
The Big Holby City Thread (Part 5)

Little StarLittle Star Posts: 1,598
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kitkat1971 wrote: »
IRe the speed of the couplings, i think maybe it depends on how invested you are. I was a Janny shipper from day 1 and although i hated the Bonnie/custody battle era I never completely gave up on it. So have probably been more eagle eyed for any little hints or thawing in relations. However, harry/MC has just been another plot so perhaps I've missed some of the intricacies. It did still seem that Harry's declaration of love, MC rejecting him, the fall and MC saying she loved him back all happened within one episode and Harry wouldn't have said anything if her boyfriend hadn't asked her to go to Australia with him.

Yes completely agree with you on the speed of couplings. It definitely depends how invested you are in the storyline what you will pick up, and also whether you are particularly interested in the characters individually, as you will notice a lot more of the nuances of their interactions etc. As I've said, I really enjoy Jac's character and when Jonny initially arrived I was very interested in their relationship as I also liked him. I enjoyed their interactions right through the pregnancy and up until Emma's birth, but I do think they went too far with the storyline afterwards with Jonny blaming her for Bonnie's death and the ensuing custody battle, ultimately ending with Jac giving Emma up and it is hard to believe in them completely rewinding from all of that immediately without any of those major issues being resolved on screen. I have noticed all the subtle hints re them getting closer and have never doubted that we were intended to think that there were feelings there and that they probably still love each other but there has been no real resolution of the Emma centred plot and the difficulties around that. So when I said 'rushed' I didn't mean in the sense that they suddenly loved each other again but rather in the sense that the major issues would not have been resolved rather than in the sense that they suddenly loved each other again.

For me,my main interest in Jac post Bonnie, custody battle etc has been her relationship with Emma and her attitude to motherhood rather than Janny itself. I think the relationship with Emma would ideally have been the one I'd like to have seen resolved prior to this exit, rather than a romantic resolution off the back of Jonny's Kibo plot. That is why the compromise of a semi resolved exit which as Thompson says does not
confirm that they are leaving as a couple
but at the same time
has Jac leave with Emma with the possibility also there for her and Jonny
is (I think) probably the best outcome they could have decided on with limited time. It stays true to Jac's character in that she does not rush into a defined love match with Jonny without resolving the fairly major issues regarding the custody battle etc, yet at the same time leaves it open for viewers who want them together to hope that happens properly at some point down the line and also for us to assume that her relationship with Emma will be fully resolved off screen in the coming months. More importantly, for me, it gives Jac a fairly happy temporary exit with the hope that her issues will be fully resolved when she returns. As I said before, I would not be happy for this to be her final exit as Kibo has been a Jonny centred storyline in which Jac has been involved mainly at the fringes, and I think that if and when she finally does exit permanently it should be with a plot which is focused on her,given the depths to her character.

Re Harry and MC, she actually didn't tell him that she loved him until a few weeks after the accident, after he had been particularly rude to her and the accident seemed to be driving them apart a little, so I don't think the love on either parts was sudden, or could be attributed to a reaction to the accident. Her thoughts re Oz and possibly leaving with the ex boyfriend definitely served as a catalyst, but that is fairly standard for Holby and to me doesn't undermine it. In many ways it is no different from Jac not wanting to tell Jonny wanted to be with him until she knew he was marrying Bonnie, it doesn't mean she didn't love him before that.

I am fairly confident there is going to be a final HEA twist on that storyline now, but I wouldn't mind a focus on MC on her own before the final decision for them to leave together. I think Jules finished filming a few weeks before Niamh so I wouldn't be surprised if their final exit scenes were filmed before Christmas with Niamh completing next week's scenes and maybe even most of the following weeks afterwards for her final scenes with him to be shown at the end. I would like to see MC make a decision on her own based on what is best for her and maybe a few 'patient tells you your own mind' moments in between before she ultimatly leaves with Harry. We have already seen his story post accident developed and I would like to see a bit more focus on her now, which I think is what will happen.

