
The Dumb Britain Thread On Digital Spy

HeadancerHeadancer Posts: 463
Forum Member
With more than a nod to a certain satirical magazine, I wondered if anybody is interested in mantaining a more comprehensive list on DS of "Dumb Britain".......

We could perhaps include a contestants thought logic as to how on earth they came up with their answer. Usually their dim conclusions generally add to the overall spectacular mood of total and abject dimness.....

Two gems appeared as ever, on last nights "In it to win it", a programme which never fails to provide a rich vein to tap into on a saturday night, (before its followed by the abject misery of casualty) !

I don't regard myself as interllectual or particulalry bright but I never cease to be amazed by the utter poverty of knowledge that some people display...! Especially when they go on national TV and do not appear to bat an eye lid when they confirm how thick they actually are
in front of a national audience!

It's usually some spotty nerd from university that gets tripped up with what I would have considered was a fairly elementary history question, but not so last night.

In one corner we had a Farrah Fawcett Majors granny with 62 years on the clock (...and some).

Opposition was provided by a budding scientist studying a PhD ....... although clearly the biology elements of her studies had not been covered in great detail as yet !

Q1) Which island was at the centre of a major missile crisis between the United States and the Soviet Union in 1962..... !

This was directed to our 62 year old who in her formative years must have been making buns in domestic science rather than studying political history, ok no probs with that !

... but how on earth could you then miss every single reference or anniversary in respect of this topic in the next 50 years ....... after an initial "hmmmm" followed by a less than reassuring "not sure on this one", we started to drift down an analysis based on the geography of an island equidistant between the two ......you could see the mind working heavy overtime as she concluded with a fair degree of optimism that it must be "Hawaii", yes thats Hawaii.....

I was only aghast that she did seem to actually know the general location of the US and Russia, well sort of, ..ish anyway !

In the other corner wearing the lab coat and holding a pipette, our budding scientist.

Dale was clearly swayed by a promise of clear interllect and initially swooned around her, sadly it would have been more enlightening to establish exactly how far along this course she actually was, she quickly proved not that far !

Q2) ...Which continent does the "Common Swift" migrate to.... South America, Africa, or Australia....two things appeared to totally flummox her here....the 1st being the term "migrate".

The second was "Common Swift" ......"Gawd I am not exactly sure what a Common Swift is.." she yellped.

Here she displayed a total inability to establish that migrate tends to refer to birds, insects and some form of sea life such as Killer Whales or Turtles !

At this point I was thinking God help us ! If this is the platform on which scienctists of tomorrow are perched I fear for the future of humanity !

..I did wonder if felt that the said "Common Swift" was infact some form of UK based land mammal, but if this was her conclusion, she seemed to fail to grasp how on earth it would actually migrate across the Channel anyway ?

"Channel Tunnel" , maybe, taking in a long week end at Euro Disney or how about the Portsmouth - Cherbourg Ferry.....

...suffice to say she missed the answer "Africa" by about 10,000 miles........

Rant Over....enjoy your week !


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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 25,310
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    My favourite still is Javine Hylton on "Celebrity Come Dine With Me" who called Donal McIntyre 'Donald'. When told it isn't Donald, there's no D in it, she said "Oh, is he called Onald?"

    She also thought Jan Leeming was going to be Chinese as in Jan Lee Ming and that Omar Sharif was a boxer.
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    TarotTarot Posts: 11,983
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    There was another one on In It To Win It last night when the guy said he knew a bit about Greek Gods..'like Thor' :)
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    BeethovensPianoBeethovensPiano Posts: 11,689
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    HAHA I was wondering if someone here would post about last nights in it to win it,
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 353
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    Headancer you are indeed a star and have brighened up my day! It's not just me then!

    This is a superb idea. I have found myself agog and aghast several times at "dumb Britain" and have to go for long walks in order to calm down. Since the medication seems to be working I cannot recall any gems at time of writing but I shall try and remember some.

    I, like you, do not hold myself in high rankings of intelligence but I do think there's some general knowledge that everyone should know!

    Well done! A superb thread!
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    gerry dgerry d Posts: 12,518
    Forum Member
    I own all 3 of the Dumb Britain books & they are funny.1 of my favourite answers i saw was in a clip show about daft answers & it came from the Weakset Link.

    Anne Robinson:Which member of the Royal Family appeared in the 200th edition of A Question Of Sport?.

    Contestant:Ricky Tomlinson

    The answer was Princess Anne.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 88
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    Perhaps we could start a thread called "Dumbest Thread on Digital Spy"??
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    BeethovensPianoBeethovensPiano Posts: 11,689
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    jockboy wrote: »
    Perhaps we could start a thread called "Dumbest Thread on Digital Spy"??

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    mustard99mustard99 Posts: 2,271
    Forum Member
    gerry d wrote: »
    I own all 3 of the Dumb Britain books & they are funny.1 of my favourite answers i saw was in a clip show about daft answers & it came from the Weakset Link.

    Anne Robinson:Which member of the Royal Family appeared in the 200th edition of A Question Of Sport?.

