
Bluetooth speaker, battery & mains powered.

I am looking for a
Bluetooth speaker, battery & mains powered, what are your recommendations, hints, tips sergestions.

I have had a look around and seen a couple by Logitech i have other Logitech products and more than happy with them.
I would like to be sending less then £100, but then for the right product I would spend a bit more. I also quite like the look of the Jawbone I like it for its size, but than it is starting to get a bit expensive.

So what are your thoughts how loud can these products go, mainly it would be used in the home, but I would also like to have the possibility of taking it out in the garden/park and listen to my tunes, so I would want it to,have enough power so that the music can be heard, with out sounding tinny and rubbish. As most of the time I would use it at home I like the idea of being able to remove the battery (in order to reduce wear/being kept at full charge).

(on a side note it would be used with an iPhone4s and iPad2 and possibly with various other phones belong to my friends).
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