
Jordan: I've been raped more than once



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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 10,287
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    cynicalgal wrote: »
    Wasn't she, not so long ago, claiming she'd like to meet up with perverts, sex offenders, serial killers etc?

    Yep, really the words of someone who's been raped three times :rolleyes:
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    Dolby KidDolby Kid Posts: 912
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    vidalia wrote: »


    I think she's actually a bit mentally ill.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 10
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    next week headlines is " Katie was abducted by aliens"
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 201
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    I think that its really awful whats happened to Katie Price and the last thing she needs is people saying disgusting things like this on this thread i.e. the comments saying she deserved it etc etc etc

    I hope nobody on here ever suffers like she has done, its disgraceful that people are unable to support a woman whose suffered from rape in this day and age
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    Sun_BeamSun_Beam Posts: 11,600
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    Originally posted by Dolby Kid

    I think she's actually a bit mentally ill.

    A bit? I'd say she's a LOT mentally ill as no sane woman could EVER carry on the way she has/done and could EVER say the things she's said/done - not in a million years! :eek:
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    dale gdale g Posts: 171
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    If this happened to her then thats awful, but why bring this subject of rape up now, is she trying to get some kind of sympathy vote after all the backlash

    Stop this false pretence with this new bloke Katie and think of your kids, go and look after them like a mother should. Forget the magazine deals, newspapers interviews (nobodys interesed in that anyway) and your constant slagging of Peter Andre is just boooooring!!:yawn::yawn:

    You will probably hear that Katie and Katona are both booked into the priory next. They both need help!!!
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 8,418
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    angiethsex wrote: »
    I think that its really awful whats happened to Katie Price and the last thing she needs is people saying disgusting things like this on this thread i.e. the comments saying she deserved it etc etc etc

    I hope nobody on here ever suffers like she has done, its disgraceful that people are unable to support a woman whose suffered from rape in this day and age

    While I'm not condoning the nasty comments, I think the reason people are showing no sympathy is because we simply don't believe her. The timing is too convenient, and it's a claim that would be very hard to prove right or fabricated.
    Of course she doesn't deserve something like that to happen to her, nobody does.
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    Dolby KidDolby Kid Posts: 912
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    angiethsex wrote: »
    I think that its really awful whats happened to Katie Price and the last thing she needs is people saying disgusting things like this on this thread i.e. the comments saying she deserved it etc etc etc

    I hope nobody on here ever suffers like she has done, its disgraceful that people are unable to support a woman whose suffered from rape in this day and age

    Firstly - has anyone said anything like "she deserved it" ??

    Secondly - I and most here think she is totally lying about being raped, or she would not say that she "wished to be raped by Mike Tyson", or that she would like to "get to know some of the sickest serial killers in jail via penpal".

    She's lying, I reckon, and in doing so is trivializing a genuinely terrible crime.

    Her desperation for sympathy is clearly now so selfish that she doesn't care about genuine rape victims, she just wants to be pitied. She thinks, well, it worked for Jade Goody...
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 444
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    how much more column inches are going to wasted on this attention seeking trollop?

    she gives women a bad name. I'm a woman...yes despite the nickname...and I'd hate to be a young girl now if she is the sort of role model they have. she's angry because her 'boyfriend' is doing a soft porn film...
    hello?...this comes from the same woman who gets rat arsed and parades herself half or fully naked all over the place.

    best thing for her is to lock her in a room with Kerry Katona...that'd be a laugh. 2 wasters together.

    sadly I seem to have just added to the undeserved attention this venomous harridan is getting :o
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 25,310
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    angiethsex wrote: »
    I think that its really awful whats happened to Katie Price and the last thing she needs is people saying disgusting things like this on this thread i.e. the comments saying she deserved it etc etc etc

    I hope nobody on here ever suffers like she has done, its disgraceful that people are unable to support a woman whose suffered from rape in this day and age

    I don't think anybody has said she deserved it and if they did than that is wrong. I think most people are feeling it's a bit of the boy who cried wolf syndrome. She has said so many things and contradicted herself so many times with her 'exclusives' that whatever she says now is just not believed.

