
The John James Appreciation Thread (Part 10)



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    ucra girlucra girl Posts: 19,741
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    Lindy_Loue wrote: »
    Well, there's a thought.....I have to say I did believe it, even if he was doing it just to get into a routine and to keep his self esteem going .......he may or may not need the money, but what he certainly needs to maintain is his self respect ;)

    What's wrong with a surf shop.....? :)

    There is nothing wrong with working in a shop.In the context it came accross to me as emphasizing self respect as opposed to actually doing it.He doesnt sell stories for a living that is.
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    Lindy_LoueLindy_Loue Posts: 9,874
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    Hi guys :)

    Sorry not to have been around today - just busy, busy, busy! And to think that by this time next week, Christmas will be over......:eek: :(

    Hope to log on tomorrow. In the meantime, goodnight JJAT, sleep tight. :yawn: :sleep: :sleep:

    Lindy x
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    augusta92augusta92 Posts: 8,677
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    Lindy_Loue wrote: »
    Hi guys :)

    Sorry not to have been around today - just busy, busy, busy! And to think that by this time next week, Christmas will be over......:eek: :(

    Hope to log on tomorrow. In the meantime, goodnight JJAT, sleep tight. :yawn: :sleep: :sleep:

    Lindy x

    morning everyone.....I know what you mean ...christmas preparations, and squabbles seem to take up a lot of time....

    wont it be lovely when the new year arrives:rolleyes:

    well not really of course, but ....christmas is a strange time of year..
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
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    Have a lovely Christmas everyone and I will see you at the other side - much love xxxx
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    Lindy_LoueLindy_Loue Posts: 9,874
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    Hi to anyone interested in the Suarez issue (using racial language on pitch - 8 match ban)---errrr, anyone?? :p If you are, there's a great Liverpool Supporters thread under sport, and a whole one about the ban as well :cool:

    Not that I'm obsessed or anything :D

    PS John would be interested - both in the football and the use of language in anger :o
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    nyannienyannie Posts: 8,536
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    Back for a few minutes.

    Getting ready to rain here I think. Spent the morning sorting out bank, paying tax etc. Surprisingly town not as busy as I thought it would be this close to Xmas. Luckily I got a lift in and took a taxi (expensive but worth it) back.

    Glad to hear John tweeted. I love the in-betweeners myself. For some reason I'm addicted to Xmas cooking shows. We are going away for Xmas but can't seem to stop myself watching Nigella's Xmas, Delia's Xmas, Jamie's Xmas, Ainsley (on Breakfast) etc etc. Perhaps I'm hoping that the tips will be stored in my mind so I can use them for next year's Thanksgiving. Too bad M&S doesn't sell its ready-made Chestnut stuffing in November!

    Well, off to finish an article so I can send it tomorrow. Will have a quick scout around the threads. Good to see you Deefs. Have a happy holiday.
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    Lindy_LoueLindy_Loue Posts: 9,874
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    Deeferone wrote: »
    Have a lovely Christmas everyone and I will see you at the other side - much love xxxx

    Have a lovely time yourself Deefs - hope I haven't missed you :)
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
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    nyannie wrote: »
    Back for a few minutes.

    Getting ready to rain here I think. Spent the morning sorting out bank, paying tax etc. Surprisingly town not as busy as I thought it would be this close to Xmas. Luckily I got a lift in and took a taxi (expensive but worth it) back.

    Glad to hear John tweeted. I love the in-betweeners myself. For some reason I'm addicted to Xmas cooking shows. We are going away for Xmas but can't seem to stop myself watching Nigella's Xmas, Delia's Xmas, Jamie's Xmas, Ainsley (on Breakfast) etc etc. Perhaps I'm hoping that the tips will be stored in my mind so I can use them for next year's Thanksgiving. Too bad M&S doesn't sell its ready-made Chestnut stuffing in November!

    Well, off to finish an article so I can send it tomorrow. Will have a quick scout around the threads. Good to see you Deefs. Have a happy holiday.

