
iPad or iFad ?

GeordiePaulGeordiePaul Posts: 1,323
Forum Member
Just been reading this article on techradar:

What do we think then? I have an iPad Air, which I was intending to use as my main home device, after getting rid of a windows laptop, the reason being that I didn't actually need half of the capability that the laptop offered, at least not in the home environment.

However, it is kind of crap for anything that doesn't involve just "play" (you can get by but that becomes frustrating after a little while), so I have ended up buying myself a Chromebook which will land tomorrow to fill in the void that the laptop left (and am essentially no better off financially, but, toys! And before anyone says it, I know they're more limited than a Wintel machine but I have a desktop), but now the iPad is my most expensive "gadget", and by getting the Chromebook, I am kind of admitting that it is in fact just an expensive play thing (which it does superbly).

I don't think its just the iPad mind, the Android stuff to me might be a little more powerful in so much as you can be a tad more productive overall, but it compromises in other areas, and for me, its the form factor.

So, will tablets fulfil their promise, and prove to be the post PC device we were all promised eventually, or will they forever be a compromise aimed at play first and, at a push, productivity if nothing better is at hand.


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    StigStig Posts: 12,448
    Forum Member
    You do know that you can't run Android apps on a Chromebook yet?

    Personally, I use my iPad a lot. Even though I sit in front of a PC during my working day, the iPad still gets used for things which are simply quicker and easier, such as online banking.
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    Philip WalesPhilip Wales Posts: 6,373
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    The tablet is handy for certain things, I airplay youtube and other things from my iPad to Apple TV, check emails when sitting down in the evening, jump on IMBD when watching something on TV and suddenly think "where've I seen that actor before? and just general surfing.
    I find it comes into it's own on holiday, I use it for films and TV programmes when flying, so much better than the in flight screen.
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    GeordiePaulGeordiePaul Posts: 1,323
    Forum Member
    Stig, yes I do know that, I am a google **** and have been for a while.

    I certainly wasn't proposing to ditch my tablet either, it is handy and a very nice toy.

    But what I'm wondering is, these were touted as being post PC machines that would eventually take over the world, but sales are declining. The question is, is it declining because they aren't good work tools, or because the competition is getting better, or what?

    Like I say I won't get rid of it, at least, not until a decent android tablet exists (even as a google **** I still haven't found an android tablet that's as acceptably polished and well supported as the ipad).

    Incidentally, one reason I like the ipad is because it isn't a PC, I work in IT and the last thing I want to look at when I get home is another windows laptop with all the baggage that comes with it. That's why I've gone fora chrome book instead as I've had one before and what the ipad doesn't do well, the chrome book does fine without all of the MS baggage.

    (Ok I like gadgets and toys as well :D)
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    BKMBKM Posts: 6,912
    Forum Member
    But what I'm wondering is, these were touted as being post PC machines that would eventually take over the world, but sales are declining. The question is, is it declining because they aren't good work tools, or because the competition is getting better, or what?
    As the techradar article says there are FAR fewer reasons to upgrade a tablet than a phone - and this may well be a major factor in the sales decline.

    For example, I sold my iPad 2 to a friend quite some time ago - it does all she wants from a tablet and she STILL adores it. It is used for email and web-browsing every day how may non-teccie people would use their PC at home that much!
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    StigStig Posts: 12,448
    Forum Member
    The Press loves to predict the demise of something: the PC, the notebook, the netbook, and now the tablet.