    It is a very sad situation but I think the time when people were willing to give her the benefit of the doubt seems well and truly over.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 10,287
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    suehill50 wrote: »
    next week headlines is " Katie was abducted by aliens"

    Katie, "I've been raped four times."
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 554
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    angiethsex wrote: »
    I think that its really awful whats happened to Katie Price and the last thing she needs is people saying disgusting things like this on this thread i.e. the comments saying she deserved it etc etc etc

    I hope nobody on here ever suffers like she has done, its disgraceful that people are unable to support a woman whose suffered from rape in this day and age

    If you believe her then god help you.

    I have never liked nor disliked the woman, but to make something up like this is scraping the bottom of a very deep barrel she has been in for some time, she is just disgusting.

    So you have been raped more than once but you fantasise about getting raped :rolleyes:

    Attention seeking at it's worst.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 6,654
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    Jordy -

    "Me, I got raped, sexually assaulted, taken up the back alley 500 times....... all in the space of 1 day."

    Ah yes, ok Katie - damage limitation extraordinaire.
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    JasonJason Posts: 76,557
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    I've almost got this sketch in my head ..

    Jordan runs into a room with an audience ..

    "I've been photographed by a paedophile !"


    she runs out .. then back in ..

    "um .. err ... i've been raped !"

    someone yawns ..

    "bugger .."

    she runs out .. then back in ..

    "i've .. um .. ok .. i've been raped .. by a paedophile .. while out walking my dog .. who was assaulted by someone into beastiality .. and drunk .. and .. err .. stoned .."

    we hear snoring ..

    "bugger .. "

    out she runs again .. back in ...

    and so on. that's the fascinating part of this for me - really just to see how far she's willing to **** herself in an attempt to get back into the good books of the public.
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    SystemSystem Posts: 2,096,970
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    If this is true, then it is sad. Nobody, not even Jordan should have to go through this.

    However I do think Jordan is using these rapes to get the public to like her again and get sympathy. Sorry, but I think this is why she has revealed she has been raped twice. Funny how this comes out a few days before her tv show and when things have gone wrong for her. Why did it not come out before this?:confused:
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    Sophie ~Oohie~Sophie ~Oohie~ Posts: 10,395
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    What story hasn't she used? She's tried divorce, rape, child porn, cancer, disabled child (although this is true to some level), plastic surgery and probably a lot of others but I don't watch her programs.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 15,448
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    SubrosaSubrosa Posts: 3,038
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    Very convenient time for this to come out - when she's trying to get the public back on her side.

    True or exaggerated, she's an affront to women, especially rape victims, by using such an experience for publicity and attention.
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    mountymounty Posts: 19,251
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    What next with this woman.. 'I raped more than once' ?
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 394
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    trinity28 wrote: »
    I detest katie price but this is a horrible thing to happen but why bring it up now for publicity

    EVERYTHING she does is 'for publicity'

    Chances are, it's an invention anyway.
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    flyingvflyingv Posts: 4,303
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    cynicalgal wrote: »
    Wasn't she, not so long ago, claiming she'd like to meet up with perverts, sex offenders, serial killers etc?
    Yes, consistent isn't she?

    I think she must be on some serious drugs, because she can't seem to remember what crap she spouts from one day to the next.
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    Miss_MooMiss_Moo Posts: 8,997
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    So now she is talking about 'her rape hell' to defend her boyfriend when most sane women would have dumped him for that sick film he is making. Or not gone out with the ugly idiot in the first place.
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    skp20040skp20040 Posts: 66,874
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    laurar wrote: »
    Sorry for yet another thread about her, but I find this a little hard to swallow - why is thi all coming out now?? One more bid for sympathy me thinks.

    Not a problem Katie has ever had one imagines.

    In all seriousness, if it did happen to her then it is wrong , however it is a sign of the times and largely due to her behaviour that if such a thing did happen that very few would actually believe her.

    But just because of what she is and what she does doesnt mean if it is true that the men had any right and that she deserved it, just as a prostitutes do not deserve to be raped purely beacause they sell sex the rest of the time.

    The problem she has is that she is a little bit like the little boy who cried wolf.
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    AppleseedAppleseed Posts: 3,827
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    Where did this woman come from? She just appeared one day from what I can remember. She's only still around because of the general public surely? If no-one paid attention to her then she surely wouldn't be given media space?
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    Pippa 2Pippa 2 Posts: 2,614
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    I agree with most on here that she's a total liar. No, make that a compulsive liar. She's got a mental problem and needs help asap.
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