
BBC 3 The Fades



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    purplelinuspurplelinus Posts: 1,515
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    andy614 wrote: »
    not sure i understood half of what happened towards the end there.......he's saved the world, the evils gone, why is he sitting there being all strange?? Whats happened to him?

    I think he's either completely traumatised about Jay or opening assention damaged him in some way.

    Was so shocked when Jay was shot! I guess we didnt lose anyone important up until that point. Really hope we get another series, would love to see the direction they take this in.
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    andy614andy614 Posts: 45,259
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    fleet wrote: »
    Just about everything has happened to him!! Im surprised hes still breathing after all that!! And he just watched his girlfriend be killed!

    Oh yeh obviously all that i just meant it seemed to me something was going on with him, something had happened to him. He didn't seem quite normal to me.
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    fleetfleet Posts: 11,574
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    andy614 wrote: »
    Oh yeh obviously all that i just meant it seemed to me something was going on with him, something had happened to him. He didn't seem quite normal to me.

    Oh I see! Think he was just traumatised from opening the ascension and his girl friend dying!
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 362
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    I missed this and didn't see it was on until the 3rd episode and didn't see the point in watching it from then, does anyone know if it will be repeated?
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,893
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    pinkegg wrote: »
    I missed this and didn't see it was on until the 3rd episode and didn't see the point in watching it from then, does anyone know if it will be repeated?


    It's also on youtube.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,893
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    fleet wrote: »
    Oh I see! Think he was just traumatised from opening the ascension and his girl friend dying!

    Way to spoil it for those who haven't seen it yet.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 3,635
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    sepmix wrote: »
    Way to spoil it for those who haven't seen it yet.

    Haha what???
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 3,635
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    Definitely need a second series to this. What do we think happened at the end? Broken open the earth-ascension link? Introduced hell on earth?
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    claire2281claire2281 Posts: 17,283
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    sepmix wrote: »
    Way to spoil it for those who haven't seen it yet.

    Why would those who haven't seen it be in a thread about it after it's been on? Surely common sense would mean you'd stay out? :confused:
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    RorschachRorschach Posts: 10,818
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    Once it's been broadcast it's not a spoiler, standard forum rule that.

    If you want to watch it later then when it was actually broadcast don't go reading the show thread, common bloody sense that :p

    Anyway, a brilliant end to a brilliant series, there had better be another one.

    I didn't mind a lack of back story for the secondary characters (although we got a little such as "the first time dad left" and "I've loved you since I was ten") but I did think the teacher/husband character was a bit of a lose end. I kept waiting for him to do something, to be an Angelic perhaps or save the day. He never really did anything except get captured.

    By the way, in many other forums on DS the mere mention of God, religion, faith etc. provokes a fury of anti-Christian posts. Yet here we have a show involving ascension, Angelics, feathered wings and all and everyone loves it. Is that because it's clearly a work of fiction do you think (unlike the Bible, he he) or are Cult posters just more laid back? :cool:
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    RorschachRorschach Posts: 10,818
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    craggers wrote: »
    What do we think happened at the end? Broken open the earth-ascension link? Introduced hell on earth?
    Maybe God's a bit p/ssed off and is coming down to have words, after all if he closed the ascension sites he probably had a good reason. :eek:
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    claire2281claire2281 Posts: 17,283
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    Rorschach wrote: »
    I did think the teacher/husband character was a bit of a lose end. I kept waiting for him to do something, to be an Angelic perhaps or save the day. He never really did anything except get captured.

    His leaving felt very abrupt to me. One minute he's saying to Sarah that they'll work through this, the next he's leaving with another woman :confused: It felt like there was a scene or two cut there. Like something happened conclusive between them when she left the house.
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    SillyMammaSillyMamma Posts: 125
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    Wow! What an ending. Loved the series -- hope there's a second (and third) one.

    Just perfect, up to and including the apocalyptic ending. Justice got served, hell on earth, the weight of the world on unready shoulders -- plus WINGS! (Okay, rather pathetic CGI wings, but still. I loved them.)

    And Neil's still around to anti-mentor Paul.

    Brilliant series.
    His leaving felt very abrupt to me. One minute he's saying to Sarah that they'll work through this, the next he's leaving with another woman It felt like there was a scene or two cut there. Like something happened conclusive between them when she left the house.

    His dead ex-wife tried to kill him. That's pretty much a big clue that the relationship is over.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,155
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    I agree his character was pretty weird, mainly there to keep the blonde girl around after she had died I suppose. I thought a good way to wrap that up would have been to have the 'random one night stand girl' to smile and then kill him in the car, dump his body and in some way link that in to a possible second series. Might not have been in the writer's plans though.

    Great final episode, I feel we may not have seen the last one John. He seemed to have a different physical reaction to ascending than the others, especially the blonde girl. Different coloured birds as well.

