
Jimmy Saville to be revealed as a paedophile? (Part 7)



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    i4ui4u Posts: 55,345
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    IzzyS wrote: »
    I also wonder why the Sun decided to name him now?.

    As an alternative to this story?
    The Sun executive editor Fergus Shanahan is to face prosecution over an allegation that he authorised payments totalling £7,000 to a public official.
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    Joy DeanJoy Dean Posts: 21,358
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    i4u wrote: »


    The national media had not named him for legal reasons until The Sun did so today.
    The newspaper indulged in a classic piece of Fleet Street subterfuge by producing a 'dummy' front page for its earlier editions this morning before naming Mr Harris as a Yewtree suspect in its final edition.
    Dummy front pages are used traditionally by newspapers to keep stories exclusive for as long as possible.
    His agent and lawyers have declined to comment. But the Mail has been told that Harris vehemently denies the allegations.
    Harris, 83, became the 11th man to be detained over the controversial inquiry which critics say has turned into a ‘celebrity witch-hunt’.
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    Glawster2002Glawster2002 Posts: 15,217
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    IzzyS wrote: »
    I heard Rolf has been bailed until May, so maybe we/he will find out whether he's to be charged or not then but even then, people should be thought of as innocent until proven guilty so its hard to judge until any such case has reached a verdict in court. Its hard to picture him as an abuser, it really is. I was a big fan as a kid, had one of his books and joined his TV show fan club etc.

    The problem is even if those involved are found to be 100% innocent with no charges brought there will be plenty of people who will say, because of the subject matter, "There's no smoke without fire".
    k9fan wrote: »
    Harris, 83, became the 11th man to be detained over the controversial inquiry which critics say has turned into a ‘celebrity witch-hunt’.

    I am starting to think it is turning in to this. The police seriously messed up by turning a blind eye to Savile and so it seems to me they are now targeting any man who was famous in the 1970s and worked for the BBC in a "fishing trip" to see if they can catch anyone, irrespective of the damage they will do to innocent people's careers or reputations.
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    Wobbly SteveWobbly Steve Posts: 996
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    grimtales1 wrote: »
    I really hope Rolf is innocent, he was a hero of mine as a kid :(

    What do you mean you hope !!!?

    That implies that you already think he's guilty !!!

    Is this what the British justice system has come to - a person being named in the press in conjunction with an investigation - becomes guilty by association?

    This is why, imo, anonymity til guilt is proven should be the order of the day.

    Question to OP - why should RH be any less of a hero to you now ?
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,664
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    In what way does grimtales1 statement imply that they think he's guilty? Seriously?
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    soundchecksoundcheck Posts: 351
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    Met Rolf a few years ago at a craft fair. He and I commiserated as "craft widows", and loitered around the coffee bar, keeping an eye on the ever-growing piles of Stuff that our dearly-beloveds were purchasing. He was polite and friendly, but nothing like his screen persona (which is reasonable, since he was on a day out with his wife, not being an entertainer).

    When rumours of his arrest began to circulate I was appalled - more so than with any of the other arrestees. This is probably because he was such a big (and innocent) part of my childhood. I very much hope that he has been arrested for what he might know about others, rather than as a consequence of allegations made about him directly.
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    Wobbly SteveWobbly Steve Posts: 996
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    kaybee15 wrote: »
    In what way does grimtales1 statement imply that they think he's guilty? Seriously?

    In the context of this thread where "there's no smoke.." and "Sh!t sticks" inferences abound - to "hope" someone is innocent, when there is absolutely (in the public domain) no evidence to suggest anything other than innocence - to me, implies a belief/fear that that someone is guilty.

    And, sadly, those sort of beliefs / fears when placed on an innocent individual are impossible to remove - moreover, I would venture to suggest that the OP's opinion / feelings toward RH will have been forever tainted - even if there is no evidence and/or further action taken.
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    yaristamanyaristaman Posts: 1,851
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    In the context of this thread where "there's no smoke.." and "Sh!t sticks" inferences abound - to "hope" someone is innocent, when there is absolutely (in the public domain) no evidence to suggest anything other than innocence - to me, implies a belief/fear that that someone is guilty.