    The truth is there is no one computing tool which is ideally suited to every task. Otherwise, we would all be using it already.
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    cnbcwatchercnbcwatcher Posts: 56,681
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    I have a tablet (Nexus 7) which I mostly use when out and about or in bed. It's also handy for travel. I'm off to Germany in August and I'll be taking my tablet along to use on the plane (fully charged of course :D). I am aware of its limitations though and for more intense web browsing sessions, work, heavy gaming, watching DVDs, photo editing and all that stuff I use my Macs. I bought it as an accessory and for carrying around with me. Best tablet for actually working on is the Surface Pro. Dad has one and he much prefers it to the iPad as you can actually do serious work on it and it runs Windows software, so all the programs he's used to using on Windows 7 will work with it.
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    ErlangErlang Posts: 6,619
    Forum Member
    Just as the iPad starts to get serious enterprise deployment the press try to predict it's death.
    The U.S. Air Force has announced plans to buy up to 18,000 Apple iPads after a six-month trial at Little Rock Air Force Base. According The Street, the air force will spend $9.36 million to give pilots electronic flight bags.
    Save weight, save money

    Pilots typically carry 30-40 pounds of paper documents in their flight bags and there is another 90 pounds or so of documentation on the aircraft. With 10 crewmembers on a C-5 Galaxy transport this could add up 490 pounds per plane. This, in turn, leads to significant savings in fuel consumption.

    This follows a Pentagon decision, announced earlier this month, to clear Apple devices for use on its networks.

    Then the big enterprise announcement Apple and IBM form apps and sales partnership

    U.S. Department of Defense orders 120K iPads, 100K iPad minis, 200K iPod touches, and 210K iPhones

    Add to that a whole generation that will be more familiar with an iPad than a laptop 8 Million iPads Sold to Educational Institutions

    So too early to call it a Fad
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    GeordiePaulGeordiePaul Posts: 1,323
    Forum Member
    I saw that about the deal. Wasn't sure what to make of it. Looks promising but who knows what they have in mind. iPads at the moment haven't made much leeway into the corporate world and I've been around a bit. Our firms touchscreen option is a Lenovo windows 8 hybrid.

    3 things that I see as wrong with the ipad at the moment. The keyboard, it works well for what it is, but desperately needs more features and power. Hopefully iOS8 will eventually address this. Lack of window or split screen ability; I doubt ios8 will have this so guess we'll have to wait a while for ios9. Finally, lack of ram which causes things like tab reloading. Having a tab reloading while you're filling a form in is a nightmare as it usually wipes everything you've done out, yet sometimes you do need to switch between apps or tabs so this happens. Windows 8 is fantastic for this. I can imagine people loving the surface pro for serious stuff, the only reason I picked the ipad over it was the apps and games.

    Will be interesting to see how things pan out over the next 12 - 18 months. In the short term I'd love to see how the rumoured HTC nexus 9 goes, and will be interested to see what happens beyond.

    Oddly, I am extremely curious of how chrome books (and thus chrome on a PC) will go as it's rumoured they're going to apply their GUI improvements on their web services ala android L which should carry across to windows. ChromeOS is also going to have continuation feature like the mac, and run android apps, so things are really going to hot up.

    Exciting times for us gadget enthusiasts.
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    David (2)David (2) Posts: 20,632
    Forum Member
    I am very happy with my iPad. I use it everyday for things like email, Facebook, news, weather, that sort of thing. The retina display is above full hd quality, and the touch screen actually works quite well. The battery life is also quite good. But I would never dream of editing a photo in Photoshop on it, or typing a book on it. Tablets, smart phones, etc etc are all client systems. Like the original net book (remember those), they are not designed to be a replacement for the pc. Clearly there is some function cross over, like attachable keyboards etc. But they are for different uses, for example the big screen full HD TV has different advantages to a tablet. Smart phones are smaller so can fit in a pocket (well, maybe if it's s small phone), but that means less screen space which means less suitable for entertainment media such as films.

    Maybe one day, we will have generic software that works on any hardware configuration, installing whichever software modules are needed to match the hardware you have. But we are not at that point yet, so we have to put up with varying software UI as the hardware is not mature or powerful enough to take generic functionality.

