
Hollyoaks - Kevin's lie about Brendan (spoilers)



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    itsy bitsyitsy bitsy Posts: 3,032
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    Bluebird69 wrote: »
    Do you want to put a tenner on that? :cool:

    Ste always thinks the worst of Brendan, instantly, whatever the situation :rolleyes: I really don't know why he bothered to go and get Brendan in Dublin (although, if Doug hadn't bought the ticket and told him to go, Ste would have been happy to jet off to yankee land. Damn, you, Doug! :mad: ) because Ste obviously has absolutely zero trust in Brendan.

    I'm surprised at the number of people who think that Kevin is actually Walker's son! :p:D

    Well it is Hollyoaks. A place where almost anything is possible. :D
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,945
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    Bluebird69 wrote: »
    Do you want to put a tenner on that?

    Ste always thinks the worst of Brendan, instantly, whatever the situation :rolleyes: I really don't know why he bothered to go and get Brendan in Dublin (although, if Doug hadn't bought the ticket and told him to go, Ste would have been happy to jet off to yankee land. Damn, you, Doug! :mad: ) because Ste obviously has absolutely zero trust in Brendan.

    I'm surprised at the number of people who think that Kevin is actually Walker's son! :p:D

    but sexual assault though...:cry::cry::cry:
    brendan's a lot of things - he's even a murderer for christ's sake! - but i don't buy for a second that ste would believe that he would force himself on someone. that he would rape someone? or even attempt it?....

    just think of all those times when he could have forced ste. he was violent to ste yes, manipulative, yes...but he NEVER once tried to force ste into sex when he said no.
    and as far as ste believing the worst about him - i think he's just realistic tbh. he knows brendan, he knows (most of) his history, and he knows he deffo ain't in the line up for a saint hood.
    but he also knows his motivations. he knows how his mind works. he knows how brendan feels about things and processes them better than brendan does, and he knows what drives brendan to do the things that he's done in his past.
    take a moment and consider, when has brendan done something horrible without motivation? ste knows this. and he's always understood, even if he never approved. and that's why he's always forgave brendan. even killing a man in ste's name, being driven to the point where ste himself had to physically restrain him from killing another, and having joel kidnap, batter and attempt to kill yet another hasn't been enough to turn ste away.
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    RingoJ739KRingoJ739K Posts: 23,347
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    scamrasc wrote: »

    change the story won't you. he doesn't even do anything ffs.

    Apart from hitting him a bit?:o
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    Bluebird69Bluebird69 Posts: 5,571
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    Scamrasc, you don't need to give me a list of reasons as to why Brendan wouldn't do it, I don't need convincing! :p

    It's what Ste believes that will be interesting - and, given his track record of believing the worst of Brendan, I'm not as confident as you are that Ste wouldn't have any doubts that Brendan might have done it. Let's remember, we're talking about someone who didn't have the slightest hesitation in believing that Brendan was a serial killer of young girls - based on what?

    So, do you want to put a virtual tenner on it, or not? :cool: :p
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    hetty100hetty100 Posts: 4,873
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    Bluebird69 wrote: »
    Scamrasc, you don't need to give me a list of reasons as to why Brendan wouldn't do it, I don't need convincing! :p

    It's what Ste believes that will be interesting - and, given his track record of believing the worst of Brendan, I'm not as confident as you are that Ste wouldn't have any doubts that Brendan might have done it. Let's remember, we're talking about someone who didn't have the slightest hesitation in believing that Brendan was a serial killer of young girls - based on what?

    So, do you want to put a virtual tenner on it, or not? :cool: :p

    Ste believed that Brendan murdered Rae, Bex, and India ffs even Amy didn't believe that:rolleyes:
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,945
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    RingoJ739K wrote: »
    Apart from hitting him a bit?:o

    it's not even clear that he does hit him. all it says is that brendan gets angry. it's walker that beats him.

