
Rufus Hound's view of the DS Doctor Who forums

WebslarkWebslark Posts: 18,946
Forum Member
"I go on the Digital Spy's Doctor Who forums and the number of people on there talking about what they'd have done with the franchise, whining about Russell T Davies v Steven Moffat, David Tennant v Matt Smith. Who gives a s**t? Either write a script and get it made and realise what a herculean task it is to get something even seen by the people who turn you down in a f**king heartbeat or accept that it's not really for you and get on with your life.

"Stop whinging about it. I've got all the time in the world for people who want to discuss a great show. But all the no-nothing pointless views that most people express because this episode or series hasn't pleased their every whim and they feel personally let down, just go f**k yourself. Go f**k yourself. Honestly, grow a pair and realise that the world wasn't designed for you. Take the responsibility and stop whining anonymously on the internet."

Well said sir! :D

A drink awaits in the Whoonie Inn.

Full interview here


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    HallamsteriscooHallamsteriscoo Posts: 21,667
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    I know everyone is entitled to their own opinions, and to express them if they so wish, but I have to say there has been many a time, particularly recently, when I totally agree with him. Well said indeed!
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    AbominationAbomination Posts: 6,491
    Forum Member
    Whilst I don't contribute very much to the forum any more, I have to say I personally disagree with this.

    You can go and compare this forum to a far larger number of them and you'll soon realise that this is one of the better places for discussion. Sure, it has its fanboys and fangirls that maybe go a little OTT with their opinions but I always saw them as a minority.

    At the end of the day its a place to discuss the show, whether that be a positive opinion or a negative one. Surely people are entitled to express a negative opinion? It's interesting to see what other people would have done with it if they'd had that brilliant opportunity, and its all pretty harmless banter.

    I have had a low opinion of the last three episodes that have aired (including the Xmas special) and have made comments regarding these episodes along the way. As someone who has a keen interest in writing, I'd happily submit my own scripts to the Beeb for the show, but as we all know they'll just return it to you unopened. And I always keep in mind that it is just a TV show, and it's a load better than a lot of the drivel that gets put out on television these days.

    For the record, I've enjoyed and disliked various aspects of both RTD's and Moffat's interpretations, and have enjoyed and disliked certain aspects of Tennant's and Smith's performances. If there is something in an episode I didn't like, I feel I can complain about it on here, and maybe share an idea as to what I would have liked to see. This then also opens up the window to discuss the things I did like. That's what discussion is all about - not one sided interpretation but a variety of interpretations and opinions. The fact we have people actually bothered enough to post long messages of dislike towards a particular episode or series clearly illustrates the passion some viewers have for the show. I'd draw the line at personal attacks at show writers, or actors, but without a healthy balance of praise and criticism both the forum and the world would be very boring places. :)
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    johnnysaucepnjohnnysaucepn Posts: 6,775
    Forum Member
    Abomination - nobody, least of all Rufus, is saying you can't have negative opinions, it's whining that's pointless.

    It's perfectly constructive and interesting and debatable to say, "Oh, the pacing seemed off in the second half", or "the conclusion was just a re-hashed version of The Terror of Aisle Five", or "I thought that the dialogue didn't seem particularly realistic", or "I didn't understand the motivation of character X", or "the CGI on the monster was particularly ropey".

    But posts saying, "things were better back in 2007", or "I just don't like that character and I never will", or "it's all crap now, and me and all my friends hate it" are just whining without point.

    For the record, saying "Doctor Who is now the best thing in the world ever and if you don't agree you don't know what you're talking about" and "Steven Moffat is a god and no-one can ever touch him" is just as annoying.
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    WebslarkWebslark Posts: 18,946
    Forum Member
    Whilst I don't contribute very much to the forum any more, I have to say I personally disagree with this.

    You can go and compare this forum to a far larger number of them and you'll soon realise that this is one of the better places for discussion. Sure, it has its fanboys and fangirls that maybe go a little OTT with their opinions but I always saw them as a minority.

    At the end of the day its a place to discuss the show, whether that be a positive opinion or a negative one. Surely people are entitled to express a negative opinion? It's interesting to see what other people would have done with it if they'd had that brilliant opportunity, and its all pretty harmless banter.

    I have had a low opinion of the last three episodes that have aired (including the Xmas special) and have made comments regarding these episodes along the way. As someone who has a keen interest in writing, I'd happily submit my own scripts to the Beeb for the show, but as we all know they'll just return it to you unopened. And I always keep in mind that it is just a TV show, and it's a load better than a lot of the drivel that gets put out on television these days.