Continuation of: The Big Holby City Thread (Part 4)


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    cloverclover Posts: 2,008
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    First of all thank you to everyone for the kind messages last week - it was very much appreciated :)

    This week's episode review is here. It's looking like Selfie's days are numbered, isn't it? With Elliot and Jac against him, and Influential Ladies taking against him. And it is looking like a possible reunion for Jac and Jonny, though in my opinion he'd only be borrowing her until Joseph becomes available (I will never give up hope).
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    kitkat1971kitkat1971 Posts: 39,338
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    clover wrote: »
    First of all thank you to everyone for the kind messages last week - it was very much appreciated :)

    This week's episode review is here. It's looking like Selfie's days are numbered, isn't it? With Elliot and Jac against him, and Influential Ladies taking against him. And it is looking like a possible reunion for Jac and Jonny, though in my opinion he'd only be borrowing her until Joseph becomes available (I will never give up hope).

    "If the wind changes direction you will stay like that". Probably my favourite use of a well known saying to commentate on an episode- ever!

    Thanks for the review Clover.
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    george.millmangeorge.millman Posts: 8,628
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    Just a question - we seem to have been talking a lot on here about so-called 'HEA endings', which is a term I had never heard prior to the last few weeks, but apparently means 'happily ever after'. Does a 'happily ever after' have to involve two characters leaving together in a long-term relationship?

    Personally, I really like the characters of Jac and Mary-Claire, and I feel that neither of the boys are good enough for them. I think it has been common knowledge on here that I have really hated Jonny right from the moment he showed up. It has nothing to do with how I've felt about who Jac should end up with, or wanting her to get back with Joseph or anything - I've just really never felt the character of Jonny. He has always struck me as being very controlling. Even before the whole Bonnie thing, he was constantly criticising Jac's professional decisions - as we all know, Jac makes some very risky decisions, but she has a very consistent success record (almost certainly the most out of all of the characters), and much as I have the utmost respect for nurses I didn't see how he considered himself qualified to do this. This level of control extended into the personal as well - when they found out that Jac was pregnant, she wanted to wait to tell people, but he went against her wishes and shouted it to everyone, which I thought was really disrespectful. When Bonnie turned up and Jonny did everything that he did around then and the aftermath of her death, lots of people on here thought that they'd changed his character to make a good storyline, but to me it just proved right what I'd said about him all along. I'll admit that she does love him - there's no doubt about that in my mind - but lots of people fall in love with people who aren't right for them, and I think this may be one of them. I think Jac needs someone who will treat her with respect, and I don't think Jonny does. In fairness, over the last few months he has seemed to view her in a much higher esteem so it is entirely possible that he has learned as far as that is concerned, but if I were Jac I wouldn't trust him to be in a relationship with again. If they got back together, I think you'd have to ask quite seriously if they would have done were it not for Emma.

    I haven't actively loathed Harry as much as I have Jonny, but I still dislike him. I'm not sure if Mary-Claire is really in love with him, or if it's just a reaction from the accident. He did seem to be falling for her, but she didn't seem remotely interested before his accident. He has always put her second - from the start, he seemed a lot more interested in Gemma than in her, and his brief relationship with Amy was just weird. He never seemed to want to settle down with Amy, and to me he seemed to have done that merely to prove his power over both her and Raf. What does that action say about the character? There's no doubt that he's gone through some pretty traumatic things over the last few months, but I think Mary-Claire should ask herself whether or not she trusts him. If you were Mary-Claire, would you trust someone who has frequently put other women before you, and slept with someone merely to spite her husband? In addition, as I have said her attachment to him seems to have massively increased since his accident - to me, we have not seen anything to suggest that they won't go off each other again in six months' time.

