
Charlie camping out last night

Rose*~*Rose*~* Posts: 7,008
Forum Member
I had the sound down low last night, so as not to wake the people I live with, so maybe I missed it, but was Charlie told to make himself a little bed outside the jail to keep Marcus company?

If he wasn't told, I thought it was really cute. I did not get the impression those two were the best of friends, but he spent a lot of time there talking to him.


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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,084
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    Charlie's been tipped off that the live feed is only on at night.
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    FirespireFirespire Posts: 4,667
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    I think they get on, the other night when Charlie heard Marcus whistling to himself in the middle of the night, Charlie went to see Marcus was ok and their chat about their personal lives went on for hours.
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    SillyBillyGoatSillyBillyGoat Posts: 22,266
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    I think he did it of his own accord, which was lovely of him :)
    I got too tired and turned off at about 2:45, but I know he was there for a while, Rodrigo joined later also :)
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 8,850
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    he thought it was ideal opportunity to get airtime, but dick head didn't realise that the cameras were working overtime inside the bedroom

    so he learned all about sash windows

    Rodders had to be outside -he was key holder
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    Stupid_HeadStupid_Head Posts: 37,826
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    Charlie had to make sure that Marcus knew that he loved "Noirin to pieces!!!!" after selling her out to Lisa. ;)
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    mitacondmitacond Posts: 105,727
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    Rose*~* wrote: »
    I had the sound down low last night, so as not to wake the people I live with, so maybe I missed it, but was Charlie told to make himself a little bed outside the jail to keep Marcus company?

    If he wasn't told, I thought it was really cute. I did not get the impression those two were the best of friends, but he spent a lot of time there talking to him.

    Freddie was talking to Marcus who was outside earlier than Charlie having a chat with Marcus, then Charlie came out he did ot have the duvet. Charlie hugged and kissed Marcus and Freddie. Charlie was trying to tell Marcusa and Freddie that he had been influenced by others before and would now be himself and not as he was before. Freddie went in -abefore that Charilie huged Marcus and Freddie who was going to bed. Charlie stayed, Rod came out to let Marcus out for a toilet break and then Marcus came back with the duvet for Charlie and Rod who kissed and hugged. Charlie did not want to be in the bedroom last night.;)
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    Kopite1763Kopite1763 Posts: 6,835
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    Charlie caused an argument last night for Noirin, now call me cynical......... but the guy is worried witless people will nominate him next week so sitting with Marcus and telling him how he didn't mean to cause an argument blah blah, how he likes everyone in the house blah blah.... he's hoping he can talk himself out of it. Charlie knows Marcus is close to Noirin, and will relay what Charlie has said to him.

    Charlie, to me, is constantly fretting over his thoughts that people are making him look bad - the arguments with Rodrigo (saying "he's in there", the DR, "making me look bad")

    From what I've seen, Charlie is a little tell tale and sly individual who hides behind the 'cheeky chappy' facade. He proved himself to be a liar, saying he wouldn't tell Lisa what Noirin said to him (he did),..... a thief - stealing Marcus' cider and also mean - throwing water all over Angel while she was making her eviction outfit.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 12,538
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    Charlie and Marcus have chatted sitting up late before and clearly enjoy each other's company.
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    Rose*~*Rose*~* Posts: 7,008
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    Well like I said, I had the sound down really low so I could not hear all that was being said. It did look really cute that Charlie was out there with Marcus, but I'm sure there were other motives. After all, they are all playing a game they all want to win.

    Thanks everyone!
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    meglosmurmursmeglosmurmurs Posts: 35,122
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    He needed a break from the bedroom last night.

    But I don't think he was on a camping trip.
    More like a guilt trip.

    He knows he's been exposed as a no-good sh*t-stirrer and was doing some serious damage-control. Poor Marcus had no choice but to listen to him professing his innocence to every evil in the known world.
    But surely ignorance is the biggest evil of all.
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    mitacondmitacond Posts: 105,727
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    Kopite1763 wrote: »
    Charlie caused an argument last night for Noirin, now call me cynical......... but the guy is worried witless people will nominate him next week so sitting with Marcus and telling him how he didn't mean to cause an argument blah blah, how he likes everyone in the house blah blah.... he's hoping he can talk himself out of it. Charlie knows Marcus is close to Noirin, and will relay what Charlie has said to him.

    Charlie, to me, is constantly fretting over his thoughts that people are making him look bad - the arguments with Rodrigo (saying "he's in there", the DR, "making me look bad")

    From what I've seen, Charlie is a little tell tale and sly individual who hides behind the 'cheeky chappy' facade. He proved himself to be a liar, saying he wouldn't tell Lisa what Noirin said to him (he did),..... a thief - stealing Marcus' cider and also mean - throwing water all over Angel while she was making her eviction outfit.

    When Charlie went out he hugged and kissed Marcus and Freddie just make sure he was ok. He will never stop fretting over the fact that he might be nommed this week.
    I heard him last night and to say he was a... licking was an understatement. Charlie said he would never be the way he was when others where in the house, referring to Kris and Karly. Charlie has said he is now going to be himself and not be influenced by others. A laugh really as he had already been to see Lisa. ;)

    Prior to going out into the garden with Freddie and Marcus, Charle met Lisa on his way out from the DR. Lisa when he said he was going out into the garden said. 'Be careful Freddie and Marcus are out there having a chat.' Charlie just went out there regardless.;)

    Charlie knows he is on sticky ground and will be licking anything it seems to make sure he is not nomed.;)
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    airfixairfix Posts: 3,067
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    mickmercer wrote: »
    Charlie and Marcus have chatted sitting up late before and clearly enjoy each other's company.

