
Any other gamers here parents?

RoyceRoyce Posts: 128
Forum Member
I used to think I`d grow out of playing games but after my son arrived on the scene I find I play them more! I mainly play after the little one has gone to sleep, though playing as a family can be awesome.

The wife`s happy because I`m in site, and I`m happy because playing games is relatively cheap (and entertaining of course!). I recently came across vanillaplay.com which is a good resource for parents, not least because it has a pretty good gaming deals and discounts section which is handy (we all know how expensive being a parent can be).

Any other parents here play games? When do you play? What does the other half think?


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    alternatealternate Posts: 8,110
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    "grow out" of playing games. 'cause you know, they are silly things mainly for kids. well at least you stay where your wife can keep an eye on you, so all good :D
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 6,848
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    Royce wrote: »
    I used to think I`d grow out of playing games but after my son arrived on the scene I find I play them more! I mainly play after the little one has gone to sleep, though playing as a family can be awesome.

    The wife`s happy because I`m in site, and I`m happy because playing games is relatively cheap (and entertaining of course!). I recently came across vanillaplay.com which is a good resource for parents, not least because it has a pretty good gaming deals and discounts section which is handy (we all know how expensive being a parent can be).

    Any other parents here play games? When do you play? What does the other half think?

    That site is a bit pants.
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    Danger CloseDanger Close Posts: 3,281
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    Grow out? The only way I'm growing out of gaming is that my hand-eye co-ordination is getting worse with every passing year. I'm 32 now and soon I won't be able to compete in multi-player properly (by properly I mean WIN).

    But even if I'm unlucky enough to be lumbered with that kind of responsibility I think gaming would still be part of my life.
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    metanoiametanoia Posts: 635
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    I have 2 kids, usually play after they've gone to bed and at luchtime when they are at school as I only work up the road.

    My wife sometimes hates it and sometimes loves that I spend my time on the PS3. Depends what mood she's in, and you can never tell what that'll be ,she's usually :mad: :( :rolleyes: :confused: and on the odd occassion :)
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    RoyceRoyce Posts: 128
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    metanoia wrote: »
    Depends what mood she's in, and you can never tell what that'll be ,she's usually :mad: :( :rolleyes: :confused: and on the odd occassion :)

    Glad its not just me who gets that!

    Actually my wife plays game too which usually means she hogs the TV and the console!
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,784
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    im a gamer and parent with 4 kids (2 of each) and both my sons like to game. I play mw2 with my eldest son and xbox live arcade games with my youngest. I dont game as much as I used to but find it more fun gaming with my kids. imo ur never to old to game :)

    my bitter half (hope she doesnt read this) games on the Wii but thats it
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 28
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    I feel old now.

    I have a seven year old grandson who whips me at Surfs Up, I can't even get close to his scores. Mind you, he can' handle the Singapore GP or GT5.
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    skunkboy69skunkboy69 Posts: 9,506
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    Got two kids.We still all play together and each have our own favourite games to play alone.Ideally,we need more PS3's in the house.
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    claymore74claymore74 Posts: 1,153
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    I've got two young children - they enjoy the Wii, but are a bit too young for most of the PS3 games that I enjoy. They love Eyepet though (and I'll admit to being very impressed by how well it works too)
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    tysonstormtysonstorm Posts: 24,609
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    Been a gamer since I was 4 (1984) and my kid is a gamer, shes been playing since she was 3-4 and now she is 7 she can nigh on beat me in some games. :(
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    too_fast_4_utoo_fast_4_u Posts: 1,146
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    Two Daughters here one aged 4 almost 5 and a 4 month old baby, plus a wheelchair wife and a choco lab........hetic days but night times are peacefull :)
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    MojoMasterMojoMaster Posts: 6,494
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    I don't get this rubbish that you have to "grow up" at a certain age when it comes to gaming.

    We are now at the stage where the "gaming generation" are upwards of 30. Children of the 80's were the first generation to really experience gaming on any decent level.

    The natural effect of this is we now have "adults" who game - this has not been experienced before and therefore it doesn't look "normal" to these people who would tell us that that.

    This nullifies the argument, in my opinion, that gaming is for "kids". Yeah, for the past 20 years or so, it's been the "kids" that have grown up with games, but that's not necessarily the case now.

    As time goes on, it will be accepted more and more I think, and if it doesn't......F em, I'll still be gaming anyway :D
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 12
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    Yep.. parent of 2 young girls over here.

    The eldest like to try playing but at 6, she doesn't fully understand yet. They do love Just dance on the wii but they didnt understand Kinect so I sacked it off.

    Generally play after hours when the wife is busy on facebook or something. She tells me I dont play enough but then moans that I hog the telly when i do. I said that was prime case for a new gaming telly... of my choice lol.
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    The Lost BoyThe Lost Boy Posts: 1,330
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    I've 3 children. I'm a few years the wrong side of 40.

    Gaming is totally alien to the wife but after a hard day it's good to shoot the $h*t out of people. I only play COD/MW games btw.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,784
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    ok here goes. im 40+ (cringe) with 4 kids and have been gaming since i was about 11 (astro-wars and galaxian) and hope to still be gaming years from now. if growing up means i shouldnt be gaming then hell, i dont wanna grow up thanku :)
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 242
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    ok here goes. im 40+ (cringe) with 4 kids and have been gaming since i was about 11 (astro-wars and galaxian) and hope to still be gaming years from now. if growing up means i shouldnt be gaming then hell, i dont wanna grow up thanku :)

    That's how I feel.

