
Bits in urine (possibly graphic, don't read if you've just eaten...)



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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 7,029
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    You really do need to go to see a doctor. Coming on here and asking us is no use, because we cannot see your urine and even if we could, we don't have the appropiate medical knowledge to diagnose you based from it.

    Whatever you have may or may not be dangerous to your long-term health. You will never know unless you see a doctor, and if it IS dangerous, you may get beyond that stage and end up in hospital. It's always worth it to check out medical problems that you're not sure of.

    If you definitely will not see the doctor, then you are taking quite a large risk with your health. If it gets that bad, you may find yourself in an even bigger situation than you are in now.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,661
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    Fair 'nuff...... but if you have an infection, or kidney stones, you could end up in agony, and then your doc will really have to spend a lot of time sorting you out. Go now, and it may be a case of a 5 minute consultation, and a script for antibiotics.

    And for ****s sake, drink some more water.....''I just can't'' is a pathetic excuse. Get a two litre bottle of water and a glass. Fill the glass, and take a sip out of it every time you see it. You'll be through it in no time. You should never wait till you're thirsty to drink, you're already dehydrated by then.

    Trust me. You'll feel a lot better for it.
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    burton07burton07 Posts: 10,874
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    Fair 'nuff...... but if you have an infection, or kidney stones, you could end up in agony, and then your doc will really have to spend a lot of time sorting you out. Go now, and it may be a case of a 5 minute consultation, and a script for antibiotics.

    And for ****s sake, drink some more water.....''I just can't'' is a pathetic excuse. Get a two litre bottle of water and a glass. Fill the glass, and take a sip out of it every time you see it. You'll be through it in no time. You should never wait till you're thirsty to drink, you're already dehydrated by then.

    Trust me. You'll feel a lot better for it.

    This /\ is such good advice. What harm can it do to keep a bottle of water with you while you are working and take a swig from time to time. It becomes addictive and you will find yourself getting thirsty when you look at the bottle.
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    InspirationInspiration Posts: 62,772
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    Dissonance wrote: »
    Thanks all for your replies and your concern, even thuogh I shouldn't have the concern aimed towards me (there are people out there - and on DS - who need your concern more, those who watch BB for instance :D) and I apologise that I'm not going to take any of it to heart.

    Do us all a favour, stop wasting our time and grow a pair.

    PS: You certainly do have a lot of minor health issues.. surprised you're not more used to going to see your doctor judging from these thread subjects:

    - Cold Throat
    - Ringworm
    - Rash on top of foot
    - Not needing the toilet enough
    - Tired all the time
    - 'Tense' feeling in ear
    - Sweat problem
    - Brushing Teeth
    - Foot problem

    Maybe you should just go to your doctor instead of researching all these things online and asking total strangers for diagnosis and advice? It may help stop you worrying so much.
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    ikkleosuikkleosu Posts: 11,494
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    Dissonance wrote: »
    Quite possibly I don't.

    I still feel awkward going to see him and still feel that it's pointless and time wasting. I mentioned to him recently about the fact that I'm tired all the time so he made me have a blood test. It came back completely negative on everything so that was so much time there for him, plus the people who did the testing when it could've been somebody else who actually needed that time spent on them which I so clearly didn't.

    So do you think when doctors take a biopsy from, say, a breast lump and it comes back negative for cancer that that was a waste of the doctors time?

    A doctor has 2 appointments, the first is him having to tell someone that the problem they had and didn't come to see him about for 6 months until it crippled them is in fact cancer that has now gone so far that it terminal and they will die within the year. The second is someone who was worried about a symptom, so the doctor ran some tests and they have come back clear and the doctor is about to let the patient know it's nothing to worry about. So which of those appointments do you think the doctor prefers to have? Do you think when he's giving a patient the clear he's annoyed and thinking what a waste of time?

    You HAVE to change your way of thinking about visiting the doctor or one day you might be that first patient mentioned above.

    Most people who visit the doctor are told that it's a simple problem that can be easily treated or is just a strange anomolay that needs no treatment. NONE of those people are wasting their time, the doctor's time, or the lab techs time.

    You are not psychic, nor are you medically trained so you cannot say that someone else deserves or needs the doctor's attention more than you. Although your problem does not sound very serious only a doctor can decide that.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,917
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    PS: You certainly do have a lot of minor health issues.. surprised you're not more used to going to see your doctor judging from these thread subjects:

    - Cold Throat
    - Ringworm
    - Rash on top of foot
    - Not needing the toilet enough
    - Tired all the time
    - 'Tense' feeling in ear
    - Sweat problem
    - Brushing Teeth
    - Foot problem

    Maybe you should just go to your doctor instead of researching all these things online and asking total strangers for diagnosis and advice? It may help stop you worrying so much.
    I've boldened something rather important there... they are MINOR problems which have been, in order:
    • not as bad, have learnt to live with it
    • sorted itself out
    • sorted itself out
    • as I said above, this is actually quite convenient
    • mentioned to doc in passing, had blood test, came back negative
    • also mentioned to doc in passing but he couldn't see anything
    • cosmetic not medical issue
    • not a medical question, I asked this, if I recall, to settle a bet between me an a friend
    • mostly sorted itself out
    I don't worry tbh - I ask things in passing out of curiousity mostly, and get basically attacked in the process.:rolleyes:
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 17,470
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    Dissonance wrote: »
    I've boldened something rather important there... they are MINOR problems which have been, in order:
    • not as bad, have learnt to live with it
    • sorted itself out
    • sorted itself out
    • as I said above, this is actually quite convenient
    • mentioned to doc in passing, had blood test, came back negative
    • also mentioned to doc in passing but he couldn't see anything
    • cosmetic not medical issue
    • not a medical question, I asked this, if I recall, to settle a bet between me an a friend
    • mostly sorted itself out
    I don't worry tbh - I ask things in passing out of curiousity mostly, and get basically attacked in the process.:rolleyes:

    Stop playing the victim - you premptively attacked those who would give what is the only sensible advice here.