    ETA: it does say that brendan lashes out, but it then goes on to say:
    "While Brendan's violent outburst doesn't go very far, Walker later beats up Kevin himself and sends him off to the police station sporting some nasty injuries."
    brendan's violent outburst not going very far could easily be him throwing his weight around at some unsuspecting inannimate object and then chucking kevin out.
    but it's clear that it's walker who does the harm.
    Bluebird69 wrote: »
    Scamrasc, you don't need to give me a list of reasons as to why Brendan wouldn't do it, I don't need convincing! :p

    It's what Ste believes that will be interesting - and, given his track record of believing the worst of Brendan, I'm not as confident as you are that Ste wouldn't have any doubts that Brendan might have done it.

    So, do you want to put a virtual tenner on it, or not? :cool: :p

    oh ignore me. i'm just having a moan really:(

    i'll put a virtual tenner down to say that ste WILL have doubts concerning the violence and perhaps that brendan made a pass at kevin or is attracted to him, but that he WON'T believe that brendan would try to rape kevin...
    how's that?:D
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    Bluebird69Bluebird69 Posts: 5,571
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    scamrasc wrote: »
    i'll put a virtual tenner down to say that ste WILL have doubts concerning the violence and perhaps that brendan made a pass at kevin or is attracted to him, but that he WON'T believe that brendan would try to rape kevin...
    how's that?:D

    Well, you're pretty safe on the BIB since the spoilers have said as much :D

    It's whether or not Ste thinks that Brendan is capable of sexual assault/ rape that will be very telling :cool:

    It's a relationship that's very fragile and lacking in trust, isn't it? If Brendan wasn't (probably) getting killed off in a few weeks time, I couldn't see them sticking together for very long anyway. The passionate sex will only glue a relationship together temporarily, for it to last longer there needs to be mutual trust and respect and understanding, and they just don't have that.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,945
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    Bluebird69 wrote: »
    Let's remember, we're talking about someone who didn't have the slightest hesitation in believing that Brendan was a serial killer of young girls - based on what?

    based on danny. based on quite recently finding out that brendan WAS a murderer (something no one else knew, except for warren).
    and based on the grief of losing rae, who he cared for, and who had just outed brendan to his son (possibly the most dangerous thing anyone could have done back then) and then been aggressively grabbed by brendan in the middle of the village as he screamed he was going to kill her (which i always personally took as a point towards brendan NOT being the killer, because what self respecting gangsta would openly scream he was going to commit a murder and then later on commit it?:cool:) followed by her dead body being found stashed in the boot of his car whilst he had driven out to the middle of a secluded, wooded, ideal body-dumping ground.

    i don't think ste truely believed him to be the killer of bex and india, but he did have good reason to fear for rae.

    silas knew what he was doing:cool:. that grandaddy had skillz
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,945
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    Bluebird69 wrote: »
    Well, you're pretty safe on the BIB since the spoilers have said as much :D

    It's whether or not Ste thinks that Brendan is capable of sexual assault/ rape that will be very telling :cool:

    It's a relationship that's very fragile and lacking in trust, isn't it? If Brendan wasn't (probably) getting killed off in a few weeks time, I couldn't see them sticking together for very long anyway. The passionate sex will only glue a relationship together temporarily, for it to last longer there needs to be mutual trust and respect and understanding, and they just don't have that.

    oh definitely. i'm surprised at how weak the show's portraying them to be atm. especially after how damn strong they were following dublin and christmas and everything that happened with seamus. i know it's supposed to be the result of walker being a devious bastard and manouvering it that way, but it's not really coming across like that.
    especially how stupid the last episode with them was over the drugs:rolleyes::rolleyes:. and then brendan running away to ireland to spend time with his children (who eileen forbade him from seeing last time) after ste had just had his taken away from him....because of their relationship and the fact that he wasn't willing to give it up.
    like, wtf?...
    and then apparently brendan's set to go running off to ireland AGAIN after this happens?....i'm assuming there must have been scheduling difficulties with emmett or something, but this going back to stay in his hotel room in dublin thing every week is just stupid. no wonder kieron said he and emmett used to take the piss out of it.
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    Bluebird69Bluebird69 Posts: 5,571
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    Silas did do a pretty good job of framing Brendan, admittedly ;) - But did Ste even bother to give him the benefit of the doubt first? To speak to him, ask what had actually happened? No! Just instant judgement. It's always the same with Ste. I'll be very surprised if he acts any differently over the sexual assault accusation.
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    hetty100hetty100 Posts: 4,873
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    scamrasc wrote: »
    oh definitely. i'm surprised at how weak the show's portraying them to be atm. especially after how damn strong they were following dublin and christmas and everything that happened with seamus. i know it's supposed to be the result of walker being a devious bastard and manouvering it that way, but it's not really coming across like that.
    especially how stupid the last episode with them was over the drugs:rolleyes::rolleyes:. and then brendan running away to ireland to spend time with his children (who eileen forbade him from seeing last time) after ste had just had his taken away from him....because of their relationship and the fact that he wasn't willing to give it up.
    like, wtf?...
    and then apparently brendan's set to go running off to ireland AGAIN after this happens?....i'm assuming there must have been scheduling difficulties with emmett or something, but this going back to stay in his hotel room in dublin thing every week is just stupid. no wonder kieron said he and emmett used to take the piss out of it.