    To hope someone you like/are a fan of is innocent when they have been arrested is a natural reaction. Doesn't imply that the poster thinks he's guilty at all.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 87,224
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    The Sun was right to publish Harris story in the face of legal threats
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    Joy DeanJoy Dean Posts: 21,358
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    A spokesperson for the Met said: "We are not discussing the name of the individual."

    Harris was originally interviewed under caution by Scotland Yard officers on Operation Yewtree last November, five days after they visited his home in Berkshire when he was not there. The Met said in an earlier statement: "The man from Berkshire was interviewed under caution on suspicion of sexual offences after attending south London police premises by appointment. On 24 November 2012 officers had executed a search warrant at an address in Berkshire."

    It is understood that Harris was arrested last month but not charged with any offence. He has been bailed until May.

    After Harris's arrest in March days before his 83rd birthday, a Scotland Yard spokesman said: "An 82-year-old man from Berkshire was arrested by officers on Operation Yewtree on suspicion of sexual offences. He has been bailed to a date in May pending further inquiries.

    "The individual falls under the strand of the investigation we have termed 'others'."

    Several high-profile figures have been arrested in connection with the investigation including the PR consultant Max Clifford, the comedian Freddie Star, the radio DJ Dave Lee Travis, the former TV producer Wilfred De'Ath and the comedian Jim Davidson. They all deny any wrongdoing and De'Ath was released without charge last month.
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    dorydaryldorydaryl Posts: 15,927
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    BinCat wrote: »
    Me too, out of everyone being arrested and named over the last year, he's the one I really wanted to be innocent:(

    Hope he is.

    Couldn't agree more. If the claims against him are proven malicious or to settle scores, I hope the accusers are sharply brought to book. He's an 83 year-old man. However, being elderly doesn't mean that he is innocent of 'historical' offences (and nor does it mean he's guilty- just to clarify) and, if there is reason to believe he has committed them, he needs to account for himself in court. In his case in particular, I really, really hope he's innocent. Savile, I never had the time of day for. Same with some of the others in the frame- even before any of this came out. Rolf's a bit different.
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    PencilBreathPencilBreath Posts: 3,643
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    I posted about rolf about 3 months ago but it was deleted lol
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 87,224
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    violetcrawleyvioletcrawley Posts: 734
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    I posted about rolf about 3 months ago but it was deleted lol

    My thread today was deleted.
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    BoxfreshBoxfresh Posts: 2,764
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    It's actually getting kind of comical. It's actually looking like any UK based television light-entertainer over the age of 65 was basically a sexual deviant or pervert:D

    I'm sort of expecting Paul Daniels to be busted next.lol!

    But seriously, I do suspect there was probably a "culture" of this sort of behavior, when this sort of behavior was regarded as acceptable back then. So I wouldn't be surprised if most of these guys getting nicked were involved in dodgy sexual activity.
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    BoyardBoyard Posts: 5,393
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    Boxfresh wrote: »
    It's actually getting kind of comical. It's actually looking like any UK based television light-entertainer over the age of 65 was basically a sexual deviant or pervert:D

    I'm sort of expecting Paul Daniels to be busted next.lol!

    But seriously, I do suspect there was probably a "culture" of this sort of behavior, when this sort of behavior was regarded as acceptable back then. So I wouldn't be surprised if most of these guys getting nicked were involved in dodgy sexual activity.

    Paedophiles probably gravitated towards those kind of careers, sad to say. :(
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    Terry WigonTerry Wigon Posts: 6,831
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    Boyard wrote: »
    Paedophiles probably gravitated towards those kind of careers, sad to say. :(

    There's nothing at all to suggest Rolf Harris is a paedophile.

    This 'Operation Yewtree' is fast dissolving into farce. Much though I dislike Jim Davidson's act etc, how he can be pulled in under it (and DLT too) for (allegedly) assaulting grown women is beyond me. As soon as people hear 'Savile Police' the assumption is that it's about assaulting children and that does not seem to be the case.

    Savile, Savile and others, 'Others'? I don't even know what this means. Others could be EVERY other historical offence (groping etc) (allegedly) committed by a light entertainer.

    Allegations involving people who were adults at the time of the allged attack need to be renamed and de-coupled from Yewtree, I think.
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    jack pattersonjack patterson Posts: 1,029
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    Boyard wrote: »
    Paedophiles probably gravitated towards those kind of careers, sad to say. :(

    How crass !
    Yeah I suppose men who buy long coats are all flashers?

