
Top 5 shows of 2010

kearneykidkearneykid Posts: 55
Forum Member
With Digital Spy posting their top 25 shows of 2010, thought it would be nice to list our own top 5 shows of the year (thought 25 might be a bit too much), and our reasons for liking them.

Mines would be:
5 - Doctor Who. Thought Matt Smith did a brillant job of taking over from David Tennant, and rather controversially, I actually prefer him too. Sure there were a couple of dud episodes, but all in all, I was pleasantly impressed and am looking forward to the 2011 series.

4 - Lost. I was happy with the way the show ended, even though it didn't answer all the questions, and do actually miss it now the new season has started

3 - Modern Family. This show makes me laugh from start to finish, and am hoping it is around for a long time to come

2 - Pretty Little Liars - My guilty pleasure of 2010. It may seem like a show for teenage girls (and probably is), but it has some great storylines, and the main mystery of who A is puts many other network shows to shame (I'm looking at you The Event)

1 - The Walking Dead. I have to agree with Digital Spy that The Walking Dead has been the best show of 2010. Impressed me on so many levels, I can't wait for the 2nd season.


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    RebelScumRebelScum Posts: 16,008
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    1. Lost
    2. Dexter
    3. True Blood
    4. The Pacific
    5. Curb Your Enthusiasm
    (Futurama just missing out)
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    SWW (SWW)SWW (SWW) Posts: 23,514
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    1. Dexter
    2. LOST
    3. Curb Your Enthusiasm
    4. Fringe
    5. ...can't think of any other 2010 aired show that I can rate!
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    StarryNightStarryNight Posts: 7,289
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    Doctor Who
    Peep Show
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    Chris_TVChris_TV Posts: 4,039
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    1. Lost
    2, Breaking Bad
    3. True Blood
    4. Fringe
    5. Doctor Who
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    Miss HavershamMiss Haversham Posts: 877
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    All US Pace!

    (1) Supernatural - great season, love Sam & Dean and especially Castiel
    (2) Dexter - loved the interaction with the new character
    (3) Human Target - just got into this show and love the pacing
    (4) Fringe - found new ways to boggle the mind - loved it
    (5) Lost - didn't really like the ending, but still an ok conclusion to an interesting story
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,140
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    in no particular order:

    Burn Notice
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    Nikki E.Nikki E. Posts: 995
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    2010 was pretty good year for TV. Particularly towards the end of it.

    My top five are as follows:

    1. Dexter (season 5) - IMO, this was easily the best season of Dexter so far, and I thought Julia Styles as Lumen was engaging and likeable.

    2. Misfits - I found it hard to choose between this show and Dexter for the number 1 spot, but this show lost out to Dex due to a couple of episodes which I felt were a bit naff.

    3. Doctor Who - Matt Smith was brilliant. As far as I'm concerned he is the Doctor. Shame about the actual quality of some of the stories in series 5. (Loved the Christmas special though.)

    4. Glee (season 1) - A fun, vibrant, exciting first season.

    5. Ugly Betty (season 4) - I've never been much of an Ugly Betty fan, but I rather enjoyed the last season of this show.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,916
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    In no particular order:

    Doctor Who
    The Walking Dead
    Breaking Bad

    I tend to judge TV series based on how fast I plough through the episodes. I prefer to stack them up and watch in blocks. Doctor Who and The Walking Dead I watched week by week though because I cannot wait which is the highest accolade. The others (and those bubbling under including Spooks, True Blood, Boardwalk Empire and Curb Your Enthusiasm) I would get through in a few days. I know I'm struggling when a series begins to take weeks for me to get through...
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    superboysuperboy Posts: 4,187
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    In no particular order

    Gossip Girl
    The Mentalist
    Pretty Little Liars
    The Big Bang Theory
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 41
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    1) Breaking Bad - Keeping up the quality!
    2) Terriers - This years "Damages (S01)" for me
    3) Lost - Season 4 & 5 were better but S6 was a good ending I thought.
    4) Dexter - Not as good as S4 but close. Loved S5 apart from the last episode.
    5) This is Not My Life - Little heard of Gem of a series from N.Z.

    I also enjoyed Nikita and The Walking Dead but there's not enough episodes yet to have a chance of them joining my top 5.

    Worst Cult Shows for me would be:

    Flashforward, The Event and Undercovers for wasted potential.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 41
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    Oh and True Blood would also be in my Worst list after the mess of a Season that was S3! Too many ideas and storylines going off at the same time and they didn't seem to run with any of them.
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    Ash_735Ash_735 Posts: 8,493
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    1| Breaking Bad
    2| Sons of Anarchy
    3| Doctor Who
    4| Peep Show
    5| Ashes to Ashes
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 5,737
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    Have really been thinking long and hard about this. Can't really emphasise Five shows, but Ill emphasise shows that I have greatly enjoyed and I rate above the rest (and I watch loads of TV shows) and each on their own merit and for different reasons / offering different viewing experiences-

    Spartacus: Blood and Sand - fantastic action filled saga.

