
Were the Beatles just another 'boyband'?

johnythefoxjohnythefox Posts: 1,021
Forum Member
Before I get lynched.. I think the Beatles were the most creative, talented band ever to grace the planet, and almost single handedly created the template for modern pop music.

However, I ask the question because last night on BBC4 there was a documentary charting the history of light entertainment - a repeat from a couple of years ago I think - anyway, the theme was how pop music has been depicted on TV, and there was a short piece about boybands featuring that well known intelligent, articulate irishman Louis Walsh..he claimed that Take That, Westlife, Boyzone were just carbon copies of the Beatles.

Is it just me that thinks, with views like that he should be kept away from commenting on music? or is this a well held view?


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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,508
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    As far as I know, they didn't prance around on stage like douchebags wearing matching tinfoil outfits and doing silly dances....so no.
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    CLL DodgeCLL Dodge Posts: 116,466
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    No, they formed like most other rock bands, earned their dues playing the clubs before being noticed and signed, always had a strong creative input into their material.

    Nothing remotely like Boyzone or Westlife (specifically created as boy bands via auditions). Walsh is talking bollocks.
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    Miriams SisterMiriams Sister Posts: 7,967
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    No, in the 60s we called them a beat group.
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    GaditanoGaditano Posts: 2,224
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    Walsh is trying to 'rescue' the acts he has managed from the criticism usually thrown at them. There is about 3% of truth in the claim, in the sense that The Beatles were marketed on their looks in their early years and their visual image was quite tightly controlled. Other than that, utter rubbish.
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    FroodFrood Posts: 13,180
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    Before I get lynched.. I think the Beatles were the most creative, talented band ever to grace the planet, and almost single handedly created the template for modern pop music.

    The likes of The Rolling Stones and The Who were far more creative and talented.

    The Beatles just came at the right time (and The Stones helped them to become 'acceptable').
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 12,685
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    The Beatles were and still are the most creative and diverse and fowarding thinking band history to try and compare them to the dross of today like Boyzone ,Takethat and Westlife is a complete insult to The Beatles .
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    Eric B.Eric B. Posts: 249
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    Frood wrote: »

    The Beatles just came at the right time (and The Stones helped them to become 'acceptable').

    And how many Beatles singles did the Stones write? :)
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,269
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    Frood wrote: »
    The likes of The Rolling Stones and The Who were far more creative and talented.

    The Beatles just came at the right time (and The Stones helped them to become 'acceptable').

    Agreed. And Ray Davies of The Kinks and Brian Wilson of The Beach Boys were, in my opinion, superior songwriters.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,847
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    I swear I've seen this same thread/discussion about 20 times before!!!:cool:
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 24,080
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    i do prefer the Stones much more but i do like the Beatles I mean they stand for everything i believe in in Pop/Rock movement and their progression from boy next door charmed looks into real rock stars etc.....quite something to behold :)
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    meglosmurmursmeglosmurmurs Posts: 35,123
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    I suppose Louis could be right in the fact that those acts are simply trying to leech off the same popularity as the most successful band ever.
    Apart from that, errrrrrrrr no!
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    johnythefoxjohnythefox Posts: 1,021
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    Hazeltree wrote: »
    Agreed. And Ray Davies of The Kinks and Brian Wilson of The Beach Boys were, in my opinion, superior songwriters.

    Whilst I agree they were great songwriters, I don't believe they were better or more prolific than the combined songwriting talents of Lennon/McCartney/Harrison.
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    BikoBiko Posts: 2,420
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    well you could say they were a boyband, I have no problem with the word. just in a league of their own
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 10,019
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    I don't believe they were better or more prolific than the combined songwriting talents of Lennon/McCartney/Harrison.

    But as most already know Lennon did almost all the writing on the songs.

    In fact without lennons writing skills there would have been no beatles.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,373
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    Before I get lynched.. I think the Beatles were the most creative, talented band ever to grace the planet, and almost single handedly created the template for modern pop music.

    However, I ask the question because last night on BBC4 there was a documentary charting the history of light entertainment - a repeat from a couple of years ago I think - anyway, the theme was how pop music has been depicted on TV, and there was a short piece about boybands featuring that well known intelligent, articulate irishman Louis Walsh..he claimed that Take That, Westlife, Boyzone were just carbon copies of the Beatles.

    Is it just me that thinks, with views like that he should be kept away from commenting on music? or is this a well held view?

    The world's shortest book.... "Louis Walsh's Knowledge Of Popular Music".
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    JohnnyForgetJohnnyForget Posts: 24,061
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    But as most already know Lennon did almost all the writing on the songs.