    Hi Nyannie

    It always sounds lovely when people say they are going away for Christmas - only ever once went away and that was to Blackpool for a few days - not that thrilling or warm really:p
    May try again if I can find somewhere my dogs can come with me.

    You seem to always be very busy but very productive - very interesting life - as soon as this fatigue vanishes I'm hoping mine will start getting back to normal. I have never watched so much day time TV may have to be weaned off especially this morning love it when Eamon and Ruth are on.

    Saw the tweet from John - maybe in the new year - he will start chatting with his followers from time to time - people are still very fond of him - he made a huge impact on people.:)
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
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    Lindy_Loue wrote: »
    Have a lovely time yourself Deefs - hope I haven't missed you :)

    Thank you Lindy I def will - hubby off work 2 weeks so we will have some lovely times:)
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    nyannienyannie Posts: 8,536
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    Deeferone wrote: »
    Hi Nyannie - someone as just pointed out to me my xmas wish sounds a bit strange - "see you on the other side" I actually meant on the other side of xmas:D Sorry for any confusion folks:eek:

    It always sounds lovely when people say they are going away for Christmas - only ever once went away and that was to Blackpool for a few days - not that thrilling or warm really:p
    May try again if I can find somewhere my dogs can come with me.

    You seem to always be very busy but very productive - very interesting life - as soon as this fatigue vanishes I'm hoping mine will start getting back to normal. I have never watched so much day time TV may have to be weaned off especially this morning love it when Eamon and Ruth are on.

    Saw the tweet from John - maybe in the new year - he will start chatting with his followers from time to time - people are still very fond of him - he made a huge impact on people.:)

    Hi Deefs
    Long time since we had a chat. I push myself I guess. If I didn't do things, I'd sit and watch TV all day and we know how bad that can be.

    I hope the fatigue goes soon. A friend of mine always has a 'power nap' for about an hour in the afternoon and it really helps. I'm trying to rest my foot and read for an hour. Hate to admit it but I bought about £40 worth of books from Amazon yesterday. How I am going to sneak them in from my husband I have no idea.

    I think of all the BB housemates John did make a lasting impression. It does amaze me how we are still interested in him despite the lack of information, tweets etc. I am pleased he is working and seems to be enjoying his life.

    We got married in early January almost 20 years ago so we go to this 'famous' restaurant with rooms which is only about a 35 minute drive from our house. We both have a complete rest and don't have to think of anything but what we want to eat. Four days there is like two weeks anywhere else and the rooms are so comfortable we only leave when they want to make it up. I'm taking sketching materials so hopefully i can do some drawing.

    Enough waffling, hope you dear Deefs and the rest of my dear threadling friends have a lovely holiday.

    Can't really seem to get into working mode!
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    muggins14muggins14 Posts: 61,844
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    Lindy_Loue wrote: »
    Hi to anyone interested in the Suarez issue (using racial language on pitch - 8 match ban)---errrr, anyone?? :p If you are, there's a great Liverpool Supporters thread under sport, and a whole one about the ban as well :cool:

    Not that I'm obsessed or anything :D

    PS John would be interested - both in the football and the use of language in anger :o

    Deja vu... seem to have seen this post elsewhere :D;)
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    Lindy_LoueLindy_Loue Posts: 9,874
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    muggins14 wrote: »
    Deja vu... seem to have seen this post elsewhere :D;)

    Maybe you did......but without the bit about John :p

    Glad someone noticed........I think :o
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    KhyraKhyra Posts: 1,403
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    augusta92 wrote: »
    but Josie contradicted herself..

    .in last weeks edition of NOW magazine, when she said she hated christmas, and celebrating christmas and that was why she refused to go away with John James and chose to go away with her friend instead...

    that was written by her only a week ago....

    maybe she needs to do some work on improving her memory skills?

