
How do you explain this UFO?....



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    GneissGneiss Posts: 14,555
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    wsmansem wrote: »
    The problem I have with UFO's and ghosts etc etc ... is that even though virtually every person in the World has access to either a camera or a mobile phone camera /video YET there is still not ONE SINGLE, confirmed sighting of a UFO or Ghost or anything else considered weird or wonderful !!

    I think the truth is that some just want to believe it, nothing wrong with that per se.. but I do wish they wouldn't contrive to make the facts fit the theory, because that's just not what research and real science is about.
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    Forum Member
    wsmansem wrote: »
    The problem I have with UFO's and ghosts etc etc ... is that even though virtually every person in the World has access to either a camera or a mobile phone camera /video YET there is still not ONE SINGLE, confirmed sighting of a UFO or Ghost or anything else considered weird or wonderful !!

    Go to youtube search, UFO, OR ghost, and I think you just might notice there is no shortage of videos or photos on these topics,
    authenticity, however, is another matter,
    however, there ARE plenty of "UFO" videos and photographs that have been examined by 'experts' who have concluded that the video or photo does not appear to have been tampered with,
    but what the video or photo is OF, is another area of debate,

    I mean, they may agree that, yes, it IS a video of a strange object or light in the sky, but does this then prove that it's a spaceship from another planet?
    all it "proves" is that, there is something in the video that is hard to explain easily.
    For every video that one expert says is unexplained, there will be another expert who says they can explain it,
    and vice versa,
    and so it goes,
    the fact is even if an "alien spaceship DID land on the whitehouse lawn live on sky news there are plenty of people out there who would say it was fake,

    there are people, for instance, who believe that NO planes flew into the twin towers, and that it was all done with hollographic projection with the co-operation of the news media. there are lots of web sites that support this idea,

    with todays digital technology one thing we can say for sure is that,
    the camera most certainly DOES lie.
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    SunnierSunnier Posts: 850
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    paulbrock wrote: »
    It does also, of course, make no suggestion that UFOs are extra-terrestrial in nature. I can understand why an Air Force would be concerned about unidentified objects in their airspace, particularly at the height of the Cold War.
    Some,probably most,commentators thought differently!

    Here's another important comment on this topic,..

    Lord Hill-Norton is a five-star Admiral and the former Head of the British Ministry of Defence who was kept in the dark about the UFO subject during his official capacities. In this short interview, he states that this subject has great significance and should no longer be denied and kept secret. He emphatically states, “…that there is a serious possibility that we are being visited — and have been visited for many years — by people from outer space, from other civilizations; that it behooves us to find out who they are, where they come from, and what they want. This should be the subject of rigorous scientific investigation, and not the subject of rubbishing by tabloid newspapers.”

    An interesting point of view! :)
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    wsmansemwsmansem Posts: 1,977
    Forum Member
    It would need ONE photo or video to be 100% confirmed by the authorities , it would then be all over Sky News ALL DAY but every channel would be showing it and evry newspaper etc .

    I just don't think there's ANYTHING out there to be honest .
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    SigurdSigurd Posts: 26,610
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    Sunnier wrote: »
    Some,probably most,commentators thought differently!

    Here's another important comment on this topic,..

    Lord Hill-Norton is a five-star Admiral and the former Head of the British Ministry of Defence who was kept in the dark about the UFO subject during his official capacities. In this short interview, he states that this subject has great significance and should no longer be denied and kept secret. He emphatically states, “…that there is a serious possibility that we are being visited — and have been visited for many years — by people from outer space, from other civilizations; that it behooves us to find out who they are, where they come from, and what they want. This should be the subject of rigorous scientific investigation, and not the subject of rubbishing by tabloid newspapers.”

    An interesting point of view! :)
    Sounds like an American report, that one, since we don't have five-star admirals or generals in this country though they do in the U.S. Hill-Norton wasn't "Head of the British Ministry of Defence" either, though he was Chief of the Defence Staff, which isn't quite the same thing. Nevertheless, he did hold extremely prominent positions in the navy and in NATO:


    The event that seems to have particularly interested Hill-Norton was the Rendlesham Forest Incident in December 1980:


    At first the incident seems cast-iron evidence of a UFO landing, but the more one reads about it the less clear-cut it seems.
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    SunnierSunnier Posts: 850
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    Had a quick look at the Rendlesham Forest incident,this comment is very telling imo,in bold are interesting comments!...