    For the record, I've enjoyed and disliked various aspects of both RTD's and Moffat's interpretations, and have enjoyed and disliked certain aspects of Tennant's and Smith's performances. If there is something in an episode I didn't like, I feel I can complain about it on here, and maybe share an idea as to what I would have liked to see. This then also opens up the window to discuss the things I did like. That's what discussion is all about - not one sided interpretation but a variety of interpretations and opinions. The fact we have people actually bothered enough to post long messages of dislike towards a particular episode or series clearly illustrates the passion some viewers have for the show. I'd draw the line at personal attacks at show writers, or actors, but without a healthy balance of praise and criticism both the forum and the world would be very boring places. :)

    I think it was the personal attacks and plain whinging that Mr Hound was citing. After all, he does say "I've got all the time in the world for people who want to discuss a great show" which I would suggest describes yourself, rather than those individuals who just complain that it wasnt what they were "owed" :)
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    daveyboy7472daveyboy7472 Posts: 16,511
    Forum Member
    I find it fascinating that someone who reads these forums from the outside has picked up on the two endless debates that continue to dominate this forum, none more so when there has been perceived to be a bad episode as happened as Xmas. It seems to take very little to set of either debate and sometimes a thread totally disconnected to either seems to suddenly turn into one or the other! I also find the 50th anniversary Multi-Doctor story debate now seems to be joining this exclusive club of endless debate and I'm sure sooner or later another will join it! :D

    I do agree with Abomination, the whole point of a forum is to be able to post negative opinions as well as positive ones. I guess it's about the degree of criticism at the end of the day. I think the thread on Fern Brittan last week sums it up perfectly in that the small minority went one step further than countering her arguments by actually slating Fern Brittan herself for having an opinion! :eek:

    I am a budding writer myself and I am with Abomination as well in that the scripts we send in are more than likely to get rejected and if they are accepted are more likely than not to get slated somewhere on a forum! One thing you can't do apparently is write for existing shows so trying to write a Doctor Who story would be nigh on impossible unless you're good mates with SM or someone else from the production team! :D
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    dgembadgembadgembadgemba Posts: 18,308
    Forum Member
    Thanks for posting this Webby, great detective work

    no popular show is ever going to be without negative opinion and over the past 6 years many of us have been on both sides of the fence.

    As others have said the issue comes when people start having the view that their opinion is the only valid one. Forums would not exist if everyone were to agree but to contribute blanket statements such as "i hate series 5/6" without further expansion just creates hostility (and the same goes for the "i love series 5/6" people.
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    WebslarkWebslark Posts: 18,946
    Forum Member
    Thanks for posting this Webby, great detective work

    no popular show is ever going to be without negative opinion and over the past 6 years many of us have been on both sides of the fence.

    As others have said the issue comes when people start having the view that their opinion is the only valid one. Forums would not exist if everyone were to agree but to contribute blanket statements such as "i hate series 5/6" without further expansion just creates hostility (and the same goes for the "i love series 5/6" people.

    Thanks to you rather dgem, for pointing it out to me. :)

    Incidentally,.is "I like Doctor Who" too much of a blanket statement?
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    dgembadgembadgembadgemba Posts: 18,308
    Forum Member
    Webslark wrote: »
    Thanks to you rather dgem, for pointing it out to me. :)

    Incidentally,.is "I like Doctor Who" too much of a blanket statement?

    yes, i want a 4 page essay citing reasons on my desk by monday morning
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    Granny McSmithGranny McSmith Posts: 19,622
    Forum Member
    And we care what Rufus Hound thinks because.......?

    Why are the most unfunny comedians the most opinionated? Oh, well. Not important.

    It did cross my mind to wonder what his username is when he "goes on " DS. Several posters came to mind, but I'm probably wrong.

    Perhaps Mr Hound could tell us?

    Anyway, back to the point - I'll whinge when and if I want to. If anyone doesn't like it, put me on ignore, I really am not remotely bothered. I see no virtue in saying everything is wonderful when I don't think it is.
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    MulettMulett Posts: 9,074
    Forum Member
    I know lots of people are really interested in/enjoying Rufus Hounds' criticisms of the comments posted on Digital Spy by Doctor Who fans.

