
Your fave F.R.I.E.N.D.S lines



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    Brummie Girl Brummie Girl Posts: 23,081
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    nathlee wrote: »
    Salmon Skin Roll. Swiss Roll gives it a whole other meaning - probably something Rachel would make, like her Shepherd's Pie-Trifle :D

    LOL :D:D:D
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,360
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    sarahcs wrote: »
    "Ross, isn't that how they measure pants?"
    "Yes, yes it is. IN PRISON!"

    This is my favourite line ever. :D:D:D

    Two stick out for me:

    1. The right phalange on the plane isn't working, air hostess replies 'there is no phalange on the plane, passenger 'there's no phalanges on the plane' and they all get off.

    2. Phoebe did you say your aunt's name was Nestle Tollhouse?

    The actor is excellent.
    When Ross has bought a new couch and trying to get it into his apartment and is shouting 'PIVOT! PIVOT! PIVOT! - cracks me up everytime.

    Also the episode when Joey learns french is hilarious.
    The one where Rachel & Phoebe find out about Chandler & Monica and are thinking of playing a trick on them, Joey is in the room:

    Either Rachel or Phoebe says to the other: They don't know that we know that they know that we know and Joey you can't say anything either.
    Joey (looking puzzled): Even if I wanted to

    This is good too.

    One of my favs is when Rachel is dating Ross lookalike Russ. Monica says "They're as different as night.......and later that night." Makes me chuckle ;)
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    robbies_galrobbies_gal Posts: 32,226
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    TOW Ross Got High has to have one of my favourite Friends moments in it - the tattle tale scene.

    Monica: Mom, Ross smoked pot in college
    Ross: Oh you're such a little tattle tale!
    Monica: And Dad, remember that mail man you got fired. He didn't steal your playboys, Ross did!
    Ross: Well Hurricaine Gloria didn't break the porch swing, Monica did!
    Monica: Ross hasn't worked at the museum in a year!
    Ross: Monica and Chandler are living together!
    Monica: Ross married Rachel in Vegas and got divorced - AGAIN!
    Rachel: Oh I wasn't supposed to put beef in the trifle
    Phoebe: I'm in love with Jacques Cousteau!
    Judy [Geller]: Oh thats a lot of information to take in in 30 seconds.

    Makes me laugh every time! :D

    EDIT: Seems the poster above me bet me to mentioning this episode. I didn't even see that post either. 10 years of Friends episodes and I manage to post about an episode right underneath a similar post! :p

    Also the one where Rachel plans on quitting her job just before she meets Joshua.

    Rachel [on phone]: Monica, I'm quitting! I just helped an 81 year old woman put on a thong and she didn't even buy it!

    lol it jsut means we have good taste i love that when theyre all saying theyre pieces judys face is classic
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    bad-beatbad-beat Posts: 1,847
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    Not a line but definately one of my favourite credits-scenes.
    Chandler and Phoebe Singing

    Oh and this scene. Still has me in stitches
    Chandler singing
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    LoonLoon Posts: 3,282
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    Flaxseed wrote: »
    My fave bit there is where Joey and Rachel are talking and it goes something like:
    Rachel: Do you know something?
    Joey: I might know something, do you know something?
    Rachel: I might know something, tell me what you know and i'll tell you what i know.
    Joey: [pauses] You dont know!

    Joeys line at the end is so funny!!!

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vRSi_9w8J50 here is the clip, 2 mins 10 seconds into the clip is the bit i love!! :D

    1:29 is the best!
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 7,173
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    joey: you hide my clothes, i'm gonna do the opposite to you!!
    chandler: you're gonna... show me my clothes?
    joey: opposite!!!!
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,003
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    "His name's not, like, Phil Spiderman!"

    Or something. A genius moment in a thoroughly average show. Apart from the first season, which was actually good.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,255
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    Eddie: I'm a dehydrating maniac!

    Love Eddie, all his lines are hilarious.
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    PuddleduckPuddleduck Posts: 1,295
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    Monica : So Amy, is this the first time you've seen Emma?
    Amy : I think so, nice to meet you Emma.
    Phoebe : PHOE-BE!
    Amy : Ooh! That's a funny noise!
    Amy : I think I would change her name, I'm not a big fan of Emily.
    Ross : Emma.
    Amy : Emma, Ross want you.
    Phoebe : PHOE-BE!
    Amy : Why does she keep making that noise?
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    loddellboshloddellbosh Posts: 5,322
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    Ross: Hey guys, does anybody know a good date place in the neighbourhood?
    Joey: How about Tony's? If you can finish a 32 ounce steak, it's free.
    Ross: OK, ahem, hey, does anybody know a good place if you're not dating a puma?
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    javjamoll84javjamoll84 Posts: 15,249
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    In the episode with Mac and Cheese (which is also on just now) where Pheobe decides to write another book.

