
What is it with Anti dog people



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    SystemSystem Posts: 2,096,970
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    Dogs are filthy slavering stinking mutt beasts. They all deserve to be wiped off the face of the earth :rolleyes::mad::eek:
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    eunicelouise658eunicelouise658 Posts: 1,869
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    I think perhaps licences for dogs should be re-instated and the type of people who use their dog as an exstension of their penis should be banned from keeping any animal for life. I am sick of having to avoid idiots with their "rotties" and "staffies" who think they look cool and do not take one bit of care of their dogs. I have seen a situation where one so called "dog lover" set his dog on a lad he had set on for looking at him wrong. Owning a dog comes with a responsibilty and too many people do not take responsibilty for their pets training or actions.
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    StressMonkeyStressMonkey Posts: 13,347
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    Hathor wrote:
    Dogs are filthy slavering stinking mutt beasts. They all deserve to be wiped off the face of the earth :rolleyes::mad::eek:

    So, that'd be a vote for the anti-dog brigade? :confused::p
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 4,032
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    People who allow their dogs to excrete on pavements should be given a £1000 fine.

    If they can't afford to pay it - take the dog.
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    CaptainSensibleCaptainSensible Posts: 5,546
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    I'm not anti-dog in an "all dogs and their owners should be shot" sense, but I don't like them much either (ditto for cats). I'd go to a zoo/whatever if I wanted to see/play with a dog or cat, but I've never understood why people (esp. people in cities) put up with all the hassle (vets bills, food etc.) and detritus (dog/cat smell that takes years to leave a property) associated with owning one.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 247
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    I'm not anti dog just anti bad owner! I do belive that each dog owner has a responsability to mold their dogs into well behaved creatures. If a child is pestering a dog its the owners responsability in part to remove the dog from the situation as well as the parents responsability to teach the child that a dog can be dangerous if provoked. And dog dirt- why the hell cant every owner pick this up? I want to walk without watching where to put my feet. The way it ends up spread all over the pavement is disgusting. And the size of the mounds makes me think the owners are walking elephants not dogs!
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    StressMonkeyStressMonkey Posts: 13,347
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    Tibsy wrote:
    People who allow their dogs to excrete on pavements should be given a £1000 fine.

    If they can't afford to pay it - take the dog.

    Agreed. If I have to scoop poop all those other b***ards should too :mad: It's not like its a problem. Pack of nappy sacks & job done :mad:
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    KewpeeKewpee Posts: 50,976
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    I'm not anti dog, I had one myself up until a few years ago. I am anti owners that don't take being a dog owner seriously though.

    I'm a courier, and I actually like dogs, but I can sense straight away if one is friendly or should be left alone. What I hate is people that come to the door, with the dog running loose, then tell me, 'he/she won't hurt you', even though the dog is barking furiously and obviously doesn't like my presence. :mad:

    I have had to ask a couple of customers to put thier dogs in another room before coming to the door, these are large dogs that look at me like I'm dinner. :eek: Niether person was pleased, and both now treat me like I'm a murderer.

    The one that bit me though was a westie, he circled my feet, I ignored him, and as I walked away he went for my ankle. His owner was only concerned about him, 'oh baby come here' and then she slammed the door. :mad:

    Oh and my next door neighbour shouldn't have a dog either. He's out all day whilst they all go to work, he has a door into the garage, but if he hears the postman, he'll bark for an hour or so, not nastily, he thinks someone has come home, bless him. :(
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    StressMonkeyStressMonkey Posts: 13,347
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    Kewpee wrote:
    I'm not anti dog, I had one myself up until a few years ago. I am anti owners that don't take being a dog owner seriously though.

    I'm a courier, and I actually like dogs, but I can sense straight away if one is friendly or should be left alone. What I hate is people that come to the door, with the dog running loose, then tell me, 'he/she won't hurt you', even though the dog is barking furiously and obviously doesn't like my presence. :mad:

    I have had to ask a couple of customers to put thier dogs in another room before coming to the door, these are large dogs that look at me like I'm dinner. :eek: Niether person was pleased, and both now treat me like I'm a murderer.

    The one that bit me though was a westie, he circled my feet, I ignored him, and as I walked away he went for my ankle. His owner was only concerned about him, 'oh baby come here' and then she slammed the door. :mad:

    Oh and my next door neighbour shouldn't have a dog either. He's out all day whilst they all go to work, he has a door into the garage, but if he hears the postman, he'll bark for an hour or so, not nastily, he thinks someone has come home, bless him. :(

    Even though my dog is no danger to visitors, once checked out (meter readers etc) I always ask 'do you mind dogs?'. So far 100% have seen my dog & after asking what breed have said they either don't mind him or they 'love' him. But I would have no hesitation putting him in the kitchen if he was a problem.

    Times I've visited people and asked them to stop their dog humping my leg..... :mad:
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 12
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    Its the irresponsibility of dog owners that I dislike. They let viscious looking things run about without a lead or a muzzle. Or they buy massive looking things that they can't control on a lead.

