
The Doctor Who Series 8 Scoresheet Thread



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    doublefourdoublefour Posts: 6,113
    Forum Member
    Deep Breath: 6/10
    Into the Dalek: 8/10
    Robot of Sherwood: 6/10
    Listen: 7/10
    Time Heist: 6/10
    The Caretaker: 8/10
    Kill the Moon: 9/10
    Mummy on the Orient Express: 10/10
    Flatline: 8/10

    The smaller and shrinking TARDIS parts at the beginning I will probably remember the most, but a good episode with good lines and energy throughout.
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    ThrombinThrombin Posts: 9,416
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    The story structure made it feel as if it was Doctor-lite, becuase although the Doctor featured in it, he was restricted to merely running around the TARDIS for the most part. This let Clara become a better companion as you see she can actually take control of a situation and save the day by herself, a feat in the new series only held by Her and arguably Martha

    Actually, that's the one thing about this episode that bemused me a little. The idea that, this time, Clara gets to be the Doctor and save the day. Clara has been the one to save the day, or at least be instrumental in saving the day, in pretty much every epiosde she's been in since she was introduced in Season 7!

    Not that I'm complaining. This time it's finally recognized :D

    Deep Breath 8/10.
    Into The Dalek. 7/10
    Robots of Sherwood 9/10
    Listen 7/10
    Time Heist 9/10
    Caretaker 8/10
    Kill the Moon 8/10
    Mummy on the Orient Express 9/10
    Flatline 10/10

    I found this a brilliant episode. After more than 50 years it can be hard to come up with new ideas but this one was brilliantly innovative and clever. The threat felt real, the stuff with the tiny TARDIS and the Doctor poking his hand out at intervals was very funny, Clara handled the situation with her usual confidence and brilliance. The interplay with the Doctor and that line about whether she was "Good" or not added a lot of depth and that bit at the end with Missy was a great wtf moment too.

    I just loved it. Best one so far, for me.
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    HorsebiteHorsebite Posts: 13
    Forum Member
    Deep Breath - 8/10
    Into the Dalek - 8/10
    Robots of Sherwood - 5/10
    Listen - 10/10
    Time Heist - 5/10
    The Caretaker - 7/10
    Kill the Moon - 8/10
    Mummy on the Orient Express - 10/10
    Flatline - 9/10
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    lannerslanners Posts: 104
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    Generally the series have 1 or 2 really good episodes that stand out and some that are quite pants. However in this series for me there are less standout episodes but none that I wouldn't watch again. I think the series as a whole has been far better than the past few series. I would say that Listen and Flatline have been the best episodes for me though.

    I think the poorest one for probobly Robots of Sherwood but that wasn't that bad compared to some I've seen.

    Overall very impressed with this series so far.
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    Jules 1Jules 1 Posts: 2,543
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    Jules 1 wrote: »
    Deep Breath 7/10 [Good]
    Into the Dalek 7.5/10 [Good]
    Robots of Sherwood 8.5/10 [Excellent]
    Listen 7/10 [Good]
    Time Heist: 8.5/10 [Excellent]

    The Caretaker - 6/10 [Good]
    Kill the Moon - 5/10 [I didn't vote on this one, as I really didn't know what to make of the episode at all]
    Mummy on the Orient Express - 9/10 [Excellent]
    Flatline - 8.5/10 [Excellent, a fantastic start, but the ending of the main story was a slight let down]

    One other point the Boneless worked far better as a 2D threat rather than 3D.
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    garbage456garbage456 Posts: 8,225
    Forum Member
    Deep Breath - 8/10
    Into the Dalek - 8/10
    Robots of Sherwood - 5/10
    Listen - 8/10
    Time Heist - 9/10
    The Caretaker - 7/10
    Kill the Moon - 7/10
    Mummy on the Orient Express - 9/10
    Flatline - 10/10
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    Muttley76Muttley76 Posts: 97,888
    Forum Member
    Deep Breath: 7/10
    Into The Dalek: 8/10
    Robot of Sherwood: 8.5/10
    Listen: 10/10
    Time Heist: 7/10
    The Caretaker: 8/10
    Kill the Moon: 7/10
    Mummy on the Orient Express: 9/10
    Flatline: 8/10
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    Mystical123Mystical123 Posts: 15,837
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    Deep Breath - 7/10
    Into the Dalek - 5/10
    Robot of Sherwood - 2/10
    Listen - 9/10
    Time Heist - 7.5/10
    The Caretaker - 8/10
    Kill the Moon - 6.5/10
    Mummy on the Orient Express - 9.5/10
    Flatline - 9.5/10

