
Andre's "suffering"



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    Ella71110Ella71110 Posts: 4,239
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    Kisses hun to you. xxxx

    Real life is yuuuk and I much prefer this garbage,;)

    hiya hunny welcome back,hope u enjoyed your time away its great to see you are still here so you keep smiling DD xx

    back on topic can anyone tell me if anyone tweeted Petey back questioning his association with CB as i remember in Brighton HMV when CBs last album was out someone had stuck on everyone of them " to buy as hes a woman beater -i remember thinking at the time it was HMV staff but somehow i doubt it but it was all over the albums on the shelves so someone had been busy ;)
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    artlesschaosartlesschaos Posts: 11,345
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    gilliedew wrote: »
    I beg to differ and it is allowed.

    Actually, attacking posters is not allowed. Disagreeing with their posts, is.

    You are attacking people because they do not share your opinion of Pa and because the are finding the glaring holes in your "I'd like to teach the world to sing (but only about Pa)" argument,
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    gilliedewgilliedew Posts: 7,605
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    Gilliedew, with all due respect, I've just been reading back & found it quite interesting that you are lecturing people on how they view Peter Andre & claim he's not getting a fair deal, which is your opinion & one you're entitled to.

    However I'm confused as to why, when asked, if you would be posting the same on the KP thread, you replied you wouldn't as you're not interested in her.

    From reading what you've wrote you (IMO) gave the impression it was the continual "nastiness" being directed towards PA that you objected to & nothing to do with either liking or disliking him.

    This is where I'm confused, I have read some of the stuff posted about KP and to be honest, I've been pretty shocked at a lot of it. This thread IMO is pretty tame in comparison. Therefore I can't understand why you are choosing to ignore what is posted about KP but find it reasonable to object to what is written about PA:confused:

    Nastiness is nastiness regardless of who it's directed at.

    Yes, you have a good point but I am not going to go on there and stick up for her when I do not think she deserves it. There are other people who do not deserve this treatment who I will back before her.

    I have never said it is right she gets as much flak as she does but it is not down to me to take on a whole forum on every thread if you take that sort of view.

    Therefore I don't read it, why should I and that brings me to the point if people do not like Pete, why stick the boot into his reputation character and lifestyle by coming onto a thread and doing just that.

    If they don't agree, just say so but calling him the names sometimes went just too far and attacking all of his choices by the same few is not right.

    I wont stick up for Pete if I think he is in the wrong as in the Chris Brown thing, but this needy tag is years out of date, he now has a girlfriend, family, career and future and is rich, how needy is that but the old labels still come flying his way. I would like to be as needy as him if this is the case.
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    artlesschaosartlesschaos Posts: 11,345
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    sidsgirl wrote: »
    Would it bother you if one of the Andre children had a 'bit' part in a tv show.

    They would legally be protected from exploitation if they were actors - not the same situation as a father selling their privacy to further his own media whoring.
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    gilliedewgilliedew Posts: 7,605
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    Actually, attacking posters is not allowed. Disagreeing with their posts, is.

    You are attacking people because they do not share your opinion of Pa and because the are finding the glaring holes in your "I'd like to teach the world to sing (but only about Pa)" argument,

    I am pointing out that attacking PA on every aspect of his life, repeatedly, using nasty terminology and revelling in his low times is just wrong.

    I do not attack posters, I challenge their views attacking PA.
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    gilliedewgilliedew Posts: 7,605
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    lexi22 wrote: »
    Ah I see what you're doing - very badly and transparently, I might add - deliberately misinterpreting what I'm saying and the point I'm making, so you won't have to defend your very hypocritical and faux-compassionate stance. :cool:

    How very deep, am I doing all of that, ha ha that made me laugh:D

    I thought I was just challenging posters opinions and terminologies slating PA but thanks for being so interested.
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    artlesschaosartlesschaos Posts: 11,345
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    gilliedew wrote: »
    I am pointing out that attacking PA on every aspect of his life, repeatedly, using nasty terminology and revelling in his low times is just wrong.

    I do not attack posters, I challenge their views attacking PA.

    You may see it this way. I see someone telling us what you want us to read and expecting us to go along with it.

    I see someone making accusations about "us" getting people banned.

    I see someone piously demanding that we show PA the respect that they are not showing the people they are actually conversing with.

    You don't like reading that pa is a media **** doesn't change the fact that pa is a media ****. You could resurrect the old Pa appreciation thread if all you want is fluffiness (only for Pa, not for all media ****), or you could accept that not everyone is going to agree with you.
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    gilliedewgilliedew Posts: 7,605
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    OK, serious question:

    You say that we should give him 'a benefit' sometimes. What exactly for may I ask?