    Contestant:Ricky Tomlinson

    The answer was Princess Anne.

    PMSL. That is genius. :D

    Great thread.
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    JeffG1JeffG1 Posts: 15,377
    Forum Member
    gerry d wrote: »
    I own all 3 of the Dumb Britain books & they are funny.1 of my favourite answers i saw was in a clip show about daft answers & it came from the Weakset Link.

    Anne Robinson:Which member of the Royal Family appeared in the 200th edition of A Question Of Sport?.

    Contestant:Ricky Tomlinson

    The answer was Princess Anne.
    mustard99 wrote: »
    PMSL. That is genius. :D

    Great thread.

    I don't consider myself particularly dumb, but what am I missing here? I thought Princess Anne did appear on A Question of Sport (or maybe it was Zara Phillips?).
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    RooftopcowboyRooftopcowboy Posts: 7,252
    Forum Member
    Kelly Brook hosting a spelling contest on the Big Breakfast years ago was TV gold
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,425
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    JeffG1 wrote: »
    I don't consider myself particularly dumb, but what am I missing here? I thought Princess Anne did appear on A Question of Sport (or maybe it was Zara Phillips?).

    try reading it again?

    the answer WAS princess anne.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,425
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    OP, it's a lovely idea, but DS is possibly just a little too, ah, likely to end up contributing to the thread itself. :)
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    sheff71sheff71 Posts: 8,882
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    mustard99 wrote: »
    PMSL. That is genius. :D

    Great thread.

    Reminds me of TOTP in 1982, where Dexy's were playing "Jackie Wilson Said", and the person in charge of the big screen obviously misunderstood, and put up a huge picture of legendary Scottish darts player, Jocky Wilson... :D
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    dsimillerdsimiller Posts: 1,838
    Forum Member
    Agree with everything headancer says,but theres an equally good example of being brain dead on the new series of Coach Trip.One of these morons actually asked "Who fronted the Ist World War then".Priceless.
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    eugenespeedeugenespeed Posts: 66,695
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    sheff71 wrote: »
    Reminds me of TOTP in 1982, where Dexy's were playing "Jackie Wilson Said", and the person in charge of the big screen obviously misunderstood, and put up a huge picture of legendary Scottish darts player, Jocky Wilson... :D

    I think I heard down the line that that was an intentional joke as opposed to a mistake.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 25
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    Years ago I was playing Trivial Pursuit with a uni friend, and the question began with, 'Which one of the Beatles...'. My friend drew a blank, so we said, 'Take a guess, just pick one', to which she still was unable to offer any sort of answer!
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    MeldrewmanMeldrewman Posts: 3,696
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    I'm going to LOVE this thread! - Started my week off laughing!
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    KennyTKennyT Posts: 20,706
    Forum Member
    I didn't actually see this, but it sounds like a likely candidate for the "DS Darwin Awards":


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    ofniofni Posts: 3,398
    Forum Member
    Years ago I was playing Trivial Pursuit with a uni friend, and the question began with, 'Which one of the Beatles...'. My friend drew a blank, so we said, 'Take a guess, just pick one', to which she still was unable to offer any sort of answer!

    Questions CAN be tricky though. I was once asked a quiz question which began (I thought) "Which Beatle......?"

    My brain was instantly transferring my Fab Four knowledge out of backing store into main memory as the questioner went on ...

    "Which beetle ... was revered as a god in ancient Egypt?"

    My brain almost overheated as I stored away John, Paul, George and Ringo and went searching the Ancient Egypt folders for "scarab"!
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    Dai13371Dai13371 Posts: 8,071
    Forum Member
    Is is necessary for the contestants on In It To Win It to have to think out loud? It is spectacularly frustrating when said contestant has got it wrong but still insists on outlining their reasoning behind choosing that particular answer.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 25,310
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    Dai13371 wrote: »
    Is is necessary for the contestants on In It To Win It to have to think out loud? It is spectacularly frustrating when said contestant has got it wrong but still insists on outlining their reasoning behind choosing that particular answer.

    I believe they are told to do that.
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    sarahcssarahcs Posts: 8,734
    Forum Member
    I hate it on game shows when they go through each answer. It reminds me of Millionaire. I always wanted the conversation to go like this:

    "I'm going for A: Tutti Frutti."
    "Why do you think that?"
    "Because it's the answer".

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    jake lylejake lyle Posts: 6,146
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    My personal favourite was the woman on IN it to win it who thought that the first lady of the USA was called Mary Obama
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 25,310
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    jake lyle wrote: »
    My personal favourite was the woman on IN it to win it who thought that the first lady of the USA was called Mary Obama

    Was she the one who said she had gone the programme to prove to everybody she was more than a just a good looking dumb blonde and then got every question wrong?
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    jake lylejake lyle Posts: 6,146
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    vidalia wrote: »
    Was she the one who said she had gone the programme to prove to everybody she was more than a just a good looking dumb blonde and then got every question wrong?

    I think she was a brunette, it was the episode from about 3 weeks ago where all the contestants were pretty thick.I think the blonde may have been in that episode though.
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