    First time I've loved two episodes in a row this series - Jamie Mathieson should have written the whole series! The whole 2D concept was very interesting, and having the Doctor stuck in the TARDIS didn't make the episode as companion-heavy as it could have done, which worked well. Jenna was on top form once again, and for the second episode in a row I actually liked Peter's Doctor (for the most part, though there still seem to be some dubious accent slips going on!). This series seems to be really building to an examination of Clara's character and her choices now - maybe it's too obvious for it to be signposting her leaving, but certainly the last scene of this episode seems to be foretelling something happening to her in the finale!

    Half a point off for Missy still seeming too much like a rehashed Madame Kovarian and thus not really being an engaging sub-plot at all, and for resolution by sonic yet again. But the acting was so good it almost makes up for those bits of laziness.
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    CD93CD93 Posts: 13,940
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    Poor half point - it was resolution by TARDIS! Not enough of those :D
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    Forum Member
    Deep Breath 7/10.
    Into The Dalek. 7/10
    Robots of Sherwood 2/10
    Listen 9/10
    Time Heist. 5/10
    The Caretaker 8/8 Up one point on rewatch
    Kill The Moon. 5/10. love the basic concept though.
    Mummy on the Orient Express 8/10. Up one point on rewatch
    Flatline 9/10
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    Jordanx1980Jordanx1980 Posts: 39
    Forum Member
    Deep Breath 8/10
    Into the Dalek 7/10
    Robot of Sherwood 5/10
    Listen 8.5/10
    Time Heist 9/10
    The Caretaker 6/10
    Kill the Moon 7/10
    Mummy on the Orient Express 9/10
    Flatline 8.5/10
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    17@1717@17 Posts: 2,683
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    Been having a think about some of these scores and I think I'm going to change a couple of them in hindsight, think I've been a bit too kind to a few of them!

    Deep Breath 6/10
    Into The Dalek 7/10 (-1)
    Robot Of Sherwood 5/10 (-1)
    Listen 8/10
    Time Heist 8/10
    The Caretaker 6/10 (-1)
    Kill The Moon 7/10
    Mummy on the Orient Express 9/10

    And this weeks: Flatline 8/10
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    CorwinCorwin Posts: 16,729
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    Corwin wrote: »
    Deep Breath 9/10.
    Into the Dalek 8/10
    Robot of Sherwood 8/10.
    Listen 9.5/10
    Time Heist 7/10
    The Caretaker 7/10
    Kill the Moon 8.5/10.
    Mummy on the Orient Express 10/10.

    Flatline 7.5/10
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    CD93CD93 Posts: 13,940
    Forum Member
    Deep Breath: 8/10
    Into The Dalek: 8/10
    Robot of Sherwood: 8/10 (revised -0.5)
    Listen: 10/10
    Time Heist: 7/10
    The Caretaker: 7/10
    Kill the Moon: 8/10
    Mummy on the Orient Express: 9/10
    Flatline: 9/10

    In the Forest of the Night: 3/10

    A real misstep in an otherwise enjoyable series. Dreadful pacing. Real lack of threat. Inconsequential resolution. Capaldi was still excellent to watch, however. Hopefully the finale holds up - so that I can walk away with only one episode considered bad this year.

    Things must be bad for me if I'm rating lower than bbll22 ;-)
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    bbll22bbll22 Posts: 527
    Forum Member
    Deep Breath 3/10
    Into the Dalek 5/10
    Robot of Sherwood 4/10
    Listen 4/10
    Time Heist 7/10
    The Caretaker 4/10
    Kill The Moon 4/10
    Mummy on the Orient Express 7/10
    Flatine 4/10

    In the Forest of the Night 4/10

    Well that felt distinctly average bordering on awful for me, I just don't think I got that episode in any respect.

