

[Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 124
Forum Member
I have thompson dti6300 160hd, I heard a noise coming from it last night, turn it on today and get a onscreen menu saying

Warning you do not have working hard drive

You must have a working hard drive to use all the features of this box including record, play back and live pause,

Press button for help,

Does any one know what I can do,

Thanks tom:mad:


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    ZenithZenith Posts: 3,879
    Forum Member
    Has your box ever had the capacitors in the PSU upgraded? If not, it might be worth doing that. Mine were 1000uF 16v CapXon, which I replaced with Panasonic FM types obtained from Radio Spares. Satcure sell replacements (1200uF for some reason):-


    The fact that you heard a noise doesn't sound too good though. The drive itself may have crashed.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 124
    Forum Member
    Thanks for reply. opened the box up. Checked psu board everything ok. Got the disk to spin, then done a hard reset. Al came back on and hard drive working and recording now?

    Thanks tom ;)
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 109
    Forum Member

    I would not use the box until you get those capacitors in the psu changed or at least check the voltage outputs from the psu with a multimeter. It will cause serious damage to either the main board or the hdd if incorrect voltages are being supplied.

    Looks like for now you have had a lucky escape, but it's only a matter of time. The capacitors may look fine, but if they are going out of spec then the psu will be supplying duff voltages.

    It could also be a failing hard drive as you were getting noises. I would check the voltages from the psu first though.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 88
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    About 6 months ago my box started to play up and wouldn't start one day after I switched it off at the plug. Basically the HDD was clicking and wouldn't start up. So what I did was change the HDD even though I new the original one was ok and still working. The other HDD did the trick until about November when I switched it off at the wall again and then it had the same fault as the original even though the HDD was fine. So what I did was use a PC PSU to power the HDD for a while with the lid off the box.

    I new it was an issue with the power board and so last week after researching and hearing about the problem with the two capacitors. I searched and found had exactly the same fault and Satcure sold replacement capacitors and ordered some. So this weekend after looking they were bulging at the top and I replaced the faultly ones. After putting it all back together with the original HDD again it all started and is working fine again.

    As the original HDD hasn't been used in 6 months the next issue is with the 14 day EPG and getting the banner to update as it was still listing ESPN matches from July. Now as I am using V4.07 of the firmware as I find this the most stable and all recordings work fine. After failing for several days to get it to update the banner and full 14 day EPG. I switched it to the current firmware on V7.09 then used the 1397 purge VOD menu setting and did a full retune. The banner then updated itself only after the retune but the EPG hasn't updated yet.

    The difference when retuning on the old firmware was I had 120 channels and 22 TUTV channels (from 6 frequencies 2 were different ITV regions) and it wouldn't reset the banner or the EPG. With the latest firmware I had 120 channels and 14 TUTV channels with new TUTV channels and the banner updated and had some promo messages. I have switched back to V4.07 as V7.09 was making my box very unresponsive having to wait 15 seconds for it to do anything. Hopefully the 14 day EPG will update itself fully tomorrow morning as it is starting to populate the data as soon as you watch a channel that has no information. It that doesn't work I shall switch back to the 8 day EPG to see if it populates itself fully.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 88
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    11 days out of the 14 day EPG have so far appeared this morning.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 6
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    Hi everyone, I wonder if anyone can help me.

    I have read all the bad comments about the Thomson DT16300 boxes (sure seems to be a lot of them!)
    I bought one from Asda 3 years ago (160 gig) and I have to say that apart from a few programs being missed, and a few freezes and reboots, I have generally been pleased with it, probably spoke to soon now!!

    My problem is with one I have just bought from eBay, same model as mine, DT16300 (160 gig) All seems to work well, but it only has the 8 day guide with no series link.
    There is no facility to change to the 14 day guide like on my other one, after trying all the usual things on the engineers menu, i.e. reboots, formats, rescan, etc., etc., I noticed the software version is 2.3, where on my other one it’s 7.09.
    No problem I thought, I’ll just update the software by following the instructions on the to up TV page, that didn’t work, so did the FORCE NEXT OAD, option several times, that didn’t work, still have the old software and no 14 day guide and no series link.

    Phoned up to ask for help and was told that as the unit has not been left on for sometime, it hasn't been getting the updates and the software that i have is now to old to be updated, it can’t be any older then version 5 to be updated.

    This seems stupid as I now have a box which although works, can’t be updated to the latest software, and can’t have the 14 day epg or the series link, the guy told me even if they aren't being used, always leave them plugged in and connected to avoid this problem.

    Anyone else had this?, does anyone know of a way around this so I can get the latest software along with the 14 day epg and series link?


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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 88
    Forum Member

    I think the only way to get this working is to take the ebay HDD out and your original DTI6300 HDD and then put them into a PC, both disks are the IDE type. Then image your original HDD onto the Ebay HDD using some disk imaging software to copy all the partitions across (make sure you mark which disk is which to copy it correctly).

    So you will have an exact copy of your original HDD, then put everything back together. Then do the 1397 purge VOD option & then the Force Next OAD and restart the box.

    Hopefully this will trick it to think the disk is more up to date as it is the same as the original and then pull down the latest firmware.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 88
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    Forgot to say the reason I say to copy the image from the original HDD to the Ebay one. Is that I had to do this to get my box to work last year and to load the firmware onto the new HDD.

    Even though the firmware is loaded into flash memory certain information to do with the machine is on the HDD. So that is why you have to trick it into thinking it is newer than it is.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 6
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    Hi and thanks very much for the info.
    I didn't relaise the firmware is also on the hard drive, I have used disk copying stuff before, so will give it a go, only problem at the moment is I only have a laptop, have to see if I can use someones PC and connect them both up.
    I assume one would have to be a slave on the primary and the other master or slave on the secondary?
    Just seems stupid you can't update below version 5, so Top up tell me.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 6
    Forum Member
    Hi People, just an update on the problems trying to update the software from version 2.3 to 7.09.
    After taking both units apart and connecting the hard drives up to a computer, I successfully managed to copy mine out of the 7.09 one to the other from the 2.3 one.
    That took 6 hours in total with a couple of broken clips..Grrrrrrrrr!, put the hard drives back, did the usual purge VOD option & then the Force Next OAD, rescanned etc., etc.,, unfortunately made no difference at all, still have the old software, no 14 day guide, no series link and still the old software version 2.3.
    Looks like they were right when they said it can’t be updated if the software version is that old.
    So be warned everyone when looking for a second hand unit, do as I’m now doing and ask the seller what software version is installed
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