New Doctor Who Target Novelisations (Do We Want Them)

Capaldi_CapaldiCapaldi_Capaldi Posts: 227
Forum Member
They Could be titled;

Doctor Who and Rose
Doctor Who and the End of the World
Doctor Who and the Unquiet Dead
Doctor Who and the Aliens of London in World War Three
Doctor Who and a Dalek
Doctor Who and the Long Game
Doctor Who: Father's Day
Doctor Who Dances
Doctor Who: Boom Town
Doctor Who in Bad Wolf and The Parting of the Ways
Doctor Who and the Christmas Invasion
Doctor Who and the New Earth
Doctor Who in Tooth and Claw
Doctor Who: School Reunion
Doctor Who and the Girl in the Fire Place
Doctor Who in the Rise of the Cybermen and the Age of Steel
Doctor Who and the Idiot's Lantern
Doctor Who on the Impossible Planet with the Satan Pit
Doctor Who: Love & Monsters
Doctor Who Fears Her
Doctor Who with the Army of Ghosts on Doomsday
Doctor Who and the Runaway Bride
Doctor Who and Jones
Doctor Who in the Shakespeare Code
Doctor Who in a Gridlock
Doctor Who and the Daleks in Manhattan
Doctor Who and the Evolution of the Daleks
Doctor Who and the Lazarus Experiment
Doctor Who: 42
Doctor Who in Human Nature with the Family of Blood
Doctor Who Doesn't Blink
Doctor Who in Utopia
Doctor Who in the Sound of Drums
Doctor Who is the Last of the Time Lords
Doctor Who's in Time Crash
Doctor Who in the Voyage of the Damned
Doctor Who is a Partner in Crime
Doctor Who in the Fires of Pompeii
Doctor Who on the Planet of the Ood
Doctor Who: The Sontaran Stratagem and The Poison Sky
Doctor Who's Daughter
Doctor Who, the Unicorn and the Wasp
Doctor Who in Silence in the Library and Forest of the Dead
Doctor Who at Midnight
Doctor Who: Turn Left
Doctor Who and the Stolen Earth
Doctor Who's Journeys End
Doctor Who and the Next Doctor Who
Doctor Who on the Planet of the Dead
Doctor Who with the Waters of Mars
Doctor Who: The End of Time
Doctor Who Eleven's Hour
Doctor Who and the Beast Below
Doctor Who and the Victory of the Daleks
Doctor Who in the Time of Angels and Flesh and Stone
Doctor Who and the Vampires of Venice
Doctor Who and Amy's Choice
Doctor Who and the Hungry Earth and Cold Blood
Doctor Who and Vincent
Doctor Who is the Lodger of Craig Owens
Doctor Who Sees The Pandorica Open and the Big Bang
Doctor Who hears a Christmas Carol
Doctor Who and the Impossible Astronaut in Day of the Moon
Doctor Who and the Curse of the Black Spot
Doctor Who's Wife
Doctor Who with Rebel Flesh and Almost People
Doctor Who Goes to War
Doctor Who in Let's Kill Hitler
Doctor Who in Night Terrors
Doctor Who and the Girl Who Waited
Doctor Who and the God Complex
Doctor Who at Closing Time
Doctor Who's Wedding With River Song
Doctor Who, the Widow and the Wardrobe
Doctor Who in the Asylum of the Daleks
Doctor Who on a Spaceship with Dinosaurs
Doctor Who in a Town Called Mercy
The Power of a Doctor Who, Amy and Rory
Doctor Who and the Angels in Manhattan
Doctor Who and the Snowmen
Doctor Who and the Bells of Saint John
Doctor Who and the Rings of Akhaten
Doctor Who in a Cold War
Doctor Who in Hide
Doctor Who in a Journey through the Centre of the TARDIS
Doctor Who and the Crimson Horror
Doctor Who and the Nightmare of Silver
Doctor Who's Name
Doctor Who Returns in The Night of the Doctor
The Day of All the Doctor Who's
The Time of Doctor Who

What do you think of the titles I came up with if you like them then please say if you don't tell me what you would change them to.


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