    Of the current options, I would pick an iOS device over android on UI and general useage and easy of use.
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    PencilPencil Posts: 5,700
    Forum Member
    The way I see it, the internet's a huge resource of information, songs, games, films, books, sounds and applications, much of which is free and is made available by artists

    A good computer/device is capable of downloading all that the internet offers and has the ability to manipulate it. Computers and the internet have been growing for decades and have blossomed into a world of functions. The more you can do with a computing device, the better it is in my view.

    An iPad channels all the songs, films, books, games, sounds and applications through a vetted pay-wall, which you need an account to access. In addition, the iPad blocks many functions a PC and laptop user would take for granted such as file hierarchies and the task manager.

    I think the more people who disown real computers in favour of very limited, money-hungry tablets, the worse the internet will eventually become. Eventually, there won't be a free and open internet, just a collection of overpriced, ad-filled, data collecting, tightly controlled app stores.
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    alanwarwicalanwarwic Posts: 28,396
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    Pencil wrote: »
    .. Eventually, there won't be a free and open internet, just a collection of overpriced, ad-filled, data collecting, tightly controlled app stores.

    I think Microsoft said that Windows 9 will be a converged system, tablets phones and laptops using, or maybe pretending to use, one standard OS.
    Expect even more of the above.
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    adman50adman50 Posts: 444
    Forum Member
    Interesting thread this. In my organization (a school), we were looking at if it was worth buying I pads to support admin and management. We looked at i pads but settled on Samsung 10.1 windows 8.1 tablets. So I agree I Pad for leisure , windows Pads for work.
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    ErlangErlang Posts: 6,619
    Forum Member
    Pencil wrote: »
    The way I see it, the internet's a huge resource of information, songs, games, films, books, sounds and applications, much of which is free and is made available by artists

    A good computer/device is capable of downloading all that the internet offers and has the ability to manipulate it. Computers and the internet have been growing for decades and have blossomed into a world of functions. The more you can do with a computing device, the better it is in my view.

    An iPad channels all the songs, films, books, games, sounds and applications through a vetted pay-wall, which you need an account to access. In addition, the iPad blocks many functions a PC and laptop user would take for granted such as file hierarchies and the task manager.

    I think the more people who disown real computers in favour of very limited, money-hungry tablets, the worse the internet will eventually become. Eventually, there won't be a free and open internet, just a collection of overpriced, ad-filled, data collecting, tightly controlled app stores.

    How so?

    Want to watch a movie you ripped, you can.
    Want to watch a TV series from someone other than Apple then you can. https://www.netflix.com/?locale=en-GB http://www.amazon.co.uk/Prime-Instant-Video/

    Want to read a book you scanned, as a PDF you can. http://marvinapp.com/ http://www.goodiware.com/

    Want to listen to an audio book from a source other than Apple you can. http://www.audible.co.uk/

    Why the need for file hierarchies? the hunter/gather debate has been going on for some time on platforms other than tablets, and you can have hierarchies on your iPad DropBox or Transporter if you feel you must.
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    cnbcwatchercnbcwatcher Posts: 56,681
    Forum Member
    I can imagine people loving the surface pro for serious stuff, the only reason I picked the ipad over it was the apps and games.

    The serious stuff is the reason dad has the Surface Pro. He likes the fact it can run full MS Office and everything and he finds the USB port and keyboard useful. All he has to do to transfer files is plug a USB drive in. He tried the iPad but didn't get on with it at all and now mum uses it. She drives me mad with it. She's always on it and any time I try to talk to her she just grunts or doesn't hear what I'm saying because she's stuck on her iPad >:(
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    BKMBKM Posts: 6,912
    Forum Member
    The serious stuff is the reason dad has the Surface Pro. He likes the fact it can run full MS Office and everything and he finds the USB port and keyboard useful.
    The Surface Pro is, however, still a VERY long way from being a commercial success! The original Surface cost Microsoft about $1billion in stock white offs. The Surface Pro 2 gets reasonable writeups but it is both heavy and expensive - many people might be better off with a lightweight Windows laptop!
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    alanwarwicalanwarwic Posts: 28,396
    Forum Member
    The near total lack of interest in this forum shouts 'Fad'.

