
Has Doctor Who Really Gotten Worse?

TheSilentFezTheSilentFez Posts: 11,107
Forum Member
Every single Doctor Who website I go on has a large number of people complaining that Steven Moffat has truly ruined the show and that all the stories are too boring/cheesy/complicated/childish.
Others are complaining that Matt Smith is poor and Tennant was the best Doctor ever.

Now, I disagree with everything these people say and am actually enjoying it more, but the amount of these people everywhere is astonishing. So I ask you: Are the majority of fans disappointed with the show in the past year or is this only a small number of people?

I hope you can make me feel less depressed after reading so many negative reviews and comments of Series 5 and 6.

Has Doctor Who Really Gotten Worse 121 votes

35% 43 votes
62% 76 votes
It was never good
0% 1 vote
I don't care
0% 1 vote


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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 523
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    If it helps, I feel the same way as you do. It always seems to me that whatever the topic, those who complain will always seem to outnumber those who compliment, especially on the Internet. And comments made on the Internet should in general be ignored. Except for me of course.
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    lach doch mallach doch mal Posts: 16,328
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    In my honest opinion, it hasn't got worse at all. However, neither is it wonderfully better than before. DT and MS are both great. RTD and SM both have their strengths and weaknesses, and both have provided us with some great stories.

    To be fair going by this forum, it's not as if everyone dislikes Moffat. In fact there seem to be a majority of people on here, who cannot see anything wrong with the new series at all and who jump on anyone who suggests otherwise and who suggest that those who don't like it are nitwits, because they don't get it.

    I also haven't read all these negative reports you are referring to. Have you got any links?
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    TheSilentFezTheSilentFez Posts: 11,107
    Forum Member
    In my honest opinion, it hasn't got worse at all. However, neither is it wonderfully better than before. DT and MS are both great. RTD and SM both have their strengths and weaknesses, and both have provided us with some great stories.

    To be fair going by this forum, it's not as if everyone dislikes Moffat. In fact there seem to be a majority of people on here, who cannot see anything wrong with the new series at all and who jump on anyone who suggests otherwise and who suggest that those who don't like it are nitwits, because they don't get it.

    I also haven't read all these negative reports you are referring to. Have you got any links?

    They aren't in any specific place, but if you go onto any Doctor Who website where members of the public can comment, there are always loads complaining. This happens on a lot of youtube videos, for example.
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    stud u likestud u like Posts: 42,100
    Forum Member
    Moffatt has indeed ruined the programme. It is doomed.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 523
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    They aren't in any specific place, but if you go onto any Doctor Who website where members of the public can comment, there are always loads complaining. This happens on a lot of youtube videos, for example.

    I see that a lot on YouTube. Do you think that the hysteria about DT will calm down with the Twelfth Doctor? (not complaining about DT, love DT).
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 523
    Forum Member
    Moffatt has indeed ruined the programme. It is doomed.

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    lach doch mallach doch mal Posts: 16,328
    Forum Member
    They aren't in any specific place, but if you go onto any Doctor Who website where members of the public can comment, there are always loads complaining. This happens on a lot of youtube videos, for example.

    To be fair, youtube is rather sh*t for that kind of stuff. It seems to attract a lot of nutcases, who think they can be anonymously offensive. Some of the comments on there make my blood boil.

    On here, it seems that most people really liked it. There are of course some people who have not got over the change and can be obnoxious, and some genuine people who don't like the new direction (which should be fair enough, after all some people didn't like the previous showrunner's direction). However, quite a lot of people have been positive about it.
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    TheSilentFezTheSilentFez Posts: 11,107
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    To be fair, youtube is rather sh*t for that kind of stuff. It seems to attract a lot of nutcases, who think they can be anonymously offensive. Some of the comments on there make my blood boil.

    On here, it seems that most people really liked it. There are of course some people who have not got over the change and can be obnoxious, and some genuine people who don't like the new direction (which should be fair enough, after all some people didn't like the previous showrunner's direction). However, quite a lot of people have been positive about it.

    It seems that there are ranting nutcases everywhere I go...:(
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    bokononbokonon Posts: 2,370
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    I think it is getting better all the time. I was delighted when it came back and thought Eccleston was good, although not entirely to my taste. Tennant was great and I think Matt Smith is even better.