    And stuff like that.
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    AnnsyreAnnsyre Posts: 109,504
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    mickmercer wrote: »
    Charlie and Marcus have chatted sitting up late before and clearly enjoy each other's company.

    That was a very genuine conversation.:)
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    missfrizzymissfrizzy Posts: 7,536
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    I know Charlie can be a bit of an a*se sometimes and take "jokes" a bit too far, but I dont really think he's a bad person. He's a bit like an over excitable puppy dog who doesnt know where to draw the line. He's shown some quite nice sides to his nature, and he's quite an upbeat type of chap. I dont really dislike him that much.
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    northernslayernorthernslayer Posts: 3,496
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    he was pissed as a fart!
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 9,464
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    I think Charlie was shocked and gutted to find out that he had been nommed last week. He's feeling very insecure ,but doesn't want to join in with isolating Lisa because, in all fairness Lisa has been a good friend to him. He has recently struck upa bond/friendship with Marcus and he also knows that Marcus is very straight talking and can be trusted.

    Freddy sat outside with Marcus until he went to bed. Charlie spent ages with Marcus and Rodders joined them ..very quickly after Rodders and Charlie went to bed in the earlyhours,BB asked for one HM to let Marcus out and Charlie rushed to do this.

    Siavash and Noirin ignored Marcus in the jail and took the opportunity to start a showmance behind his back.
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    HickyHicky Posts: 50,488
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    wanda64 wrote: »
    I think Charlie was shocked and gutted to find out that he had been nommed last week. He's feeling very insecure ,but doesn't want to join in with isolating Lisa because, in all fairness Lisa has been a good friend to him. He has recently struck upa bond/friendship with Marcus and he also knows that Marcus is very straight talking and can be trusted.

    Freddy sat outside with Marcus until he went to bed. Charlie spent ages with Marcus and Rodders joined them ..very quickly after Rodders and Charlie went to bed in the earlyhours,BB asked for one HM to let Marcus out and Charlie rushed to do this.

    Siavash and Noirin ignored Marcus in the jail and took the opportunity to start a showmance behind his back.
    I would say that Marcus has been a restriction on Noirin having any fun in the house.

    She is scared of him now so doesn't really want to upset him

    BB should have kept him locked up for the next five weeks or kick him out for aiding Kenny to escape.
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    xtjx01xtjx01 Posts: 3,164
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    Rose*~* wrote: »
    I had the sound down low last night, so as not to wake the people I live with, so maybe I missed it, but was Charlie told to make himself a little bed outside the jail to keep Marcus company?

    If he wasn't told, I thought it was really cute. I did not get the impression those two were the best of friends, but he spent a lot of time there talking to him.

    I agree Rose*~* it was very thoughtful of Charlie to keep Marcus company and he did look cute with Rodrigo under the duvet.
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    mitacondmitacond Posts: 105,727
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    Charlie it seems tells Lisa one thing and then Lisa finds out he has not said that but he gets the 'impression' they have. See this vid it is about the fact that he is now going to change his ways and this is early this morning when he told Freddie and Marcus he was going to change. ;)

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    mitacondmitacond Posts: 105,727
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    wanda64 wrote: »
    I think Charlie was shocked and gutted to find out that he had been nommed last week. He's feeling very insecure ,but doesn't want to join in with isolating Lisa because, in all fairness Lisa has been a good friend to him. He has recently struck upa bond/friendship with Marcus and he also knows that Marcus is very straight talking and can be trusted.

    Freddy sat outside with Marcus until he went to bed. Charlie spent ages with Marcus and Rodders joined them ..very quickly after Rodders and Charlie went to bed in the earlyhours,BB asked for one HM to let Marcus out and Charlie rushed to do this.

    Siavash and Noirin ignored Marcus in the jail and took the opportunity to start a showmance behind his back.

    The reason Charlie is being nice to Marcus and Freddie is he does not want to be nommed pure and 'simples';)
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    amelie74amelie74 Posts: 9,279
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    I just thought Charlie was doing his usual damage limitation exercise when he's been outed for sh*t stirring.

    He seems to be the most desperate of the hms to win this thing and doesn't want his friendly cheekie chappie image to be tarnished.

    Many hms have told him he's a cert to win. His confidence took a tumble last week when he and Lisa got the most noms. His brain cell has been in overdrive ever since!!
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    mitacondmitacond Posts: 105,727
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    amelie74 wrote: »
    I just thought Charlie was doing his usual damage limitation exercise when he's been outed for sh*t stirring.

    He seems to be the most desperate of the hms to win this thing and doesn't want his friendly cheekie chappie image to be tarnished.

    Many hms have told him he's a cert to win. His confidence took a tumble last week when he and Lisa got the most noms. His brain cell has been in overdrive ever since!!

    I think that is what it is really he does not think before putting mouth into gear.;)
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    Miss FoxfaceMiss Foxface Posts: 2,008
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    Rose*~* wrote: »
    I had the sound down low last night, so as not to wake the people I live with, so maybe I missed it, but was Charlie told to make himself a little bed outside the jail to keep Marcus company?

    If he wasn't told, I thought it was really cute. I did not get the impression those two were the best of friends, but he spent a lot of time there talking to him.
    AAAhhhh! That is LOVELY!!:o:):):) I CHOOSE to believe they have a genuine respect/friendship;):):)
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 8,008
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    amelie74 wrote: »
    I just thought Charlie was doing his usual damage limitation exercise when he's been outed for sh*t stirring.


    I don't doubt that he likes Marcus, but I can't help but be suspicious after he sh*t-stirred, then basically begged Freddie not to think of him as dishonest after their conversation last night.

    He comes across as very desperate.
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    colinbcolinb Posts: 6,587
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    Does this mean he is "all camped out" now? He can leave all that to David instead :P :D
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