    But (in my opinion) fans had much better rows when RTD was producer and David Tennant was the Doctor.
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    TheSilentFezTheSilentFez Posts: 11,107
    Forum Member
    Webslark wrote: »
    "I go on the Digital Spy's Doctor Who forums and the number of people on there talking about what they'd have done with the franchise, whining about Russell T Davies v Steven Moffat, David Tennant v Matt Smith. Who gives a s**t? Either write a script and get it made and realise what a herculean task it is to get something even seen by the people who turn you down in a f**king heartbeat or accept that it's not really for you and get on with your life.

    "Stop whinging about it. I've got all the time in the world for people who want to discuss a great show. But all the no-nothing pointless views that most people express because this episode or series hasn't pleased their every whim and they feel personally let down, just go f**k yourself. Go f**k yourself. Honestly, grow a pair and realise that the world wasn't designed for you. Take the responsibility and stop whining anonymously on the internet."

    Well said sir! :D

    A drink awaits in the Whoonie Inn.

    Full interview here

    I agree with him.
    In my opinion, to be a fan of a show you must actually like the show. I don't understand why people like to analyse every single element of an episode and criticise it. I like all the episodes. If it's Doctor Who then I'll enjoy it no matter what.
    Personally, I can't see how you call yourself a fan whenever you haven't liked the past X number of episodes.

    Then again, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and this is mine.
    On a side note, I didn't know that a well known person lurked/posted on these forums! :eek:
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    sebbie3000sebbie3000 Posts: 5,188
    Forum Member
    And we care what Rufus Hound thinks because.......?

    Why are the most unfunny comedians the most opinionated? Oh, well. Not important.

    It did cross my mind to wonder what his username is when he "goes on " DS. Several posters came to mind, but I'm probably wrong.

    Perhaps Mr Hound could tell us?

    Anyway, back to the point - I'll whinge when and if I want to. If anyone doesn't like it, put me on ignore, I really am not remotely bothered. I see no virtue in saying everything is wonderful when I don't think it is.

    To be honest Granny, I'm not sure he would be referring to you. You spell your reasons out for the negativity (I personally disagree with them, but that's beside the point:cool:;)). I think it was the people who felt that they were not given what they felt they were owed from being fans for so long. I actually got told by one poster a little while ago that he felt the show should have been written as more adult, because he was now adult and had followed it since he was a child - completely oblivious to the fact that the show wasn't written solely for him, and had welcomed a young audience throughout it's (nearly) 50 year history. I rather think it was those ming-mongs he was 'dissing'!

    Not your good self...
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    CorwinCorwin Posts: 16,705
    Forum Member
    On a side note, I didn't know that a well known person lurked/posted on these forums! :eek:

    He is?

    I had never heard of him before I saw this thread.
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    Tom TitTom Tit Posts: 2,554
    Forum Member
    Abomination - nobody, least of all Rufus, is saying you can't have negative opinions, it's whining that's pointless.

    It's perfectly constructive and interesting and debatable to say, "Oh, the pacing seemed off in the second half", or "the conclusion was just a re-hashed version of The Terror of Aisle Five", or "I thought that the dialogue didn't seem particularly realistic", or "I didn't understand the motivation of character X", or "the CGI on the monster was particularly ropey".

    Apparently it's not. Some enthusiasts took it very seriously and personally when i had some minor qualms with 'The Wedding of River Song'. Clearly, as my opinion differed from theirs, I couldn't have understood it properly. And these kinds of things are the reason why a lot of people get bored with forums very quickly. There's a kind of vortex that drags you into being either very boring and diplomatic about everything or else go in the opposite direction and becoming one of these carping bores that criticizes everything constantly. It's difficult to avoid becoming one of those types. Personally, i tend to get sucked towards the latter because i'm not uncritical enough to be the more pleasant, but still boring, former type. When I find that happening I don't read the forum for a while.
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    The GathererThe Gatherer Posts: 2,723
    Forum Member
    And we care what Rufus Hound thinks because.......?

    Why are the most unfunny comedians the most opinionated? Oh, well. Not important.

    It did cross my mind to wonder what his username is when he "goes on " DS. Several posters came to mind, but I'm probably wrong.

    Perhaps Mr Hound could tell us?

    Anyway, back to the point - I'll whinge when and if I want to. If anyone doesn't like it, put me on ignore, I really am not remotely bothered. I see no virtue in saying everything is wonderful when I don't think it is.