    It is now getting to be like 2 topics per day wit new posts in them !
    THis is a bit of a dead forum when you compare it to the PC and the Mobile ones
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    StigStig Posts: 12,448
    Forum Member
    alanwarwic wrote: »
    The near total lack of interest in this forum shouts 'Fad'.

    It is now getting to be like 2 topics per day wit new posts in them !
    THis is a bit of a dead forum when you compare it to the PC and the Mobile ones
    Most people only post when they have a question or a problem. I don't want to sound brain-washed, but maybe it's just a sign that iPads are easy to use.

    There is a lively thread here:
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    alanwarwicalanwarwic Posts: 28,396
    Forum Member
    I was referring to 'tablets', iPad now being much a generic term for 'tablet'.
    I'd even go as far as saying that the advanced(trumpeted occasionally as 'not so easy') Android tablet features are seldom discussed either.

    And I could have missed it, but I've also yet to see any discussion on 'made for iPad' apps, apart from that being an argument for buying an iPad.
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    RichmondBlueRichmondBlue Posts: 21,279
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    alanwarwic wrote: »
    The near total lack of interest in this forum shouts 'Fad'.

    It is now getting to be like 2 topics per day wit new posts in them !
    THis is a bit of a dead forum when you compare it to the PC and the Mobile ones

    Were these forums ever that busy ? Unless there's something to complain about (like Windows 8) I've always found them pretty quiet.

    I haven't noticed any fall-off in the use of tablets among people I know. It's probably that people are now more familiar with them, they're no longer a topic of conversation.
    I don't think people rush out to update their tablets as much as they used to, but sensible people are not desperately up-dating their smartphones as much either. Not good for the market, but perhaps it's finally dawning on people that they are being treated like idiots by the marketing gurus.
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    GeordiePaulGeordiePaul Posts: 1,323
    Forum Member
    I haven't noticed any fall-off in the use of tablets among people I know. It's probably that people are now more familiar with them, they're no longer a topic of conversation.
    I don't think people rush out to update their tablets as much as they used to, but sensible people are not desperately up-dating their smartphones as much either. Not good for the market, but perhaps it's finally dawning on people that they are being treated like idiots by the marketing gurus.

    This is true, it just seems to be suckers like me who want the latest and greatest. However, I'm sure soon there will be a time when even I don't bother - probably the moment I get something that is "perfect" in almost all respects, we aren't quite there yet but we are certainly getting close (I realise there is no such thing as perfect but you can get pretty close).

    I still think tablets have got a long way to go before being "perfect", I think for a tablet to be "perfect", it will have to be able to do what a laptop does, just as easily, and be as light, portable and with as good battery life as a more scaled back machine. None exist yet, even the SP2/3 is too big/heavy and laptop like but they come fairly close. If it wasn't for the fairly dire gaming support I might have considered one as my main machine, as they do make quite a bit of sense in many respects.

    Tablet hardware is clearly capable of it but the software just aint there yet.
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    alanwarwicalanwarwic Posts: 28,396
    Forum Member
    ...even the SP2/3 is too big/heavy and laptop like but they come fairly close. If it wasn't for the fairly dire gaming support I might have considered one as my main machine, as they do make quite a bit of sense in many respects.
    err you seem to have just posted that you only use your Windows box for occasional video editing.

    You cant be doing that gaming on your Chromebook ! It is at the bottom of the pile.
    You seem to be betting on both Chrombook and tablets whilst wanting high end gaming.

    Your themed comments can be an enigma Paul.
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    GeordiePaulGeordiePaul Posts: 1,323
    Forum Member
    alanwarwic wrote: »
    err you seem to have just posted that you only use your Windows box for occasional video editing.

