

NorfolkBoy1NorfolkBoy1 Posts: 4,109
Forum Member
There's only a month-or-so left to wait until every true Cult-TV fan's favourite show returns!!!! (Sept 23, FOX)

I see a thread has turned up for Season 4 spoilers, so i thought it might be good to have somewhere to go to avoid such annoyances as the recent DS headline:
John Noble: "Walters will form an alliance"

Followed by a spoiler warning at the top of the article :eek::mad::rolleyes:

Anyway, speculation without spoilers is more than welcome here, and I for one am really excited about the possibilites in Season four given Peter's new-found non-status.

I have to admit that, given Fringe's fanbase and it's more 'hardcore' propensity, I'm a little concerned that whatever vehicle they find to bring Peter back, there are bound to be many outspoken voices who have a problem with it because the theoretical physics involved don't stand up to fine scrutiny, much in the same way that TV shows never quite get the time travel thing right for some people.

Personaly, as long as the characters remain consistent, and the show continues to be adventurous (Anime and Noire episodes great examples of this), I'm willing to forgive a bit of ropey physics now and again.

As for recent comments from John Noble about the show going to a fifth series: while I admit it seems a bit hopeful I think that it would be the ideal length, although a fourth season finish, given enough notice to write it properly, wouldn't be the worst thing in the world.


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    barracuda91barracuda91 Posts: 3,244
    Forum Member
    I'm so excited for this! I'm gonna get the season 3 boxset for my birthday in October and watch the first 3 seasons and then I can catch up with the few episodes that will already have aired. Very much looking forward to it!

    As soon as I see the headlines on DS and I see the word Fringe, I just stop looking because I read the headline for the article you mentioned and I was so annoyed! I never want to know what's going to happen with Fringe because I like my mind to be blown when I watch it.

    I'm hoping it will get at least 5 seasons. I trust the writers and I know they've had everything planned for a while so it won't feel rushed in any way. It's been nice to see how things from Season 1 and 2 have tied up with things in Season 3 so I'm sure there has been things that foresee events in Season 4 and potentially a Season 5.

    The head of Fox Entertainment said he would be happy if the ratings were the same as they were for Season 3; he isn't expecting the rating to go higher, so I'm more optimistic that we could see another season.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,155
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    5 seasons is something I could be very happy with. You don't want it stretched out too long and the overall purpose of what these people are doing needs a solid conclusion.

    I hope this season we explore the Observer's world/dimension/actions a lot more. I mean a good few episodes. I want to know why they are setting these things up and watching so conspicuously. Why protect Peter if he was just going to vanish? What will they all do now? Once the initial suspicions have worn off about each other (I am assuming this will happen, no spoilers here), who do the Fringe teams turn on?

    Will the future that Peter saw actually come to fruition?

    Also, shouldn't we punish spoilers with total eradication from all history? Seems much more apt to me
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    dtglayerdtglayer Posts: 169
    Forum Member
    I'm really looking forward to season 4.I don't have a clue where Peter is ? Or how the hell, the writers are going to bring Peter back into the storyline.

    I really don't envy the writers task.(agree with previous post)There going to have to make Peter's comeback watertight.If there holes ? Especially the Fringe fans base...They will find them,and pick it apart.

    Other procedural cop shows can get away with murder,and the fan base won't batter an eyelid.

    Look at Castle...A main character looked to have been shot 'dead' in the season finale.This character is not leaving the show, so therefore you know this character will make a full quick dramatic recovery.So the show will go back to weekly crime solving.

    If the writers on Fringe tried a simple easy get out, there will be hell to pay.
    I just hope-- J.J Abrams is right when he said that the Peter Bishop storyline will 'blow our minds'.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 10,019
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    I trust jeff and Joel totally to ensure we dont go no stupid stuff and holes in the story like what happened to lost.
    Jeff said they had a 7 year plan laid out, not sure if they will get to that but think another season after this one is very likely. Fox know the ratings are not going to change much and providing no big losses start to happen think we may see this keep rolling.
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    Chris_TVChris_TV Posts: 4,039
    Forum Member
    I think 5 seasons will do just nicely. 6 might be pushing it a bit.
    I am sure they could finish the story off in 40+ episodes in 2 seasons worth including the forthcoming season.
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    NorfolkBoy1NorfolkBoy1 Posts: 4,109
    Forum Member
    Also, shouldn't we punish spoilers with total eradication from all history? Seems much more apt to me

    OMG, you're right, I wonder if we can get it changed! :D
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    barracuda91barracuda91 Posts: 3,244
    Forum Member
    I'm thinking Peter won't be in the first couple of episodes. I think they may focus more on what life is like without Peter. I'm looking forward to seeing why the Walters were fighting if Peter doesn't exist and how all the charactes will get on, with a hint of something Peter-related to gradually build up to how he will come back.