    The majority of what Josie says is contradictory though, take the weight issue. She is happy with her weight, yet wants to loose weight. She has put on weight because she is happy with Luke. She put on weight because she was unhappy with John and blah-de-blah. probably why in their last interview together John said she was a compulsive liar. Tbh I had always struggled with what Josie says, even in the BB house I could never tell when she is being serious or joking, what is true or not. What is exaggerated.

    Khyra :)

    Things seem to have calmed down on twitter for now. In a way even if what John tweeted isn’t everyone’s cup of tea he has finally had his say on things and made his feelings clear. I can imagine off of Twitter to one or more of his mates he has been ranting on and on at them about the email. We don‘t really know what was said in that email but whatever it was it got John’s back up and it made him angry. She really didn’t need to contact him at all, there was nothing to stop her tweeting a message out to her own fans and asking them to stop, it seems to me that if anyone tweets anything that isn‘t complimentary about Josie her Twitter mates seem to jump on them really fast. She can’t control Twitter, she doesn’t own it and neither do her fans. If she wants her name out there she and her fans have to accept and expect that not everyone will like her. She also has to think before she tweets things. On the JJJ AT her fans were complaining about John fans tweeting to her employers regarding her job, tbh I don’t know why John fans are bothered about anything she does that doesn't concern John. But weren't Josie’s fans doing the very same thing regarding both Kate Walsh and Jenny Frost on OK!TV. Then Josie herself tweeting quite happily gloating when Dan Wooten lost his job at News of the World. Unfortunately for Josie she has lost her job with OKTV and Dan has moved to a new job on a Morning breakfast show, I guess karma really is a bitch! The same goes for the John fans on Twitter too. I really don’t get why they feel the need to tweet unpleasant things either but that is up to John to try and stop his fans not Josie. She must have surely known that by contacting him asking for him to tweet something in a week where she again badmouthed him to the magazines wasn’t a smart move. John has been out of the limelight and magazines for months now, she is the one that is clinging onto some sort of limelight and therefore the one with the most to lose over all this not John.

    I have finished work now until next year. My car is more or less loaded with presents it looks like Santa’s sleigh. We are going to drive down to Worthing tonight to spend Christmas with our families.

    I love being part of this thread, the debates, the conversations, the boat trip, the outfits, the carol songs. Hopefully the next meet up that is arranged for the thread I will have sometime off from work and will be able to make it.

    I wish every member of the thread a wonderful and magical Christmas and a very, very happy 2012.

    Khyra :)
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    Lindy_LoueLindy_Loue Posts: 9,874
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    Khyra wrote: »
    The majority of what Josie says is contradictory though, take the weight issue. She is happy with her weight, yet wants to loose weight. She has put on weight because she is happy with Luke. She put on weight because she was unhappy with John and blah-de-blah. probably why in their last interview together John said she was a compulsive liar. Tbh I had always struggled with what Josie says, even in the BB house I could never tell when she is being serious or joking, what is true or not. What is exaggerated.

    Khyra :)

    Things seem to have calmed down on twitter for now. In a way even if what John tweeted isn’t everyone’s cup of tea he has finally had his say on things and made his feelings clear. I can imagine off of Twitter to one or more of his mates he has been ranting on and on at them about the email. We don‘t really know what was said in that email but whatever it was it got John’s back up and it made him angry. She really didn’t need to contact him at all, there was nothing to stop her tweeting a message out to her own fans and asking them to stop, it seems to me that if anyone tweets anything that isn‘t complimentary about Josie her Twitter mates seem to jump on them really fast. She can’t control Twitter, she doesn’t own it and neither do her fans. If she wants her name out there she and her fans have to accept and expect that not everyone will like her. She also has to think before she tweets things. On the JJJ AT her fans were complaining about John fans tweeting to her employers regarding her job, tbh I don’t know why John fans are bothered about anything she does that doesn't concern John. But weren't Josie’s fans doing the very same thing regarding both Kate Walsh and Jenny Frost on OK!TV. Then Josie herself tweeting quite happily gloating when Dan Wooten lost his job at News of the World. Unfortunately for Josie she has lost her job with OKTV and Dan has moved to a new job on a Morning breakfast show, I guess karma really is a bitch! The same goes for the John fans on Twitter too. I really don’t get why they feel the need to tweet unpleasant things either but that is up to John to try and stop his fans not Josie. She must have surely known that by contacting him asking for him to tweet something in a week where she again badmouthed him to the magazines wasn’t a smart move. John has been out of the limelight and magazines for months now, she is the one that is clinging onto some sort of limelight and therefore the one with the most to lose over all this not John.

