
anyone used TNT! Enforcer

flagpoleflagpole Posts: 44,641
Forum Member
I came across this little app whilst doing some stuff with mobile phones.


It's a little programme that sits there and enables greyed out/disabled options in practically any app.

runs under XP too. It's really clever.
Contents :

1. Requirements.
2. Usage.
3. enFoRcEr Blues.
4. Acknowledgements.


1. Requirements :

enFoRcEr requires Win9x/ME, just that.
I'ven't tested it on NT/2000 yet,
but it'd probably work, drop me a line if it

2. Usage :

enFoRcEr iz a proggy that enables nearly all
disabled options in a running proggy. The optionz
might be ->

Buttonz, CheckBoxes, ComboBoxes, Radio Itemz,
Menu Optionz, etc.

All thiz iz done on the fly, ie, at the time the target
proggy iz running.

You can Enable Almost Any Option that is disabled
on the running application using enFoRcEr.

Usage is straight froward :

A). Initializing :
1). Start enFoRcEr. The enFoRcEr main window will
appear on top of any applications. You can move
the window by clicking on it and dragging it to the
desired location.
2). Enable enFoRcEr by clicking the Enable Button.
The enable button will glow as the proggy iz enabled.
U can disable it by again clicking on the enable
3). Now run any (shareware/limited optionz) poggy.

B). Enabling Disabled Optionz :
1). Take ur mouse cursor to the disabled button,
the disabled chk box, radio item, menu or
whatever. Then, click on that item.
Ya will soon see that it will be enabled!!

2). To Enable Menu Optionz,

Take the mouse cursor to the menu.
Then, wait for the 'Menu' image/icon on the
enFoRcEr window to Glow, also, you will see
the status bar on the right of 'Menu' icon to fill
up. This indicates that enFoRcEr has found a
menu structure, and is traversing the menu
structure, enabling all the disabled optionz ;).
As soon as the status bar iz filled up, enForcer
has traversed the entire menu structure. Now,
proceed ur mouse cursor to the disabled option,
and presto !! the option iz now enabled !!!

3). If the component is still disabled, try switching to
any other window, or minimizing the window, then
switch over to that window again, and try clicking
on that compo again. If even thiz does not help,
read the next section about issues with enFoRcEr.


3. enFoRcEr Blues :
There are a number of issues in the first version of
thiz proggy, mostly coz of internal handling of buttonz,
menuz, etc of different proggyz, and a few limitationz
of the proggy itself :(.
There ar still things left to do ( or to do them right ).

Known Issues :
* The success rates of enabling components by
enFoRcEr are :

Buttonz/CheckBoxes/Radio Itemz
/ComboBoxes : 98% ;) ;

Menu Optionz/Structures : 45% :( ;

Toolbar Buttonz/Popup Menus : 0% :((.

* enFoRcEr CANT enforce Toolbar Buttonz at all :(.
Toolbarz, r handled quite differently in all proggyz,
Their internal representation differs entirely from one
proggy to the otherz, and sometymz, from even one
toolbar to the other :(. Thuz, it becomes impossible
to generalize the code for enabling the Toolbar
Buttonz. Any help regarding thiz matter'd be

* Menu Structures are also very difficult to enable.
All compilers handle menuz differently, and some of
them dont link the menu functionz directly with the
displayed state of the menu option, like, Delphi, so
even if enFoRcEr succeeds in enabling the option,
there wont be any activity on clicking it :(. Thiz cant
be corrected at all, or at least by me. To make matterz
worse, proggyz tend to handle and modify these
structures internally, so as to produce visual/oth
effects, for these, sometimes, what lookz like a menu
structure might be a totally different window, made to
look like a menu!!

* Even in some buttonz etc, u might experience no
functionality on clicking them, even after they have
been enabled by enFoRcEr. This is not a limitation of
enFoRcEr, either, there iz no code present for that
disabled component, or, it has not been assigned to it.

Apart from these, if you experience any other malfunction
or problem, please report to me asap !


4. Acknowledgements :

To , my family, my friends and fellow guyz at TNT.




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    GlenLGlenL Posts: 1,042
    Forum Member
    Perhaps I am being thick, but what is the point ?
    Surely if options are greyed out/disabled, they are for a reason. Forcing them on sounds like a sure fire way of destabilising an app.

    That aside, a README file written in a street/txt spk style doesn't inspire confidence in me.

    Think I will give this one a miss :)
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    flagpoleflagpole Posts: 44,641
    Forum Member
    i don't like the weiner speak.

    there are lots of reasons why you might want to activate a greyed out option, if only i could think of a way to demonstrate this to you.
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    whoever,heywhoever,hey Posts: 30,992
    Forum Member
    Well as a coder, i tend to disable things out, when code hasn't been written for them, or logic is in a state where the feature wouldn't work. I'd love to hear an example flagpole. Just glancing around .NET now, there is the undo button which is greyed out in the file i'm on. Undo could crash by indexing into an array <0. Doesn't sound good to me.
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    flagpoleflagpole Posts: 44,641
    Forum Member
    Well the principal use is for limited functionality demos/trials isn't it.

    there are other uses though. I was playing a game the other day that wouldn't let me buy something cos i didn't have enough money so the button was greyed out. It depends how it's coded obviously as to whether it works.

    I agree it could cause instability if you used it when the action would obviously cause a division by zero etc. but i've not had this happen.

    It's interesting more than anything.

    it's 159k btw
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    OrbitalzoneOrbitalzone Posts: 12,627
    Forum Member
    So it's written by some text speaker, that to be honest inspires nothing but doubt and allows demos to work as full software essentially?

    I can see a padlock approaching this post lol
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    flagpoleflagpole Posts: 44,641
    Forum Member
    So it's written by some text speaker, that to be honest inspires nothing but doubt and allows demos to work as full software essentially?

    I can see a padlock approaching this post lol

    Well yes, but that's not what it's for, it's a really interesting app.
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    flagpoleflagpole Posts: 44,641
    Forum Member
    Pingu wrote:

    I'd not read that. it's a good example.
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