    Been gaming since the ZX81 was released and never been without a gaming PC/console from then.

    Got 1 Mrs, 2 Kids, 2 Cats, mortage and a full time job, I work hard and I like to play when I get some free time.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 759
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    36 and been gaming since the good old speccy 48k. Got a 2 year boy, full time job, wife and a dog. God knows how I find the time for gaming, but somehow do! (Having Strictly come dancing back on helps) having a classic mini does not help as I'm constantly working on it.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 392
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    Yep, 43yrs old & love me shooters.
    COD,Medal of Honor & BF multiplayers.....
    15yr old son plays Xbox multiplayers in his room, I play on my Xbox downstairs on the big TV (only after my loved one has had her fill of nightly 3hrs worth of soaps.)
    Occasionally me & my son end up in the same lobby, but he & his mates simply wipe the floor with me.
    Usually I hook up with work colleagues (thay are based down south, me up north)...we are all of a similar age & enjoy the same games, and we're all pretty crap too !
    My motto on Xbox profile.... "Never too old to game"

    I love it.
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    CadivaCadiva Posts: 18,417
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    MojoMaster wrote: »
    I don't get this rubbish that you have to "grow up" at a certain age when it comes to gaming.

    We are now at the stage where the "gaming generation" are upwards of 30. Children of the 80's were the first generation to really experience gaming on any decent level.

    The natural effect of this is we now have "adults" who game - this has not been experienced before and therefore it doesn't look "normal" to these people who would tell us that that.

    This nullifies the argument, in my opinion, that gaming is for "kids". Yeah, for the past 20 years or so, it's been the "kids" that have grown up with games, but that's not necessarily the case now.

    As time goes on, it will be accepted more and more I think, and if it doesn't......F em, I'll still be gaming anyway :D

    Exactly, I'm 41 and started with a ZX Spectrum in the 1980s before moving onto PC gaming which is what I still do. I wouldn't dream of giving it up although, with a three-year-old son I don't have anywhere near as much time as I did before.

    He's now at nursery five mornings a week which gives me chance for a bit of gaming then or after he's got to bed at night.

    My OH hasn't curtailed his gaming at all though, he still manages to play for flipping hours and our son is pretty good at all the Cbeebies games and loves playing Toy Story 3 on the Wii.
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    RoyceRoyce Posts: 128
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    Royce wrote: »
    I used to think I`d grow out of playing games but after my son arrived on the scene I find I play them more! I mainly play after the little one has gone to sleep, though playing as a family can be awesome.

    The wife`s happy because I`m in site, and I`m happy because playing games is relatively cheap (and entertaining of course!). I recently came across vanillaplay.com which is a good resource for parents, not least because it has a pretty good gaming deals and discounts section which is handy (we all know how expensive being a parent can be).

    Any other parents here play games? When do you play? What does the other half think?

    Good to see other parents still gaming!

    Not sure `grow out of` was the right word but it raises interesting points. Sure, now it`s changed but growing up in the 80`s and 90`s there was this thinking that games are something people grow out of. I`m glad that hasn`t been the case and games have grown with us. You still get some people who say it though...friends, family (and in one particularly annoying case my mother in-law!)

    I do find as I get older I have less time for long winded game reviews though, and a lot of games sites still read like they are written by young single men for teenagers.

    Playing Rock Band with the family was a fantastic gaming experience but we`ve been burnt by a lot of the Wii games. Any games you`ve played that stand out as being good family games?
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    sparky07sparky07 Posts: 1,836
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    Yeah im a parent, Im 25 and have a 14month old son.

    Get to play my 360 usually after he is in bed and my Missus gives me permission after she has watched what she wants on TV. :) ( Yes that is a thumb print on my head):D:p

    Although if i play COD then she will happily play along with me online, and the sad thing is she sometimes does better than i do!!:o
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    NinjyBearNinjyBear Posts: 8,317
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    I'm 24 and I have a 6 month old son and definitely play football manager more than I did before he was born. As for other games, I have to leave my 360 on for around 40 minutes before it will read a disc (can't afford a new one), so I don't really bother with that much. Looking forward to Arkham Asylum though, so I'm sure that will change.

    I like to think that I'll be kicking my sons backside on Fifa 2017 when the time comes :o I certainly hope I stay interested in video games as I get older. I don't think it's something you should grow out of like the media try to make out.
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    cockneycockney Posts: 1,087
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    I'm 49 (50 in 3 weeks :eek:) with 2 kids aged 8 & 11, we have 2 ps3's of which mine is the one in the lounge with the bigger tv & we have one in the kids playroom which both kids & the wife play on. I sometimes play my 8 year old at fifa & it's 50-50 on victories..

    We also have a Wii & 3 DSI's

    My gaming time is usually after 7pm in the week for a few hours when the kids are doing their own thing & the wife is at work :)
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    blink2105blink2105 Posts: 34
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    I am a very grey 45, with a 14 year old, that thinks I am far too old to play multi-player games.

    My wife just rolls her eyes and tuts lol, so my game-play is late night with my Turtle Beaches on to avoid the inevitable telling off. I normally play with my best mate, who now finds himself beaten very badly by his 7 year old son. He thrashed me as well.
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    fastest fingerfastest finger Posts: 12,898
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    I'm 36, got 3 young children (4,3,1) and still an avid gamer.

    Not as much as I used to be, but I still get plenty in when the kids are in bed or out of the house.

    The wife has no problem with it - to her it's my hobby and certainly preferable to peeing money down the urinal at the pub every night as many other blokes do.
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