    I suppose what I'm trying to say is that I wouldn't be especially satisfied with either couple going off with one another. I wish Jonny and Harry well, but I'm not invested in either of them as characters, and whilst I am very much invested in both Jac and Mary-Claire and really want them to be happy, I'm not sure if they will be long-term with the other two. So for me, a so-called 'happily ever after' for them would not involve either Jonny or Harry. It could mean going off with someone else, or even better, leaving happily single and ready to move on to another chapter in their lives. Can a happily ever after work like that, or does it have to be a matchmaking thing?
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    kitkat1971kitkat1971 Posts: 39,338
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    Given that 'Happy Ever After' comes from the final line of fairy tales and refers to the heroine getting her Prince Charming "and the glass slipper fitted, they got married and lived happily ever after, The End" i would say it does have to involve 2 characters leaving together in a romantic capacity. It's also known as a 'sunset ending' - as in "they walked hand in hand into the sunset together".

    It doesn't have to involve long term characters though, I'd say both Donna and Dan Hamilton got 'HEA's' with characters who were introduced specifically for that purpose but hadn't been the subject of long "will they, won't theys".

    I know we've always disagreed about Jonny George. I felt he had a complete personality change 2 minutes after Bonnie arrived and stayed vile for over 9 months, you thought others were just seeing what you always had. As i said at the time, i can see you point about his being controlling but i think that it had always come from genuine worry and concern - he has also taken steps to stop Mo from making potentially career wrecking decisions and I don't think that is just 'Alpha Male' - i can see Jac doing it for somebody she cares about as well. Jonny defended Jac to Patients many times as well when they expressed doubts about her.

    Of course having a child will make the prospect of a trying again more appealing - let's give it a go for Emma's sake. It could also make it scarier, there is more to lose if it all goes wrong again - ie is it worth sacrificing the good friends/co-parents relationship they are regaining and risk going back to the hatred of the custody battle if it all goes wrong again. Perhaps better to leave it as it is for Emma's sake. So really, that argument could go either way.

    @Little Star - i see what you mean about them resolving their issues rather than it being a case of not loving each other because As I've always said, a lack of love wasn't the reason for the break up, or them not reconciling last Spring. It was Jac's lack of (or what Jonny perceived to be jac's lack of) ability to fully give herself to the relationship and 'do it' - 'it' being the roses round the door. She would always hit self destruct and Jonny couldn't cope with the trauma of it all. If they are both now convinced that either they were wrong about that (or that she has changed) then that issue has been resolved and relationship stands a real chance. And i think that although we haven't seen much of it onscreen, her problems with motherhood have been resolved, being forced to take care of Emma again has dispelled her fears that she is incapable of being a good mother and Jonny knows that.

    I guess i'd rather. It be more implied than not that they will try again (and i can see there being a kiss at least) as I think it is all we are going to get. It's all very well saying "they leave with the possibility that in several months they will reconcile properly with a firm foundation" but we know Jac is coming back and Jonny might not be so that leaves the probability that they spend months getting back together only to split again within a couple of weeks. If it must be temporary (and i think it must, jac will never be allowed to be happy on screen) I'd rather we had the prospect of them having been properly together for a few months rather than a few weeks or even days! Or not at all if it is left up in the air all together!
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    Little StarLittle Star Posts: 1,598
    Forum Member
    George, I am also more invested in Mary Claire and Jac than either of the boys, although I do like both Harry and Jonny as characters. I also like Harry more than Jonny but pre Bonnie and back in Gemma days I would have liked Jonny more and Harry less. I'm more invested in Harry and MC as a couple but that is only because of Janny's seriously unresolved issues re Emma, Bonnie etc not because I don't think they care for each other. I've said beforehand I think MC and Jac are the best two characters on the show at the moment and am very sorry to see them both go. I'd like them both to go happily rather than miserable and I now believe they will both get happy exits, albeit with MC and Harry's exit being more permanent and defined.

    I believe that the writers certainly intend us to believe that both sets of characters love each other and there have certainly been enough hints in that direction in respect of both pairings, but I do think that there are unresolved issues with Janny which is why I believe the more subtle open ended finale is more suited to them (although it will be a happy ending of sorts with them going together and a lot of potential for the future) and also why I now think that it is Harry and MC who will get the complete HEA (happy ever after) as the final twist. I don't think at all that she only loved him post accident, she clearly ended friends with benefits as she had fallen for him and didn't think he felt the same. Although she wanted to go to Oz in the end she clearly compared her feelings for the air ambulance doctor with how she felt for Harry which she described to Fletch as the butterfly feeling she was seeking. This was all pre accident.

