
Corrie's Unhappy Father Todd To Be Snared Part 5 (Part 2)



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    FlukieFlukie Posts: 40,578
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    I caught a few minutes of the first episode tonight when Kevin was coming the Victorian jailer father act with Rosie, and I just wondered how long this is gonna drag on for ..?

    I mean anyone knows the more you tell a teenager not to do something the more they want to do it and they'll dig their heels in. Whether they want to do it that badly or not, if the parents oppose it, they DESPERATELY want to do it for that very reason! So to Rosie with her and Craig it's love and it'll last forever. etc.

    I suppose it would be too easy and quick to do the obvious, cos the story would be over in 5 minutes then. The obvious being, tell her to be careful she doesn't get pregnant and leave them to it. That way without any opposition, within a month they might be bored with each other once the novelty of having sex is over and they find they don't really like each other that much after all! :)
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 5,986
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    Sarah: (referring to Bethany) Who's gone all coy and girly, eh? Ah, Todd, she's gonna be gutted when he goes.

    Todd: Not just her, eh?

    Sarah: Oh, you're as bad as Katy, you are. Just makes a change from the people that I normally talk to, that's all.

    Todd: Oh, he's not that different, is he?

    Sarah: Do you realise that Karl is the first gay person I've ever talked to properly? ;)

    Todd: Yeah, me 'an all.

    Sarah: It's funny, isn't it, cos like sometimes it's like dead obvious, but, I mean, you would think he was straight to look at him. Do you think that makes it harder for him to meet other gay blokes?

    Todd: Maybe.

    Sarah: I hope not; he deserves to find someone nice. ;)

    Todd: Yeah, I just hope he sorts himself out, you know.

    Sarah: Are you sure you don't mind him being here?

    Todd: Why should I?

    Sarah: Just thought I'd ask. The thing is, after you went to work today, me and Karl we had this big, long chat about stuff.

    Todd: What stuff?

    Sarah: Todd, I want you always to be honest with me.

    Todd: I am.

    Sarah: And I know with Bethany and everything we're all really cramped in, but he says that he feels safe here. Hiya [to Karl].

    Karl: Shall I go out and come back?

    Sarah: Oh no, don't be daft.

    Karl: Have you asked him yet?

    Sarah: I was just doing it.

    Karl: Sarah said it would be okay if I stayed a while longer.

    Sarah: Is it, Todd...uh...I said you wouldn't mind?

    Todd: Well, uh, yeah...course.

    Sarah: Thanks, Todd.

    Karl: Yeah, cheers, mate.

    xx Joanna xx
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 5,986
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    Rita's KabinRita's Kabin Posts: 36,560
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    Flukie wrote:
    My own words about tonight were that Emmerdale are braver than Corrie ever were, the way Paul and Ivan are being portrayed between themselves IS as a normal couple - just as Corrie SAID they were gonna portray Todd and Karl. I'm sure I'm not the only one who remembers the immortal quote from a producer saying they were gonna treat Todd kissing Karl the same way as Todd kissing Donk.

    Huh! If only they HAD! The way they felt about each other they'd have been snogging every time they met!

    It's what Emmerdale are doing with Paul and Ivan. And my other words on the subject were that even after watching them tonight (and previously there'd been a New Year kiss, and the initial kiss between them) - which seems to be the start of their relationship so whose to say they won't carry on as they've started! - it certainly makes Corrie's decision to cut away from the door kiss make them look pathetic for doing it!

    Admittedly Bruno and Chris sizzled a lot more chemistry wise than Matthew and Daniel do, ;) but that's no excuse for not having the balls at the time to make them seem 'normal' - or, as they put it themselves, treating them like a male-female couple - where the kissing was concerned!

    Exactly. Totally agree with you. And the ITC (or whatever they're called now) has said on more than one occasion that it thinks that all relationships, regardless of the gender of the participants, should be shown in an "equal light".

    So, Corrie knew that the regulator would back anything that they did with T & K. Just a pity that Emmerdale seem to have been more adult & mature about it than out so called "Number One Soap" was. :(
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    Rita's KabinRita's Kabin Posts: 36,560
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    Apparently Maria (Samia Smith) wants to quit the Street to start a family according to the STAR.

