
The Restaurant 2009



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    FoggerFogger Posts: 3,358
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    lynwood3 wrote: »
    I have read the comments on here and here


    and you seem to be the only person defending RB's decision.

    Are you his mother?

    One has to wonder!

    That or clearly out for an argument by wind up.

    Best not feed anymore. (By feed I mean give a drink as I can't do food)
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    StrakerStraker Posts: 79,985
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    If you're watching this show to see the best cook get a restaurant then you perhaps are watching the wrong show. They went for potential over perfection.

    Is the lecture over?

    The only one defending this asinine decision harder than you and Iris is Le Blanc. Perhaps you could get together and apply next year - No cooking or front of house skills required. Clearly.


    Never has the phrase "A nod and a wink" seemed so appropriate. Winners so shit that even a Mango Whiz would be beyond them.
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    InspirationInspiration Posts: 62,745
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    Fogger wrote: »
    Why can't you see that it's only you who refuses to see what everyone else who have been watching the show for years can see?

    I'm not putting words into anyones mouth. All I said was show me where it says they were looking for the best chef, because you seem to think it's wrong that the best chef didn't win. Or have I misunderstood your argument? From where I'm sitting they were looking for the best potential couple to involved in a restaurant project.

    I don't feel I'm in "isolation" or anything like it, I'm just expressing my opinion. I may be in a minority but I don't care.
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    iris_de_baumeiris_de_baume Posts: 461
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    Fogger wrote: »
    Is that it? Is that really the best you can do?

    A patronising straw man argument that no one has ever said or claimed.

    Why can't you see that it's only you who refuses to see what everyone else who have been watching the show for years can see?

    And if your only comeback is a straw man, put words in people's mouths that where never said then I'll let you get on with your isolation.

    errrm... if you actually listen to the intro to every show, it's quite explicit that they wanted someone who could survive on the high street .... ie it's a tough old world out there and the urge to go AWOL and throw a paddy when things go t*ts up isn't an option.

    Winkers won on exactly the spec which was stated. Correct result IMO.
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    Agent KrycekAgent Krycek Posts: 39,269
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    Chris faltered at the last hurdle - it was the final.

    Err, when, because I completely missed that bit. He did a lovely soup that may, for some have been a bit tepid - okay, strike one against him, perhaps.

    He did a stunning fish course, went out on time - pass

    He produced souffle, went out on time - pass

    He produced the petite fours (or however you spell them), went out on time - pass.

    Compared to JJ

    Produced blinis that were too big, but tasted okay - pass/fail

    Produced a risotto you could have repointed a house with - fail

    Produced nice beef (I'm presuming on time) - pass, but ordered in veg rather then going to garden (as asked!) - fail

    Failed to produce a pudding - fail

    Did some nice cocktail - won the entire thing.

    Mind you, Chris and Nathan did miss a trick, if Chris had stuffed up the pudding completely, Nathan could have whipped out his scissors and given all the ladies a nice haircut and probably won it for them :rolleyes:
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    RorschachRorschach Posts: 10,818
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    Yet again, just like in several finals of Masterchef, the final decision completely invalidates the hours of programming that came before.

    Why set cooking challenges every week when you are happy with a cook who doesn't cook?

    Why emphasise local produce and the manors vegetable garden when, frankly, you are more than happy with ordering it by phone from a wholesaler?

    Why ask guests their view of the risotto when frankly you couldn't care less that it looked like paste (and probably tasted like it too)?

    Why set a menu for a dinner when you are happy to throw a course out completely because it's a bit difficult and serve drinks instead?

    Why call it "The Restaurant" when you are perfectly happy with "The Cocktail Bar"?
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 80
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    I'd love someone to explain this wonderful concept to me.

    'Picnics! Or something. No, wait.....oh f*ck it, cocktails'
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    lynwood3lynwood3 Posts: 24,904
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    jlighthi wrote: »
    Statement above is a fair comment but this show was a farce and a very funny, embarrassing farce it was. I have complained to the BBC about the quality of the show, the contestants and the poor decisions made by Raymond and his colleagues. It was cheap tosh - poorly executed and badly conceived. Raymond, the producers, the BBC and everyone concerned should be embarrassed at the whole series. To make a show which is for a large part (not all admittedly) about the skill and quality of cooking and then to suggest that is not important is ridiculous. I hated it and thought it was hilarious at the same time - but not in a good way! It was a good lesson in how not to make a reality show!

