
Doctor Who Series 7 Episode 13: Nightmare In Silver 11/05/2013 BBC1 7:00PM



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    CD93CD93 Posts: 13,940
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    Radio Times.
    Developments in the plot mean that Matt Smith has to act his socks off, but apart from the odd frisson here and there, this episode is essentially a procession of duff notes that, frankly, leaves the cast floundering.
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    DICKENS99DICKENS99 Posts: 2,632
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    CD93 wrote: »
    Radio Times.

    Crikey, is that the worst write-up they've ever given an episode?
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    TheSilentFezTheSilentFez Posts: 11,107
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    Oh dear...I can just tell that there is going to be outrage after this episode. I've seen some morons claiming that this is the best episode of the series despite having never watched it. A lot of people have the unrealistic idea that this is going to live up to the masterpiece which is The Doctor's Wife solely because Neil Gaiman is writing it. From many of the reviews, this may not even be a popular episode, never mind one which lives up to the Doctor's Wife so by hyping themselves up for this episode, some people are setting themselves up for a massive disappointment.

    I'm going to look at this story as one which brings back the cybermen, not one which Neil Gaiman has written. If the cybermen are used well and I find the episode enjoyable, I will be happy.

    On a side note, does anyone think Neil Gaiman should write a Doctor Who novel? I would be overjoyed if he did because he's not really a screenwriter, he's an author and writing episodes isn't really what comes naturally to him, but a novel by him could potentially be one of the best Who stories ever written.
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    WelshNigeWelshNige Posts: 4,811
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    Well I've got high hopes for this one, I don't rate The Doctor's Wife highly at all, so the fact that so many reviewers are saying this episode is not as good as that one makes me think I'll probably enjoy this one far more.....
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 203
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    I'll never trust reviewers again after the near universal praise Journey to the centre of the TARDIS and Cold War were met with prior to transmission, so I'm still looking forward to this.

    If I remember correctly "the god complex" got pretty horrid reviews from the usual suspects, and for me its one of the most accomplished and edifying episodes of the show ever.
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    TheSilentFezTheSilentFez Posts: 11,107
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    Sceptilian wrote: »
    I'll never trust reviewers again after the near universal praise Journey to the centre of the TARDIS and Cold War were met with prior to transmission, so I'm still looking forward to this.

    If I remember correctly "the god complex" got pretty horrid reviews from the usual suspects, and for me its one of the most accomplished and edifying episodes of the show ever.

    The God Complex is one of my favourite ever episodes. :)
    I thought it was fantastic.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 203
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    The God Complex is one of my favourite ever episodes. :)
    I thought it was fantastic.

    Snap! Probably my favourite non-moffat episode since the show's revival. As thoughtful and cerebral as it is witty and humorous, it's what makes whithouse the prime candidate for the next showrunner imo (certainly over chibnall, gatiss, etc).

    And yet cameron k mckewan and the rest of the pre-transmission reviewers just didn't get it. Maybe we want different things from the show - I want it to be deep and intelligent and challenging, like blink, or amy's choice, or the god complex - but maybe others don't.
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    davrosdodebirddavrosdodebird Posts: 8,698
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    This episode is getting scathing reviews all round, especially from the Radio Times! I must say I'm surprised, but then I've enjoyed all of 7B save Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS so maybe I'm an exception to their pessimistic rule.

    Tired of reading the depressing posts on GB where they're all so negative I'm surprised they don't look like the Black Guardian. "for me 7b is the series that should have tried harder..." :yawn:
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,003
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    CD93 wrote: »
    Radio Times.

    Is this coming from the same person who said this about the Doctor's speech in Rings of Akhaten?
    and I can’t quite believe I’m about to type these words… Matt Smith is, for once, underwhelming.

    Regular readers of my blog will know that I usually extol him to the stratosphere, but the director lets through a tad too much mugging and the Doctor’s giving-it-large, get-a-load-of-me grandstanding in front of “Grandfather”, the Halloween pumpkin star, is uncomfortable to watch. I don’t believe any of it.

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    davrosdodebirddavrosdodebird Posts: 8,698
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    relief. I loved that speech, and believed every word of it, unlike the bit in Forest of the Dead where Tennant did his "look me up" bit, which was a good moment, but fell slightly flat in delivery IMO
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    CorwinCorwin Posts: 16,720
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    On a side note, does anyone think Neil Gaiman should write a Doctor Who novel? I would be overjoyed if he did because he's not really a screenwriter, he's an author and writing episodes isn't really what comes naturally to him, but a novel by him could potentially be one of the best Who stories ever written.

    He cowrote (with Lenny Henry) Neverwhere back in 1996 (he wrote the novelization at the same time), did an episode of Babylon 5 in 1998 and wrote the film Mirrormask in 2005 amongst other projects so screenwriting isn't something he's only just started with DW.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,152
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 509
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    I find it funny how we've gone from premliminary reviews along the lines of 'huge spike in quality for Nightmare in Silver, like watching a film' through to Radio Times' 'procession of duff notes'.