    ""Two nights later, the UFO returned. The Deputy Base Commander, Lt Col Charles Halt, was informed and together with a small group of men went out into the forest to investigate. As they progressed, radio communications were subjected to interference and powerful mobile generators (called light-alls) that Halt had brought to illuminate the forest began to cut out. Despite his initial plan to “debunk” the UFO sighting, Halt and his team then encountered the UFO, which at one point fired beams of light down at his party and at the Woodbridge facility. "Here I am, a senior official who routinely denies this sort of thing and diligently works to debunk them, and I'm involved in the middle of something I can't explain", he subsequently commented.""

    'and diligently works to debunk them'~By saying this everyone can see how the subject is approached officially.

    See,.. http://www.nickpope.net/rendlesham-forest.htm
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    SigurdSigurd Posts: 26,610
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    There's a detailed analysis of the Rendlesham Forest UFO case here:


    I can't say I've done much more than glance at the website, but I think the gist of it is this. "Shortly before 3 am on December 26 an exceptionally brilliant meteor, almost as bright as the full Moon, had been seen over southern England." This gave the American airmen the impression that something might have crashed into the forest. The pulsing light they saw apparently hovering above the area was the Orford Ness lighthouse, which flashes every five seconds. The landing marks that were reported as being in a triangular formation were in fact rabbit diggings and weren't in a triangle. "The 'burn marks' on the trees were axe cuts in the bark, made by the foresters themselves as a sign that the trees were ready to be felled." Any radiation recorded "would be expected from natural sources of radiation such as cosmic rays and the Earth itself. In short, there was no unusual radiation at the site."

    (Quotations above taken from Ridpath's article on the incident.)

    I'd suggest that anyone interested in the incident should spend some time reading what Ridpath has to say about it. There may have been a genuine sighting of some extraterrestrial craft, but I think that's very dubious.
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    wildmovieguywildmovieguy Posts: 8,342
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    Well why has the Government never came out and admitted them or said they are silly and there is no such thing as ETs? Over 80% of America believe they are not being told the truth and i don't believe we are either. I go by the hundreds of men and women who work in our military who say they have seen craft do things that no man made craft can do. They work in the military and they do built secret craft so they know what their capable of and if they say their doing things that WE can't do then the only explanation is they are from off planet.

    If you seek out or listen to certain people they will tell you that our militarys are working with ET's and they have back engineered the technology. They know exactly how flying saucers work now and have been building them since the 50's. E.Ts can come from different dimensions. The human being cannot do this. When they travel from planet to planet they don't flying around in a disc, they just change dimension. One second they are there and the next they are gone. The human eye can only see things that reflect light. You only see what is around you because light touches it. Even in the pitch black light is there. You don't know what else is around you or beside you or what this world really looks like because your human brain is only tuned into a small number of senses and the human brain can only see so much. This is all scientific fact, no mumbo jumbo from a crazy person which i'm sure you all think i am.

    We have men and women in our military telling us we are 1,000 years ahead in technology from what we think we are. Yes most of these UFOs are man made....that's because we back engineered them from the real things! But don't sit inside your little box and assume that we don't have visitors in this planet. You have 50+ years of Governments refusing to even acknowledge this stuff. Many people have died because they have opened their mouths and those that control this world are loosing their grip. These saucers fly using the energy sources around us. That means we don't need oil or electricity. We don't need technologies that are 100 years old but their not gonna let you use them. Their not gonna allow you to use transport or power your house or heating for free and imagine the outrage when they do acknowledge off world intelligence? No one will trust any government. The power is gone. Money right now is worthless anyway and when the truth does come out we will have a huge wake up call on earth. I can't wait for a time when no one works and money is nothing. Everyone just enjoys life and e start using technologies that don't harm the planet or us. We can live healthy lives. We can learn about who we really are, not some Bible or Kraan. Learn who we REALLY are, learn about other people on other planets. I think it will happen within 10 years.

    But of course don't expect any President or Prime Minister to disclose anything. Their just puppets. They don't control anything and they do what their told to do. Disclosure is here and it is everywhere. It's in your movies, your TV programs, every day there are stories in the newspapers about sightings, on TV it is no longer ridiculed and treated as being silly. It's done on a subliminal level and when people do find out it won't be a shock to them. The idea that we share space with other people and lifeforms wont be shocking for them. A lot of people are waking up now anyway. Their looking around them, looking at life, looking at their Governments, looking at their quality of life and they know somethings not right. They can tell something is wrong. They might not have an answer for what it is but they know it's not meant to be this way. People work to live. That's not a life, it's an existence. That's no life at all and it's the way it is because people allow it. I wish people would fight back. None of you know what real freedom is.
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    Forum Member
    wsmansem wrote: »
    It would need ONE photo or video to be 100% confirmed by the authorities , it would then be all over Sky News ALL DAY but every channel would be showing it and evry newspaper etc .