    Community - Funniest TV show of the year. Hopefully more people will check this show out. Its brilliant!

    Modern Family - Second funniest TV show of the year

    This Is Not my Life (NZ) - Best new "original" SFish drama from the lesser known New Zealand TV industry.

    Southland - Best cop show of the year. Gritty, real and brilliant! Not The Shield but good enough in its own right.

    Sherlock - Interesting reworking of a classic.

    Downton Abbey - Excellent chill out pleasurable Sunday night viewing

    The Walking Dead - Best TV show of the year and recent times. (Fan of the comic series here!)
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    Sniffle774Sniffle774 Posts: 20,290
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    My input, in no particular order,

    Doctor Who
    Spartacus: Blood and Sand
    The Walking Dead
    Stargate Universe.
    Modern Family
    Sons of Anarchy
    Ture Blood
    Flash Forward.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 111
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    These would be mine:

    1. Supernatural
    2. Fringe
    3. True Blood
    4. The Walking Dead
    5. Misfits

    Also worth a mention: Downton Abbey, Doctor Who, Merlin, Sherlock and The Vampire Diaries
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    fabulistfabulist Posts: 504
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    1] Dexter
    = Breaking Bad
    3] Supernatural
    4] The Vampire Diaries
    5] Boardwalk Empire
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    DeniseDenise Posts: 12,961
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    1. Vampire Diaries
    2. Dr Who
    3. True Blood

    My list is short as these are the only ones that actually kept me watching the whole of the seasons, otherwise I dip in and out of programmes.
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    Reiver97Reiver97 Posts: 2,491
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    1. The Walking Dead
    2. Modern Family
    3. This Is Not My Life
    4. Stargate Universe
    5. Sons Of Anarchy (I think it slipped a lot this season)

    Was very impressed with Caprica too. Didnt think I would enjoy it as much as I did but it worked very well I thought.

    Not caught this/last years offerings of True Blood, Dexter, Peep Show, Breaking Bad or any of Spartacus: Blood and Sand yet, so maybe the list will change.

    Underbelly: The Golden Mile deserves a mention (although neither prequel lived up to the standards of the first season) and Southland was better than I expected. Big Bang Theory has slipped season by season but is still very funny.

    Biggest dissapointments for me were the awful conclusion to Lost and the V reboot.

    Depressingly predictable shortage of non-US shows in the lists....
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    threecheesesthreecheeses Posts: 23,939
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    My top 'must sees' have been (sorry there are 6):

    Walking Dead

    Special mentions (sorry got even greedier):

    The Event
    Pretty Little Liars
    Dr. Who
    The Mentalist
    V (2010)
    Persons Unknown

    Going to look into watching 'Sherlock' & 'This Is Not My Life' .:)
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    thedarklordthedarklord Posts: 2,162
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    5. Being Human
    4. Sherlock
    3. The Silence
    2. Luther
    1. Spooks
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 10,019
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    1. Sons of anarchy
    2. Dexter
    3. Fringe
    4, SGU
    5. Nikita
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    Digital SidDigital Sid Posts: 39,871
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    5. Dexter
    4. Misfits
    3. The Walking Dead
    2. Being Human
    1. Doctor Who

    (Despite DS's comment in shows of 2010 list I don't think series 2 of Being Human was weaker than series 1 and contemplated putting it at 1, there was less comedy due to it being a bit darker in tone last year than the year previous, but imo some of it was the show's best, e.g. George and Mitchell getting really quite upset at having missed a new episode of The Real Hustle :D.)

    Would have liked to included Sherlock as I'm a big fan of both writers and loved the first episode, but for me, episode 2 (not written by them) felt like a standard crime drama and I didn't like the choice of actor playing Professor Moriarty (spent the final few scenes hoping he was some sort of decoy).
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 7,305
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    1. Dexter (Not quite as good as the sublime Season 4, but still the best thing on TV)
    2. Breaking Bad (Absolutely fantastic 3rd season)
    3. Lost (Great final season, great ending. Screw the haters. I was up at 5am UK time watching the finale "live" and loved every minute of it)
    4. 24 (Felt a bit like a greatest hits season, but still exciting and entertaining to the end. Hopefully not the last we see of Jack Bauer)
    5. The Walking Dead (Very good, can't wait for the next season!)

    Honorable mentions (No particular order):

    Curb Your Enthusiam
    Modern Family
    Peep Show
    The Inbetweeners
    Rescue Me
    Boardwalk Empire

    Disappointment of 2009/2010 TV season:

    FlashForward (After the great pilot, it slowed down to a snails pace with uninteresting characters and plotlines, and the acting was duff from pretty much everyone. Awful, and rightfully cancelled).
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 147
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    1. NCIS
    2. Rizzoli & Isles
    3. Modern Fanily
    4. Cougar Town
    5. The Big Bang Theory
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 8,653
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    1. Dexter
    4. Ashes to Ashes
    5. Doctor Who
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