    There's already a thread on this so I won't go into details but I can't say I'm suprised considering that they don't seem to know what to do with Maria.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,446
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    The Mike stuff seemed a little uneven to me & nit being totally au fair with Alzheimer's I'm not entirely sure how true to life such swings in mood:- from being glad to seeing Penny in The Rovers to later accusing her of trying to manipulate his mind are. I've never particularly thought that Pauline Fleming (Penny) has made much of an impact as a character but this storyline seems to be giving her something to get her teeth into & I do feel sorry for her, although covering up stuff eg not telling Adam about Mike's proposal when he already knows his Dad has a problem seems a little odd.

    RK, the way they are portraying Mike's Alzheimer's is pretty accurate in my opinion so far. The mood swings are very typical, as is the sudden lapse of memory brought on by emotional trauma, followed by relatively long periods of total normality.

    This is particularly true in the early stages, and is what makes the disease so distressing for both those around, and for the sufferer themselves. Mike is aware of these lapses, and they will be terrifying to him.

    Of course, as the disease progresses, the times of clarity diminish, and in a way this can therefore be less traumatic for the sufferer, but more so for those who care for them, as the times they see the real "Mike" will become fewer and fewer. :(

    It's a myth that all Alzheimer's sufferers are violent and unhappy; some find themselves in a pleasant state of mind, though for others the violence and depression are symptoms of the frustration of being constantly unfamiliar with one's surroundings, even when they are at home with the people who love them.

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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,134
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    Happy New Year to everyone :)
    Apparently Maria (Samia Smith) wants to quit the Street to start a family according to the STAR.

    There's already a thread on this so I won't go into details but I can't say I'm suprised considering that they don't seem to know what to do with Maria.
    Cheers for this RK. Maria's mentioned in a storyline coming up, according to today's Mirror (also mentioned on another thread):

    'Exclusive: Corrie's Audrey is selling off salon - By Brian Roberts

    Corrie hairdresser Audrey Roberts is selling her salon after seven years.

    But actress Sue Nicholls, who plays the popular character, will NOT be leaving the show.... Granddaughter, a trainee hairdresser, Sarah (Tina O'Brien) had hoped her gran would leave her the salon. She is devastated and fears for her job there when Audrey tells her she will sell to the highest bidder.

    Maria Sutherland (Samia Smith) - who served her apprenticeship under Audrey - soon becomes frontrunner. She tells friends she plans to modernise the business with a customer database, and appointment reminder texts. She sets out to raise £150,000 to buy the shop and tells brother Kirk to buy her half of the family kennel business so she can use it as a deposit.'
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    FlukieFlukie Posts: 40,578
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    Apparently Maria (Samia Smith) wants to quit the Street to start a family according to the STAR.

    There's already a thread on this so I won't go into details but I can't say I'm suprised considering that they don't seem to know what to do with Maria.

    I'll believe this when it happens. Specially as it's in the Star. :rolleyes: It could turn out to be no more than Samia making a comment about when she wants to have a baby, and whether ot not she'd leave then.

    Maybe she will leave when she's pregnant, but, as I say, they always exaggerate a passing comment someone makes! Might well be true, but she'll be giving up a lot of money, so hope her hubby's rich enough to keep them all in the lifestyle 'soap stars' live in these days! :D

    She doesn't need to be not working in Corrie to get pregnant and it could be a year before she is!
    Maria might not get the stories Donk does (well .. no one does!) but getting paid a lot of money for doing not much, must have it's advantages! :)
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    LovelyLauraLovelyLaura Posts: 50,041
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    Thanks for the Samia info RK. I'm going to wait and see whether it is officially confirmed though but I agree with you that they don't really seem to know what to do with the character. I'm actually expecting her to start cheating on Tyrone soon though as that's what they did when they didn't know what to do with Sarah- sexed her up and had her cheating with Jason!

    Speaking of people leaving the street, does anyone know whether John Savident is definitely leaving? This has just reminded me of a little article I saw in the News of the World on Sunday- they seemed to think that he has definitely quit, and there was a quote from John saying how young actors used to want to be the best of their generation but now most of them are just interested in the fame. I think he has a point there!

    Thanks for the Audrey info PeeWee :) hahahaha, if Audrey does sell to a stranger, then Sarah would no doubt get sacked almost immediately! It's a shame Candice has left- you could just imagine her wanting to buy the salon herself, with her head in the clouds about what she could do with the place!

    Laura xx
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    LlamaKingLlamaKing Posts: 4,019
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    Thanks for the Samia info RK. I'm going to wait and see whether it is officially confirmed though but I agree with you that they don't really seem to know what to do with the character. I'm actually expecting her to start cheating on Tyrone soon though as that's what they did when they didn't know what to do with Sarah- sexed her up and had her cheating with Jason!