    You cant be doing that gaming on your Chromebook ! It is at the bottom of the pile.
    You seem to be betting on both Chrombook and tablets whilst wanting high end gaming.

    Your themed comments can be an enigma Paul.

    I don't really follow?!

    I said in the other thread I rarely do video editing, but a chromebook can do it (as in, a quick look at the store revealed 3 chromebook apps capable of basic video editing).

    The last video I created was well over a year ago. That should tell you how much I do that. Hence, it doesn't matter to me whether a Chromebook can do it or not. I can remote into my desktop with the Chromebook (or Tablet) if I need to do more, or just use a wireless keyboard and mouse, and the TV (where the desktop lives). It really isn't a problem. The PC cost £130 brand new :D I dont just use it for video editing, but mainly for XBMC related stuff.

    As for gaming, I'm not sure why you think I want that either? I play stuff like Deer / Dino Hunter, CSR Racing (all on iPad), and am quite happy with games of its ilk. I'm not sure why you think I want high end gaming, I have not said that anywhere?

    I do wonder about some of the posts directed my way at times though ;)
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    alanwarwicalanwarwic Posts: 28,396
    Forum Member
    err it was you who had that problem with Surface Pro not being for games., whilst declaring you have no need for Windows cept for that video editing..

    But the Pro essentially, has a Macbook Air chipset, thus with a good 8 times the CPU grunt of the iPad. It can do iPad type games at a canter, it is the high end PC games it really struggles with.
    And that can't be its problem because you already said you only really used Windows for video editing ! And the 'iPad for games' double confirms it.

    BTW I had no problem with you duplicating that thread discussing the iPad sales decline

    I'm likely the most critical of Windows here, but I seek to do it via understanding. That surface pro whilst OTT expensive still beats these basic tablets by miles.

    It is even more confusing as you keep wanting to tell us you are an expert.
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    GeordiePaulGeordiePaul Posts: 1,323
    Forum Member
    Can you actually read, or is the sole purpose of your replies just to argue?

    I hardly EVER do video editing, but if I did, I have a Windows box. Comprende? My Windows box is used for XBMC (watching films, TV). I'm not sure why you keep banging on about mother ****ing video editing?! :D Can you please quote the post where I said I only used a PC for video editing? I bet you can't. You know why you wont be able to? Because I didn't feckin say it FFS!

    Yes I know the surface pro is more powerful than an iPad but you seem to be completely missing the point as to why I didn't want the SP. Because its a trouble free device without having to get my hands dirty keeping Windows running sweet. The surface pro IS just a very compromised laptop, and a very compromised tablet. It tries to be jack of all trades but is a master of none.

    As for the games situation, the Surface Pro will really struggle with any remotely high end PC game. For casual mobile games, you cannot seriously be suggesting that Windows 8 is up there with the choice on the iPad?! Oh, I guess thats exactly what you're doing by bleating on about specs that matter not in the real world for the application for which i use an iPad.

    Still carry on, its obvious you are just trying to pick holes in every post I write on here.

    And boohoo I'm so sorry for not noticing your other thread. Please accept my heartfelt apologies.
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    alanwarwicalanwarwic Posts: 28,396
    Forum Member
    Can you actually read...Still carry on.......
    ....Yes I know the surface pro is more powerful than an iPad but you seem to be completely missing the point as to why I didn't want the SP. Because its a trouble free device without having to get my hands dirty keeping Windows running sweet. ...
    .. I think for a tablet to be "perfect", it will have to be able to do what a laptop does, just as easily, and be as light, portable and with as good battery life as a more scaled back machine. None exist yet, even the SP2/3 is too big/heavy and laptop like but they come fairly close. If it wasn't for the fairly dire gaming support I might have considered one as my main machine.......

    Like I said, SP does iPad type games with ease, even beating this 'fastest kid on the block' Shield.

    Don't you even see your own comments as being so so often 'random' ?
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