
Stacey - silent assassin



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    EvilLlamaThingyEvilLlamaThingy Posts: 6,667
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    Caz42 wrote: »
    Didn't we all have a sunny outlook on life at 21 !

    I'm 18 and one of my most frequently listened to songs is "Mad World" =P
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 68,508
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    Caz42 wrote: »
    Didn't we all have a sunny outlook on life at 21 !

    Hell no. Are you mad? 21 is the prime age for dressing from head to toe in black, reading unspeakable books by people like Jean Genet and listening to Lou Reed's worst albums on auto-repeat. (Possibly not Metal Machine Music, come to think of it. ) And for waking up in the morning with an empty wine bottle at your feet and a cold kebab in your pocket. I don't think the sun even peeped out from behind the clouds until I was 30.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 277
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    Stacy is utterly guileless. There's nothing more or less to her than what you see.
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    cavallicavalli Posts: 18,738
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    Floh wrote: »
    What? More depth to be as miserable as sin?

    Miserable as sin for the win!
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 98
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    she wouldn't have the intelligence 2 be that clever!
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 14
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    hadn't really noticed her rack before the pie trial

    staceys rack + kaylas arse = perfection :)
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    cavallicavalli Posts: 18,738
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    JPickford wrote: »
    Stacy is utterly guileless. There's nothing more or less to her than what you see.

    Gormless more like. Whatever a 'gorm' is, I've never been too sure :confused:
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    DamandaDamanda Posts: 34,208
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    I cant understand how anyone who is with her for more than 15 minutes doesnt tell her to shut up.
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    lulu glulu g Posts: 52,691
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    Floh wrote: »
    What? More depth to be as miserable as sin?
    No, that's really not what I was suggesting at all, but many 21-year-olds have more depth than Stacey (as pleasant and inoffensive as she may be on a superficial level). There is more to life for some people, even at 21, than acting ditzy and permanently cheery and lightweight. Many people even at 21 have the capacity to feel things, both positive and negative, strongly and to be deeply affected by them. Most people at 21 are not (or do not pretend to be) perpetually cheery and upbeat and dopey.
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    CressidaCressida Posts: 3,218
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    lulu g wrote: »
    No, that's really not what I was suggesting at all, but many 21-year-olds have more depth than Stacey (as pleasant and inoffensive as she may be on a superficial level). There is more to life for some people, even at 21, than acting ditzy and permanently cheery and lightweight. Many people even at 21 have the capacity to feel things, both positive and negative, strongly and to be deeply affected by them. Most people at 21 are not (or do not pretend to be) perpetually cheery and upbeat and dopey.

    Good for Stacey that she is so remarkably cheerful as she seems to be popular in camp and on the outside too. She's my favourite young person in there, Aggro much as he seemed a polite boy that was it and Kayla doesn't seem to have much about her although she knew how old Hugh Hefner was but unfortunmately she cries too.
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    lulu glulu g Posts: 52,691
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    Cressida wrote: »
    Good for Stacey that she is so remarkably cheerful as she seems to be popular in camp and on the outside too. She's my favourite young person in there, Aggro much as he seemed a polite boy that was it and Kayla doesn't seem to have much about her although she knew how old Hugh Hefner was but unfortunmately she cries too.
    I do get that some people admire (apparent) cheerfulness more than I do, and it does indeed seem that people find Stacey inoffensive and, probably because she talks like an imbecile, surprisingly (reasonably) bright. In The X Factor I liked her singing voice a lot, but I really can't be doing with that intensively irritating speaking voice and persona that she has adopted.
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    CressidaCressida Posts: 3,218
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    lulu g wrote: »
    I do get that some people admire (apparent) cheerfulness more than I do, and it does indeed seem that people find Stacey inoffensive and, probably because she talks like an imbecile, surprisingly (reasonably) bright. In The X Factor I liked her singing voice a lot, but I really can't be doing with that intensively irritating speaking voice and persona that she has adopted.

    Stacey has taken part in the tasks and displayed great team spirit and seems to be enjoying her experience in there. She does it wih a smile on her face but if she were just fluffy and did nothing much at all she'd be called Kayla.
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    DarcyprincessDarcyprincess Posts: 25,693
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    fefster wrote: »
    Something I posted on another thread but I think she really set Dom up with that question "do you think I'm middle class"

    The answer is obviously 'no' and poor Dom fell right into the trap and is being slated now.

    I think she's a very clever and manipulative girl

    I dont agree, I dont think that Stacey has a manipulative bone in her body. I think that she is quite a amazing young girl and I really hope that she wins to giver herself and her little boy a great future!

    As for Dom, he is just a whingey old man and not a nice one at that!
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    FringoFringo Posts: 7,995
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    Hell no. Are you mad? 21 is the prime age for dressing from head to toe in black, reading unspeakable books by people like Jean Genet and listening to Lou Reed's worst albums on auto-repeat. (Possibly not Metal Machine Music, come to think of it. ) And for waking up in the morning with an empty wine bottle at your feet and a cold kebab in your pocket. I don't think the sun even peeped out from behind the clouds until I was 30.

    Yep - that was me at 21.
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    FringoFringo Posts: 7,995
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    lulu g wrote: »
    No, that's really not what I was suggesting at all, but many 21-year-olds have more depth than Stacey (as pleasant and inoffensive as she may be on a superficial level). There is more to life for some people, even at 21, than acting ditzy and permanently cheery and lightweight. Many people even at 21 have the capacity to feel things, both positive and negative, strongly and to be deeply affected by them. Most people at 21 are not (or do not pretend to be) perpetually cheery and upbeat and dopey.