    I just don't think there's ANYTHING out there to be honest .

    In a universe of uncountable galaxies with each galaxy having billions of stars and almost every star having it's own planetary system,
    You beileve there is no other life out there? and this insignificant nothing special star in an insignificant nothing special galaxy is the ONLY star in the entire vast universe to have a planet that has evolved "intelligent" life!!
    WOW that is just impossible quite frankly,

    one thing we DO know from what we see on our own speck of cosmic dust, is that given the slightest opportunity life WILL occur,
    from the depths of the deepest oceans where volcanic steamers vent hot gasses where the sun never reaches and at temperatures that would boil the skin from your bones in seconds, and the pressure would crush you flat,
    to the coldest most inhospitable places imaginable life WILL get a foothold given the slightest chance,

    I would suggest that the universe is bursting with life, and that intelligent life is very common,

    WE have existed as a species for something like 4-6 million years, in a universe that is at least many billions of years old, and only in the past 2-300 years have we accepted that the universe does not revolve around us,
    only in the last hundred years have we even had the technology to study deep space, and only in the last 50 years have we begun to seriously consider the possibility of life elsewhere, or to have the technology capable of looking for said life,

    other "intelligent" could be so far futher up the "evolutionary ladder" that,
    A/ we wouldn't recognise it as 'life' (it's life Jim, but not as we know it)
    or, B/ they wouldn't regard US as "intelligent" life,(in the same way we dont think of ants as "intelligent" life even though they have a structured "society")

    or, B/ they could be behind us in terms of technology and therefore undetectable to us,
    or, most probably a mixture of all those things,

    any 'advanced' intelligence that WAS aware of us might well consider us unworthy of "contact" and to be avoided at all cost,
    Who knows we might have some huge intergalactic billboard at the edge of our solar system saying "CAUTION WORK IN PROGRESS DO NOT DISTURB"
    or "DANGER primitive aggressive life form enter at your own risk"
    Most if not all, of the worlds leading astronomers and cosmologists believe that it is a certainty that there IS life "out there" and that there must be intelligent life as well.
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    wildmovieguywildmovieguy Posts: 8,342
    Forum Member
    Money rules this world. We're too busy killing each other and thinking about ourselves to bother about trying to leave the actual planet and see what is out there. You never wondered why man hasn't been on the moon recently? The powers that be know exactly what is out there and it wouldn't surprise me if THEY, the intelligent life out there won't allow us to go to the moon anymore or anywhere else for that matter until we have good intentions. Right now we just pollute the planet, kill each other, abuse each other and take what we can get. So we're stuck here. Maybe that is why the military doesn't reveal all this anti gravity technology. Maybe they know people's natural instinct is to abuse it and try and 'leave' the planet which the ETs simply wont allow.
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    SunnierSunnier Posts: 850
    Forum Member
    Here's another inexplicable appearance in the sky and once again it's in China(Leshan City),..


    ""At dusk about 8 pm, three "suns" suddenly appeared and illuminated the sky above Leshan City, Sichuan Province, lasting for about 10 minutes on July 26, Sichuan News reported.

    "This remains a mystery and needs a comprehensive analysis," said Professor Wang Sichao, a researcher of the Purple Mountain Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

    The "suns" attracted plenty of attention. According to photographer Lu Shan, the objects first appeared in the west. After about ten minutes, the objects moved northward and their diameter gradually narrowed.""

    Wonder what these objects are?
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    wildmovieguywildmovieguy Posts: 8,342
    Forum Member
    Oh i'm sure someone here will have a 'witty' explanation for it.
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    MoonyMoony Posts: 15,093
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    Sunnier wrote: »
    Here's another inexplicable appearance in the sky and once again it's in China(Leshan City),..

    The obvious explaination would be a mirage. Problem is - the photo isnt clear enough to make a detailed analysis.
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    Jennifer JayneJennifer Jayne Posts: 9,022
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    I would say it was taken through a double glazed window and the image was reflected. creating
    1. a light inside.
    2. the 2nd light image created by the outer piece of glass.
    3. the 3rd light image created by the inner piece of glass.
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