    I agree. I have 2 labs, and keep them well under control, but some owners amaze me. Dogs are fantastic pets if you look after them properly. I live in London but have a big(ish) garden, so they have a bit of space. In my road there are loads of owners with massive dogs in tiny flats. No wonder they go mental.
    I don't want my dogs too meek though. I want them to scare off the burglars. I don't live in the best part of town and a lot of people here keep their dogs for security as much as anything. It's about finding the right balance between security and about having them safe enough to walk down the road with.
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    SomnerSomner Posts: 9,412
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    Porcupine wrote:
    I think a lot of people are 'anti' a lot of things.

    I think dogs have got a bad press lately. As you said, there have been many maulings in the papers of late ..... but noone asks why the child was left alone with a dog.

    Well said. I have much sympathy for the family who's baby girl was mauled by two dogs, but what do you expect of two guard dogs? Whilst it wasn't the families fault, it wasn't really the dogs fault either. It was just a tragic accident, but for some reason NOTHING can be an accident these days. Then a few days later there is a story about a woman looking after her granddaughter and her granddaughter is attacked by a dog but the woman wasn't there to help. Does anybody ask why the girl was left on her own? I don't know if the dog was meant to be there or not, but a baby girl was left alone all the same.
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    grotbags1975grotbags1975 Posts: 3,463
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    Are guard dogs not highly trained ? or have I been watching too much Magnum PI
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    timeytimey Posts: 19,379
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    TWD wrote:
    their is never any blame put on the parents who left a child in a room with a dog
    Porcupine wrote:
    noone asks why the child was left alone with a dog.

    Yes they do. Most people accept that it is the owners that are at fault and not the dog. The problem is that if the owners cannot properly look after the dog then putting it to sleep is often the only solution. It's not fair on the dog but I know but, as with cats, there are too many and not enough responsible owners to look after them all. :(
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    bluebladeblueblade Posts: 88,859
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    I think perhaps licences for dogs should be re-instated and the type of people who use their dog as an exstension of their penis should be banned from keeping any animal for life. I am sick of having to avoid idiots with their "rotties" and "staffies" who think they look cool and do not take one bit of care of their dogs. I have seen a situation where one so called "dog lover" set his dog on a lad he had set on for looking at him wrong. Owning a dog comes with a responsibilty and too many people do not take responsibilty for their pets training or actions.

    I agree with most of what you say. But would take issue with the bit I have highlighted as it's a bit sexist and presumptuous. There are irresponsible dog owners of both genders.
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    TWSTWS Posts: 9,307
    Forum Member
    I agree that they should be put to sleep but i get fed up of the one sided cr*p the press comes out with about Devil dogs and the like, they are irresponsible!

    How many decent loving rottweilers lose their homes and end up in pounds because other people taunt and yell at owners in the streets for having such dogs etc.

    The press should highlight that children should never be left alone with dogs that no dog no matter what the breed is 100% a pomeranian has killed a baby before yet no-one brands them killers...

    I would love to see dog licensing bought back and most responsible dog owners would like the same, i would also like tougher penalties on people who dont pick up the poo. I think all breeders should be licensed and checks made on suitability for people who buy their dogs. I want the RSPCA to crack down on people who are banned from owning animals who yet still purchase them there is no policing of the system.

    Most of all i want irresponsible owners in the parks to stick their dogs on a lead when they see another person or other dog not yell across the field that he's friendly cos they have no recall.

    I am actually glad i started this thread and i do not feel their is any spite in it despite what another poster said it is interesting that most people deep down know it is an owner or lack of education problem and not the dog and do not automatically want all dogs put down



    That is a pic of my boy who is five months and 6 whopping stone yes he is a slavering heap of LOVE :p

    Yes they do. Most people accept that it is the owners that are at fault and not the dog. The problem is that if the owners cannot properly look after the dog then putting it to sleep is often the only solution. It's not fair on the dog but I know but, as with cats, there are too many and not enough responsible owners to look after them all. :(
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    jackulatorjackulator Posts: 7,209
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    Pandora33 wrote:
    I'm not anti dog just anti bad owner! I do belive that each dog owner has a responsability to mold their dogs into well behaved creatures. If a child is pestering a dog its the owners responsability in part to remove the dog from the situation as well as the parents responsability to teach the child that a dog can be dangerous if provoked. And dog dirt- why the hell cant every owner pick this up? I want to walk without watching where to put my feet. The way it ends up spread all over the pavement is disgusting. And the size of the mounds makes me think the owners are walking elephants not dogs!

    yes lets adapt to fit into a dogs lifestyle :rolleyes:
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    jackulatorjackulator Posts: 7,209
    Forum Member
    TWS wrote:
    I agree that they should be put to sleep but i get fed up of the one sided cr*p the press comes out with about Devil dogs and the like, they are irresponsible!

    How many decent loving rottweilers lose their homes and end up in pounds because other people taunt and yell at owners in the streets for having such dogs etc.