    Mr Harris is being interviewed because of a claim by ONE female adult, not a classroom full of children as you lot would like to think,
    So basically its one word against another for something that may/may not have happened in the 1970s

    Jezus! can you imagine if Rolf had been dead, the public would have had riot with their fantasies like Jimmy Saville
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    CELT1987CELT1987 Posts: 12,375
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    Even if Rolf is found innocent, mud sticks. His reputation is now in tatters.
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    Terry WigonTerry Wigon Posts: 6,831
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    CELT1987 wrote: »
    Even if Rolf is found innocent, mud sticks. His reputation is now in tatters.

    I'm not sure if it is. It would be if he was charged and found guilty. We'll have to wait and see what happens...
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    daisiesfandaisiesfan Posts: 2,724
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    The fact that he has been named is disgusting.
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    IzzySIzzyS Posts: 11,045
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    i4u wrote: »

    Ah, I suppose that would make sense :rolleyes:
    The problem is even if those involved are found to be 100% innocent with no charges brought there will be plenty of people who will say, because of the subject matter, "There's no smoke without fire".

    I am starting to think it is turning in to this. The police seriously messed up by turning a blind eye to Savile and so it seems to me they are now targeting any man who was famous in the 1970s and worked for the BBC in a "fishing trip" to see if they can catch anyone, irrespective of the damage they will do to innocent people's careers or reputations.

    I agree. They better be careful, given whats at stake, this could end up with a grim consequence for the police to have to answer to, potentially - ugh
    Does raise some imp questions why it took 5 months after I was the 1st to name Rolf Harris being interview re sexual offences #OpYewtree

    It does need to be discussed & considered for the future naming of people arrested. The Sun were correct to name #OpYewtree #savile


    Seems like he's showing off about being the first to name him - thats not something I'd be especially proud of. I'm really not sure if it is a good idea to name him, given he hasn't been charged, so I tweeted him 'why is it right to name them before they've even been officially charged? surely it'd be better to wait until charged?' but not had a reply...hmmm(!). I can understand the argument of it potentially leading to other witnesses or victims coming forward but I think its a big judgement call because, as others have said, his reputation will be in tatters after this and he hasn't been found guilty in a court of law yet. At least some, if not most, people will look at him in a different light now I'd imagine, even if its totally unwarranted.

    I'd like to think that they might not have to publically name the person for people to come forward, if they could do perhaps a more general appeal for victims of abusers within the entertainment business in the last 50 years or something to come forward? I've heard people today (including a child protection officer) making some quite crude jokes about Rolf - its not really a laughing matter the way I see it, especially considering there's been talk about him being extremely low. I don't imagine today has helped his state of mind much and he hasn't even been charged? :-/ do we know what he's being questioned in relation to? its all quite unclear, heck we don't even know what it is they may know, have seen or supposedly committed.
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    Rogana JoshRogana Josh Posts: 41,348
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    CELT1987 wrote: »
    Even if Rolf is found innocent, mud sticks. His reputation is now in tatters.

    It's so sad. Many of us have happy memories of Rolf on TV and his song 'Two Little Boys' was especially sentimental for many of us, remembering our families and happier times now gone :(
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 89
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    daisiesfan wrote: »
    The fact that he has been named is disgusting.

    When people are named it does not mean they are guilty.

    By naming people it may encourage those who have been abused and are afraid to come forward, or the reverse, people possibly making false accusations.

    But sexual abuse is notorious to prove, especially historical cases. So, unless there is factual evidence, most of those accused are either never charged, or the courts find them not guilty.

    And the more these matters are brought in to the open, and not covered up, the more we will become used to not being disgusted or assuming their guilt or indeed their innocence.
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    IzzySIzzyS Posts: 11,045
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    It's so sad. Many of us have happy memories of Rolf on TV and his song 'Two Little Boys' was especially sentimental for many of us, remembering our families and happier times now gone :(

    I admire him for his work with animals and as a child, I loved his Cartoon Club show. I joined his fanclub (I still have the badge somewhere) and bought the book based on the TV show, though I never was particularly good at drawing but his show encouraged me to try.
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