    Speaking of people leaving the street, does anyone know whether John Savident is definitely leaving? This has just reminded me of a little article I saw in the News of the World on Sunday- they seemed to think that he has definitely quit, and there was a quote from John saying how young actors used to want to be the best of their generation but now most of them are just interested in the fame. I think he has a point there!

    Thanks for the Audrey info PeeWee :) hahahaha, if Audrey does sell to a stranger, then Sarah would no doubt get sacked almost immediately! It's a shame Candice has left- you could just imagine her wanting to buy the salon herself, with her head in the clouds about what she could do with the place!

    Laura xx

    I actually miss Candice. She was a good developed character in her own right and was a joy to watch her being so shallow! :eek: ;):) If I was to choose between her and Maria, I'd definitely choose her as the scripters seem to know what to do with Candice.

    Maria on the other hand hasn't had a really big storyline since she got back with Ty and cheated on him with a footballer (correct me if I'm wrong) and that was hardly thrilling.

    Perhaps Audrey selling the Salon will pave the way for a new strong female character - something that the Street is in need of I feel.

    LK :)
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    LovelyLauraLovelyLaura Posts: 50,041
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    LlamaKing wrote:
    I actually miss Candice. She was a good developed character in her own right and was a joy to watch her being so shallow! :eek: ;):) If I was to choose between her and Maria, I'd definitely choose her as the scripters seem to know what to do with Candice.

    Yeah, I really liked Candice as well :) I loved her shallowness and how she always had her head in the clouds about being famous! Her quest for fame when she started dating Warren was hilarious to watch, from her being drenched by water in a shop window to her throwing up live on air when she became a radio weathergirl! :D

    Laura xx
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    FlukieFlukie Posts: 40,578
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    I had a read of the Star article when I was out, and tried not to hoot with laughter at one particular bit!

    According to this report, her other half was described as 'her wealthy husband' No problem missing her wage then!

    And she'll be leaving practically at once - her contract runs out in November! lol! So if she sees it out she'll still be on screens this time next year! I do love how these reports say someone is leaving, making it sound like they'll be gone this time next week, yet it's 11 months in this case, and why the hell did she sign a new 12 month contract, presumably not that long ago, if she knew she wanted to leave very soon?!

    Cos according to this article, she's 'never made a secret of the fact she wants lots and lots of babies, and as soon as possible'
    She's obviously more like Maria than I thought! lol! :D

    It also said she wasn't gonna sign a new contract when this one expires. So ... she knows for certain did she, that in 10 months time they were gonna ask her to stay on? :rolleyes: She apparently says as soon as she's pregnant she's gonna leave early. I didn't realise that was up to the actor to decide!

    My favourite hoot of the article, though, has to be where it says Samia has been 'one of the leading lights' of the group of young actors on the show in the 5 years she's been in it.
    Sounds very complimentary to her acting, you think, till you see how the sentence ends .. 'particularly in sexy photoshoots' LOL! :D

    What a very typically Star article! :D
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    Anti StaticAnti Static Posts: 5,847
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    Hi all,

    a belated [highlight]HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone[/highlight]. :D I hope the feisty start we've had on the thread over the last couple of days can now settle down into the sort of healthy discussions that will benefit us all. Sometimes things can get a little out of hand when we feel impassioned about our subject - Lord knows, I've got myself embroiled in enough rows about Bruno over on OG :rolleyes: - but hopefully we can still have our differing opinions while still respecting each others point of view. If that proves impossible for whatever reason and the worst comes to the worst, I definitely think the ignore button is the best way to proceed.

    Did anyone see the Tina O'Brien snippet in the papers over the weekend? Apparently her ambition is to appear on "I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here" She said it was an excellent way for a star to keep a high profile and get paid at the same time, and she said she would have no hesitation in doing it if ever she wasn't working... I HATE that programme but even I might watch if I could see Tina having a bucketful of creepy crawlies dumped on her head. ;)
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,446
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    Did anyone see the Tina O'Brien snippet in the papers over the weekend? Apparently her ambition is to appear on "I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here" She said it was an excellent way for a star to keep a high profile and get paid at the same time, and she said she would have no hesitation in doing it if ever she wasn't working... I HATE that programme but even I might watch if I could see Tina having a bucketful of creepy crawlies dumped on her head. ;)

    Yes, I saw that, Anti, and when I read Laura's post about John Savident earlier today which said:
    there was a quote from John saying how young actors used to want to be the best of their generation but now most of them are just interested in the fame. I think he has a point there!