    I've just seen the radio times spoilers for 14th April and it appears that yes
    Harry is back in that episode near the end of the cast list and that while MC is trying to be optimistic about a future without him, Serena spots that all is not what it seems, so it may well be a Serena speaks your mind finale rather than a patient speaks your mind finale which leads to MC choosing to leave with Harry
    Janny are also near the end of that cast list
    So that may well be the episode when everything is tied up for all four exiting characters. It also fits in with MC's two week notice. Interestingly it is also called 'Go the Distance.' Significant I think!

    PS Clover brilliant review again! Also, loved the wind changing analogy!
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    Sara_PittSara_Pitt Posts: 114
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    kitkat1971 wrote: »

    Jonny also could return for a guest sting to be part of Self's exit storyline - if I'm right about that happening at the end of the season.

    I like this! Let's hope so.
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    kitkat1971kitkat1971 Posts: 39,338
    Forum Member
    That's very interesting Little Star, i'd though Jannu went next week for sure.

    Don't get me wrong, i'm sure MC loved Harry pre accident, she fell for him 2 years ago when Gemma was still in. Those signs were obvious. For me it is more his feelings that seemed rushed, yes he seemed to be liking her more and more during the friends with benefits time but it seemed to me (perception is everything, i get that it is subjective) that he only decided he loved her when she started not falling at his feet. It became about the chase and declaring his feelings was a way to 'win'. Then she laughed and that made him more determined. Later that same episode (and that was the same episode) he had his accident which changed the situation completely. It served, as I say, as a catalyst.

    So that's what i mean about it seeming equally, if not more rushed than Janny to me. Not the feelings on her side, but his. But, it is all subjective. Viewers interpret things completely differently sometimes which is half the joy of this forum.

    As an aside, Terence Hardman in next week who is one of my all time favourite actors. And as a co-incidence i reached his 'Secret Army' episodes on my rewatch last night.
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    Little StarLittle Star Posts: 1,598
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    kitkat1971 wrote: »
    That's very interesting Little Star, i'd though Jannu went next week for sure.

    Don't get me wrong, i'm sure MC loved Harry pre accident, she fell for him 2 years ago when Gemma was still in. Those signs were obvious. For me it is more his feelings that seemed rushed, yes he seemed to be liking her more and more during the friends with benefits time but it seemed to me (perception is everything, i get that it is subjective) that he only decided he loved her when she started not falling at his feet. It became about the chase and declaring his feelings was a way to 'win'. Then she laughed and that made him more determined. Later that same episode (and that was the same episode) he had his accident which changed the situation completely. It served, as I say, as a catalyst.

    So that's what i mean about it seeming equally, if not more rushed than Janny to me. Not the feelings on her side, but his. But, it is all subjective. Viewers interpret things completely differently sometimes which is half the joy of this forum.

    As an aside, Terence Hardman in next week who is one of my all time favourite actors. And as a co-incidence i reached his 'Secret Army' episodes on my rewatch last night.

    I love Terence Hardman too!!
    Yes you're completely right, so much of it is subjective which is what makes analysing it good fun. I actually think that for most of his tenure, certainly post Gemma's exit, it's come across that Harry had feelings for MC but his obvious commitment issues were what was holding him back hence the Oz catalyst finally getting him moving. Also the line about him never having been in love before, last night was interesting and kind of fits in with his initial emotional immaturity.
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    Collins1965Collins1965 Posts: 13,914
    Forum Member
    I am glad that Jonny and Jac are leaving together - but hope that Jac does return. Like clover, I will never give up on my dreams for Jac ultimately ending up with the most beautiful heart surgeon in the world, Joseph Byrne!

    Harry was even more of an ass in this episode - I just wish he would go, and be done with it. We have to suffer him for a few more weeks, it seems. Mary-Claire should head off to Chicago (I will miss her, though) and never look back.

    Digby on AAU makes me nervous, for some reason. And I will miss him and Dom together.