    IMHO - and many others, there's not a lot to praise him for to be perfectly frank.

    The music is crap and not selling well.

    He has a reality show that seems to consist of little more than him preening and prattling and us being told that everyone is 'so proud of Pete' for managing the minutaie of everyday life like driving from point A to point B unattended. This is all interspersed of course with shots of his kids.

    Now, he sells himself as a good Dad and I don't doubt that he loves his children. So what? So do many millions of other Dads around the world who don't need to capitalise on this and who have far less money and privilege than Pete. Should I be praising every single Father in Britain who loves their kids? I'd be here all year.

    In conclusion, he is a bit of a talentless plank who provides some good comedy fodder. OK, I will benefit him with that - he is good for a chuckle and provides many a chuckle both on his show and in these threads.

    As for anything else positive - sorry - not for now.

    Pru, I don't have any sort of problem with your post whatsoever and thanks for writing it.

    This is fine and I am in agreement with most of it and where we differ it is immaterial.

    I am commenting on the posts which call him names, yada yada as I have said before which cross the line from decency especially when it is deeply distressing to him and his family at times of loss.

    It wasn't good to read people could go there and do that, all I am saying is to keep it the right side of decency.
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    gilliedewgilliedew Posts: 7,605
    Forum Member
    You may see it this way. I see someone telling us what you want us to read and expecting us to go along with it.

    I see someone making accusations about "us" getting people banned.

    I see someone piously demanding that we show PA the respect that they are not showing the people they are actually conversing with.

    You don't like reading that pa is a media **** doesn't change the fact that pa is a media ****. You could resurrect the old Pa appreciation thread if all you want is fluffiness (only for Pa, not for all media ****), or you could accept that not everyone is going to agree with you.

    Why so aggressive, no need to be

    Why don't you write media **** thousands of times to get it out of your system, it is getting tedious now.
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    Ella71110Ella71110 Posts: 4,239
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    Why doesn't everyone who actively posts on this thread and enjoys the banter just put on ignore everything that's off topic that way the thread wont then get locked? Just a thought,

    and as i said does anyone know as I've not been on twitter today if anyone has actually pulled Petey up and said along the lines of "hang on why are you happily endorsing that idiot"?
    just interested to know if any fans have tweeted it if im honest!

    as for Peteys column im very surprised that hes only written a short statement about Emily being pregnant but my daughter informs me there's a big interview with him and New mag before his column so i will wait till she's read her mag to read it and see what hes got to say ;)
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 8,345
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    I haven't read through all 300 pages of this thread, but I've watched a bit of PA: My Life and he seems like a really nice guy.
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    SupportSupport Posts: 71,279
    Users are free to make posts of a negative or positive nature so long as they do not contravene our forum rules and terms and conditions.

    Keep the discussion on-topic, please.
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    artlesschaosartlesschaos Posts: 11,345
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    gilliedew wrote: »
    Why so aggressive, no need to be

    Why don't you write media **** thousands of times to get it out of your system, it is getting tedious now.

    Where is this post "aggressive"?
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    gilliedewgilliedew Posts: 7,605
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    Where is this post "aggressive"?

    Not answering that, it is not on topic:)
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    Ella71110Ella71110 Posts: 4,239
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    PrinceGaz wrote: »
    I haven't read through all 300 pages of this thread, but I've watched a bit of PA: My Life and he seems like a really nice guy.

    im sure he is PrinceGaz but do remember that reality shows are all edited to show the reality celebrity in question at the very best -have you ever seen Keith Lemons pis* take on reality shows-id say that was more true to life :D
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    Ella71110Ella71110 Posts: 4,239
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    Users are free to make posts of a negative or positive nature so long as they do not contravene our forum rules and terms and conditions.

    Keep the discussion on-topic, please.

    thank you now hopefully back on topic :)
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    gilliedewgilliedew Posts: 7,605
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    Ella71110 wrote: »
    thank you now hopefully back on topic :)

    I have always tried to mention Peter Andre in my posts and why he has been given such a rough ride on here, obviously as predicted my messages were correct.
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    lexi22lexi22 Posts: 16,394
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    Ella71110 wrote: »
    im sure he is PrinceGaz but do remember that reality shows are all edited to show the reality celebrity in question at the very best -have you ever seen Keith Lemons pis* take on reality shows-id say that was more true to life :D


    Sorry, Ella, forgive my laughing, but I only 'know' PA via his reality show and it's that PA that informs my posts. So if his reality show was designed to show him at his 'best', then all I say is Gawd 'elp us if that's CAN/ITV's idea of Pete's 'best'!! :D

