
Horror Channel - Film Last Night?

mistygalmistygal Posts: 8,328
Forum Member
I was watching a film on Horror Channel last night to unwind from work. The film was nothing fantastic but sort of watchable up until I dozed off. Now watching a good film is bad enough when you fall a sleep before the end. This film I just kept watching, to find out the motive and how it ended. I have looked for this film to see if it is on again but cannot find it anywhere even listed on IMDB.
I think it was called 'Lost'? It was about a lad who kills by shooting, two girls by a lake, along with his two friends(male and female who all seemed to be into each other). The lads name was 'Ray' and he ran a motel with his Mum.
Just want to know how it ended or a link etc?


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