
Diana Vickers signs to So Recordings



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    Hit Em Up StyleHit Em Up Style Posts: 12,141
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    InYourArms is right. Christina's Bionic was number 1 with the lowest ever sales for a number 1.

    It wasn't a successful album because it tanked.

    So case in point.

    I wish Diana all the success. I do worry the production of these songs will sound old though. They are 3 years old now and that new 80s/pop vibe wave has passed.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,240
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    I don't think Diana is interested in chasing trends, though. The last thing I'd want would be her doing a dance album.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 221
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    I don't think Diana is interested in chasing trends, though. The last thing I'd want would be her doing a dance album.

    This. I can only imagine how bubblegum pop sounding her second album would have become if she stuck with RCA. :eek:

    Diana is a quirky niche artist and I love the electro/indie pop genre that she taps into. I remember her once saying in an interview that she never looks at what other artists in the charts are doing, she just writes and records in her own style. :)
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    mashitupmashitup Posts: 353
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    ^^Absolutely! Good luck to her :)) :cool:
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    WhyHelloWorldWhyHelloWorld Posts: 15,494
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    InMyArms wrote: »
    Utter tripe.

    Firstly, how can an album that has sold enough to get to #1 have "no" commercial success? That's like having a bowl with four grapes in it and saying that you have "no" grapes. Also, commercial success is not based on chart positions, but sales. At peak times of the year a #10 position would need around 30,000 sales and at others less than 5000 so your "3 weeks in the top 10" comment is pretty ridiculous.

    But your argument backs up mine with the..."commercial success is not based on chart position" - exactly..it IS based on sales! Which is why Marina and The Diamonds, Matt Cardle, Bionic all went top 10 (Marina and Xtina) both number 1's but they didn't have commercial success! Look at Diana Vickers album too! Number 1 with little sales, so yeah...it got to number 1, but it wasn't commercially successful!
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,240
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    But your argument backs up mine with the..."commercial success is not based on chart position" - exactly..it IS based on sales! Which is why Marina and The Diamonds, Matt Cardle, Bionic all went top 10 (Marina and Xtina) both number 1's but they didn't have commercial success! Look at Diana Vickers album too! Number 1 with little sales, so yeah...it got to number 1, but it wasn't commercially successful!
    If the albums sells cover more than the costs to make it, it's a commercial success. Marina, Matt and Diana write the majority of their own material so that's already a large cost cut as opposed to artists who have others writing the material for them.
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    Pingu222Pingu222 Posts: 445
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    But your argument backs up mine with the..."commercial success is not based on chart position" - exactly..it IS based on sales! Which is why Marina and The Diamonds, Matt Cardle, Bionic all went top 10 (Marina and Xtina) both number 1's but they didn't have commercial success! Look at Diana Vickers album too! Number 1 with little sales, so yeah...it got to number 1, but it wasn't commercially successful!

    How is over 200k sales "little sales" please?

    Yes it isn't the masses that 1D may get, but look at some other albums you think are a "commercial success" and then look at how many they sold compared to Diana's album.

    I'm not huge fan of hers personally but I recognise that her album, in the UK, was commercially succesful.
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    So 3008So 3008 Posts: 2,052
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    Pingu222 wrote: »
    How is over 200k sales "little sales" please?

    Yes it isn't the masses that 1D may get, but look at some other albums you think are a "commercial success" and then look at how many they sold compared to Diana's album.

    I'm not huge fan of hers personally but I recognise that her album, in the UK, was commercially succesful.

    How is 200,000 sales "little sales"?

    Well firstly I think you might be being a tad generous with 200,000 copies sold. Secondly someone on a major record label, making commercial music, with a platform such as X-Factor should not be struggling to get anywhere near Platinum. Even now days it is in no way hard for an album to sell 300,000 copies. There was a reason Diana 'was let go' and it wasn't for acceptable album sales. Or single sales for that matter.
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    dvfan1dvfan1 Posts: 422
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    Just over 200k sales is about right. The album went gold relatively quickly.

    I may be wrong but I think Paloma last but one album sold about that but her label backed her for one further album which has sold a lot more. Also Ellie's first album didn't sell that much over its first 2 singles but then really took off.

    Diana's album wasnt really promoted after the second single and her label asked her to move onto second album rather that release Put it back together again as a third album single. The label supported the second album for about 6 months including her going to LA to write but then they parted ways although they used one of the tracks to give to Enrique and JLo.

    At least we hopefully now get to hear a second album.

    She has also cowritten the soundtrack and duets to it for a film Perfect Wave which she also has an acting role in.
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    Buffy AnneBuffy Anne Posts: 133
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    Mr_Eye wrote: »
    Ah yes - the label that brought commercial success to Matt Cardle....

    Oh wait.

    Commercial success isn't everything for many artists, though.

    I like Diana so good luck to her. I'm glad she's putting music out there again.
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    LinseyapLinseyap Posts: 5,748
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    So 3008 wrote: »
    How is 200,000 sales "little sales"?

    Well firstly I think you might be being a tad generous with 200,000 copies sold. Secondly someone on a major record label, making commercial music, with a platform such as X-Factor should not be struggling to get anywhere near Platinum. Even now days it is in no way hard for an album to sell 300,000 copies. There was a reason Diana 'was let go' and it wasn't for acceptable album sales. Or single sales for that matter.

    It is very hard to sell 300,000 these days! Just take a look at the best selling album from last year, not even all in the top 30 sold over 300,000. And being a former X factor contestant is certainly no guarantee for success, even on a big record company.
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    Forum Member
    Will she be performing in English this time around
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 517
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    Linseyap wrote: »
    No.8 on the album charts isn't commercial success?

    Erm... no, not when you're number 888 seven days later :D
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 517
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    InMyArms wrote: »
    Utter tripe.

    Firstly, how can an album that has sold enough to get to #1 have "no" commercial success?

    Simple. If it fails to recoup its cost then it has 'no commercial success'. Hope that helps.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 148
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    Well i don't know about any of you but i have been a die-hard Diana fan since day 1 and there's nothing more annoying than having album push-backs for the last 2 years. I'm just happy she's releasing her music now, and i don't really care if she charts or not, i just want her music!
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    wkdstepmotherwkdstepmother Posts: 6,563
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    Popsmartz wrote: »
    Simple. If it fails to recoup its cost then it has 'no commercial success'. Hope that helps.

    spot on - and given Cardle wrote, produced and played most of the intruments on his indie released album, his sales more than cover the costs:D

    Back on topic - Diana is one of the few XF acts I have found interesting - I'm intrigued to see what she comes out with given creative control. The So owner is on record as saying that can make a profit from 10K album sales so I'm sure Diana has more than a big enough fan base to do well with them - even if she doesn't trouble the mainstream charts
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