    At least it was Mo and not Adele that made the dead patient's husband realise that it was he who changed the battery not Jonny. Poor man.

    If Jonny and Jac get back together I hope we get to see a scene where he acknowledges his vile treatment of her, and apologises for it.
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    Little StarLittle Star Posts: 1,598
    Forum Member
    I am glad that Jonny and Jac are leaving together - but hope that Jac does return. Like clover, I will never give up on my dreams for Jac ultimately ending up with the most beautiful heart surgeon in the world, Joseph Byrne!

    Harry was even more of an ass in this episode - I just wish he would go, and be done with it. We have to suffer him for a few more weeks, it seems. Mary-Claire should head off to Chicago (I will miss her, though) and never look back.

    Digby on AAU makes me nervous, for some reason. And I will miss him and Dom together.

    At least it was Mo and not Adele that made the dead patient's husband realise that it was he who changed the battery not Jonny. Poor man.

    If Jonny and Jac get back together I hope we get to see a scene where he acknowledges his vile treatment of her, and apologises for it.

    I think leaving with Joseph would always be the ultimate, ideal ending for Jac's character. Even if they did it on an off screen basis, but while most of it would love it they haven't mentioned him in ages so I doubt we'd be that lucky. I don't think we are going to get a scene where Jonny apologises to Jac for custodygate, although I also think this would be nice to see and would go some way to resolving that issue in part, at least.

    Completely agreed re Adele. I was convinced it was going to be her who resolved KIBO, given that she is right in the middle of everything! Was relieved it ended up being Mo who uncovered it, but would have preferred it to have been either Elliott or Jac.

    I thought Harry was okay last night. Clearly suffering from the effects of trauma at the outset but once he realised the error of his ways, I think he was genuinely trying to do what he thought was the right thing for Mary Claire and was being unselfish at that point. I firmly believe that she will make the final decision that it is actually not the right thing for her in two weeks and that she'd rather be with him. I'm not entirely sure now whether they will go to Chicago. I think they may end up going elsewhere, possibly Singapore. But ultimately I think it will be her decision now and we'll see more focus on what she wants over the next two weeks. Agreed that she will be missed!
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    DeschanelDeschanel Posts: 8,753
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    So, is MC actually leaving? Or is it just a break so the actress can film another show or something?
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    Little StarLittle Star Posts: 1,598
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    Deschanel wrote: »
    So, is MC actually leaving? Or is it just a break so the actress can film another show or something?

    Nothing has been announced but there have been rumours for months. She doesn't seem to have been filming since January and starts shooting The Fall again shortly so it would appear so.
    Also, the new nurse on AAU, together with the three returnees would seem to back those rumours up.
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    wiggles247wiggles247 Posts: 48,088
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    kitkat1971 wrote: »
    "If the wind changes direction you will stay like that". Probably my favourite use of a well known saying to commentate on an episode- ever!

    Thanks for the review Clover.

    Said exactly the same thing in my comment on her review (great minds and all that!!)

    kitkat1971 wrote: »
    That's very interesting Little Star, i'd though Jannu went next week for sure.

    Don't get me wrong, i'm sure MC loved Harry pre accident, she fell for him 2 years ago when Gemma was still in. Those signs were obvious. For me it is more his feelings that seemed rushed, yes he seemed to be liking her more and more during the friends with benefits time but it seemed to me (perception is everything, i get that it is subjective) that he only decided he loved her when she started not falling at his feet. It became about the chase and declaring his feelings was a way to 'win'. Then she laughed and that made him more determined. Later that same episode (and that was the same episode) he had his accident which changed the situation completely. It served, as I say, as a catalyst.

    So that's what i mean about it seeming equally, if not more rushed than Janny to me. Not the feelings on her side, but his. But, it is all subjective. Viewers interpret things completely differently sometimes which is half the joy of this forum.

    As an aside, Terence Hardman in next week who is one of my all time favourite actors. And as a co-incidence i reached his 'Secret Army' episodes on my rewatch last night.