    Get yourself down the doctors. Not all ailments will magically 'sort themselves out', and this might be the one that doesn't.
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    StressMonkeyStressMonkey Posts: 13,347
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    susie-4964 wrote: »
    A nurse would be OK, but "anyone" certainly wouldn't, don't care what the BMJ says! The problem with these tests is that sometimes they come up abnormal for no particular reason (dehydration would be one - the kidney concentrates things, and if the urine volume is low, then the concentration may be abnormally high, without anything actually being wrong). This has always been my bugbear about testing in pharmacies, self-testing at home, etc. If you're not careful, you can scare yourself witless to no good purpose because of one odd result, and spend the next 6 months being checked out by doctors and hospitals, only to be told it was just a false reading.

    Fasting is another reason for abnormal results - I had a Occy Health medical for the job I do now - but the timing was bad so I didn't have breakfast or lunch due to my then current job commitments. Got abnormal results but they asked if I was fasting (good Muslim Doctor) - no just skipped a couple of meals. Come back in a week and make sure you eat properly. Second test - all normal.
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    Chilli DragonChilli Dragon Posts: 24,684
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    Everyone has sludge in their urine...we tend to pee it out. The longer it festers, the more it gathers and blocks tubes...hence fewer and fewer trips to the lav.

    Worse case...? This can build up and cause a severe infection called urinary sepsis which kills 40% of all who get it. It attacks the bladder and shuts the kidneys down and then shuts the lungs down.

    Best case...? You get cystitis and needs anti-biotics. Get to the doc, harmless and sorted easily.
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    StressMonkeyStressMonkey Posts: 13,347
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    Dis, personally I wonder if a lot of your problems are lifestyle related. A poor lifestyle leads to a lot of low grade medical problems.

    Your number one lifestyle change to a healthier you is obviously seeking appropriate medical attention.

    After that, it is increase your fluid intake. Just 2 litres - that is 4 x 500ml bottles filled with water or dilute squash. Over the average 16 hours a day you are awake, that is nothing. Force it down.

    Next, eat 5 portions of fruit and/or veg a day. A portion is about a handful. Again - not a lot.

    And take 30 minutes exercise a day. Sounds a lot? Just swap stairs for lifts, walk to the next bus stop, get off the bus a stop early. Do thirty minutes of housework. But a brisk stroll is your best bet.

    I have said before that I am medically not qualified. But I am a 40 year old mother. I don't bother the doctor often, for me or the kids. But given your symptoms, I would go to the GP. A quick urine test to either diagnose and treat an illness or to set your mind at rest......to me it is a no brainer.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 9,328
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    i'm pretty sure they talked about this on the prog embarassing bodies recently. They did a segment about a group of drama students and testing their urine. The Dr said if there were cloudy stringy particles in urine,it could indicate an STD. Get it checked asap.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 4,124
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    i still think you should get it checked diss my brother in law had kidney stones and if you have to pass them they are very very painful he passed out on a number of occasions with the pain and you really are not drinking enough
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    IgnazioIgnazio Posts: 18,695
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    Deb Arkle wrote: »
    Albumen in urine is a sign of kidney damage.
    You used the word is - that should be can be. Many symptoms indicate exploration is wise, but the result is not necessarily serious illness. My pregnant friend had albumen in her water, which the doctor said is quite common and it was easily treated with medicine.
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    snowy ghostsnowy ghost Posts: 40,341
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    go to your doc your pee is as important as the next man's
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    snowy ghostsnowy ghost Posts: 40,341
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    Ignazio wrote: »
    You used the word is - that should be can be. Many symptoms indicate exploration is wise, but the result is not necessarily serious illness. My pregnant friend had albumen in her water, which the doctor said is quite common and it was easily treated with medicine.

    it is certainly no yolk
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    EmpiricalEmpirical Posts: 10,189
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    Dissonance wrote: »
    As I have said, I have tried to drink more, but couldn't manage to do it. I just drink when I'm thirsty, which isn't very often. Even in this heat when I know I've probably been sweating out more than I've been drinking in, unless I'm thirsty I won't have anything to drink. .

    Your very likely doing yourself damage. Possible results from long term dehydration include kidney failure requiring dialysis and possible transplants.

    Now since resource usage is something your worried about that's a kidney that could be someone else's.

    If you have an aversion of the doctors...that what it will be like if you collapse and wind up in hospital on dialysis x number of times a week.
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    IgnazioIgnazio Posts: 18,695
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    it is certainly no yolk
    egg on my face snowy!:D
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    Forum Member
    Dissonance wrote: »
    For a while now, I've noticed that sometimes when I urinate, there are bits floating in the bowl afterwards. I first thought this was just our toilet but today one of the gents' toilets at work was out of order so they made the ladies' a unisex so for the first time in ages I peed into a toilet that wasn't my home one and not a urinal, and again there were bits floating in it.

    Difficult to explain what these bits were as obviously I just flushed them down the pan without going in for a further look but I guess I might be able to accurately ish compare them to a few flecks of cream coloured paint floating in a bowl of apple juice.

    I've mentioned before that my urine is quite dark coloured and that I only go about two times a day (sometimes one, other times like Sunday none) so it might be related to that. It's not hurting or anything (which I guess passing flecks of paint would...) just wondering what it could be.

    (first person to say 'go to your GP' will be hunted down and your livestock killed btw, I'm sick of that being the answer to every single question in thsi place...)

    I pee more than twice before I leave the house int he morning :eek: :eek:

    Op - why are you so averse to seeing a DR??
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