    I immediately thought of Tina in that very context!

    I think Tina is a good young actor (within her range) but surely if she wants to make acting her career, she should be looking to improve her range of acting skills when (if) she leaves Corrie rather than just increasing her exposure! :eek:

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    LlamaKingLlamaKing Posts: 4,019
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    Angie 06 wrote:
    I think Tina is a good young actor (within her range) but surely if she wants to make acting her career, she should be looking to improve her range of acting skills when (if) she leaves Corrie rather than just increasing her exposure! :eek:


    I think she's already increased her exposure with the number of lads mags and photshoots she does ... :eek: :cool: :D
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    LovelyLauraLovelyLaura Posts: 50,041
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    Yes, I agree with you about Tina, Angie :( I think if she does want to be taken seriously as an actress and to carve an acting career for herself, then she does need to concentrate more on the acting rather than the exposure. Although I think there are ways of doing both. Take Suranne Jones, for example. She's managed to carve an acting career for herself after Corrie, but still maintain a high profile and high exposure, and all without doing lads mags and sexy photoshoots and reality TV shows! Tina is definitely a good actress and so it's not like she has only been chosen for Corrie on her looks alone. Should she choose to leave Corrie, then I think she could do really well for herself.

    Laura xx
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    LovelyLauraLovelyLaura Posts: 50,041
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    Btw, my copy of A Taste Of Honey (in book form) arrived today (along with my Harry Potter and the Goblet Of Fire soundtrack CD :p ).

    I've had a quick skim through and it looks really good. I've got the Student Edition and so there are lots of interesting notes at the start of the book. I also now know where 'a taste of honey' comes from- it's said that all the characters in the play have their period of happiness ie their 'taste of honey' :)

    It doesn't look like Geoff appears until the start of Act 2 though, and so our first glimpse of Bruno won't be until after the interval :(

    He does seem to have a small supporting role but, from reading bits and pieces of Geoff's lines, I really can imagine Bruno in the role even more and more now! I'm keeping everything crossed that a national tour will take place :D

    I'm really looking forward to reading the play and seeing how it differs (if at all) from the film!

    Laura xx
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    LovelyLauraLovelyLaura Posts: 50,041
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    I've just spotted this little bit about Geoff as a character in the commentary section of the book and so I thought it might be of interest to some of you:

    Geoff: A more serious character than the other two men, he shows more responsibility in thinking about Jo's future, making practical arrangements for her to earn a little money retouching photographs, and trying to get some support for her from Helen. But though much of his dialogue consists of more serious speeches, patient argument and reassurance of Jo, he too jokes and laughs with her, as in their 'We're unique...Young...Unravelled...Smashing!' sequence (pp50-1). Geoff's homosexual tendencies are hinted at in Jo's apparently correct guess that his landlady has found him with a man and so evicted him (p47). His feeling for Jo is very strong- 'I'd sooner be dead than away from you' (p59)- but it does not seem to be a sexual attraction: he kisses her and asks her to marry him, but when he makes his 'rather be dead' speech, Jo goes to lie on her bed, probably consciously encouraging him to make love to her, but he does not. She later reminds him of this and points out to him, 'And you didn't go and follow me, did you?...You see, it's not marrying love between us, thank God' (p76). Jo seems to derive security from the very fact that Geoff's not sexually attracted to her: this is why she can play games with him and why she can flirt with him without danger. He is a cross between a husband and a mother, but he does not make the sexual and emotional demands on her that they would. So Jo feels safe with him.
    Unfortunately it is his very gentleness, which Jo appreciates, that makes him unable to stand up to Helen- he is easily cowed by her rudeness. His is the most consistent affection Jo finds in the play, but it is his unselfish affection in the end which causes him to leave rather than upset Jo by keeping up a running battle with Helen.

    Laura xx
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    LlamaKingLlamaKing Posts: 4,019
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    Laura and Flukie were right to be wary ...

    Another Daily Star story gone to pot. :rolleyes:
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    FlukieFlukie Posts: 40,578
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    LlamaKing wrote:
    Laura and Flukie were right to be wary ...

    Another Daily Star story gone to pot. :rolleyes:

    No! She's lying! It's all made up! :mad:

    After all ....

