike Posts: 16,615
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    Think of the most watched soap episode ever (1986ish?) which featured some divorce papers. ;)

    Well if it is him then for once its not going to be the worst thing he's ever done, is it?
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    Aidan11Aidan11 Posts: 539
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    Twitter now seems to suggest the arrested man isn't a celeb but may have worked at the BBC.
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