    The Demon Headmaster "clenching" man???? If it is - excellent!! :D
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    Little StarLittle Star Posts: 1,598
    Forum Member
    As an aside from the main points, did anyone else notice how there was absolutely no mention of Raf's mother's death on Tuesday's episode? More than there being no mention of it, Raf seemed to be in particularly jovial and upbeat form! Given the continuity with Harry and Jonny's storylines I think we were to assume that this week's episode was no more than a week after last week's and that he could not have been long back from the funeral, so for at least one of the characters to ask him how he was feeling would have been nice....

    It was similar after Fletch's ex wife died, but at least in that case it was referenced in the next episode, despite the fact that Fletch was behaving like a giddy school girl over MC's lovelife two seconds later.

    Also, Harry still being on AAU is a complete SOR. I am happy to go with the suspension of reality for the sake of the storyline, but he clearly should be on Keller or one of the other post admission/surgery wards by now. Nobody in real life (which yes, I know this isn't) would be allowed to remain on AAU for weeks just because their mates and their girlfriend work there! Ditto for Jonny being immediately admitted to Darwin rather than through the ED/AAU after the stabbing...
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    kitkat1971kitkat1971 Posts: 39,338
    Forum Member
    Yes, you're right about Raf - huge admission. Even if they'd just been one line of him saying he'd rather not talk about it (which many don't when returning to work following a bereavement) it would have helped.

    Re Jonny and mate - i assumed Mo had identified the wound as CT as the prison and that is why he was admitted there, the Guards probably found it easier to have them in one place and maybe there are more side rooms on Darwin as it is a High Dependency ward? But realistically, they did it for the drama, yes.
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    DeschanelDeschanel Posts: 8,753
    Forum Member
    Nothing has been announced but there have been rumours for months. She doesn't seem to have been filming since January and starts shooting The Fall again shortly so it would appear so.
    Also, the new nurse on AAU, together with the three returnees would seem to back those rumours up.
    I did wonder about when she would be shooting The Fall. And seeing it all listed like that, kinda makes sense. I wonder if it will be a permanent exit? If The Fall gets renewed for a 4th season, they can't keep coming up with reasons to write Mary-Clare in and out of the show for a few months every year.

    Thanks for clearing it, anyway.
    kitkat1971 wrote: »
    Re Jonny and mate - i assumed Mo had identified the wound as CT as the prison and that is why he was admitted there, the Guards probably found it easier to have them in one place and maybe there are more side rooms on Darwin as it is a High Dependency ward? But realistically, they did it for the drama, yes.
    This could have been a good time to have different characters interact. It seems like they chose the easier option of having Jonny stay where he normally is.
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    Sara_PittSara_Pitt Posts: 114
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    Re: HaMCy - I think the feelings are genuine with MC; Harry's may be genuine 'in the moment' but only on the surface, imho. This is the guy who, only recently got his co-worker's wife 'up the stick'. Not only that but he orchestrated it by a)pretending to be a concerned listening ear for said wife, and b) getting her drunk in order to have his way with her, i.e. while stopping short of rape (we presume), it was coersion.

    In my experience, "once a cheat always a cheat". Doesn't Posh have form for sleeping around previously too? If he and MC do have a HEA, once the initial glow has worn off, I reckon he'll be back to his old tricks.

    I also think that if MC does go to work in LA, she'd be well-set for a return to HC in the Autumn, or whenever.
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    Little StarLittle Star Posts: 1,598
    Forum Member
    Sara_Pitt wrote: »
    Re: HaMCy - I think the feelings are genuine with MC; Harry's may be genuine 'in the moment' but only on the surface, imho. This is the guy who, only recently got his co-worker's wife 'up the stick'. Not only that but he orchestrated it by a)pretending to be a concerned listening ear for said wife, and b) getting her drunk in order to have his way with her, i.e. while stopping short of rape (we presume), it was coersion.

    In my experience, "once a cheat always a cheat". Doesn't Posh have form for sleeping around previously too? If he and MC do have a HEA, once the initial glow has worn off, I reckon he'll be back to his old tricks.