    Truth is, if I'd never seen his show, I'd probably have a better opinion of him.
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    Ella71110Ella71110 Posts: 4,239
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    lexi22 wrote: »

    Sorry, Ella, forgive my laughing, but I only 'know' PA via his reality show and it's that PA that informs my posts. So if his reality show was designed to show him at his 'best', then all I say is Gawd 'elp us if that's CAN/ITV's idea of Pete's 'best'!! :D

    Truth is, if I'd never seen his show, I'd probably have a better opinion of him.

    oh lexi you made me laugh out loud then!
    i think the thing is with Peteys reality shows Imo is that CAN obviously try and show him at his best but with the dreadful contrived voice over and sometimes Peteys halo slipping and CAN letting that edit slip makes us detractors (i couldn't think of a word best described us!-can you?) see through alot of the bull and" love him" just like we do best hehe :D
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,114
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    Does anyone remember the filming schedule for the Andre reality shows???? I seem to remember that they have two weeks off from filming during the summer. Am I correct?

    Im wondering if they are filming about the new baby already??
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    Ella71110Ella71110 Posts: 4,239
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    bunny55 wrote: »
    Does anyone remember the filming schedule for the Andre reality shows???? I seem to remember that they have two weeks off from filming during the summer. Am I correct?

    Im wondering if they are filming about the new baby already??

    Afternoon bunny,jeesshhh its hot down in Brighton today :cry:

    edit-sorry i pressed before id finished -what do you think bunny -do you think Petey will wind down his reality program or do you think this oncoming baby is too good a chance to miss? IM swaying towards the latter i think like you asked that surely he will be filming all this baby talk now but don't quote me on it?!;)
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,114
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    Ella71110 wrote: »
    Afternoon bunny,jeesshhh its hot down in Brighton today :cry:

    edit-sorry i pressed before id finished -what do you think bunny -do you think Petey will wind down his reality program or do you think this oncoming baby is too good a chance to miss? IM swaying towards the latter i think like you asked that surely he will be filming all this baby talk now but don't quote me on it?!;)

    That's a definite Ella.

    The downtime from filming, if I remember, is only a short while. Im sure the cameras were rolling when he learned he was going to be a father again, as he has never kept anything private and his management will want the cameras to be rolling. It beats another shoot of him overcoming his fear of heights or talking about his latest recording masterpiece.

    Im looking forward to his next reality series to see if he lives up to expectation.
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    Ella71110Ella71110 Posts: 4,239
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    bunny55 wrote: »
    That's a definite Ella.

    The downtime from filming, if I remember, is only a short while. Im sure the cameras were rolling when he learned he was going to be a father again, as he has never kept anything private and his management will want the cameras to be rolling. It beats another shoot of him overcoming his fear of heights or talking about his latest recording masterpiece.

    Im looking forward to his next reality series to see if he lives up to expectation.

    just of interest have you read KPs books bunny?
    i remember when Petey had meningitis and CAN couldn't wait to carry on filming,if i remember KP was pregnant at the time too,
    now i know Imo Katie might exaggerate certain moments in her book or the worst scenario is that its just her opinion but i tend to believe her when she said CAN wanted to film as much as they could even though Petey wasn't up to it and neither was KP,just a hunch but i can imagine them to be the same with Embolism with the baby but i would think Emily would embrace it..:rolleyes: :D
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 847
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    Ella71110 wrote: »
    just of interest have you read KPs books bunny?
    i remember when Petey had meningitis and CAN couldn't wait to carry on filming,if i remember KP was pregnant at the time too,
    now i know Imo Katie might exaggerate certain moments in her book or the worst scenario is that its just her opinion but i tend to believe her when she said CAN wanted to film as much as they could even though Petey wasn't up to it and neither was KP,just a hunch but i can imagine them to be the same with Embolism with the baby but i would think Emily would embrace it..:rolleyes: :D

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    livingdeadgirllivingdeadgirl Posts: 624
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    Ella71110 wrote: »
    Afternoon bunny,jeesshhh its hot down in Brighton today :cry:

    edit-sorry i pressed before id finished -what do you think bunny -do you think Petey will wind down his reality program or do you think this oncoming baby is too good a chance to miss? IM swaying towards the latter i think like you asked that surely he will be filming all this baby talk now but don't quote me on it?!;)

    Good question. I think if CAN have a say in it then he will be filming throughout the pregnancy, birth, new baby, 1st birthday etc. he still films the other two despite their mothers disapproval, so why would this be any different?

    This time last year I would've given him the benefit of the doubt and said no he won't publicise the new baby, the same way I honestly didn't believe he'd exploit his brothers illness and death but alas he did. That was a turning point for me where I realised that for Peter, everything has a price tag on it.
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