
The Walking Dead S3 (US Pace)



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    T.K.T.K. Posts: 19,502
    Forum Member
    After the latest episode, I'd say it is almost certain Daryl will kill the Governor (although there is a good chance Rick will do it as TV shows do like their "Leader vs Leader" showdowns). But I think it will make more sense if Daryl is the one to kill him. Andrea will probably help bring down Woodbury after she escapes the torture chamber, which will redeem her in the eyes of Rick's crew. But considering this is a show where the body count is very high, there's a chance Andrea could die during the battle, thus giving a bittersweet ending to her redemption.
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    Fried KickinFried Kickin Posts: 60,132
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    Anyone else think the Governor would never have been an issue if Shane was running things? :o
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    T.K.T.K. Posts: 19,502
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    Anyone else think the Governor would never have been an issue if Shane was running things? :o

    Lol, good question. Personally, I think if Shane was still around, he would've blown the Governor away a long time ago and crippled Woodbury (by stealing all their supplies of guns and food). He just knew how to get things done - as much as you hated for being such a ruthless douche :D. That's why Rick is the main character :p. Not that I think Rick is a complete disaster as leader, but he has his flaws.
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    StressMonkeyStressMonkey Posts: 13,347
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    Anyone else think the Governor would never have been an issue if Shane was running things? :o

    Not even thought about that. It would be a whole different show with Shane in charge - but not necessarily better for Rick's group. Shane was a bit unhinged especially towards the end:D His guilt over the fella from the farm and his obsession with Lori were causing his to be a bit unstable. :D
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    PsychosisPsychosis Posts: 18,591
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    The scene where Rick met with the Gov for negotiations. If it was Shane I could see him walking in and shooting him straight in the head, no warning or chatter.
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    Hutchy_MuseHutchy_Muse Posts: 7,088
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    I reckon it could be a complete surprise who kills the Govenor, the likes of Rick, Daryl, Andrea, Milton, Glen & Maggie seem to obvious. Maybe Beth will make herself useful :p
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    kendogukkendoguk Posts: 13,804
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    Psychosis wrote: »
    The scene where Rick met with the Gov for negotiations. If it was Shane I could see him walking in and shooting him straight in the head, no warning or chatter.

    See I could see that as well but then I could see him just replacing the gov at woodberry and things would just be the same.
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    brangdonbrangdon Posts: 14,134
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    RHIGGINSON wrote: »
    If you watch back to season 1 and follow it through episode by episode you can really see Ricks gradual transition from moralistic leader, not being prepared to leave Merle handcuffed on the roof, to the totally morally devoid man who left the hitchhiker to the wilds with the walkers.
    I think that was encapsulated in the story of Randall in season 2. When Rick is with Hershel in the bar chatting to the two guys, he's cautious but not hostile. When that goes sour, he still saves Randall. At that time he can't leave someone to die even though they are a stranger. However, he comes to regret that quite quickly. Randall does nothing wrong, but Rick won't let him go in case he brings back more enemies to the farm. He knows that killing him in cold blood is the only way forward. (It's Shane that does it, but Rick had decided.) After that he only protects his group, not strangers, and doesn't take new people in if he has a choice. So the change was abrupt rather than gradual, and caused by seeing in Randall how bringing in a stranger doesn't work unless you trust them.
    sootysoo wrote: »
    I don't believe for a second he really intended to take Michonne to the governor, not after what he tried to do to him and his brother. I think he took her far enough away from the prison to carry out his assault on the governor, so that all bets would be off.
    I wondered about that. Whether Michonne changed his mind or whether he always planned to use her to get a shot at the Governor. Currently I think if he had planned that, he'd probably have told her and enlisted her help.

    So Michonne changed his mind, and that's awesome for her. It shows she's not just good with a sword. She understood Merle - who had been her enemy - well enough to understand what motived him, and was eloquent enough to know the right words to say.
    Vintage06 wrote: »
    I'm just a little meh by his way out. It would have been better if he'd sacrificed himself saving the life Maggie, Glenn or Carl for example. Redeeming himself more.
    In way this felt more in character to me. He was never the smartest guy. Getting drunk and then foolishly taking pot shots at the side-kicks before missing the only shot that mattered - he was pathetic. I'm glad he didn't turn heroic. (If anything, I'm a little disappointed that his original racism never resurfaced. It was a partially sanitised Merle, in the end.)
    An interesting bit of subtext is that the Governor obviously allowed Merle to "turn", when his policy throughout the series has always been to stab any dead bodies in the head to make sure it wouldn't happen... in his world, becoming a walker/biter is the ultimate punishment, and one he specifically wanted for Merle...
    My take is that it was aimed more at Rick's group. He couldn't know it would be Daryl that found him, but he left him there to be found.