    Everyone seemed so non-plussed by the whole forest out of nowhere that us as viewers trying to be in awe of it just wasn't going to happen. If they weren't scared, how was I meant to be? The wolf bit with the tiger after it was just odd as well and jarred (although I gather it was to up the tension, which there really wasn't any)

    Peter was okay but still off for me, Jenna was so-so and Samuel as Danny was the same bland as ever, even his reasonings for not travelling in the TARDIS felt a little flat. The majority of the kids were fairly pointless if I'm honest, although the one playing Maeve did well I thought but the whole plot felt weird for her. I don't quite think I understood what just happened.

    The ending felt a little odd too, I got that but it still felt odd. The trailer for next week really didn't do anything for me sadly. The trailers for this series have been really awful it has to be said.

    So....I've still only liked 2 episodes from Series 8 thus far, this is by far the worst series since it came back for me...
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    davrosdodebirddavrosdodebird Posts: 8,698
    Forum Member
    Deep breath 8/10
    Into the dalek 8/10
    Robot of Sherwood 8/10
    Listsen 8/10
    Time heist 9/10
    The caretaker 7/10
    Kill the moon 7/10
    Mummy on the orient express 10/10
    Flatline 9/10
    In the forest of the night 7/8/10

    I liked maebh, she had some great moments especially pre credits
    The callback to Clara's comments on earth being the doctors planet too was good
    Episode looked superb, beautiful and breathtaking

    I didnt understand the glowing dots or how they linked to maebh and created the forest? Anyone care to enlighten me?

    I was prepared to let that slide Euntil the saccharine and magical return of the long lost sister. Before that I would have rated 9. Tempted to rate it 7 now but will reserve judgement until further viewing as for once I am genuinely confused. Next week's looks awesome.
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    king yrcanosking yrcanos Posts: 2,145
    Forum Member
    Deep Breath: 6/10
    Into the Dalek: 8/10
    Robot of Sherwood: 7/10
    Listen: 9/10
    Time Heist: 6/10
    The Caretaker: 8/10
    Kill The Moon: 8/10
    Mummy On The Orient Express: 9/10
    Flatline: 8/10
    In The Forest of The Night: 7/10
    The writing in this episode stands out like last weeks. Both have inventive plots, threats etc. but I can't help but say that Flatline did it so much better.

    The idea that the trees are taking over the world is an interesting one, we take them for granted, we chop them down, we don't think they can do anything to us, it uses what we know in the real world and plays it as a threat (for the most part) so it works the same way Autons do. The final verdict the plot comes to that the Trees are protecting us from the solar storm, works in its way, but there is a slight disappointment on the viewers side, if they had utilised the trees as a threat and had a solid clever ending then the episode would've been great. The direction was shaky at the start, fortunately it picked up a lot during the episode though saying this, there weren't any shots that I could describe as brilliant.

    As most episodes throughout this series, the performances are solid. Capaldi has settled into the role by this episode, there aren't any exceptional moments he has, he hasn't had any of Matt Smith's iconic speeches yet, but he still gives in a solid performance. Coleman is pretty much the same, nothing too spectacular but the moment she had with the Doctor Infront of the TARDIS worked well, she delivered it genuinely and it was a highlight. Come to think of it, Clara has had the more iconic moments, whilst Capaldi has a lot of nice small moments. Samuel Anderson doesn't develop his role too much in terms of performance, but his characterisation is good. The children weren't terrible really, just forgettable even the main girl whose name I can't recall. At least that shows my theory is correct :p. She didn't deliver any of the emotional grief that the plot said she had which affected the believability massively, the end scene where her sister comes back is very corny

    Solid writing, decent performances, just your standard Doctor Who episode, the concepts could've worked better but for now I give it my stamp of approval
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    Whovian1109Whovian1109 Posts: 1,812
    Forum Member
    Deep Breath 9/10
    Into the Dalek 8/10
    Robot of Sherwood 8/10
    Listen 10/10
    Time Heist 8/10
    The Caretaker 9/10
    Kill the Moon 8/10
    Mummy on the Orient Express 8/10
    Flatline 8/10

    In the Forest of the Night 7/10

    This was a real mixed bag for me. As CD93 mentioned, no threat at all, poor plot resolution, literally no explanation of what happened in the episode at all beyond magic. It felt very lazy, like FCB thought of a good idea and then couldn't be bothered to explain it. Magical tree growing, magical lights, sisters magically reappearing and everyone forgetting for literally no reason other than "that's what humanity does".