    I remember thinking a couple of weeks ago that Rings of Akhaten would be the most divisive this series... ;)
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 24,080
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    Never trust a review, and never give in to the overhype...it always elads to disappointment...however i am still more than excited for this episode! The cybermen there look so darn fantastic there in look and stance so yeah...bring it on!
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    CD93CD93 Posts: 13,940
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    The promo pics are wonderful. <3
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,003
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    relief. I loved that speech, and believed every word of it, unlike the bit in Forest of the Dead where Tennant did his "look me up" bit, which was a good moment, but fell slightly flat in delivery IMO

    I found it really strange, because asides from what I think about the speech (for me it's one of Matt's top two moments as the Doctor), I had mostly only seen praise for his performance there, even from people that didn't seem to be that keen on him before I read the review on RT. It's just strange because the reviewer seems to adore Matt otherwise, looking at what he had to say about him in the next few weeks:

    Cold War
    Matt Smith is back on form after a slight dip last week (wholly down to the terrible material).

    After a minor wobble with Matt Smith a couple of weeks ago, I’m back to raving about the man. He’s simply the best thing to happen to Doctor Who in a very long time, and I sincerely hope he stays in the role beyond the anniversary, Christmas and for the seemingly remote series eight.

    He’s quite wonderful in Hide, virtually dancing through the action as if suddenly inhabited by the spirit of Fred Astaire. And with this being a ghost story, he gives us several levels of fear – from cartoonish tomfoolery (bolting down a staircase like a gibbering Stan Laurel) to a tangible sense of terror when marooned in a misty wood stalked by an unknown horror.

    I dunno, it seems to me that he just doesn't like when Matt's Doctor takes a turn for the serious or something? :confused:

    As for Tennant, I actually loved his delivery of the "look me up" bit, some of his angry-shouty speeches were when I didn't feel it with him tbh.
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    saladfingers81saladfingers81 Posts: 11,301
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    I must say I didn't see all this negativity coming for this episode at all. Not that it matters. I find the previews and reviews interesting but nothing more. I will wait to judge the episode myself. But it is odd as I think most people assumed this episode of all of them was going to be very popular due to the writer and the cybermen. Rather than putting me off these differing views make me more interested!
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    guestofsethguestofseth Posts: 5,303
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    I found it really strange, because asides from what I think about the speech (for me it's one of Matt's top two moments as the Doctor),

    Can I ask what the other one was? I think my favourite Matt moment is still, after nearly three years, the scene when he's talking to sleeping Amy in The Big Bang. Just watched it again :cry:.

    I'm not that bothered by the bad reviews to be honest, if anything they're a good thing as they've lowered my expectations a bit and they were quite high. The previews/images still look great, and it's looks like Clara is finally given something to do which is a big plus.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,003
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    Can I ask what the other one was? I think my favourite Matt moment is still, after nearly three years, the scene when he's talking to sleeping Amy in The Big Bang. Just watched it again :cry:.

    I'm not that bothered by the bad reviews to be honest, if anything they're a good thing as they've lowered my expectations a bit and they were quite high. The previews/images still look great, and it's looks like Clara is finally given something to do which is a big plus.

    Haha, that's indeed funny, because precisely that moment from TBB is my other top 2 moment with Matt. :D
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    tomwozheretomwozhere Posts: 1,081
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    Am I the only one who loved Journey To The Centre Of The TARDIS? It's my favourite of this half so far.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 203
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    tomwozhere wrote: »
    Am I the only one who loved Journey To The Centre Of The TARDIS? It's my favourite of this half so far.

    I haven't "loved" any in this half - in fact the only ones I've loved in series 7 are asylum and the snowmen.

    The Bells of Saint John - 7/10 (Some interesting ideas, neatly tied up, but lacking in ambition for a moffat episode, one of his weakest)

    Rings of Akhaten - 5/10 (So much potential in the first half squandered in a horrible finale. That matt smith speech everyone raves about misses the mark for me because it's so poorly defined what the doctor is even trying to do)

    Cold War - 5/10 (Unambitious and dull - the world is at stake and I've never cared less. Oh and Clara has disappeared!)

    Hide - 7/10 (Interesting conceptually with some neat moments but the guest cast are pretty uninteresting character archetypes and it just felt a little "empty")

    Journey to the centre of the TARDIS - 6/10 (Some neat ideas but probably the worst guest characters in living memory. It failed to deliver on its promising concept)

    The Crimson Horror - 7/10 (Easily Mark's best script - some messy elements especially towards the denouement but at least it rocketed along quickly enough)
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    AirboraeAirborae Posts: 2,655
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    tomwozhere wrote: »
    Am I the only one who loved Journey To The Centre Of The TARDIS? It's my favourite of this half so far.

    You are not the only one. I liked it a hell of a lot more than Hide, which I thought was quite a let down.
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    tomwozheretomwozhere Posts: 1,081
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    Airborae wrote: »
    You are not the only one. I liked it a hell of a lot more than Hide, which I thought was quite a let down.

    I loved Hide as well :o
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    Whovian1109Whovian1109 Posts: 1,812
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    tomwozhere wrote: »
    Am I the only one who loved Journey To The Centre Of The TARDIS? It's my favourite of this half so far.

    The 10/10 I gave it suggests otherwise ;)

    I also liked Hide :o
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    16caerhos16caerhos Posts: 2,533
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    I hope those obnoxious kids don't ruin it :mad:
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