    Who are you to say that she doesn't feel deeply? When has that been expressed? Being positive about things doesn't automatically mean she's thick and have no depth.

    She's definitely not stupid - any camp mate has said that - in fact she can be alarmingly astute but she deals with things without artifice. That's not a bad trait.

    Being positive and optimistic is how she copes with things but why would that be negative? Some people are genuinely sweet and good and obviously that doesn't mean they don't get emotion
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 706
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    anyone slagging stacey off, blow it up ur ass, i bet shes a 100 times the person you are

    beautiful inside and out

    get over it
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    FlohFloh Posts: 4,999
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    lulu g wrote: »
    No, that's really not what I was suggesting at all, but many 21-year-olds have more depth than Stacey (as pleasant and inoffensive as she may be on a superficial level). There is more to life for some people, even at 21, than acting ditzy and permanently cheery and lightweight. Many people even at 21 have the capacity to feel things, both positive and negative, strongly and to be deeply affected by them. Most people at 21 are not (or do not pretend to be) perpetually cheery and upbeat and dopey.

    But she's appearing on an entertainment show. Why would she want to be all angsty and stroppy, or talking about deep stuff? She knows the type audiences the show is getting in the main. If she were under the impression intellectuals would be watching maybe she'd be more likely to go into depth and maybe she has for the show is quite manipulated as to whom the producers favour and the scenes shown for reasons of advertising revenue. They don't have a live feed.

    She successfully argued the case for the rational publications such as Hello exist and why. I think she would be able to hold her own in other such arguments too, but if those discussions have occurred ITV have chosen not to air them.

    ITV know the audiences they're attracting too.
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    NightFallsNightFalls Posts: 8,596
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    Cressida wrote: »
    Stacey has taken part in the tasks and displayed great team spirit and seems to be enjoying her experience in there. She does it wih a smile on her face but if she were just fluffy and did nothing much at all she'd be called Kayla.

    Oh so true! Stacey is worth 20 of Kayla. Kaylas voice does my head in more than Staceys every could.
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    FlohFloh Posts: 4,999
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    I believe ITV are lining Stacey up to be a presenter in the future. They gave her a small job on the Xtra Factor interviewing. I think producers got to know her when she was on the X Factor and found her pleasant to work with. There was a reason she was invited onto I'm a Celeb. I'm very pleased for her. I wish she were able to follow her love of singing more, but being in with ITV will help her immensely in furthering her career on television. People like working with nice people and she's nice people all the way.
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    JTWJTW Posts: 41,922
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    Floh wrote: »
    I believe ITV are lining Stacey up to be a presenter in the future. They gave her a small job on the Xtra Factor interviewing. I think producers got to know her when she was on the X Factor and found her pleasant to work with. There was a reason she was invited onto I'm a Celeb. I'm very pleased for her. I wish she were able to follow her love of singing more, but being in with ITV will help her immensely in furthering her career on television. People like working with nice people and she's nice people all the way.

    Yeah...they should just have had her in the jungle and called it "I'm Stacey Get Me In There"

    But then again, they needed Joe Public's cash to assist in platforming that new show or new album that she'll be bringing out. :rolleyes:
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    ArtoisArtois Posts: 3,604
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    Sweet FA wrote: »
    I doubt she understands how the classes are defined let alone being clever enough to be a silent assassin. It was an innocent question although she may well have been fishing for a compliment. Dom on the other hand is a tw*t who isn't even one-tenth as funny or intelligent as he thinks he is.

    I don't like the super arrogant way he said "...er....no" like it was obvious and he was superior to her. There are lots of ways he could have responded.
    Actually she is probably in this day and age considered lower middle class. He on the other hand seems to think he is of a higher class than he is, and I'm sure there would be plenty of folk ready to sit on him for his pretensions if they were there: i.e the HON Nigel Havers, whom I'm sure would have been far more courteous in response..
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    lulu glulu g Posts: 52,691
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    Artois wrote: »
    I don't like the super arrogant way he said "...er....no" like it was obvious and he was superior to her. There are lots of ways he could have responded.
    Actually she is probably in this day and age considered lower middle class. He on the other hand seems to think he is of a higher class than he is, and I'm sure there would be plenty of folk ready to sit on him for his pretensions if they were there: i.e the HON Nigel Havers, whom I'm sure would have been far more courteous in response..
    What do you think Nigel would have said?
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    ArtoisArtois Posts: 3,604
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    lulu g wrote: »
    What do you think Nigel would have said?

    Something like "you've got plenty of class dahling" lol.

    The point really was that if Dom is goingto be so sneery (as I saw it) about someone's class he ought to remember that there's always someone "classier" than you.
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    FlohFloh Posts: 4,999
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    JTW wrote: »
    Yeah...they should just have had her in the jungle and called it "I'm Stacey Get Me In There"

    But then again, they needed Joe Public's cash to assist in platforming that new show or new album that she'll be bringing out. :rolleyes:

    I think you just coined a great idea for a show for her in the future: "I'm Stacey Get Me in There" would be so much fun if she were to be taken around the world and placed in different situations. And I really, really hope someone will invest in an album for her because she does have a beautiful voice.

    I keep up with my hopes she really does win the title Queen of the Jungle tomorrow.
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    CranberryappleCranberryapple Posts: 12,723
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    Hell no. Are you mad? 21 is the prime age for dressing from head to toe in black, reading unspeakable books by people like Jean Genet and listening to Lou Reed's worst albums on auto-repeat. (Possibly not Metal Machine Music, come to think of it. ) And for waking up in the morning with an empty wine bottle at your feet and a cold kebab in your pocket. I don't think the sun even peeped out from behind the clouds until I was 30.
    Be a bit hard to do this with a toddler running around.
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