    Perhaps the idea is to sell the series as a tool for media studies students use as an example of bad program making!
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    googlekinggoogleking Posts: 15,006
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    Raymond's Blog is up


    Hum Piaf's "Je ne regrette rien" while reading. ;)

    Did anyone else read that sorry blog article in Raymond's accent, or just me :D
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    InspirationInspiration Posts: 62,745
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    googleking wrote: »
    Did anyone else read that sorry blog article in Raymond's accent, or just me :D

    Yeah I did too. :)
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 80
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    googleking wrote: »
    Did anyone else read that sorry blog article in Raymond's accent, or just me :D

    Yes :D
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    RorschachRorschach Posts: 10,818
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    He did a lovely soup that may, for some have been a bit tepid - okay, strike one against him, perhaps.
    Actually whilst one of the guests said that it was a bit tepid instead of hot which ruined the whole thing, it then cut to Raymond who said it was wonderful and just how it should be.
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    StrakerStraker Posts: 79,985
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    lynwood3 wrote: »
    Perhaps the idea is to sell the series as a tool for media studies students use as an example of bad program making!

    Seems apt. A pair of tools won it after all.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 80
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    Rorschach wrote: »
    Actually whilst one of the guests said that it was a bit tepid instead of hot which ruined the whole thing, it then cut to Raymond who said it was wonderful and just how it should be.

    Yes, also it was the guests arriving late that messed that up, whereas the Winkers' problems were 100% their own making.

    Not that it matters, with food being irrelevant and everything.
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    breppobreppo Posts: 2,433
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    googleking wrote: »
    Did anyone else read that sorry blog article in Raymond's accent, or just me :D

    Me too :D:D
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    breppobreppo Posts: 2,433
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    errrm... if you actually listen to the intro to every show, it's quite explicit that they wanted someone who could survive on the high street .... ie it's a tough old world out there and the urge to go AWOL and throw a paddy when things go t*ts up isn't an option.

    Winkers won on exactly the spec which was stated. Correct result IMO.

    Could it be that the "spec" was fabricated afterwards? To suit the inevitable (some say) pre-cooked outcome?
    To answer my own questions: YES!!!
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,660
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    manc2008 wrote: »
    What an utter joke. I think people are so annoyed about this because it seemed fixed weeks ago and those two are the most dishonest, blagging liars I've seen on this programme.

    - Why do people on here keep saying their concept was good? What was it again....picnics? We haven't heard them so much as mention it for about four weeks! No, their concept was nothing, zero, bugger all, except 'when it all goes wrong, make cocktails'. And as Chris said, they've played that card every week and got away with it every week. When the Nigerian resturant ladies were kicked out for abandonding their concept, where was the 'picnic' concept that week? Nowhere! Was it mentioned? No.

    - All of a sudden, Chris and Nathan's concept is said to be poor. Since when? This was the first time they'd said that.

    - Did anyone else notice the kitchen JJ got to work in and the one Chris was in? JJ has the huge, magnificent, beautiful kitchen, Chris gets a cramped little box room with a tiny table. Hmm, very fair.

    - Lady Thingy expressly told them to pick veg from the garden. JJ phoned an order in. Was he picked up on it at all? No. Would others have been slated for it? Yes.

    - James went out, leaving his waitress to do everything. Good Front of House? No. Was he picked up on it? No.
    Would others have been slated for it? Yes.

    - He then came back with supermarket salmon in a packet. Was he picked up on it? No. Would others have been slated for it? Yes.

    - Funny how the two guests came late, making Chris' soup go tepid, wasn't it?

    - People keep praising them for 'thinking on their feet'. By making cocktails? Without JJ's cocktail making skills what would they have done? Thinking on their feet my backside - I call it blagging and cheating.

    - In any case, that was also Chris' first ever attempt at making a soufflé, and he passed with flying colours. If that's not thinking on your feet, I don't know what is!

    - This idea that JJ can be trained. He started off a terrible cook and finished a terrible cook. Did he improve in the series? Nope. Did he make more of an effort? Nope.

    - As has already been said on here, Raymond likes them because they keep bouncing back from disasters, but the disasters shouldn't be there in the first place!

    - I honestly believe they were decided upon as the winners weeks ago and since then we have seen them get every favour given to them, huge mistakes ignored that the others would have been kicked out for and this smarmy, dishonest, blagging attitude.

    Remember Sarah asking them 'did you bake these yourself? JJ replied 'let me tell you about my grandmother.....

    Remember the cake JJ didn't bake? The voiceover said he didn't bake it, only for the following week for us to hear 'so far, JJ has baked a cake....'.

    As far as I'm concerned, passing off food as your own and deliberately ignoring the rules set is just as bad as Bodger and Badger not doing a task and these idiots should have been out for it.

    I can't believe I've watched a restaurant competition where the ones who can cook superbly, do everything right, do everything honestly and make brilliant progress (Nathan was a completely different person at the end) are left out in favour of people who just cannot be bothered cooking.