    Quite a lot of what the Governor's done amounts to psychological warfare. That seems to be the reason for the first attack on prison. I suspect that's why agreed to the parley, and then offered the Michonne deal. (I think he's also been playing for the time he needs to prepare his assault.)
    Ataraxia wrote: »
    I also disagree with what people are saying Ricks doing. Hes saying from now on any information will be shared and any decision that has to be made will be done by the whole group.
    I don't see how that could work with another Michonne situation. They can't debate it without her knowing about it, and once she knows she's hardly going to let them take her.

    We'll see if he's changed. From my point of view, he's been hiding crucial information from the group at least since the CDC, which was long before the end of season 2. The Michonne situation was just more of the same.
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    SillyBillyGoatSillyBillyGoat Posts: 22,266
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    What I think may happen in the finale (based on some comic spoilers):
    I think Beth, Carol and Judith will die. One of them having Carol's comic death (letting the walkers bite her), and other having Lori's comic death (being shot while holding Judith, and crushing her to death when falling).

    I know they've both developed a lot and become more steeled, but perhaps the death of Judith makes one of them lose hope and surrender themselves to the walkers?

    This is purely speculation based on some comic events, I could be miles off from what actually happens. I would actually love to be wrong. :)
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    Otis HillOtis Hill Posts: 2,374
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    I dont think that
    Rick, Carl or judith will die because rick is probly the only "safe" character and if his children were to die he would go even more crazy than he is now after Lori's death
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    humehume Posts: 2,088
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    tonydryer wrote: »
    This is definitely becoming the best show in a truly golden age for tv.

    Loved Andrew Lincoln's acting at the end, exceptional.

    I was actually gasping during the show as things were breaking down. Can't wait for next week.

    BIB - I read a column in the even standard which stated television had become more important than going to the cinema or the pub, such was the quality of the shows on offer.
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    John t BaptistJohn t Baptist Posts: 124
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    27, count 'em... 27 deaths in the finale
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    SilverCrownSilverCrown Posts: 1,766
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    Wow, what a finale.:cry:
    What a way to end this season. Really loved Milton's last moments with Andrea. I was really starting to like him as a character, and hoped he would last a bit longer.

    Can't decide if I like Carl or not. I get where he's coming from by killing that kid, but I can also understand why Rick was angry at him for doing it.

    Gov is crazy!:mad: RIP those poor people he killed!

    Saddest moment...Andrea. Can't believe she was killed off! I wanted her to redeem herself next season, and I feel a bit cheated by her death. Wasn't a big fan of the way she died. I mean...She had a weapon to use and had one hand free, right? I just don't understand it. I'd get that she was weak, but, eh. Had such high hopes for her next season, since she's such a great character in the comics.

    Glad Tyreese and Sasha have joined Rick's group now, along with all those other people!:eek: How are they going to feed them all?!

    Excited for October - when season 4 starts. Such a long wait, though!
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    Inky BinkyInky Binky Posts: 2,261
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    Good 3rd season finale. Not quite what I was expecting but I enjoyed it nonetheless. The 2nd season finale was better because it was terrifying. But this was definitely better than the 1st season finale.

    WARNING! for whatever reason, I cannot get the spoiler tag working at the moment! So if you haven't seen tonight's finale, DON"T READ PAST THIS PARAGRAPH!

    Well, we'll most likely see the governor again. Since he got away he'll definitely be a problem in upcoming seasons.

    Carl is the wild card in the group. He's becoming psychotic and is a loose cannon. Poor kid is so damaged by what he has seen and done that I'm not sure he's going to come back from it. It wouldn't surprise me that if Carl continues his ways, someone in the group will put him out permanently. The kid is coldblooded.

    Andrea... we knew it was coming. And it was surprisingly touching. But I am very surprised that Herschel survived for another season! He's a great character but even though he survived the leg amputation in the 1st episode of this season, I was sure that he wasn't going to make it to the 4th. But I was wrong! :)
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    CroctacusCroctacus Posts: 18,308
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    Loved the finale...surprised that the Governor cut and ran but I suppose he had no choice. Just surprised Martinez and the other books went with him.

    Overall a better than I hoped for ending.
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    T.K.T.K. Posts: 19,502
    Forum Member
    So can any of the TWD comic fans fill me in on what happens next? I need a little teaser for Season 4.
    I heard the Governor arc goes on for a while in the comic, so it makes sense that he lives I guess.
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    DEADLY_17DEADLY_17 Posts: 9,262
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    Wow what a Finale :eek:
    I was expecting a massive finale but tbh i loved what we got it didnt match Season 2 but hey its a great lead into S4. With the governor still at large he will be a big problem in S4 for the group.

    I was sad by Wiltons death i was just starting to like him :cry: Now Onto Andrea I feel kind of cheated by her death, I know she kind of redeemed herself towards the end of this season but i was REALLY hoping she would survive OR at least see her get bit by Wilton I think it would of added more of shock factor to us. But her death was sad but Michone tearing up really got me:(

    Overal i think it was a great finale, we just have to 7 months now :mad::p
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    Hugh LetdownHugh Letdown Posts: 536
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    Yep... this show has undeniably become as lost as "Lost". A sprawling pointless mess. Completely incoherent and inconsistent. The characters have no character to speak of, so every situation is just another really cheap exercise in farcical tension and suspense.
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    Si_CreweSi_Crewe Posts: 40,202
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    Am I the only one who felt a bit let down by the idea of Rick nipping back to his police station to see if there were still any guns left there?