    Pheobe: Marsha and Chester are mad at Phillis.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,738
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    When Rachel's down in the dumps, Phoebe goes to her, rubs her head and says "Awww, Phoebes"

    Rachel looks puzzled, "Phoebe, that's your name"

    Phoebe - "That's short for Phoebe? I thought that's just what we called each other" lol
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    semimintedsemiminted Posts: 3,354
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    Rachel to Ross [big row]

    "its not that common, it dosent happen to every guy, and it IS A BIG DEAL !!"

    Chandler: "i knew it!"
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,738
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    Puddleduck wrote: »
    Monica : So Amy, is this the first time you've seen Emma?
    Amy : I think so, nice to meet you Emma.
    Phoebe : PHOE-BE!
    Amy : Ooh! That's a funny noise!
    Amy : I think I would change her name, I'm not a big fan of Emily.
    Ross : Emma.
    Amy : Emma, Ross want you.
    Phoebe : PHOE-BE!
    Amy : Why does she keep making that noise?

    Love that episode! Christina Applegate is fantastic.

    After hearing that Monica and Chandler will be Emma's godparent -

    Amy (To Rachel) -"What? you guys die and I don't get your baby? Who has to die before I get your baby?!" lol
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    PimpurlPimpurl Posts: 491
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    Joey: Mmm, noodle soup!


    Ross: What is Joey's favorite food?

    Monica: Sandwiches!
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    ktbeevsktbeevs Posts: 38
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    Ross - 'PIVOT!'

    Janice - 'Haaaappppy Valentines Daaaaay!'

    And (I can't remember the exact words but:) tow Monica, Chandler and Ross are bickering and Chandler kissed a 'guuuy', Ross entered a Vanilla Ice contest and won, (Ross came third and cried) and Monica ate all the pasta off her jewellrey box when she was sent to her room. I am laughing as I type this.

    There are so many, loads have been mentioned already but these are the ones that get me everytime.:)
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 843
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    Rachel: Oh okay, i went to the zoo today, now i'm a koala bear!
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    tabithakittentabithakitten Posts: 13,892
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    Just a couple from characters outside the "six"...

    From the end of the first "Barbados" ep when Mike has just interrupted David's proposal

    Mike: Hi Chandler, Hi Mon... oh!
    Monica: IT'S THE HUMIDITY!

    From Chandler and Monica's wedding when Joey hoists a drunken Gary Oldman into a fireman's lift
    Gary O: Is that my arse?

    From "The One After Ross Says Rachel" when Tom Conti and Jennifer Saunders are commiserating with Ross in Emily's room

    Tom C (to Jennifer S): Come on buggerface. You spend half your life in the bathroom, why do you never go out the bloody window?

    And finally because I can't mention favourite lines without including Chandler somewhere, in the one where Chandler has just moved in with Monica and tries to clean the appartment and she shows up just as he realises he has to get the place back exactly as it was

    Chandler: You can't come in here.
    Monica: Why not?
    Chandler: Because Ross is naked!
    Ross looks aggrieved/confused.
    Chandler: Well I couldn't say that I was naked because she's allowed to see me naked!
    Ross: Why does anyone have to be naked?
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    Forum Member
    I like the one where Monica and Phoebe are arguing over Phoebe playing music outside Monica's restaurant and it's all about Garlic.

    Monica: (About Phoebe singing) Thank God it's just you! I thought someone was swinging a bag of cats against the wall!

    Phoebe: You'd better get back in that kitchen, Monica. The garlic's not gonna overuse itself

    Monica: Have you ever heard of a key? That's what some people sing in.

    Phoebe: Well at least all my songs don't taste like garlic!

    Monica: You know what, you keep playing. Because when your singing drives people inside, my bar sales will increase.

    Phoebe: Oh, what are they having, the garlic martini?

    And at Phoebe's wedding rehearsal and she's had enough of Monica controlling everything and she goes


    I love the way it's delivered. I love the whole scene but that's the best part.

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    Forum Member
    Posting so my above post shows.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 368
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    Just reading some of these lines is making me laugh!

    One of favourites, which hasn't been mentioned is when joey is talking to someone who says they don't have a tv.

    Joey: YOU DON'T HAVE A TV! so what does all your furniture point to?!?

    I use that line whenever soemone says they don't have a tv!
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    Forum Member
    I love it when Phoebe, Joey and Ross say 'My Scones' in unison when they're making fun of Chandler.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 160
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    When Monica and Rachel are fighting and Phoebe grabs their ears and says "If we were in prison right now, you would be my bitches" - Love it!!
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    Pistol WhipPistol Whip Posts: 9,677
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    Ross: Stupid balls are in the way.
    Phoebe (stroking the pool table felt): Ross, you're right, I don't know why I always thought this was real grass!
    Fat Monica: Rachel, nothing you say is going to convince me that it's OK to cheat on your husband!
    Rachel: Oh what do you know, virgin!
    "I am Bea, I drink tea, won't you dance around with me." :D
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    nathleenathlee Posts: 413
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    Pheobe, when Rachel's friends are in Cental Perk. "ooh I have elbows... Aaaahhhh!"
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