    I'm just so hoping that Peter and Olivia won't be together. I just didn't like them being a couple at all and I just don't think the show needed a romance between the two leads. I guess it was neccessary for the main plot but I didn't like how it was handled.
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    barracuda91barracuda91 Posts: 3,244
    Forum Member
    Something that never occurred to me until now, if Peter never existed then Elizabeth will still be alive. Hoping for some more Orla Brady!
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    dannyb0yukdannyb0yuk Posts: 2,939
    Forum Member
    Season 4 of Fringe will debut on Friday 23rd September, so time to get the season thread going!

    The big question now is simple: what's next? The show is at an interesting point now in my eyes as the central point of the show (only one universe can survive) has been essentially resolved- so where do we go from here?

    That and the small issue of Peter, which I guess one or two people are wondering about.

    Usual guidelines apply, once it has aired it's fair game for open discussion. Please keep all upcoming plot info and promo content within spoiler tags so that the thread can be enjoyed by all.
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    dtglayerdtglayer Posts: 169
    Forum Member
    New season 4 posters.

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    dannyb0yukdannyb0yuk Posts: 2,939
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    Four days to go!
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    NorfolkBoy1NorfolkBoy1 Posts: 4,109
    Forum Member
    Hate to be a thread pedant, but there's one already.


    Unfortunately I've been on hols and with a dead phone so haven't been on here recently.
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    NorfolkBoy1NorfolkBoy1 Posts: 4,109
    Forum Member
    Something that never occurred to me until now, if Peter never existed then Elizabeth will still be alive. Hoping for some more Orla Brady!

    Good point, and how different a person will Walter be having never been wracked by the guilt of what he did to her?
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    NinjyBearNinjyBear Posts: 8,317
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    Watched 1-3 for the first time recently...glad the show finally found it's stride towards the end of season 2. Season 3 was awesome.

    Not sure if I could stand to watch the show 1 episode per week, but so many spoilers pop up on here that I think I'll have to. Thankfully, season 3 didn't have too many fillers, so with any luck 4 will carry on the same way.
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    Joel's dadJoel's dad Posts: 4,886
    Forum Member
    Love the thread title
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,155
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    From the previews it looks like it's going to be a kind of awesome reboot. FOX keep promoting it as a new series, not a new season.

    Can't wait for Saturday morning. Bought Season 1 DVDs in anticipation!!
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    dannyb0yukdannyb0yuk Posts: 2,939
    Forum Member
    Hate to be a thread pedant, but there's one already.


    Unfortunately I've been on hols and with a dead phone so haven't been on here recently.

    Fair enough, but I don't like threads like that. They exclude an entire subset of members who like to discuss upcoming events and it's quite simple to have a thread that caters for both. This one can be deleted then.
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    kegsiekegsie Posts: 2,801
    Forum Member
    And we're back:)

    Orange opening credits, co-operating Olivias and Peter forgotten but not quite entirely erased.

    Things did feel a bit different but I guess that was deliberate.
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    koantemplationkoantemplation Posts: 101,293
    Forum Member
    A disappointing start IMO.

    It feels like a reset just for the sake of it. The story has gone backwards not moved forwards.
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    originalboboriginalbob Posts: 117
    Forum Member
    :DWould have said a move sideways instead! Fringe can do no wrong in my eyes-even the worst epsiodes are better than much of what is on TV at the moment.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 388
    Forum Member
    :DWould have said a move sideways instead! Fringe can do no wrong in my eyes-even the worst epsiodes are better than much of what is on TV at the moment.

    So true
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    tauran_shammytauran_shammy Posts: 5,847
    Forum Member
    I thoroughly enjoyed it!
    I thought holy crap Joe Flanigan has joined the cast!!!!
    oops my joy didnt last long there.

    I like the impact of Peter not being around on the characters, they all seem to be incomplete without him. I had no problem's with the pace of the show, nor the "two steps back" kind of feeling regarding the plot. I'm sure that matters will come to the fore again when Peter returns, and it looks like there is a third force at work conspiring against the two semi allied realities....

    All very promising for the future.

    I'm really hoping the plot goes deeper into who "the watcher's" are and where they come from.
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    dtglayerdtglayer Posts: 169
    Forum Member
    Excellent episode love the new orange titles.I think it's going to take me a while to work out the meaning of the new words.Yeah it does seem to be a bit of a reset,back to season 1.But everything that happen in the last 3 seasons DID happen.

    The special effects were brilliant,loving the new look shape shifters.Love the 2 scenes of the 2 Olivia's.I'm still wondering how that scene was done when our Olivia gave Alt-Olivia that black box?

    Really good episode...Heard next weeks is even better.
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    007Fusion007Fusion Posts: 3,657
    Forum Member
    I too felt the story took "a step backwards" - It was non- progressive. It felt like everything that was happening was of no relevance or importance to the overall arc of the show.Plus, i feel it may end with a reset, with the timeline being restored and all knowledge of the' the other side' being erased.
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    John t BaptistJohn t Baptist Posts: 124
    Forum Member
    i enjoyed it. nice to see our Lincoln brought into it properly, altho i'm slightly unsure to why neither Olivia recognised him. (must be the Clark Kent glasses thing)
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