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    flagpoleflagpole Posts: 44,641
    Forum Member
    It's tricky because it's a premium rate number. vodafone will have to pay their part of the premium termination charge so thy can't just cancel it.

    the fact that they cut him off and he went and got a new sim does not bode well for him.
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    Deleted_User381237831Deleted_User381237831 Posts: 7,902
    Forum Member
    *Slams head on table*
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    Darth-HabibDarth-Habib Posts: 466
    Forum Member
    I've said it before, and I'll say it again, some people are too stupid to have a mobile phone contract.

    Also, hasn't he heard about pornhub?

    He could have saved himself a lot of money.
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    grumpyoldbatgrumpyoldbat Posts: 3,663
    Forum Member
    I've said it before, and I'll say it again, some people are too stupid to have a mobile phone contract.

    Also, hasn't he heard about pornhub?

    He could have saved himself a lot of money.

    If he'd used Pornhub, he'd have only run up a huge data bill because he's probably too stupid to have an unlimited data package for video!
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    MustabusterMustabuster Posts: 5,976
    Forum Member
    Idiot should have used a land line. Price per minute it would be cheaper to go to a massage parlour and get some hand relief.
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    The Lord LucanThe Lord Lucan Posts: 5,054
    Forum Member
    I hope Vodafone stick to it's guns on this one. They are offering him it at slightly under cost. Should be nearer 35-45k unless charges have changed recently. I dislike how in these days so many people have no feeling of responsibilities for their actions.. Sad sad times we live in.

    Questions have to be asked internally of how the retail shop could override the bar and surely he would have had notes on the account. Hence why Voda is knocking a chunk off i think. Other than that, all him. W***er!
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    denyo1977denyo1977 Posts: 699
    Forum Member
    I am a bit surprised Vodafone did let him run up a bill like that. But he doesn't seem to think he is to blame. Nowadays everyone should know that chatlines don't come cheap. And if he doesn't know the cost, how about checking???
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    alanwarwicalanwarwic Posts: 28,396
    Forum Member
    Rules and regulations should be there to protect them morons and and us from them too.

    Believing in unregulated capitalism also gave us our beloved bankers.
    Also, it comes as no surprise that t was reported that Apple gets 71% of iPhone app profits from in-app purchasing.
    Plenty of Kevin's there too, to make the bankers happy.
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    !!11oneone!!11oneone Posts: 4,098
    Forum Member
    My mobile network have given me a monthly credit of £150, which is my maximum spend including the £20 monthly charge. Why they don't all do this, I don't know.

    The networks are extending credit to every user. They must know they've no chance of getting their £91k even if this bloke is declared bankrupt. Yes, he was an idiot. But why let him run up the bill in the first place? A bank wouldn't allow you to go on a stupid £91k spending spree with your credit card. No company should.

    And they especially shouldn't keep extending credit after the first bill. If I maxed out my credit card, I wouldn't be given another by the same bank.

    However, I do think the guy's debts after the first bill should stand. He knew he was running the bills up and continued to do so - the first bill might be ignorance, not the others.
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    alanwarwicalanwarwic Posts: 28,396
    Forum Member
    !!11oneone wrote: »
    They must know they've no chance of getting their £91k even if this bloke is declared bankrupt.

    If they put in protection, there would be millions of easy profits lost somewhere in the chain. Business is just never going to give a damn.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,889
    Forum Member
    every phone provider should ban him. thats beyond "thick" if i'm allowed to use that word as calling soneone an "ejit" got be banned from this pl b4.
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    John_PatrickJohn_Patrick Posts: 924
    Forum Member
    "Despite an initial bill of £19,333.63 from his phone provider Vodafone, Mr Waldrum continued to make regular calls to the chat line.
    He says he felt unable to stop: ‘I was back calling them pretty much right away"

    Surely a contender for the 2013 Darwin Awards.

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    !!11oneone!!11oneone Posts: 4,098
    Forum Member
    Well no... because he's not dead...
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    JSemple3JSemple3 Posts: 8,652
    Forum Member
    It's hard to show any pity for the wally and he should be held accountable for the whole 91K but how are vodafone going to get money off him
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    alanwarwicalanwarwic Posts: 28,396
    Forum Member
    I imagine it is no different from gambling industry making most of their money from people with severe problems.

    It is also lucky for those businesses that so many people just like to put the boot in, the Mail included
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    Darth-HabibDarth-Habib Posts: 466
    Forum Member
    JSemple3 wrote: »
    It's hard to show any pity for the wally and he should be held accountable for the whole 91K but how are vodafone going to get money off him

    I suspect they will go down the debt collection route, then when he is unable to make a acceptable payment proposal, they'll go down the CCJ route.

    Then that debt will follow him until he satisfies it.
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    grimtales1grimtales1 Posts: 46,702
    Forum Member
    Continued to call after receiving first bill of £19,333.63 from Vodafone

    Vodafone has cut total bill of £91,184 to £29,083 in 'goodwill'

    Mr Waldrum has called the offer 'rubbish' and refuses to pay

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    !!11oneone!!11oneone Posts: 4,098
    Forum Member
    I suspect they will go down the debt collection route, then when he is unable to make a acceptable payment proposal, they'll go down the CCJ route.

    Then that debt will follow him until he satisfies it.

    Not at all. He'll declare himself bankrupt and the debt will be written off.
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    JSemple3JSemple3 Posts: 8,652
    Forum Member
    and even if he is forced to pay all he has to say £1 a month (and don't think they allowed to refuse either these days but I may be wrong)
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    grimtales1grimtales1 Posts: 46,702
    Forum Member
    He'd be dead before he paid all that surely?
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    1andrew11andrew1 Posts: 4,088
    Forum Member
    grimtales1 wrote: »
    He'd be dead before he paid all that surely?
    To pay the reduced amount of £19,334 off he'd had to live till he was 98.
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    Rossby41Rossby41 Posts: 955
    Forum Member
    Claims he was unaware of costs and should have been 'cut off'

    He was cut off.
    Company barred his SIM but he obtained a new one to continue calling

    There, it's his own fault.
    ‘You ring up and there's all these options, they ask your name and sympathise with you' he said.

    Has he not heard of the Samaritans, would a darn sight cheaper.
    Mr Waldrum says the stress of the bill forced him to visit his doctor, who put him on medication to control his stress.

    He now takes Diazepam for his anxiety and Nitrazepam to help him sleep.

    He should have done that in the first place.
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    psionicpsionic Posts: 20,188
    Forum Member
    Some days he spent 22 hours on the chat line, and ignored the first bill for £19k. When he got cut off he just got another SIM and carried on. The guy obviously has major issues, but it's difficult to feel sorry for him.
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    mooxmoox Posts: 18,880
    Forum Member
    Utter idiot. There's no way he didn't know what he was doing - those TV channels clearly say what the rate per minute is, and by getting a new SIM card after being cut off AND getting a massive bill beforehand shows that he's either fantastically thick or knew what he was doing. Do premium rate lines have to tell you the call cost at the start of the call?

    Vodafone can't necessarily write it all off as they will be paying the premium rate provider regardless of if the customer pays up, I think they've done a reasonable gesture.

    Although you have to question why Vodafone's system didn't flag it up earlier and why getting a new SIM card reactivated his account, you'd think they could suspend the account rather than shut off the SIM itself.
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    Deleted_User381237831Deleted_User381237831 Posts: 7,902
    Forum Member
    Just remember in the future, when Vodafone do it's next inflationary increase - this muppet is partially to blame!
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