    Absolutely fixed, conning claptrap and I really wish I hadn't wasted so much time expecting it to be a fair competition. I won't be watching this rubbish again and as far as I'm concerned RB, Sarah and David have zero credibility left.

    Absolutely beautiful and spot on, You have summarised exactly how I feel. :D

    Seems we are not the only ones with this view, a quick look around the web showed me that by far the majority of people are absolutely disgusted with last nights winners.

    Raymond Blanc's reputation must have taken a hit with all this negativity.

    Oh and to add to your list of points...You mention about them ordering in the vegetables...I thought these guys were supposed to be business savvy? Wasn't one of the winning points their business savviness? Then how in hell can it be business savvy in any way, shape or form to incur extra costs by buying in vegetables..when the was a whole garden full of suitable stuff as Chris showed!!:mad:

    I would also question JJ's hygiene when cooking, dirty fingernails and floppy blonde hair not tied back is hardly hygienic.

    It just astounds me that this pair of blaggers and liars, whose concept didn't seem to work in operation in the actual services they did*, won.

    A major embarrassment for Raymond, Sarah and David.

    *As I recall their restaurant...people were waiting for hours without food, there was not enough room on the tables and the food was not up to scratch.
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    StrakerStraker Posts: 79,985
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    manc2008 wrote: »
    Yes, also it was the guests arriving late that messed that up, whereas the Winkers' problems were 100% their own making.

    How pathetic was it to see what turned out to be the winning "chef" :rolleyes: totally reliant on a recipe book to cook in the final and still mess it up?!? On this basis I can’t even see how Le Blank’s desperately feeble claim that "JJ can be taught" has any basis in fact.

    I wonder if Le Blank has really thought this through? Just on principle alone I would avoid eating at any of his restaurants or any places he even has a peripheral involvment with and I’d imagine a significant majority of people watching would feel the same.
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    linfranlinfran Posts: 5,607
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    dome wrote: »
    Sarah made that point.

    Sarah also spent most of the series appalled and angered by their blagging and cocky attitude. So suddenly she turned that on its head by saying they could think on their feet.

    It also took the last episode for RB to climb onto the "apprentice" wagon by saying he wasn't expecting the finished article.

    Something was fundamentally skewed with this series. Sadly it has gone the way of all reality shows by throwing up evermore bizarre acts for our entertainment.
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    iris_de_baumeiris_de_baume Posts: 461
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    breppo wrote: »
    Could it be that the "spec" was fabricated afterwards? To suit the inevitable (some say) pre-cooked outcome?
    To answer my own questions: YES!!!

    Ooh, I do love a good conspiracy theory. :D

    But wouldn't it have been easier to fabricate an intro which ended "... and if all else goes wrong, serve a cocktail"?
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 80
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    Helenaka wrote: »

    Oh and to add to your list of points...You mention about them ordering in the vegetables...I thought these guys were supposed to be business savvy? Wasn't one of the winning points their business savviness? Then how in hell can it be business savvy in any way, shape or form to incur extra costs by buying in vegetables..when the was a whole garden full of suitable stuff as Chris showed!!:mad:


    A garden full of free food? No thanks, we'll spend money instead.

    What amazing businessmen these guys are. :rolleyes:
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    iris_de_baumeiris_de_baume Posts: 461
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    Straker wrote: »
    ...Just on principle alone I would avoid eating at any of his restaurants or any places he even has a peripheral involvment with and I’d imagine a significant majority of people watching would feel the same.

    Yes, that ought to do the trick. :rolleyes:
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    stargazer61stargazer61 Posts: 71,000
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    Old Codger wrote: »
    A point Sarah made each week and yet last night was seen praising them to the hilt!

    I felt very sorry for Chris as you could see his desire to want it more, but did you see his face when he was told I thought he was going to floor RB.

    I'm sure I'm not the first to mention this but I suspect RB is probably more interested in an investment in a London bar those two numpties run than any concept they decided to come up with.A very disappointing outcome to what had previously been a great series. I doubt I'll be watching next year.

    Think you may be right!
    Read Raymonds blog.........what a load of .................bs!
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    StrakerStraker Posts: 79,985
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    manc2008 wrote: »

    A garden full of free food? No thanks, we'll spend money instead.

    What amazing businessmen these guys are. :rolleyes:

    Easily explained by JJ only being on passing acquaintance with what food actually looks like!

    The only way I’d consider going into business with those two twunts is to license their likenesses to use on those mole-bashing games you see in amusment arcades at the seaside. I could spend literally hours lamping the shit out of those smug chancers.
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    apaulapaul Posts: 9,846
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    But going into the garden to gather the produce might have involved some work.
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