    The STAR is NEVER wrong! They NEVER make up stories ...! ;)

    lol! :D:D:D:D
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    LlamaKingLlamaKing Posts: 4,019
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    Flukie wrote:
    No! She's lying! It's all made up! :mad:

    After all ....

    The STAR is NEVER wrong! They NEVER make up stories ...! ;)

    lol! :D:D:D:D

    LOL :D

    Pity me thinks ...
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    FlukieFlukie Posts: 40,578
    Forum Member
    Hi all,

    a belated [highlight]HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone[/highlight]. :D

    Did anyone see the Tina O'Brien snippet in the papers over the weekend? Apparently her ambition is to appear on "I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here" She said it was an excellent way for a star to keep a high profile and get paid at the same time, and she said she would have no hesitation in doing it if ever she wasn't working...
    I HATE that programme but even I might watch if I could see Tina having a bucketful of creepy crawlies dumped on her head. ;)

    Wasn't she reported as saying that somewhere ages ago? Certainly it was about a month ago. I remember seeing it somewhere.
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    LovelyLauraLovelyLaura Posts: 50,041
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    I had a wonderful afternoon yesterday, finally finding the time to go through those old Corrie episodes I mentioned the other day about having recently acquired. I took a look at some old Toddo clips from November 2001-April 2002 and they were wonderful to watch! There are some incredibly sweet moments involving Todd. For example, in one scene, Sarah is wheeling Beth out of the house in her pushchair and Todd starts waving at Beth and making faces in a really cute way! :) Another sweet moment is between Todd and Eileen shortly after Candice has cheated on him with Jason. Eileen asks whether Todd had slept with Candice and he admits that they hadn't as they wanted to wait until they were ready. Eileen tells him that one day he'll meet someone who will really appreciate him for the nice guy he is....that made me think of Karl! :D Cos I think he WAS that someone. Later on, Todd collapses onto Eileen's shoulder and sobs, "it hurts so much, mam" :cry: There's even a scene with Eileen describing Sarah as a "nice lady"!!! :eek: Hehehe, so she obviously thinks she's a nice lady so long as she isn't involved with either of her lads lol!

    The stuff with Todd, Candice and Jason is great, as is the build up to Todd's relationship with Sarah. Even before they started going out, they really did have a lot of chemistry and there was a definite spark there....even more so once they decided to start seeing each other! Obviously this spark soon disappeared once Todd realised that he wasn't into girls lol. There's a great scene where Todd is being all narky and thinking that Sarah only wants to go out with him cos she feels sorry for him, and so Jason has to tell him how rubbish he is with girls and that Sarah obviously fancies him and always has!!!

    I thought I'd upload a couple of clips a week or something so that you can all enjoy old Toddo too ;)

    For starters, here are a few clips from 4 episodes in 2001, which Todd was involved in. These are the first 4 episodes of "old Toddo" I have :) (proper descriptions of each episode can be found on my site)

    25th November 2001:

    Click here to see the clips!
    - Todd and Jason find out about Dennis' affair
    - Todd and Jason convince Eileen to talk to Dennis

    26th November 2001:

    Click here to see the clip!
    - Todd and Jason try to comfort Eileen

    30th November 2001:

    Click here to see the clip!
    - Todd and Dennis argue on the street

    10th December 2001:

    Click here to see the clips!
    - Candice invites Todd to tea
    - Todd tells Candice he can't come to tea
    - Todd and Sarah talk about Candice
    - Todd, Candice and Sarah chat in the cafe
    - Todd goes to Candice's for tea after all


    Laura xx
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    LovelyLauraLovelyLaura Posts: 50,041
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    LlamaKing wrote:
    Laura and Flukie were right to be wary ...

    Another Daily Star story gone to pot. :rolleyes:

    Now why am I not surprised? :rolleyes:

    It did seem strange for Samia to have recently renewed her contract, only to suddenly decide to quit! I think actors usually spend quite a while making the decision to quit- apparently, Bruno and Suranne both took quite some time to make the decision.

    So it didn't really make any sense. Yet another untrue Daily Star story! :rolleyes:

    Laura xx
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    Who's Boris?Who's Boris? Posts: 374
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    It doesn't look like Geoff appears until the start of Act 2 though, and so our first glimpse of Bruno won't be until after the interval :(

    You never know, it might a kabuki thing and he's playing one of the female roles! :D Oh, alright, maybe not.

    The old Todd clips sound great. You're so lucky to get hold of them. I'll have to check them out later, though and tell you then what I think.

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