    I remember a comment when the Eleventh Hour was broadcast... a part of Doctor Who died today.... the rubbish part. And I more or less agree with that. The rubbish part to my mind (and this was my only real gripe about the previous era) was the bludgeoning sentimentality which reached a real low point with DT's last Christmas specials. I think SM/MS have managed to get the balance between humour, sentimentality and scares more or less spot on. I am already a bit gloomy at the prospect that both might very well use the 50th anniversary as an opportunity for another transition to a new doctor and a new writer. (NB. I have no evidence for this at all.)
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    spiney2spiney2 Posts: 27,058
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    All nu who has been dire, with the occasional exception.

    Mind you, I just watched Ghost Light, also complete crap.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 527
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    Every single Doctor Who website I go on has a large number of people complaining that Steven Moffat has truly ruined the show and that all the stories are too boring/cheesy/complicated/childish.
    Others are complaining that Matt Smith is poor and Tennant was the best Doctor ever.

    Now, I disagree with everything these people say and am actually enjoying it more, but the amount of these people everywhere is astonishing. So I ask you: Are the majority of fans disappointed with the show in the past year or is this only a small number of people?

    I hope you can make me feel less depressed after reading so many negative reviews and comments of Series 5 and 6.

    It is a matter of public record on these forums that SM is the only reason I currently watch the show. However let me play devil's advocate for a minute and theorize possibly why others do not like the current incarnation.

    If you loved the RTD/DT era this is quite a bit of a change, to be honest. Both RTD and SM use different versions of Whedon's "Big Bad" formula
    and those differences are rather large for the viewer. RTD's method for using story-arcs was to drop undecipherable hints throughout the series. "Bad Wolf" and "Mr. Saxon" are the best examples. There was no real way to know what these meant in advance of the series ending arc, but they were obviously teasers at something still to come. S2 and Torchwood/Cybermen is the closest RTD ever got to using the Big Bad formula in the way fans of Buffy would recognize it. This made the way for more stand-alone stories.

    SM uses the Big Bad formula in a way more similar to Buffy with many more stories revolving around the arc. This means fewer stand-alones and allows for more in depth arcs. A casual fan may have trouble sitting down for one episode and having any idea what is going on.

    SM's era is almost getting to the point where it is as complicated as Lost. I, for one, consider that to be a good thing. However, I can easily see how a fan of the show under RTD might have issues with the current format.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 523
    Forum Member
    It seems that there are ranting nutcases everywhere I go...:(

    And here come the ranting nutcases...
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    TheSilentFezTheSilentFez Posts: 11,107
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    sandydunesandydune Posts: 10,986
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    Every single Doctor Who website I go on has a large number of people complaining that Steven Moffat has truly ruined the show and that all the stories are too boring/cheesy/complicated/childish.
    Others are complaining that Matt Smith is poor and Tennant was the best Doctor ever.

    Now, I disagree with everything these people say and am actually enjoying it more, but the amount of these people everywhere is astonishing. So I ask you: Are the majority of fans disappointed with the show in the past year or is this only a small number of people?

    I hope you can make me feel less depressed after reading so many negative reviews and comments of Series 5 and 6.

    The thing is, one cannot please everyone all of the time, some people will love it, some people will find a reason not to like it.

    I have loved it and will continue to watch it.:D

    It is very important when using different writers for certain episodes, that there is a clear and concise theme that flows, if it don't flow then it gets stuck, imagine a record on a deck and the needle gets stuck in the groove. for one, you would have to pick it up and drop it down but not necessarily in the correct place where it was.
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    Muttley76Muttley76 Posts: 97,888
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    During the RTD era there were as many people slagging his era off, it's the nature of elements of fandom to spend most of the time whinging about the show they claim to love, unfortunetly..
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    IvanIVIvanIV Posts: 30,314
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    I stopped watching, because I don't like it anymore. It took me one series to decide that and I was not enjoying it. I only came here to have a look what people think about the new Torchwood.
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    tingramretrotingramretro Posts: 10,974
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    Moffatt has indeed ruined the programme. It is doomed.

    Moffat has completely reinvented and reinvigorated a formerly piss poor version of Who. It is going from strength to strength.
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    outsideoutside Posts: 5,610
    Forum Member
    It seems that there are ranting nutcases everywhere I go...:(

    So there are.
    Moffat has completely reinvented and reinvigorated a formerly piss poor version of Who. It is going from strength to strength.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,607
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    All it is are the people who dislike something are often more vocal than the people who like it, thus making it seem like hardly anyone likes it.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 245
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    I prefer Moffat but it's entirely a personal opinion.