    I also think that if MC does go to work in LA, she'd be well-set for a return to HC in the Autumn, or whenever.

    Get your point re Harry, but in fairness I think there has been a massive change in the character, post Calum's birth, falling for MC and now having to deal with the implications of the accident. I think that came through on Tuesday's episode - he clearly didn't want her to go anywhere without him but persuaded her to go on to Chicago anyway as he felt it was best for her.
    I think they were definitely portraying him as a playboy who had serious commitment issues at the outset, but I think he has really improved in recent months. All that Gemma nonsense at the outset did nothing for the character and the Amy story did nothing for either him or Raf, but since they've paired him up with MC I think he has become much more likeable and part of the reason I've enjoyed their pairing is because I think it's shown a lot more depth to both characters.
    Plus they've shown him saying he'd never been I love before, was a late developer etc so there's good reason to think he might be different now if he makes the decision to make a serious go of things with MC, particularly given his recent life changing experience.
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    Little StarLittle Star Posts: 1,598
    Forum Member
    Happy Easter to you you all! Being a relative newcomer I've really enjoyed this thread and conversing with all of the lovely people on here re Holby!
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    kitkat1971kitkat1971 Posts: 39,338
    Forum Member
    Happy Easter to you you all! Being a relative newcomer I've really enjoyed this thread and conversing with all of the lovely people on here re Holby!

    Oh that is really sweet. As a longtime Holby poster, it has been (and am sure will continue to be) a pleasure having you here. Without being too sentimental i do feel like this thread is a little friendlier, respectful and more 'family like' than many others on DS. We disagree, squabble but never get nasty

    Happy Easter to you and everybody else.

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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 162
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    I agree it's a nice thread. Have lurked for a while but only just started making a few posts on here. Everyone is very nice here :-)
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    george.millmangeorge.millman Posts: 8,628
    Forum Member
    kitkat1971 wrote: »
    Oh that is really sweet. As a longtime Holby poster, it has been (and am sure will continue to be) a pleasure having you here. Without being too sentimental i do feel like this thread is a little friendlier, respectful and more 'family like' than many others on DS. We disagree, squabble but never get nasty

    Happy Easter to you and everybody else.


    I most commonly contribute to the Apprentice forums, and everyone on there is lovely as well. In fact, I started a thread once discussing if we were the friendliest community on Digital Spy, and the consensus was that we were.

    Most of the threads/forums that I take part in are quite pleasant atmospheres actually, but some of the ones I have looked at casually seem pretty aggressive. I wonder why this is? :)

    Love you all!
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    Collins1965Collins1965 Posts: 13,914
    Forum Member
    I see that we have Part V at last!!

    Hope you all had a great Easter.
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    Little StarLittle Star Posts: 1,598
    Forum Member
    Yes, this is a great thread. Very friendly! Thank you for your very kind words KitKat and for making me so welcome!
    Has anyone else seen the digital spy spoilers for Go the Distance (14th april) yet? Clearly
    Guy does not yet know Jac is leaving at the start of the episode
    So still clearly a bit to happen on that storyline. Really thought they would finish that this week so will be interested to see what is still to come.
    Also it is stated that it is Mary Claire's
    last day in AAU before Chicago, when Harry turns up unexpectedly on the ward but nothing can prepare her for what happens by the end of the day!!
    There is definitely going to be a last minute twist on this storyline. I am very hopeful this is going to be MC changing her mind and them leaving Holby together. I'm just hoping that spoiler is not indicating that there could still be a tragic twist at the end, either with
    Harry's recovery or, even worse, something happening to MC herself!!
    The whole breaking up for the greater good has been done already, so I really think
    it is highly unlikely to end that way. Really hoping the final twist is a sunset ending and not a tragic one.
    Anyone seen any spoilers for the week afterwards yet?
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    Sweaty Job RotSweaty Job Rot Posts: 2,031
    Forum Member
    Good episode bar the green snotter and smithy, I now feel the end of days is coming with regards to smug self, it's strange how characters I hated on arrival who may be leaving are the ones I don't want to go.
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