    However, there were some good themes at play, there were some superb character moments and once again, the main cast were utterly sublime. The scene between Clara and 12 where she lies to make him safe was poignant as all hell. This episode just has to be treated as a light, fluffy episode that was just sweet and nice and do not for any small length of time think about the plot or you'll want to scream.
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    DuncanEmeryDuncanEmery Posts: 415
    Forum Member
    Deep Breath7/10
    Into the Dalek 8/10
    Robot of Sherwood 5/10
    Listen 6/10
    Time Heist 8/10
    The Caretaker 5/10
    Kill the Moon 3/10
    Mummy on the Orient Express 7/10
    Flatline 7/10
    In the Forest of the Night 3/10

    to put things in perspective it is still some of best TV drama that is on at the moment
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    HorsebiteHorsebite Posts: 13
    Forum Member
    Deep Breath - 8/10
    Into the Dalek - 8/10
    Robots of Sherwood - 5/10
    Listen - 10/10
    Time Heist - 6/10
    The Caretaker - 7/10
    Kill the Moon - 8/10
    Mummy on the Orient Express - 10/10
    Flatline - 9/10
    In the Forest of the Night - 4/10
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    TheSilentFezTheSilentFez Posts: 11,107
    Forum Member
    Deep Breath: 7/10
    Into the Dalek: 8/10
    Robot of Sherwood: 8/10
    Listen: 10/10
    Time Heist: 7/10
    The Caretaker: 8/10
    Kill the Moon: 9/10
    Mummy on the Orient Express: 9.5/10
    Flatline: 8/10
    In the Forest of the Night: 5/10

    By far my least favourite of the series and probably one of my least favourite New Who stories. The children were annoying, it felt like an episode of SJA (ie. like something on CBBC), nothing much actually happened, there wasn't much actual threat, it was too sentimental and the pro-environmentalist message was very heavy handed indeed.

    Actually there were more than just a few parallels with The Doctor, The Widow and the Wardrobe... and that's not a good thing.

    That said, it was still watchable. A bit dull with annoying CBBC children, but still better than most reality TV and it didn't quite sink to the same depths as the likes of "Classics" such as The Twin Dilemma.
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    17@1717@17 Posts: 2,683
    Forum Member
    Deep Breath 6/10
    Into The Dalek 7/10
    Robot Of Sherwood 5/10
    Listen 8/10
    Time Heist 8/10
    The Caretaker 6/10
    Kill The Moon 7/10
    Mummy on the Orient Express 9/10
    Flatline 8/10

    In the Forest of the Night 4/10

    They can't all be great.
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    Zeppelyn56Zeppelyn56 Posts: 455
    Forum Member
    Deep Breath: 4/10
    Into the Dalek: 3/10
    Robot of Sherwood: 1/10
    Listen: 9/10
    Time Heist:2/10
    The Caretaker 6/10
    Mummy on the Orient Express 7/10
    Flatline 10/10
    Forest 0/10
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    WhoMadWhoMad Posts: 429
    Forum Member
    Deep Breath - 7.5/10
    Into The Dalek - 8/10
    Robot Of Sherwood - 8.5/10
    Listen - 9/10
    Time Heist - 8.5/10
    The Caretaker - 8/10
    Kill the Moon - 6.5/10
    Mummy on the Orient Express - 9/10
    Flatline - 8/10

    In the Forest of the Night - 2/10

    My Review...
    That was really awful.

    *I put as much effort into that review as the writer seemingly put into the script!*
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 6,988
    Forum Member
    Deep Breath 8.5/10
    Into the Dalek 9/10
    Robot of Sherwood 8/10
    Listen 10/10
    Time Heist 8/10
    The Caretaker 8.5/10
    Kill the Moon 9/10
    Mummy on the Orient Express 10/10 (fave so far)
    Flatline 10/10
    In the Forest of the Night 4/10
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