    In fact without lennons writing skills there would have been no beatles.

    Although I generally prefer Lennon's songs for the Beatles to McCartney's I have to take issue with the highlighted statement.

    In the early days they actually did write as a team, while the songs they provided for the later Beatles albums were mainly written individually, with the majority coming from the pen of McCartney.
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    Deep PurpleDeep Purple Posts: 63,255
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    But as most already know Lennon did almost all the writing on the songs.

    In fact without lennons writing skills there would have been no beatles.

    That is completely wrong. McCartney was always a more prolific writer.

    In any other band, Harrison would have been a main songwriter too.

    The fact that three local lads were that good, and got together at such a young age is quite remarkable.

    There is no comparison to the modern boybands.
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    meglosmurmursmeglosmurmurs Posts: 35,123
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    But as most already know Lennon did almost all the writing on the songs.

    In fact without lennons writing skills there would have been no beatles.

    I think that's true certainly in the early days, and especially on albums like Hard Day's Night and Help. I've never seen a Beatle be so dominant as he is there. :eek: He kicks the other Beatles arses!!!
    But in the later years I think he faded a bit, maybe due to drugs and then losing interest in the Beatles.
    I feel like Lennon had to be in the mood to write a song while Macca would probably do it in his sleep. ;)

    Lennon also had this tendency to combine songs together to form one big super song. I think that's maybe why I find his songs the most interesting and exciting of all the Beatles. :)
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    deedee1962deedee1962 Posts: 3,137
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    Before I get lynched.. I think the Beatles were the most creative, talented band ever to grace the planet, and almost single handedly created the template for modern pop music.

    However, I ask the question because last night on BBC4 there was a documentary charting the history of light entertainment - a repeat from a couple of years ago I think - anyway, the theme was how pop music has been depicted on TV, and there was a short piece about boybands featuring that well known intelligent, articulate irishman Louis Walsh..he claimed that Take That, Westlife, Boyzone were just carbon copies of the Beatles.

    Is it just me that thinks, with views like that he should be kept away from commenting on music? or is this a well held view?

    I think I saw this when it was first aired, Louis Walsh is an idiot and shows himself up by saying such crap. :mad: He made my blood boil and yes you are right, He should be kept away from commenting on music and maybe keep to his crappy boy bands or something. :D
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 40,102
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    From the old footage I seen from them, they seemed to be a band who stood on stage in front of hundreds of screaming girls when they first got popular... kind of like McFly.

    However, they then seemingly gained a completely different following.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 219
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    But as most already know Lennon did almost all the writing on the songs.

    In fact without lennons writing skills there would have been no beatles.

    He did most of the writing on the songs he sung but the songs that McCartney sung had little input from Lennon. In the last few years of the band the amount of times they wrote together you could count on the fingers of one hand.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 3,245
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    I've heard this question before, elsewhere. The OP's tongue was firmly in her cheek though. :D

    "Louis Walsh..he claimed that Take That, Westlife, Boyzone were just carbon copies of the Beatles."

    Didn't see the prog. If Take That, Westlife, Boyzone were just carbon copies, to conclude that the Beatles were of the same genre is a logical fallacy.

    The short answer is: the Beatles (not that they do much for me personally) could play things and write stuff. QED. :)
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    Keyplayer2010Keyplayer2010 Posts: 2,973
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    They were a rock'n'roll band of their times great musicans and writers, of course they got repackaged as a poppy love me do boy band because the money men around them took hold as they always do.
    They quickly grew out of it though to become the most important band in history and thats not debatable.

    Almost every band that followed has been influenced in some way by the Beatles.

    The boy bands that have followed since are just straight off the shelf boy bands that are just there to make money and nothing else.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 685
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    Before I get lynched.. I think the Beatles were the most creative, talented band ever to grace the planet, and almost single handedly created the template for modern pop music.

    I'm more likely to want to lynch you for saying that than for suggesting they were just a boyband.

    Had they emerged even as little as ten years later with little ditties like I Wanna Your Hold Hand, Please Please Me and I Wanna Hold Your Hand, they would have been considered lightweights.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 3,245
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    I'm more likely to want to lynch you for saying that than for suggesting they were just a boyband.

    Had they emerged even as little as ten years later with little ditties like I Wanna Your Hold Hand, Please Please Me and I Wanna Hold Your Hand, they would have been considered lightweights.

    (a) they didn't (b) you might as well say "if the ZX Specturm was released now it'd be laughed at". :rolleyes:
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