    The press should highlight that children should never be left alone with dogs that no dog no matter what the breed is 100% a pomeranian has killed a baby before yet no-one brands them killers...

    I would love to see dog licensing bought back and most responsible dog owners would like the same, i would also like tougher penalties on people who dont pick up the poo. I think all breeders should be licensed and checks made on suitability for people who buy their dogs. I want the RSPCA to crack down on people who are banned from owning animals who yet still purchase them there is no policing of the system.

    Most of all i want irresponsible owners in the parks to stick their dogs on a lead when they see another person or other dog not yell across the field that he's friendly cos they have no recall.

    I am actually glad i started this thread and i do not feel their is any spite in it despite what another poster said it is interesting that most people deep down know it is an owner or lack of education problem and not the dog and do not automatically want all dogs put down



    That is a pic of my boy who is five months and 6 whopping stone yes he is a slavering heap of LOVE :p

    can i ask what you want from a your dog and why you picked it as opposed to other breeds
    and would these factors cloud your judgment perhaps
    ie 6 stone of love means what exactly
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    SystemSystem Posts: 2,096,970
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    I have been bitten many times by dogs. My fault- as a kid I would just rush up to them and expect them to like me. :rolleyes:

    All animals are great. It's the 'owners' who are a waste of time and can't discipline their pets.

    Big dogs are often more stable and far easier to deal with. Small breeds are often yapping little mental cases. :eek:
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 11,363
    Forum Member
    TWS - what a gorgeous, gorgeous dog! :D

    I love big dogs, not because I want to scare people or 'look hard' but because they're big, boisterous and cuddly. You can snuggle up with a big dog, feel protected by it, and take it on the type of long walks that a spaniel would be knackered by.
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    TWSTWS Posts: 9,307
    Forum Member
    What i want from my dog companionship, friendship, warm bed, you may look at him and think guard dog but that is pants anyone who knows anything about the breed will tell you that a lot of these dogs get stolen due to their friendly nature, they do not tend to be barky dogs or protect your property my dogs would let a burglar right in and take everything. :D

    Who did i choose him well as as person i tend to prefer the larger breed type of dogs nicer friendlier and cuddlier and it is what i have always known love all bull breeds they are such characters from staffies who sound like parrotts to my dog that thinks hes a lap dog, they tend to have more even personalities and are generally very placid good with kids nd people love attention and generally are not bothered by other dogs, can live in a smallish house with an adequate garden and dont need as much exercise as a collie or labrador.

    As i said i love staffies but compare to them they are a lot more laid back staffies are loveable but bouncy and have a tenacious attitude for life and require constant stimulation.

    I love Rotties but again rotties really need a solid two hours of exercie a day off lead they are working dogs and enjoy doing so and as much as i love them and they are great family dogs they are just that little bit too much work.

    Great danes / Irish wolfhounds love them but their life expectancy is not good can be around five years and it would kill me to love a dog for such a short time.

    Basically DDB's are docile bundles of love who want to be with you all the time and worship the ground you walk on this comes with problems they suffer from separation anxiety and do not do well left on their own even for short periods, it coms with the constant drool and no-one wanting to visit your house through fear of drowning.

    I could go on and on as to why i chose this breed but basically i find bull breed dogs very attractive have always prefferred big dogs small dogs are a lot more unpredictable and bitey, i got attacked by a yorkie once and a cocker spaniel. then if you compare all the bull breeds the DDB just comes out on top for me with my current circumstances otherwise i would have a staffie or a bullmastiff.

    Hope this answers some of your questions, to be honest their are a lot of people who gets these dogs and have no idea what they are getting into and a fair few end up needing rehoming because unfortunately like any other dog when they get the terrible twos or teenage years they can be 10 stone of problem but if you work with them and keep training them every day and reaffirming the ground rules life is grand. :)
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    SystemSystem Posts: 2,096,970
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    Big dogs have so much strength. That means you can handle them and touch them freely, and not have to always be extra careful the way you might have to be with a delicate small breed.

    It's great to have a big lumbering dog sleep at your feet. Keeps 'em warm and you can even stroke them with your feet with no fear of trampling the dog or hurting him. :)
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    MurraymarMurraymar Posts: 4,992
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    TWS, your guy is gorgeous.
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    TWSTWS Posts: 9,307
    Forum Member
    The world would be a pretty dull place in general if we were all the same and dogs too, we are all attracted to different things and find different things beautiful and for me it is bull breeds their is just something so special about their warmth the love they give the look in their eyes the expressions they pull my boy pouts and sulks a lot like a little child is soooo funny.

    Bull breeds are also infamous for stupid noises facial expressions and larking about when trying to get attention which i find so amusing no-one warbles parrot like my mums staffie and my little boy tries now too. :D

    Thank you Purity and Murraymar he thinks he is gorgeous too and loves people to stop and speak to him otherwise he will throw himself on the ground in a tiz. I just hope that all the people that stop now and say hello to him will continue to do so as he grows and not cross the street he would be devastated he is the worst dog for attention seeking from people i have had or met to be honest. :D
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