
Is Carole the mother in law from hell

quasimoronquasimoron Posts: 20,996
Forum Member
Whats with Carole warning the guys off Chanelle and Amy.She acts like an interfering mum, she is just a fellow HM like them she needs to mind her own business and butt out.She is giving me a pain in my posterior lately with her bossy ways and manic control of the food.Her crazy obsession with cleaning is a bit off considering the state of her house.It could feature on the next instalment of The Life of Grime.She looks like The mole from Wind in the Willows snuffling around in her t-shirt watching everything and listening at doors.Sheesh she drawls for ten minutes to get out a sentence and you can almost see fellow HM,s eyes glaze over as your own eyes do the same.I am so over Carole the manic mum and the food gestapo act is wearing thin,Get back to your mangle woman and pipe down , buy a good bra or some scaffolding which ever works best.Stay in your own bed purleaze and dont get naked where we can see you for pities sake.Stop scratching your bum when cooking and just fade away in to the sunset , you will be much happier.:sleep:


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