    I mean, the show has taken us into big cities, on the road with the survivors, to a city where they found the CDC bunker, to Hershel's farm and then through a winter where they, presumably, did some more travelling before finally taking up residence in the prison.

    The fact that they're now suggesting that, after all this, they've ended up back at a place where it's a short drive back to Rick's house makes it all feel a bit like camping in your own back-yard.
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    Hugh LetdownHugh Letdown Posts: 536
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    Si_Crewe wrote: »
    Am I the only one who felt a bit let down by the idea of Rick nipping back to his police station to see if there were still any guns left there?

    I mean, the show has taken us into big cities, on the road with the survivors, to a city where they found the CDC bunker, to Hershel's farm and then through a winter where they, presumably, did some more travelling before finally taking up residence in the prison.

    The fact that they're now suggesting that, after all this, they've ended up back at a place where it's a short drive back to Rick's house makes it all feel a bit like camping in your own back-yard.

    This is what I'm talking about. Nothing really makes any sense, no character development really sticks, no incident or occurrence bears upon any notion of context... nothing that goes on means anything.

    Everything is just a clumsy and cheap series of disjointed melodrama.

    So, no, you are not the only one that feels let down.

    I mean I'm not crushed (or "utterly dismayed" ;) ) or even surprised that this show has become typical fare, but it is a bit of a Letdown ;)
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    PunksNotDeadPunksNotDead Posts: 21,481
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    Thought it was a poor finale, happy that the governor storyline is still going and he wasnt killed but was expecting a few deaths from ricks group. There just wasnt enough walker deaths for a season finale, Herschel should have died & a shock character Death would have been interesting, didnt really care much for Andrea.
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    Si_CreweSi_Crewe Posts: 40,202
    Forum Member
    I meant to say, as well...
    The finale was an absolutely textbook example of "Hollywood aim" of a magnitude usually only seen in The A-Team.

    The baddies invade the prison, none of the good-guys get shot, the good-guys shoot back and none of the baddies even get wounded in a firefight involving people who, we are supposed to believe, survive by killing zombies with head-shots on an everyday basis, and then the Governor somehow manages to mow down his entire group of 20-odd people with a single magazine and manages some head-shots in the process.

    Okay, maybe the good-guys were just trying to scare the baddies away (although, given Glenn, Lori and Daryl's previous experiences, how likely is that?) but the overall inconsistency in aim was cringe-inducingly obvious.

    Must say, I think shows like this need to stick to their USP's.
    If I'm watching a show about zombies I want to see stuff about zombies.
    It doesn't need to be all exploding heads and biting but I'd prefer it if the storylines were somehow related to the subject at hand.

    If I want to watch a show about a woman cheating on her husband or a guy struggling with some ethical dilemma I can get that from a soap opera.
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    Mo@realityMo@reality Posts: 860
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    I did not realise it was the finale, so coming on here and seeing that has ruined it a bit for me. I thought it was the penultimate episode and based on that I thought it was brilliant.

    I spent the whole episode rooting for Milton to turn and eat Andrea, she spent the whole time chatting and not getting those pliers and saving herself. Still I teared up when she eventually did go, not for Andrea as such but more for Michonne and the rest of the gang who had to witness it.

    I think Karl was right to shoot that kid. When someone tells me to drop the gun, I'd drop it. The Governor is right, kill or be killed.

    Jaw dropping moment of the series was the Governor turning on his own people. I did not expect that at all.:eek:
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    Si_CreweSi_Crewe Posts: 40,202
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    Maybe edit with spoiler tags?
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    ParthenonParthenon Posts: 7,499
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    Not quite what I expected but not a bad finale. I guess the sheer panic and brilliance of the season 2 finale couldn't be matched, but the hyped-up confrontation wasn't all that exhilarating.

    I was half-expecting a "shock" death myself, maybe Herschel or someone like Beth who doesn't do anything (except sing). Thought Milton would die and Andrea's final moments were touching, but her death wasn't unexpected either. The Governor gunning down his people was a surprise, and at least we know he may feature again in season 4 now after bailing with Martinez and the other dude. Not sure if I like Carl or not, but isn't he turning into a little psycho! I'm also happy to see Tyreese survived.

    Only one question is sticking in my mind... why bring all those people to the recently attacked (and weakened) prison when there's a perfectly good town surrounded by big walls and stocked with food/artillery?

    All in all, I can't help but feel a little underwhelmed. I really enjoyed seasons 1 and 2, and the first half of season 3 wasn't bad, but it's tailed off since then. Nonetheless, I'm still looking forward to season 4. :)
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