    bib you are joking?:rolleyes:
    how ridiculous
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    Ellie_DollieEllie_Dollie Posts: 1,036
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    Hi there :) sorry for butting in on your convo but seeing as you're talking about when Ste didn't believe Brendan's innocence of Rae's murder just have to say.
    I always hated the fact that the first thing Ste said when he heard Brendan had been arrested was 'has he hurt her'.
    I know that he heard Brendan threaten to kill her for 'outing' him to Declan BUT remember that when Brendan was arrested for Bex and India's murders that was the time when Brendan had beaten Ste up really bad (the worst ever) and yet he was adamant that Brendan didn't do it when Noah asked if he thought Brendan was guilty.
    But when it came to Rae he immediately thought he had done it and Amy who hates him was the one who had the doubts.

    Anyway just had to say that :)
    Getting back to the Kevin stuff I don't think Ste will for a second believe that Brendan sexually assaulted him. I think he'll believe he beat him up (even though it sounds like it's Walker that's going to do the worst of that damage) as he guessed that Brendan had beaten Joel up when he didn't do the job properly of getting rid of Seamus.

    I think (if only we had the chance of seeing it happen) they would stay together forever. Yes, they do have trust issues but that's down to the things that have happened in their past. If they didn't love each other so deeply their love wouldn't have lasted for two years despite all the obstacles in their way that just keep coming.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,945
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    Bluebird69 wrote: »
    Silas did do a pretty good job of framing Brendan, admittedly ;) - But did Ste even bother to give him the benefit of the doubt first? To speak to him, ask what had actually happened? No! Just instant judgement. It's always the same with Ste. I'll be very surprised if he acts any differently over the sexual assault accusation.

    i was pissed that ste never once went to go visit him in prison to even talk to him, but i totally understood him being crestfallen at the news of rae. in a way, he did love her, and the fear that he had over what brendan was capable of was a very real one. he was completely ridden with both grief and guilt, considering his inside knowledge of brendan's murderous past and his choice not to do anything about it. outside of whacking him with a baseball bat. he could have gone to the police, but he didn't. he chose to let brendan away with it - not even telling amy about it (which is another point. people saying how amy was the one who didn't believe brendan capable of it.....well, amy was right of course. and she's always been a highly astute young woman and an excellent judge of character, but she wasn't privy to the knowledge ste was. as far as she was concerned, he was a bully and a thug, but with all those times he threatened her, he never actually touched her, and she recognised that. her opinion might have been somewhat different had she known he had recently bludgeoned a man to death with a hammer :))
    hetty100 wrote: »
    bib you are joking?:rolleyes:
    how ridiculous

    unfortunately not:rolleyes::rolleyes: apparently he randomly goes over again for another week! meaning he's only got a few weeks left as it is, with everything going on in his storyline that needs to be addressed, and he's going to completely disappear for two of them!:mad:

    i can tell i'm going to get pissed with the coming weeks of HO, like i've been pissed with the last one.
    after mitzeee's farce of an exit week, the show has lost my faith. if they do actually go down the path of ste believing brendan would sexually attack someone, then whatever. someone just take a shotgun to "stendan's" head right there and then, because honestly, if your partner can truelly believe that of you with absolutely no evidence whatsoever except the word of the dodgy new dirtbag employee that's been around for all of what, 2 weeks?...then why are they together? especially after some of the beautiful scenes they had earlier on like when brendan completely broke down in ste's kitchen and sobbed on his shoulder. that was the scene that actually made me buy into them. but it's like this is a completely different couple, and i just do not buy that ste's character would take kevin's word about something of that magnitude over brendan's.
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    PlantPlant Posts: 11,820
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    I've lost faith in Brendan's exit story to be honest. When they first started the child abuse storyline I thought it was too late in Brendan's timeline and they wouldn't be able to do justice to it in three months. Now they seem to have decided to leave it to the last 3 weeks. I think they have just got cold feet and don't want to deal with it at all. Maybe ES was keen on doing the story but Kirkwood isn't so keen. So we are just going to get some last minute reveal but the real exit story is going to be stunts and car chases with Walker.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 213
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    I really don't want to see this storyline, it's going to be so sad to see Brendan put in this situation (yes I am Brendan obsessive) I know the events leading up to his exit aren't going to be all sunshine and roses but accusing him of sexual assault after what he's been through :-(
    I'm also annoyed Ste doesn't believe Brendan but from the sounds of it Kevin is the one to make him doubt him, not that it's an excuse.

    Meh, will just have to see how it plays out. I think they will realise pretty quickly Brendan didn't do anything but the damage will have been done probably
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    Bluebird69Bluebird69 Posts: 5,571
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    Plant wrote: »
    I've lost faith in Brendan's exit story to be honest. When they first started the child abuse storyline I thought it was too late in Brendan's timeline and they wouldn't be able to do justice to it in three months. Now they seem to have decided to leave it to the last 3 weeks. I think they have just got cold feet and don't want to deal with it at all. Maybe ES was keen on doing the story but Kirkwood isn't so keen. So we are just going to get some last minute reveal but the real exit story is going to be stunts and car chases with Walker.

    Yes, I think this is what might happen too. It's very disappointing :(
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    Shawn_LunnShawn_Lunn Posts: 9,353
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    Oh joy, Brendan lashes out again.

    I kind of wish Kevin was some character in this show who wasn't connected to Brendan and his neverending cycle of violence and doom.

    Walker needs to piss off as well. That character is seriously boring me.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 144
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    Shawn_Lunn wrote: »
    Oh joy, Brendan lashes out again.

    I kind of wish Kevin was some character in this show who wasn't connected to Brendan and his neverending cycle of violence and doom.

    Walker needs to piss off as well. That character is seriously boring me.

    ummm.....are you serious???!! just take a second to imagine that you were raped as a child. by your dad. pinned down. repeatedly. again and again and again well into your teens.

    then someone comes to you and confides in you that the same thing happened to them, so you comfort them. but oh, nope! they're just being a lying manipulative little shit who's making it all up as a way of preying on you!

    are you seriously trying to say that that wouldn't make you angry??? jesus christ....

    and his "violent rage" doesn't even sound like it'll be much to write home about anyway. the article says it doesn't go far.

    i agree about walker though. not enjoying him, or kevin. they're both rubbish. i liked him first time round but now he's just rediculous.
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    Sez_babeSez_babe Posts: 133,998
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    I've always found Walker very watchable - for me he mesmorises me in every scene he's in. Neil's performance when Walker had to pretend to want to have sex with Brendan was brilliant in my opinion. You could feel his hatred and the shame he felt for going through with it - amazing acting.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 144
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    Sez_babe wrote: »
    I've always found Walker very watchable - for me he mesmorises me in every scene he's in. Neil's performance when Walker had to pretend to want to have sex with Brendan was brilliant in my opinion. You could feel his hatred and the shame he felt for going through with it - amazing acting.