    Hopefully we get some people willing to give a few more hints/answers to what has been going on over the next series (if there is one!!). Loved the limerick of John's to do with Neil. He was a complete dick. Shooting Jay was immense too.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,893
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    Oh I've seen it, just thinking of others who haven't, like the guy I replied to for starters.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 362
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    sepmix wrote: »

    I was hoping it would be repeated on tv, have to watch it on iplayer if it isn't.
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    RorschachRorschach Posts: 10,818
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    I feel we may not have seen the last one John. He seemed to have a different physical reaction to ascending than the others, especially the blonde girl. Different coloured birds as well.
    We assumed that he wasn't so much ascending as descending :eek:

    The birds seemed to have a somewhat fiery look to them.
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    eggshelleggshell Posts: 4,416
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    Well as finales go that has top be up there with the best of them.

    Liked that both Sarah and Pauls premonitions were right-- they just had to be joined up..

    Liked Sarahs story which was about her mistaken decision to be a Fade to be back with hubby, how it didn't work and how she then had to fight her new nature until the very end -- beautiful little touch with the white twittery birds.

    Forgot about Pauls wings --doh! So that was a pleasant surprise and I sort of inferred from John's face when he saw him that he suddenly realised he may have bitten off more than he could chew -- and how.

    Couple of things, Comedy Mac has never worked for me as say Xander in Buffy did, they are going a bit OTT IMO and he can just be very annoying. I wouldn't miss his little monologue at the beginning one jot.

    Not sorry to see Jay go, her job just seems to have been to pull that woe-ridden face which does not help hide the fact that her last teen year is at least a decade behind --pretty woeful character all in all.

    Neil was interesting and served his purpose but Johns description of him was very accurate and I have to say, like Macs overthetop comedy, I could do without another season of Neils "absence of mirth". Somewhat distraught to see the miserable git still alive after all this.

    I started off not too interested in this but it grew on me a lot, Paul, John and Sarah were great characters and the central story was fab.
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    Mo@realityMo@reality Posts: 860
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    I only heard about this 2 weeks ago but managed to catch up on all the eps. I thought it was a fantastic series, I've never thought we (the UK) were able to produce any decent realistic Cult shows to rival the US, although the Misfits was pretty much up there. But the BBC have done themselves proud.

    One thing that bugged me though, was in the shopping centre at the end when he realised he had to go higher why he didn't just use his wings then. I know the chase and fight up the stairs was more dramatic, but that was my first thought. I mean, he'd used his wings to fly up to his girlfriends window before how could he forget about them right then. :confused:
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    donna255donna255 Posts: 10,239
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    Mo@reality wrote: »
    I only heard about this 2 weeks ago but managed to catch up on all the eps. I thought it was a fantastic series, I've never thought we (the UK) were able to produce any decent realistic Cult shows to rival the US, although the Misfits was pretty much up there. But the BBC have done themselves proud.

    One thing that bugged me though, was in the shopping centre at the end when he realised he had to go higher why he didn't just use his wings then. I know the chase and fight up the stairs was more dramatic, but that was my first thought. I mean, he'd used his wings to fly up to his girlfriends window before how could he forget about them right then. :confused:

    He couldn't use his wings on command, they only popped up once before. ;)

    Totally brilliant series so glad I stuck with it.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,893
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    pinkegg wrote: »
    I was hoping it would be repeated on tv, have to watch it on iplayer if it isn't.

    It might appear on BBC1 or 2 at some point. Anyone know if a second series is confirmed?
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    Mo@realityMo@reality Posts: 860
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    donna255 wrote: »
    He couldn't use his wings on command, they only popped up once before. ;)

    Totally brilliant series so glad I stuck with it.

    Ok I do remember that :o I suppose he didn't have the time for a quick *ahem*

    However, didn't he get from the tree to his girlfriends bedroom window. They didn't show us how but I assumed he flew.
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    fleetfleet Posts: 11,574
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    sepmix wrote: »
    Oh I've seen it, just thinking of others who haven't, like the guy I replied to for starters.

    This "guy" didnt spoil it for anyone!! If you look theres a thread above mine that mention some of the same things I did!! Im sure those people that you are worried about having the ending spoiled would have the sense not to wander in here!!
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 473
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    Quote of the series "I'm like an Angelic Swiss army knife!":D

    Absolutely loved it, total brilliance, and I hope the word spreads, and this gets a slot on bbc2 to pick up even more viewers and a 2nd series.

    When all the undead ascended at the end, did Sarah turn into diff birds to the bad guys? Like some went to heaven and some went to hell?
    Neil told him not to mess with ascension, I assume worse is coming than the undead. Totally shocked by Jay's shooting and cant have any sympathy for Neil, he killed her to blackmail Paul, whereas John is killing because of his need.


    Anyone know any viewing figures for the episodes so far and how they compare to other shows?
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,155
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    John isn't killing for need anymore. If that was true he could have tried to work with Paul but decided he didn't want it.

    And yes I think Sarah turned into white birds, John just burnt up and then turned into black birds! Hopefully we get to find out what it all means!
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