    I have finished work now until next year. My car is more or less loaded with presents it looks like Santa’s sleigh. We are going to drive down to Worthing tonight to spend Christmas with our families.

    I love being part of this thread, the debates, the conversations, the boat trip, the outfits, the carol songs. Hopefully the next meet up that is arranged for the thread I will have sometime off from work and will be able to make it.

    I wish every member of the thread a wonderful and magical Christmas and a very, very happy 2012.

    Khyra :)

    Hello Khyra

    Agree with you on the Josie / John front - really it drives me mental :rolleyes: ;)

    I can just picture your car all loaded up. I am so pleased you have some time off as you do seem to work so hard...:)

    Lovely comments too about the thread - and I really hope to meet you one day. Perhaps we'll have to have a mega consultation on the where and when of the next meeting ;)

    Hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a very happy new year.

    Lindy x
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 4,826
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    Khyra wrote: »
    I have finished work now until next year. My car is more or less loaded with presents it looks like Santa’s sleigh. We are going to drive down to Worthing tonight to spend Christmas with our families.

    I love being part of this thread, the debates, the conversations, the boat trip, the outfits, the carol songs. Hopefully the next meet up that is arranged for the thread I will have sometime off from work and will be able to make it.

    Right back at ya - mwahh! :):):)
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 4,826
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    Lindy_Loue wrote: »
    Hi to anyone interested in the Suarez issue (using racial language on pitch - 8 match ban)---errrr, anyone?? :p

    You think it should have been longer?? :eek::p:D
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 4,826
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    augusta92 wrote: »
    and I am pretty sure,after listening to the Leverson enquiry, even in the depths of the worst journalism ever.....if a named person was mentioned in any way...then they had to be informed of this before the article was published...(I think the point was made that it didnt actually matter if they did or didnt say anything, the article would still go ahead, but that legally they still needed to be informed)

    so John will have seen everything Josie has ever written about him, this year, not because he is worried about it , or has been searching out mentions of her.....
    but simply because, if he is mentioned then he will automatically be sent a copy and asked for his response.....

    Interesting.:) I wonder - when you keep writing about the same person whether you have to keep informing them about the article in advance - guess you probably do, unless John signed a waiver as part of his earlier OK! contract!
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    Lindy_LoueLindy_Loue Posts: 9,874
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    AlexBB3 wrote: »
    You think it should have been longer?? :eek::p:D

    No......but I don't agree with most of my fellow Lpool supporters who seem to believe that he is a special case who should be 'let off' on cultural grounds. And I think the club statement put out last night was only likely to inflame the situation.

    I think Suarez has been made a scapegoat, but.......the fact is, he admits to using the 'n' word. He says that he does not regard it as insulting as it is frequently used in South America ....and in fact we have seen evidence of this from Hernandez....but in this country it is not acceptable language, so whatever the intent / non-intent on his behalf, there has to be a consequence. No-one wants a ban less than me, but I think we have to be realistic.

    I think he should accept the ban, apologise and move on. Let his football do the talking, when he comes back. :cool:
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 4,826
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    Evening JJAT well I can swim and have a purple noodle if we ever need to launch Lavro's boat again! Congrats to Georgy on her 2k post and AlexBB3 get your backside to twitter ! I remember Muggins14 at one time not being too keen on twitter look at her now !!