    also, his acting in the heist episode, when we officially found out who he was and saw him talking to cam....exceptional!
    neil's a fantastic actor.
    my problem i think with walker this time round is that it's all just so repetitive, the same scenes over and over, and some of it is actually quite far fetched.
    like the hitman going to tell him about carl and mitzeee..
    or the random scene where we see him in the hotel, apparently where he's staying according to carl, on a date with some hottie, whilst the rest of the time being seemingly homeless??
    and all the "brendan brady must be made to suffer" speaches every episode he's in.
    and the crap with maxine and her buying into the "undercover cop for your protection" routine. yep...clearly why he broke into your appartment and attacked you from behind and won't let you get to your phone or let anyone know you're there or show you his ID without using his thumb to cover half of it or let you know what's in the "important information" you're holding which your own sister gave to you with strictly specific instructions to get to brendan as a matter of life and death because "he needs to know that walker's back!" which were her parting words to you!!:rolleyes:

    yeah...i love neil as an actor, but i'm definitely not enjoying the walker stuff this time round.
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    lexstarlexstar Posts: 1,822
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    I really love Kevin, he's a good little actor, I'd like to see him stay on!
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    Sez_babeSez_babe Posts: 133,998
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    jenny6401 wrote: »
    also, his acting in the heist episode, when we officially found out who he was and saw him talking to cam....exceptional!
    neil's a fantastic actor.
    my problem i think with walker this time round is that it's all just so repetitive, the same scenes over and over, and some of it is actually quite far fetched.
    like the hitman going to tell him about carl and mitzeee..
    or the random scene where we see him in the hotel, apparently where he's staying according to carl, on a date with some hottie, whilst the rest of the time being seemingly homeless??
    and all the "brendan brady must be made to suffer" speaches every episode he's in.
    and the crap with maxine and her buying into the "undercover cop for your protection" routine. yep...clearly why he broke into your appartment and attacked you from behind and won't let you get to your phone or let anyone know you're there or show you his ID without using his thumb to cover half of it or let you know what's in the "important information" you're holding which your own sister gave to you with strictly specific instructions to get to brendan as a matter of life and death because "he needs to know that walker's back!" which were her parting words to you!!:rolleyes:

    yeah...i love neil as an actor, but i'm definitely not enjoying the walker stuff this time round.

    Yeh I can agree with that. Hopefully when he finally sees Brendan again it will get better.
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    Shawn_LunnShawn_Lunn Posts: 9,353
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    jenny6401 wrote: »
    ummm.....are you serious???!! just take a second to imagine that you were raped as a child. by your dad. pinned down. repeatedly. again and again and again well into your teens.

    then someone comes to you and confides in you that the same thing happened to them, so you comfort them. but oh, nope! they're just being a lying manipulative little shit who's making it all up as a way of preying on you!

    are you seriously trying to say that that wouldn't make you angry??? jesus christ....

    and his "violent rage" doesn't even sound like it'll be much to write home about anyway. the article says it doesn't go far.

    i agree about walker though. not enjoying him, or kevin. they're both rubbish. i liked him first time round but now he's just rediculous.

    Oh please I get the storyline and Brendan's anger but I've lost interest in the character and won't miss him when he leaves. Emmett's a good actor and he'll do well post Hollyoaks but Brendan is an overrated character and not actually a likeable person. I sympathise with his plight but I'm not a fan of the character.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 144
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    Shawn_Lunn wrote: »
    Oh please I get the storyline and Brendan's anger but I've lost interest in the character and won't miss him when he leaves. Emmett's a good actor and he'll do well post Hollyoaks but Brendan is an overrated character and not actually a likeable person. I sympathise with his plight but I'm not a fan of the character.

    i don't see how any of that's relevant.

    i responded to your comment "oh joy, brendan lashes out again".

    i find that to be a really shocking comment considering the circumstances. he lashes out because he finds out that someone is manipulating him using his childhood rape against him. it's not like he's just being a bully throwing his weight around or involved in something dodgey as he has been known to do in the past. if i was raped as a child and i discovered someone doing that to me, i might well kill them, and i'm in any way a violent person at all...
    and as i said before, it's not even a major part of the story here. it's walker that beats kevin up and sends him to the police. brendan "lashing out" is probably the tiniest fragment of the story possible to focus on here.
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    Sez_babeSez_babe Posts: 133,998
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    Do we know exactly what Kevin tells the police?
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