    Don't you think this fandom has been ruined by people who cannot have their favourite series/writer/doctor/spin off criticized or even compared unfavourably to another series/writer/doctor/spin off without chucking their toys out of their pram. There's nothing wrong with having a healthy debate like this but let's see how long it will be before someone pops up and starts accusing you of being a hater. I don't know any other fandom that is like this so I don't know who to blame though part of the problem is almost certainly down to obsessive fans of.....(insert name here).

    Anyway, back to your question. I've always preferred Moffat's style of writing and think this series has been the best one yet. Even when Davies was the show runner, my three favourite all time episodes were Blink, Silence in the Library and the Empty Child and that was before I knew they had all been written by the same person. I like the way he doesn't leave things hanging, his endings are usually well thought out and don't involve huge, clumsy reset buttons and he just generally writes in a more intellectual and less naive manner. That's not to say it's better or worse than Davies, it's just different.

    I didn't like Matt Smith at first but I think he's really grown into his role this series.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 523
    Forum Member
    Don't you think this fandom has been ruined by people who cannot have their favourite series/writer/doctor/spin off criticized or even compared unfavourably to another series/writer/doctor/spin off without chucking their toys out of their pram. There's nothing wrong with having a healthy debate like this but let's see how long it will be before someone pops up and starts accusing you of being a hater. I don't know any other fandom that is like this so I don't know who to blame though part of the problem is almost certainly down to obsessive fans of.....(insert name here).

    Absolutely agree with this, was just going to post something along those lines. I prefer Moffat's series, however I also liked RTD. But it's so hard to say that I prefer one over the other now without being a hater or an idiot or whatever. And it seems worse for those on the other 'side', with so many people seemingly calling them hateful things.
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    IvanIVIvanIV Posts: 30,314
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    alwatson wrote: »
    All it is are the people who dislike something are often more vocal than the people who like it, thus making it seem like hardly anyone likes it.

    It works the both ways, reading DS one would think everyone loves it now and hated it before Moff. The truth is most likely somewhere in the middle.
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    daveyboy7472daveyboy7472 Posts: 16,525
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    Okay, I thought I'd put a perspective on this in a way I haven't before, but it's difficult!

    Doctor Who hasn't really got worse as a show, it's just that I'm not enjoying it quite as much. It's going though one of those phases akin to several in Classic Who that I'm not so keen on either. Seasons 3, 7, 11, 14 and 24 are all Seasons I don't rate as highly as all the others.

    People have said if you don't enjoy it anymore, why bother watching, but I will always watch it no matter how good or bad a particular episode or story is. I know that sooner or later it will change again, for better or worse!:D

    Series 6 has been a big improvement on Series 5. Still has a few things that I'd like to see improved but that may come with time. I'm always optimistic one day I'll go back to being excited again rather than just watching it because I have to. The good thing is about thinking that way is that when a good episode like The Doctor's Wife comes along, it's a pleasant surprise that you have actually enjoyed an episode but also tempered with the fact that next week's episode won't be so good which was the case in this instance!:D

    Matt Smith has been a revelation as The Doctor, that's what's really kept me watching. I love the fact he's eccentric and he is better than DT. :)
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    stud u likestud u like Posts: 42,100
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    spiney2 wrote: »
    All nu who has been dire, with the occasional exception.

    Mind you, I just watched Ghost Light, also complete crap.

    As a socio-biologist I found Ghost Light rather fun.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 929
    Forum Member
    Every single Doctor Who website I go on has a large number of people complaining that Steven Moffat has truly ruined the show and that all the stories are too boring/cheesy/complicated/childish.
    Others are complaining that Matt Smith is poor and Tennant was the best Doctor ever.

    Now, I disagree with everything these people say and am actually enjoying it more, but the amount of these people everywhere is astonishing. So I ask you: Are the majority of fans disappointed with the show in the past year or is this only a small number of people?

    I hope you can make me feel less depressed after reading so many negative reviews and comments of Series 5 and 6.

    Just go and look, and at the poll ratings on here for a sample of doctor who fan community's opinions, and look at the ai's for the episodes to see what fans think in general: it's looking pretty good.
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