    Muggins14 not keen on twitter - this is hard to visualise, must have been a parallel universe! :p
    Not sure whether twitter can cope with my backside, but appears that's where it's headed! :D
    muggins14 wrote: »
    Yes indeed I was very reticent on twitter, Tweetdeck changed all of that :D

    We too have a purple noodle :D


    Alex this might help, and I will be more than happy to answer any questions you have :) Even tweet me them :D

    Thanks for that Muggs, good Christmas reading and maybe I'll tweet you up in the new year. :p:D
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 4,826
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    Lindy_Loue wrote: »
    No......but I don't agree with most of my fellow Lpool supporters who seem to believe that he is a special case who should be 'let off' on cultural grounds. And I think the club statement put out last night was only likely to inflame the situation.

    I think Suarez has been made a scapegoat, but.......the fact is, he admits to using the 'n' word. He says that he does not regard it as insulting as it is frequently used in South America ....and in fact we have seen evidence of this from Hernandez....but in this country it is not acceptable language, so whatever the intent / non-intent on his behalf, there has to be a consequence. No-one wants a ban less than me, but I think we have to be realistic.

    I think he should accept the ban, apologise and move on. Let his football do the talking, when he comes back. :cool:

    I haven't been following it that closely but the aspect which concerns me a bit is whether we're getting into a situation where someone is found guilty based only on evidence of one man's word against another's. Did Suarez actually admit to using a particular word (10 times according to Evra) or not? :confused: Seems a bit harsh if he's been punished for being honest about what he said. And how are the FA going to make sense of Terry vs Ferdinand, since I understand he denies it and there were no other witnesses? :confused:
    Perhaps a combination of the 2 cases (even if Terry gets off) and being under a cloud of suspicion for an extended period will act as a deterrent for future offenders.
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    Lindy_LoueLindy_Loue Posts: 9,874
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    AlexBB3 wrote: »
    I haven't been following it that closely but the aspect which concerns me a bit is whether we're getting into a situation where someone is found guilty based only on evidence of one man's word against another's. Did Suarez actually admit to using a particular word (10 times according to Evra) or not? :confused: Seems a bit harsh if he's been punished for being honest about what he said. And how are the FA going to make sense of Terry vs Ferdinand, since I understand he denies it and there were no other witnesses? :confused:
    Perhaps a combination of the 2 cases (even if Terry gets off) and being under a cloud of suspicion for an extended period will act as a deterrent for future offenders.

    As far as I know, he admitted it within 24 hours of the incident, apparently unaware of its potential significance. Evra called him a 'South American ****' on the pitch, and he responded with 'What are you talking about, you 'n***'. So yes, he was honest, and he's being punished for it (as is the club, in effect). I suppose he could have made a complaint about what Evra called him, but he didn't......he regarded it as normal on-field banter, apparently.:eek:

    I think he needs to learn from this - these days this sort of language just isn't acceptable. (Neither is opposition players calling Bellamy a Welsh ****, of course).


    It does seem possibly disproportionate, though, that you can break a man's leg in a bad tackle, and get a 3 match ban.....:rolleyes:
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    Lindy_LoueLindy_Loue Posts: 9,874
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    Thank you for responding Alex, we Liverpool supporters have had this on our minds for days!!!
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 6,668
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    Lindy_Loue wrote: »
    Hi to anyone interested in the Suarez issue (using racial language on pitch - 8 match ban)---errrr, anyone?? :p If you are, there's a great Liverpool Supporters thread under sport, and a whole one about the ban as well :cool:

    Not that I'm obsessed or anything :D

    PS John would be interested - both in the football and the use of language in anger :o

    I see John Terry has been charged as well. It will be interesting to see what happens there and what ban he gets if any.
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    Lindy_LoueLindy_Loue Posts: 9,874
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    loving jjj wrote: »
    I see John Terry has been charged as well. It will be interesting to see what happens there and what ban he gets if any.

    Yep, similar but different ;)
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    ellemayellemay Posts: 1,782
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    looks like John was right "Desperate times call for Desperate Measures"
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