    Well said indeed Granny. This Hound, whoever he is, sounds a complete and utter arsehole.
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    Forum Member
    Wow, it really has been a slow Who news week hasn't it? First Fern Britton and now Rufus Hound. What next? Clare Balding saying she wasn't 'that' keen on K bloody 9. :eek: ...the cow.:)
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    Granny McSmithGranny McSmith Posts: 19,622
    Forum Member
    I agree with him.
    In my opinion, to be a fan of a show you must actually like the show. I don't understand why people like to analyse every single element of an episode and criticise it. I like all the episodes. If it's Doctor Who then I'll enjoy it no matter what.
    Personally, I can't see how you call yourself a fan whenever you haven't liked the past X number of episodes.

    Then again, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and this is mine.
    On a side note, I didn't know that a well known person lurked/posted on these forums! :eek:

    Suppose one day you don't? ;)

    I'm currently miffed because of the wish-it-better aspects of Moffat's* tenure. But as every episode, every series, every Doctor and every Head Writer are all different, I'm not sure how every single combination of these can always appeal to you.

    I've been watching for 49 years. I can call myself a fan, I think. :D But I've certainly not liked every episode (Trial of a Timelord! **shudders**)

    *Please don't think I'm anti-Moffat. After the wonderful "Sherlock" he is currently my one of my favourite people in the world. :)
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,670
    Forum Member
    I agree!

    If you are reading this now, you are right Mr Hound!
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    duckymallardduckymallard Posts: 13,936
    Forum Member
    In the hopes that Mr Hound pays a visit;

    I go on the Digital Spy's forums and the number of people on there being rude, just because they disagree with somone's opinion is amazing.

    Who gives a s**t? Obviously you do Mr Hound don't you?
    Stop whinging about it. Digital Spy forums are for people who want to discuss a great show. They are designed so that most people can express their own views even if it is because this episode or series hasn't pleased their every whim and they feel personally let down.

    It's called FREEDOM OF SPEECH.

    And in closing, if I may borrow a phrase used by a 2 bit unfunny idiot, who is good enough only for shows on Dave.

    Go f**k yourself
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,434
    Forum Member
    And we care what Rufus Hound thinks because.......?

    Why are the most unfunny comedians the most opinionated? Oh, well. Not important.

    It did cross my mind to wonder what his username is when he "goes on " DS. Several posters came to mind, but I'm probably wrong.

    Perhaps Mr Hound could tell us?

    Anyway, back to the point - I'll whinge when and if I want to. If anyone doesn't like it, put me on ignore, I really am not remotely bothered. I see no virtue in saying everything is wonderful when I don't think it is.
    Well said Granny.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,434
    Forum Member
    Wow, it really has been a slow Who news week hasn't it? First Fern Britton and now Rufus Hound. What next? Clare Balding saying she wasn't 'that' keen on K bloody 9. :eek: ...the cow.:)

    Bring back K9!!!!!:)
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,053
    Forum Member
    I'd imagine that Rufus Hound's view of the DS Doctor Who forums is far nicer by comparison than the DS forums' view of Rufus Hound.

    People earn the right to be called a comedian when they make people laugh, and earn the right to be called well known when, y'know, people know who they are.

    Most of the time he fails on both counts, so right now he's just another forum poster like the rest of us :yawn:
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    lach doch mallach doch mal Posts: 16,328
    Forum Member
    I'd imagine that Rufus Hound's view of the DS Doctor Who forums is far nicer by comparison than the DS forums' view of Rufus Hound.

    People earn the right to be called a comedian when they make people laugh, and earn the right to be called well known when, y'know, people know who they are.

    Most of the time he fails on both counts, so right now he's just another forum poster like the rest of us :yawn:

    I would disagree with that:).

    Don't know who you are, and I assume most people have never heard of me.

    However, I definitely heard of Rufus Hound, and quite enjoy his stuff. He makes a valid point. Most people that come on here and whinge (I don't include people who don't like an episode or even an era) and say that they could have done it better, could have done no such thing. It's like listening to the football phone in and listening to all the beer-belly dads who could have done so much better than the professionals:rolleyes:.

    Anonymously on the Internet we are all so much better than those who are in the public eye and have to account for what they are doing.

    Healthy criticism, debate and even disappointment are all fine. However, sometimes DS is overrun with trolls etc. (don't get me started on the anti-torchwood crowd), who just whinge for the sake of it. However, I don't like those that can't see anything wrong either (happiness patrol).
    Don't like the :rolleyes: icon normally, but it's kind of appropriate here.
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    vrooomvrooom Posts: 1,029
    Forum Member
    Oh well, we'd better get the forums closed then...
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    CoalHillJanitorCoalHillJanitor Posts: 15,634
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    Well, if he is a registered FM I doubt the way this little thread has gone will encourage him to unmask...
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